View Full Version : Level 60 Male Dark Elf Rogue For Sale $250 Flat

06-14-2007, 05:22 PM
$250 Flat, Paypal preferred:

Stats: Race: Dark Elf Profession: Rogue (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 104 Expr: 3475198 Level: 60
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Constitution (CON): 72 (6) ... 72 (6)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Agility (AGI): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Discipline (DIS): 100 (15) ... 100 (15)
Aura (AUR): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Logic (LOG): 74 (12) ... 74 (12)
Intuition (INT): 79 (19) ... 79 (19)
Wisdom (WIS): 54 (7) ... 54 (7)
Influence (INF): 62 (1) ... 62 (1)
Mana: 7 Silver: 741

(at level 60), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 194 94
Shield Use.........................| 160 60
Combat Maneuvers...................| 222 122
Edged Weapons......................| 224 124
Thrown Weapons.....................| 212 112
Ambush.............................| 224 124
Physical Fitness...................| 150 50
Dodging............................| 224 124
Stalking and Hiding................| 275 175
Perception.........................| 225 125
Climbing...........................| 70 15
Swimming...........................| 70 15
Training Points: 0 Phy 22 Mnt (452 Mnt converted to Phy)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

Master of Voln

Fixskills Available

Guild: You are an inactive member of the Rogue Guild.
You currently have 111 ranks out of a possible 302 for your training.

The following information will be restored if you rejoin your previous guild:

You are a Master of Sweep.

You have 10 ranks in the Subdue skill.
You are not currently training in this skill.

You have 38 ranks in the Stun Maneuvers skill.
You are not currently training in this skill.

You have 4 ranks in the Cheap Shot skill.
You are not currently training in this skill.

You are holding a razor-edged silvery vultite shortsword in your right hand and a rolaren studded vultite buckler in your left hand.
You are wearing a crystal amulet, a charred cerulean pouch, some shadowy grey boots, an ebony spidersilk cloak, a wide-brimmed black
felt hat, a small sack, some reinforced black leather pants, some pitch black rolaren chainmail, an ankle sheath and a gold ring.
Type INVENTORY HELP for more options.

Notes: your Combat Maneuver training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Shadow Mastery smastery 5
Sweep sweep 5
Silent Strike silentstrike 5
Specialization I wspec1 2

Available Combat Maneuver Training Points: 2
Unlearning Combat Maneuver Training Points: 19
Estimated time until next point conversion: 48 minutes
Number of days remaining in your current 30-day unlearning cycle: 29 days

Sean of the Thread
06-14-2007, 05:51 PM
I'm interested.

Email me at joker6900@gmail.com

06-14-2007, 06:16 PM

06-14-2007, 07:01 PM
I'm interested.

Email me at joker6900@gmail.com


06-14-2007, 09:08 PM
Cute Sean2.


06-14-2007, 10:42 PM