View Full Version : New tower defense
06-12-2007, 08:14 PM
06-12-2007, 09:02 PM
normal/medium mode and at lvl 30 and going.. still have 20 lives. Can you buy lives?
didnt lose any lives until lvl 42 - started upgrading some things right as a air level came so half my things werent firing... DOH got from 20 to 3 lives in one level...
Lost life 3 on 48, died on 49 with two air bosses.
Score was 4043
made a group for 'Players Corner' if anyone else plays
06-13-2007, 01:59 PM
Can't buy lives, I don't but a lot of towers, less towers more upgrades and use a lot of splash towers.
06-13-2007, 02:12 PM
Squirt guns are awesome
06-13-2007, 06:43 PM
holy crap that was addictive.. reminded me of warcraft2 but with stick figures... I ended up making a huge ass maze of towers with a few major upgrades they had to walk 3/4 the way around had 3 waves at a time on the screen at times... really wasn't expecting the plane boss :(
06-13-2007, 06:46 PM
holy crap that was addictive.. reminded me of warcraft2 but with stick figures...
There is another thread on this board with a warcraft version of tower defense (you don't get to build the maze though... you have a predefined maze you built ontop of... I rather like the build your own maze aspect of this one).
06-13-2007, 06:54 PM
Goddamnit...level 50, 1 creep away from victory...he got by. Oh well, Jenisi you play too much you have the top 3 spots.
06-13-2007, 07:42 PM
lvl hard is too hard for me
06-13-2007, 08:57 PM
You all are better then me, damnit.
06-13-2007, 09:33 PM
I lost on level 100 :(
06-14-2007, 12:40 AM
wow... this version looks cool
06-21-2007, 08:06 PM
Anyone have some good strategies for this?
Anyone have some good strategies for this?
I don't have the top score but I'm number two or three. Don't try to get a big maze, try to force the guys around your most highly upgraded guns for as long as possible. I do two diagonal lines from where they start to force them both towards the center.!!
Look at my challenge 6681 score and my normal 6008 for the general idea.
Always upgrade one gun at a time instead of a bunch of them slowly. The final upgrade (especially on the squirt gun) is highly better than having a bunch of middling upgraded guns. Squirt guns are probably your best bet, keep them near the center of the map so they can hit the flyers as they criss cross. Get one fully upgraded dart launcher after you get your first squirt gun upgraded to a typhoon cannon, in the first 35 levels or so the dart launcher rocks groups, it can't shoot flyers though. Once you get your first typhoon cannon start using the "send next level" button aggressively. If you were able to make it through the first 13 levels or so with a barebones setup and save up for the typhoon cannon early you will be near invincible. The "send next level" button is the key to getting a score higher than the base score (which is about 5000 on normal).
Frost cannons are a good investment at 50 coins because other than immune creeps nothing can ward their slow effect, get one or two to help you out near the end game. Don't bother upgrading them.
By the end of the game you'll want to have about 5 or 6 typhoon cannons and maybe 1 or 2 fully upgraded something else. The level 48 bosses are two flyers and are darn near impossible to kill without compromising your ground game, but your typhoon towers near the middle should be able to take care of most of the flyers (flying levels are a great opportunity to send the next level real early.
Just remember to make your maze wind around your big guns as best you can and you should be ok. I'm going to try a new strategy I devised a bit later, I'll see how it works.
06-22-2007, 09:27 PM
wow... this version looks cool
this one is my favorite so far
A new version of tower defense is out. New ink towers (which seem worthless), bash tower has been much improved, new power amplification tower (in 10k mode at least).
06-23-2007, 02:24 AM
Damn you guys...
I am now addicted.
06-24-2007, 06:44 PM
Anyone have some good strategies for this?
save your money and let the interest pile up. seems to be working for me. then map the whole floor with red rockets, i dont really upgrade
The 4k mode in tower defense is bugged. I had a perfect map and was in the negative points until about level 40.
06-27-2007, 07:13 AM
Has anyone been able to beat the 10k 100 level game? I've been trying for days... I've been as far as level 83 but can't get any further.
10k is impossible unless you juggle. I've made it to level 87 without juggling.
06-27-2007, 03:56 PM
Good thing I'm not crazy. I can't beat 100 levels either. I got to the 80's somewhere the other day.
06-27-2007, 03:58 PM
I was hoping he'd take out the need to juggle in the new version. It seems cheap to sell/build towers to confuse AI units. I've never done it in any of my scores but am aware I could score a bit higher if I did.
