View Full Version : head crushing warrior build

06-14-2007, 04:11 PM
Wow, I haven't played this game in many years. I remember using AOL (ew) and typing in keyword: "gemstone III" to play.

Anyway, was wondering what you all thought of my build and how viable it is. Using Tsoran's Trainer, here is what I've come up with.

Half-Krolvin warrior, level 0

STR 90
CON 90
DEX 90
AGL 90
DIS 70
AUR 60
LOG 50
INT 40
WIS 50
INF 30

AU 3x
THW 2x
CM 2x
MOC 1x (cap at 35 ranks)
PF 2x
Doding 2x
Perception 1x (cap at 30 ranks)
Ambush 1x (cap at 30, 40 ranks)
Survival 0.5x


I plan on eventually aiming for heads with a maul. How good will my character be at this?

Plenty of people like to have about 30 or so ranks of swimming, climbing, arcane symbols, and/or perception because these skills help to get into certain hunting grounds. When and where will I need these skills? Are these good hunting grounds or will I be just as well off hunting somewhere else?

Will I be able to forage for acantha leaf with just 1x perception and 0.5x survival?

What would be some good CMANs for a THW user?

What are the differences between bullrush and tackle?

If you were a hotdog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself?


06-14-2007, 05:02 PM
Half-Krolvin warrior, level 0

STR 90
CON 90
DEX 90
AGL 90
DIS 70
AUR 60
LOG 50
INT 40
WIS 50
INF 30

AU 3x
THW 2x
CM 2x
MOC 1x (cap at 35 ranks)
PF 2x
Doding 2x
Perception 1x (cap at 30 ranks)
Ambush 1x (cap at 30, 40 ranks)
Survival 0.5x


I plan on eventually aiming for heads with a maul. How good will my character be at this?

Plenty of people like to have about 30 or so ranks of swimming, climbing, arcane symbols, and/or perception because these skills help to get into certain hunting grounds. When and where will I need these skills? Are these good hunting grounds or will I be just as well off hunting somewhere else?

Will I be able to forage for acantha leaf with just 1x perception and 0.5x survival?

What would be some good CMANs for a THW user?

What are the differences between bullrush and tackle?

If you were a hotdog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself?


First thing I'd do is tweak those stats... that much negative on your mental stats will kill you when fighting spell casters (your TD is going to suck balls). I'd reduce your Dex, Agi, and Dis (80, 70, 60 respectively) to up your Log, Int, and Wiz to at least a 0 bonus.

I'd suggest 1x'ing Ambush for life if you wanna ambush with a Maul. You may also want to 1x Perception for life for this as well.

If you want to hunt the Sunken Temple on Teras at/near cap, you'll want 50 ranks of Swimming... I'd say probably 50 in both Swimming and Climbing, just to be balanced.

30 ranks of Arcane Symbols should be good.

I've heard Bullrush is a better take-down skill than Tackle is. Tackle's good if you don't want to spend CMan points on a take-down skill. Bullrush is good if you do want to spend CMan points on a take-down skill.

06-14-2007, 05:24 PM
Uh... I wouldn't worry about those 50 ranks of swimming till MUCH later...

Climbing and swimming at 10 ranks should be sufficient for "incidentals" and if you feel you want to go to a hunting ground that needs more you can easily get the ranks you need with mid-level training.

You can forage for acantha leaf with zero of each... just might take you some time. That and acantha leaf is cheap and readily availible, don't "train" for it...

06-14-2007, 06:52 PM
I've adjusted my stats and have no negative penalties except influence...which is now at a -20 penalty. Looks like merchants are going to hate me. My first quest: make friends with a gorgeous elven empath :)

I appriciate the advice.

06-14-2007, 08:09 PM
is your character going to be named Bnomp? May want to reroll if thats the case. welcome back.

06-14-2007, 09:10 PM
This sounds like a really cool concept. Cept I might have gone giantman. Good luck.

06-14-2007, 10:18 PM
The dude I have aiming mauls does alright for himself. Three important things: perception has no effect on open aiming, at least 1x ambush forever, and absolutely absolutely get cman weapon bonding (significant aiming bonus).

You won't really need climbing or swimming until the cap areas (which, as Tea & Strumpets can tell you, I never got to in GSIII :D), but I'm of the opinion you're shorting yourself if you don't try out Darkstone and Shan (as a very abbreviated for instance). .5x won't kill you. Arcane Symbols I think only gets you into the Broken Lands. I wouldn't get it just for that, but it can be quite handy on its own if you're into that sort of thing.

Acantha leaf is mad easy to forage.

I really like the idea of Staggering Blow with big hammers, but I haven't gotten enough CMAN points to try it out yet.

Bullrush is 2 seconds faster, but requires a higher endroll to be successful. Tackle can be obtained through the guild (but you have to do dummies, ugh!). I went with bullrush, and I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't want a whole ton of CMANs.

06-14-2007, 10:56 PM
Heh, didn't expect to run into another warrior that open aims mauls. I just hope I'm not like level 40 before I can hit heads fairly consistently. Can you give me an idea of how well it works?

Good info all around.

06-15-2007, 12:25 AM
You won't need to aim until it is effective. It works out.

06-15-2007, 12:57 AM
perception has no effect on open aiming

Good to know.

Perception, however, DOES play a part in catching thieves and their sticky fingers... if you care about that sort of thing. (Or, you could always keep your containers closed and always keep your silvers in the bank.)

06-15-2007, 01:20 AM
(Or, you could always keep your containers closed and always keep your silvers in the bank.)


06-15-2007, 10:56 AM
I like perception as just a generally useful skill, yeah.

I would wait on the aiming in practice especially because it'll be inaccurarate and at 7 seconds for your character for awhile. The other thing is, as WB intimated, aiming is spectacularly unnecessary throughout the early levels. Things just go ploosh when you hit them. I haven't even gotten my guy to the point where I'd bother aiming.