View Full Version : Leadership

06-24-2003, 04:53 PM
I don't read the official board, too much brown noser and too much inside jokes.

So i cannot say that i know much about leadership, but in my opinion, that skill is a bad bad bad bad idea.
It will generate even more zombie leader, even more e-bay buyers, and normaly, no one can afford to pay 0/24 to double it, nor 0/8 to single it perfectly (at least for the paladin, as all his skills are expensive).

More, what's the need of that stupid skills when you can compensate and encourage mass group with warcry for warriors, group enhance as-ds for the paladin and cleric, etc etc

they give us more tps, but give more skills.
You must pay to have more health, more mana, nothing is free in gemstone anymore


06-25-2003, 02:11 AM
They're giving us more ways to be unique.

06-25-2003, 07:19 AM
You mean - roleplaying doesn't give you the optimum chance to be unique? This is something I've never understood about the player perspective of Gemstone - that skills determine the character's uniqueness.

Sure, I'm all for each -class- being unique with respect to the other -classes- (professions as they're called in GS). Otherwise there's no point in having a separation in the first place. That's why I was always a staunch proponent of Sorcerers being the masters of offensive magics, bards excelling in magical lore but -not- in weaponry, clerics being the ultimate rezzers but -not- the ultimate fighters, empaths being more powerful than any herb or potion and destined to -not- hunt - but perhaps having the defensive strength to attend hunting parties as the group's healer..rangers having optimum control over their environment...etc.

But do you really need all these millions of verbs and skills and tricks and training points to be unique? I don't think so. I think you just need to roleplay uniquely, as fits within the genre and theme of the game. It's WHO your character is that defines their uniqueness - not WHAT your character is.

Just my two silvers..

06-25-2003, 07:58 AM
When you tell me that my empath should be the master of all herbs and healing but -not- be able to hunt... you take away from his uniqness.

06-25-2003, 12:11 PM
I'm sure he meant unique in the building of the profession sense, not the character aspect.

You are unique, just like everyone else. ;)

06-25-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Bestatte
You mean - roleplaying doesn't give you the optimum chance to be unique? This is something I've never understood about the player perspective of Gemstone - that skills determine the character's uniqueness.

Sure, I'm all for each -class- being unique with respect to the other -classes- (professions as they're called in GS). Otherwise there's no point in having a separation in the first place. That's why I was always a staunch proponent of Sorcerers being the masters of offensive magics, bards excelling in magical lore but -not- in weaponry, clerics being the ultimate rezzers but -not- the ultimate fighters, empaths being more powerful than any herb or potion and destined to -not- hunt - but perhaps having the defensive strength to attend hunting parties as the group's healer..rangers having optimum control over their environment...etc.

But do you really need all these millions of verbs and skills and tricks and training points to be unique? I don't think so. I think you just need to roleplay uniquely, as fits within the genre and theme of the game. It's WHO your character is that defines their uniqueness - not WHAT your character is.

Just my two silvers..

I must disagree.

You have made it clear you place the emphasis on quite serious roleplaying in depth. I read your posts on the other games you have championed here and found them interesting yet also not really for me.

I like Gemstone because they do promote roleplaying and allow me to enjoy myself with my friends while trying to maintain that "mask" of our characters yet not being so intense as to not allow the ooc whisper here and there with them as well.

Along with that , i have enjoyed the differences that the classes and skills allow. I find them an aid to my roleplaying and am gratefull for them all.

I guess thats why there are different games for us all to enjoy.

[Edited on 6-25-2003 by Skirmisher]

06-26-2003, 10:54 AM
leadership = encourage ebay sells
that is the SOLE reason

with a level 80 warrior,warcries and fully double in leadership, and stupid MA abuse like that

simu knows and encourage ebay's crap

06-26-2003, 11:31 AM
What exactly is this Leadership skill?

06-26-2003, 04:14 PM
+ AS-DS including the leader per X ranks

a good skill to promote MA and zombies

06-27-2003, 02:39 PM
You know, I didn't really think of the MA ramifications when I saw leadership for the first time. I think it's valid to say that it will end up abused, however, in no way would I ever believe that the staff intended it to promote ebay sales.

I don't like MA'ing, or ebay. Honestly though, that one skill isn't going to change anything to do with either thing. People that want to MA, do. People that buy/sell on ebay, will.

09-29-2004, 03:28 PM
wow seriously this is sad

09-29-2004, 03:31 PM
Sad that you bumped a year old thread about a skill that was not even implemented? :wtf2:

09-29-2004, 08:18 PM
Yeah, WTF?