I was hoping he'd take out the need to juggle in the new version. It seems cheap to sell/build towers to confuse AI units. I've never done it in any of my scores but am aware I could score a bit higher if I did.
Agreed, juggling kind of sucks. I tried it one game, I just don't like it. Prefer to have my map stand up on it's own.
Whoever the champ is on our scoreboards definitely got that score by juggling.
06-27-2007, 09:52 PM
06-27-2007, 10:32 PM
Update this thread for "Clueless award" - Drisco.
06-27-2007, 11:36 PM
nvm, Just wont reply to it.
Anyone wanna clue me in tho on what Juggling is?
06-28-2007, 12:33 AM
It's when you build and sell a tower to alter the path of the AI units. In other words, there are two ways for them to go. They begin going one way and as they near the exit, you block it off, forcing them to retreat and go the other way. When they get to the other exit, you sell the first blocking tower you put up and erect a new one at the 2nd exit. Cheating, IMO.
In 10k mode you can use snap towers to juggle. The more towers you sell the slower they sell, snap tower explode immediately.
6760 no juggle 20 lives on normal.
06-28-2007, 07:16 PM
I've been trying to think up a strategy to beat the score of 7096. While I see nothing wrong with juggling units back and forth, I don't know that doing it is neccessary or even optimal since it's very possible to kill every single unit with a maze alone. Furthermore, the key to getting a lot of points is time which I suspect is hindered by juggling units.
I suspect the best way to go about getting a lot of points is to come up with a more or less symmetric path that intersects creeps from both starting points together, so that they are come in one big clump, and then make use of the bash tower to destroy them.
06-28-2007, 07:18 PM
I think the value in juggling would be to build your maze with low damage towers and then juggle the enemies around your high damage towers, or juggle tight enough groups that AoE damage really speeds things up.
That said I haven't tried juggling... or playing in the past few weeks... installing overlord now, expect that to keep me occupied :)
06-28-2007, 07:21 PM
If you look at the maze I made, it actually consists of very few towers, in fact I make every attempt to shave off any tower that is not needed. Doing so saves time, especially at the early levels so you can get bonus points for being fast. Having a big elaborate maze and juggling units would probably cost you time.
06-28-2007, 07:31 PM
The bonus points you get at the end are based on how quickly you hit "next" ... so if you built a good juggle maze, and then just mashed "next" and then juggled all of the guys... you could take your sweet time (short of flying units) to finish them off and get the big bonus
06-28-2007, 07:36 PM
Ah, good point. Worth giving it a try.
Kranar, if you want to see the power of juggling watch this vid:
Juggling is definitely the only way to attain perfect scores.
I'm pretty sure I can get my score up to about 7300 on normal without juggling, I left a lot of points on the table with the 6760, but above that, you have to juggle. The real pros send out every level until a flyer is up next, juggle those (dart towers are powerful here because of splash damage) then kill the flyers, then send out the whole next group before the flyer level.
Also, for juggling I don't think you'd want to use bash or frost towers, keep those bad boys packed tight together.
Oh yeah, and the price for the final upgrades for bash towers were raised a bit. I'm split between frost and bash towers. I used to like bash a lot, but frost has a constant effect and is much cheaper to give a decent slow to everything.
In 10k 100 levels mode though, if you aren't juggling you have to use bash towers. By level 85 regular creeps have about 125k health points each.
07-08-2007, 11:26 PM
1 Scott 19 7403
2 Amber 20 7290
3 Scott 18 7276
4 Scott 18 7240
5 Amber 18 7223
Arghhh! There's no way I can beat 7403 without juggling. I was amazed to have gotten the 7290. Please give some strategy tips, Scott?
08-11-2007, 06:36 PM
08-12-2007, 12:25 AM
Dammit why did you have to post this, I had forgotten about this game. Here goes my productivity again...
08-02-2008, 03:34 PM
08-02-2008, 05:16 PM
Looking back I still don't know why not knowing what Juggling is would make me sound clueless :(
Stanley Burrell
08-02-2008, 05:26 PM
This is very cool.
08-02-2008, 05:53 PM
I wonder if scores got any better over the year.
Without juggling I can hit 7800+ on normal.
I really don't like juggling, I've seen some awesome videos of it on youtube but it just doesn't seem very... fair. I went back and played a bit earlier this year (unfortunately almost all of our scores were erased) and I'm much happier just building the best maze I can without juggling.
08-02-2008, 08:49 PM
I agree about juggling. It goes against the spirit of the game, especially its roots from Blizzcraft. It's all about the architecture.
08-02-2008, 09:05 PM
anyone tried building a circle? instead of juggling... just open one side for them to get in then close it.
08-02-2008, 09:42 PM
Anyone beat the 10000 game in fun mode, 100 levels? I keep trying, but I can't do it. I can get to about 85 and the planes kill me.
08-02-2008, 10:03 PM
I can't beat the 100 levels in either normal mode or fun mode.
I've spent a lot of time trying too, heh.
08-03-2008, 02:17 AM
OK I got stuck playing that gemcraft thing... crazy stuff
Who else is playing it? WTF do you have to do to get a gold medal?
- Nvrmnd, I found where it list it.
08-03-2008, 02:48 AM
Holy crap, don't forget to upgrade!
Made life so much easier. I got to level 18, with 4 rings having glowing frame... before I realized you could upgrade...
08-03-2008, 07:09 AM
Gemcraft is pretty neat.
08-03-2008, 07:53 AM
I cant get past epic level :(
100 levels can't be beat without juggling, at least according the forums. You basically have to build epic amounts of anti-air with the doubler things to beat the level 98 flying bosses and then use juggling to beat the ground based ones because you spent so much money on air defense.
Stanley Burrell
08-03-2008, 12:29 PM
OK I got stuck playing that gemcraft thing... crazy stuff
Do the CTRL + 30 mana gem thing and then throw at least 75 gem bombs at stuff stuck in water trenches.
08-03-2008, 01:03 PM
I cant get past epic level :(
I built had 5 towers at that first u-turn with water all around it. 2 level 6 gems, 2 level 5, and a level 4. I had to use both level 6 gems as gem bombs, too.
Wow, this is addicting. Very impressive how they have taken an already addictive game to the next level.
08-03-2008, 08:19 PM
I built had 5 towers at that first u-turn with water all around it. 2 level 6 gems, 2 level 5, and a level 4. I had to use both level 6 gems as gem bombs, too.
Do the higher level gems make a bigger bomb? I know some of them hardly did anything. But jeeze the guy has 10k HP, I think I had him down by 2-3k? I dont see how a few bombs got the rest off him.
Not being able to choose the color of gem you make sucks... I waste a ton of mana/gems this way.
Not being able to choose the color of gem you make sucks... I waste a ton of mana/gems this way.
Yeah, but then... would that make it too easy? Seems to me its more of a race against the clock to combine higher gems.
08-03-2008, 08:53 PM
damnit, I got distorted down to 528/10000, and had nothing else to throw at him... argh
08-03-2008, 09:11 PM
Finally, won the first epic battle. Those larger gems to pack a big bang. Hard to tell how big though since you lose the # on the monster soon as you click on something else.
Though my score was only 1.7m, and the glow frame is at 4m... wtf
08-03-2008, 11:33 PM
Anyone beat the green hidden level on gemcraft?
08-04-2008, 01:14 AM
I play like a total douche bag, so I beat Distorted on my first try without any trouble using 2 gems, 1311000.
08-04-2008, 01:16 AM
Having trouble with the second boss now. Got him to 2k my first try.. and 6k my second. I seem to have a pattern of doing worse after the first try for some reason.
Anyone know wtf Duel gem mastery does for you? I didn't notice any change.
edit - got him on the third try, and beat the score needed to make it glow at the same time, sweet.
Almost had my first two lvl 7 gems in a game for the bronze medal, and then the boss died right as I was trying to make the second one. First game that was long enough I actually had enough stuff to do it.. Also had a different strategy, but whatever.
08-04-2008, 02:12 AM
I wish I knew that boss cost over 6000 mana to banish beforehand...
08-04-2008, 02:16 AM
How do you banish them?
08-04-2008, 02:24 AM
Banishing is when they make it through, you lose X mana each time and you lose the level only when you reach 0 mana. The enemies can technically keep going forever, as long as you have enough mana.
Also, fuck the second boss, I just turned all my gems into bombs at the end to kill him. I haven't bought an extra tower so far.
08-04-2008, 02:28 AM
Ah.. I don't let them lap. I use a ton of mana so I die whenever they get there.. I was reading the banishing thing... and thinking when the hell do I learn that trick?
I thought it was an extra gem or something that would insta kill the guy if you could afford to make it.
And I just now read the strategy guide... Wow that helps! Cant believe I got to lvl 32 without it. SO many things make more sense now.
08-04-2008, 06:59 AM
So I'm level 40 and I'm just over 1/2 way done with the game.
It's pretty boring after a while. :(
The first epic boss was kinda tough, I just played through straight and had him down to 412 health on my first run through, took me three tries to get him. The second epic boss I thought would have a huge number of banish points so I had my mana pool up to 13k, and 5 level 6 gems when he came out. His banish number was only 6.5k so I could have banished him twice, but it only took once.
08-04-2008, 08:32 PM
Yeah, it's really easy now.
The hidden levels can sometimes be challenging but eh, not really.
Fuck the poison hidden level; I fucking hate poison gems.
I don't mind poison gems that much when used with other gems, the poison cuts through armour levels which is nice. At first I really hated the orange gems that gained mana but then I just figured out that I needed to build 3 towers right by the entrance and put level 1 or 2 orange gems in them to plink away at every monster that comes through. Mana generating machine.
08-04-2008, 08:43 PM
Orange is my favorite!
Use all the skills for extra mana, faster regen, get tons of orange gems... I have more mana than I know what to do with. Kinda like when you do the $ interest on Vector TD... I keep on having to hit the mana increase in the top right cause I dont use it fast enough
I like lime/yellow next. Tons of damage.
Hate when I dont find those colors on the map.
Has anyone tried getting a perfect score on the first frame?
Best I’ve done is 744k. 46k shy of perfect. Just using the gems given, hitting the monster bank so they all spawn as soon as possible and spending no mana except for when a few get through...
08-05-2008, 01:55 AM
To get a glowing frame on the first ten levels or so, just send everything in as early as possible and don't bother with putting gems in towers. Instead, throw your gems. If you've enough mana, go ahead and combine gems also before throwing them. I beat the game a couple months ago but just started a new one.
08-05-2008, 02:08 AM
Has anyone tried getting a perfect score on the first frame?
Best I’ve done is 744k. 46k shy of perfect. Just using the gems given, hitting the monster bank so they all spawn as soon as possible and spending no mana except for when a few get through...
What is this perfect you speak of?
Do you mean "glowing" frame?
If by perfect you mean glowing then I've "perfected" nearly all of them.
I seriously lost 4+ hours yesterday.
What is this perfect you speak of?
Do you mean "glowing" frame?
If by perfect you mean glowing then I've "perfected" nearly all of them.
I seriously lost 4+ hours yesterday.
Every frame has a maximum amount of points you can achieve. The first frame is 790k.
To get a glowing frame on the first ten levels or so, just send everything in as early as possible and don't bother with putting gems in towers. Instead, throw your gems. If you've enough mana, go ahead and combine gems also before throwing them. I beat the game a couple months ago but just started a new one.
Thanks. Getting closer. Almost 767k.
08-05-2008, 02:33 AM
The number they list is not the max. Its just what gives you a glowing frame when you attain or surpass that score.
And its much harder to attain that glowing thing if you don't upgrade your skills. I got halfway through the point I am at before learning I needed to hit the stupid skill button at the top. I think I got the first 5-6 of the areas with a glowing frame before I upgraded skills.
Got burned out at lvl 32 and am trying Vector TD again.
Also make sure and click on the amulets button right before skills. Look at how many things you need to do in each section to try and get a medal. That raises your score at the end a little. So like try and create 25+ gems, combine 15+, throw 15+ as bombs, build 3+ towers, and kill 30 monsters at once. IE they must all be on the map at the same time to count, like at the top it lists how many are on the map, and how many are set to come out based on the current waves that are coming.
Only thing I haven't gotten a gold medal for yet is the create lvl 7 gems thing... I haven't even gotten the bronze medal for those yet.
08-05-2008, 02:55 AM
Every frame has a maximum amount of points you can achieve. The first frame is 790k. .
AD is right.
I have 792,910 points for the first frame.
08-05-2008, 03:15 AM
Mines 810,160 w/o any upgrades to skills! woohoo
edit - got 835,940 with my lvl 32 guy
FINALLY! I got 790,220 on the very first frame.
That only took an hour or two. And I was lucky with the gem gen.
On to frame two. Only 1.3m. Release the hounds!
Back are you getting the amulets? It sounds like you were doing it the hard way just trying to get the glowing frame straight. It took me two tries to get the glowing frame on the first frame (at like level 27). Just send them all at once, put a couple gems in the tower, build 3 more towers and put gems in those. Now press C, hold shift and click away at the bottom create gem area until your entire gem bar is filled. Then start bombing these gems (doesn't matter if you hit the monsters). Your basic score should be like 740k or so (you get about 690k for sending them al at once), and you'll get the amulet bonus points for building 3 towers, bombing 15 gems, and creating 25 gems (or 50 if you do enough). This should make it much easier to get those glowing frames.
Also does anyone know what the skill "available at Armor Games" is? I click on it and it just takes me to a list of their games.
Ok I found it out. Whoever originally linked the game loses at life, this game is a crippled version, the full one with all the skills and amulets is at The skill that we can't access on this version lowers the banishment cost of critters.
08-05-2008, 04:19 PM
Like you need it though . . . I've got glowing frames for all of them except 5 now.
I'll probably finish the game out in a few hours if I have the stamina.
08-05-2008, 04:21 PM
By the by, what's your favorite pure gem and what's your favorite combo gem?
PURE: Pure Lime (chance of triple strike).
COMBO: Blue/Red (Slow/Splash).
I use banishes a lot, it makes the game so much easier. Does anyone know where flash saves files locally. I'm gonna see if I can make my game save work on armorgames.
It would be awesome if splash damage splashed the other affects. That would make red an uber gem. I like slow and armor reduction or slow and poison the best. Both are excellent for bosses.
Found where flash files are saved, I'll see if it works.
Yes! Ok it worked, it really wasn't that hard once I figured out where the games were saved. Now I can play my save file at ArmorGames with nothing blocked out, the file does not appear to be corrupt.
If anyone else wants to do it, let me know and I'll write up how to.
08-05-2008, 04:48 PM
I wants it.
Ok first go to:
And save a game to create the folder and the file you will be replacing.
This is in Windows XP, so YMMV:
Make sure you can see hidden folders. go to: C:\Documents and Settings\Drew\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\A5N9V2Q4
Replace Drew with your Username and the last folder may be named something else, but there was only one folder for me.
There may be a lot of folders in that file, go to the folder and copy the file "giabGemCraftSaveData.sol". Now go up a folder and go to the folder and paste it, replacing the save you just created at the website.
In your browser reload Gemcraft at and go to load games, your saved game from should be there.
08-05-2008, 06:40 PM
huh, tried it on instead of addicting games, and I got 824,510 as a level 1 for that first frame... first try
anyone else get higher scores easier on there?
I think they are the same exact games.
08-05-2008, 08:35 PM
Guess I just got lucky. And I think they removed the wrong skill for putting it on another website... the one they removed isn't something I would ever use.
08-05-2008, 10:20 PM
I started over and it does seem easier but that could be because I know what I'm doing now.
I've found that gem bombs are more powerful than I thought before, now I place the main gems and increase my mana and throw bomb after bomb. I've got a glowing score every time so far.
I downloaded the game from Game in a, put it in a web page and now play it locally from my desktop. So much better response. Unfortunately it still has the Armor Games restrictions but I can’t be bothered to sort out how to fix that just yet.
Oh yeah, last night I had my lingo wrong. Perfect score was used and I did mean glowing frame. I’m such a nub.
08-06-2008, 04:49 AM
I just beat it . . .
08-06-2008, 04:57 AM
I already quit, gets boring quick...
Just for reference, with full armor (the skill that lowers banish points on armorgames) the first epic boss costs 3592 to banish. I believe he costs 4900 to banish otherwise.
08-06-2008, 03:57 PM
The ending is . . . well . . . I won't spoil it.
08-06-2008, 09:38 PM
I dunno if you guys have seen this but:
08-12-2008, 07:45 PM
How do you beat it anyway? I always get the unknown creature thing after beating the last boss, then it ends.
08-12-2008, 08:08 PM
antbuster wins
08-12-2008, 10:07 PM
How do you beat it anyway? I always get the unknown creature thing after beating the last boss, then it ends.
You can't I don't think :(
I have 2 hidden ones I haven't done yet, but I have a feeling it's just a prelude for the next one.
08-17-2008, 07:10 AM
I beat that fucking GemCraft game with glowing frames on every one and still get romped in the end by that stupid unknown one.
Wasted 2 extra hours for nothing. :(
04-28-2009, 12:41 AM
Gemcraft returns! (
04-30-2009, 10:30 AM
Top one, Beat Medium :)
04-30-2009, 10:31 AM
I think we should set up a TD tourney.
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