View Full Version : High End Items

05-30-2007, 04:18 PM
1. an invar-bound segmented glaes angon - A small, yet imposing jagged barb tips the glaes head of the angon, allowing it to rend the flesh of its victims with greater ease. A neck of mithril attaches the head to the shaft of the weapon, which is delineated by a number of invar-lined seams. Each segment of the angon's bone shaft has been scrimshawed with an ornate intermingling of linear designs, winding up the weapon in a display of artistic and lethal dichotomy. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

- 6x blessable chain spear
- Separating barbed head that can lodge in and be pulled out violently
- Unique UNBALANCE flares that knock the critter down every time when pulled out
- Secondary flares when swung and used in maneuvers such as trip or charge
- Can be gripped with one hand with shield or two hands for higher DF
- Weighs 8 lbs

See spear post for more details
2. a cloudy humanoid shape

Cloudy Shape Brig Armor
Hides your entire body when anyone looks at you
4.5x (+22) heavy crit padded brig
Weightless (Sung as less than 1 lb)
Switchable optional concealment based on how you put it on

>l at tsin
You see only a cloudy amorphous humanoid shape.


As Tsin touches his humanoid shape it surrounds him completely. (Hidden mode - other hand must be empty)

Tsin works his way into a cloudy humanoid shape. (Normal mode - other hand full)

You look in wonder as Tsin steps out of a cloudy humanoid shape.

3. some translucent black golvern scale mail inset with a large multi-faceted clear crystal

Self mana invisibility brig
Double mana with chance of curse
5x with damage padding
Damage padding can be removed and replaced with heavy crit using the PP system
Weighs 22 lbs

As you rub your mail, a scintillating purple aura engulfs you.
You become invisible.
You feel the golvern scale mail drawing mana from you.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
4. a dark sigil-etched blade - The weapon is as black as the heart of a void, both hilt and blade. Down its length are a number of lore-sigils, their hooked and twisted forms interlocking as they dance down the razor's edge. At the top of the hilt is a faint tracery, worked in spidery vaalin. It almost pulses, its wisps and swashes echoing the forms of the powerful etchings along the business end of the menacing sword. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

6x masterful crit falchion
Weighs 3 lbs
5. some ancient armor enruned with archaic symbols

9.5x (+47) heavy crit padded hauberk
Lightened to 25 lbs
6. a black galvorn-bound shield emblazoned with a serpent with ruby eyes that seem to pierce your soul

9x ice age shield
7. some spiked battle horns

Self Mana Nature's Fury - 635
Double mana with chance of curse
Will only drain mana if successful not for failed attempts
Extremely low TD for defending enemies
Will attack everything in the room not in your group including hidden/invisible people/critters

As you rub your horns, a scintillating green aura engulfs you.
You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a triton executioner with relentless fury!
CS: +384 - TD: +285 + CvA: +20 + d100: +99 == +218
Warding failed!
A cluster of mist-covered debris collides with a triton executioner!
... 58 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Hard strike to right leg breaking tendons and bone!
It is knocked to the ground!
... 40 points of damage!
The triton executioner's neck is parboiled, leaves throat a li'l parched.
The triton executioner gurgles once and goes still, a wrathful look on his face.
The surroundings advance upon a siren with relentless fury!
CS: +384 - TD: +296 + CvA: +20 + d100: +98 == +206
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of mist-covered debris hits a siren!
... 56 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Shot destroys eye and the brain behind it!
The siren gives a plaintive wail before she slumps to her side and dies.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a siren.
The bright luminescence fades from around a siren.
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
You feel the battle horns drawing mana from you.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
8. some supple white leathers

9x incredible crit doubles with +30 points padding
Lightened to 8 lbs
9. an enormous bloodstained mattock with a gore-covered troll femur haft

+47 claid weighted mattock. Lightened to 4 lbs.


You pull your bloodstained mattock in close to your body and check it over for signs of battle wear.

You heft your bloodstained mattock in your hand a few times, admiring its clean lines and excellent workmanship.

You heave your bloodstained mattock into the air and give a triumphant shout!

You shift your weight slightly in an abbreviated combat move and take a hearty swing with your bloodstained mattock.

You hold your bloodstained mattock menacingly in front of you, its metal glinting in the light.

You carefully buff your bloodstained mattock, removing the debris of battle.

You tap the haft of your bloodstained mattock in the palm of your hand as you get a murderous glint in your eye.

Your bloodstained mattock whistles through the air as you bring it around in a sweeping arc.

As you tighten your grip, the familiar weight and balance of your bloodstained mattock lends you confidence.
a gore-covered troll-leg backsheath

In the troll-leg backsheath you see an enormous bloodstained mattock.


You accidentally brush your hand against the slimy skin of your troll-leg backsheath. Hope you don't have to grip anything tightly soon!

You drum your fingers against the backsheath's outer skin, and the toes at the bottom of the troll's leg flutter against your back.

Getting Out:

You pull your bloodstained mattock out of its troll-leg backsheath accompanied by a wet squishy sound.

With a muffled *plop*, a dollop of blood and ichor comes out of your troll-leg backsheath as you draw your bloodstained mattock. The wet glob slides slowly down the side of the backsheath until it drops to the ground with a wet splat.

Your bloodstained mattock slides smoothly and silently out of the troll-leg backsheath. After your mattock is clear, the hole left in the troll-leg slowly closes, like a raw, red mouth.

Putting In:

A lump bulges the skin of the troll-leg backsheath outwards as you push your bloodstained mattock inside.

The first finger of your hand gets wet as your bloodstained mattock slides a little too smoothly into its backsheath. You wipe your reddened finger off on the skin of the backsheath, exchanging the blood for a greenish slime.

The troll leg kicks slightly for a moment as you force your bloodstained mattock inside.

Anyone interested can contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or at bubbauno on AIM.


06-01-2007, 10:50 PM
Updated some important info on the 635 horns.. They do not drain mana on failed attempts but ONLY on successfully activation.

06-02-2007, 08:36 PM
By failed attempts to you mean failing the MIU requirement, or some sort of failure even if you get a 100+ roll?

06-02-2007, 09:13 PM
+100 failure, Evarin.
I'd love to see what would happen if you didn't have the MIU training though.

06-02-2007, 11:43 PM
No MIU is required.. Skills do not play any part in using self mana items.. Mana is the only requirement. All the new style self mana items have some random chance of failure built in determined by a hidden roll.. However mana is only drained if the spell goes off.

06-03-2007, 12:10 AM
I was able to use my self mana items without MIU, granted I cursed several items to myself first but still works.

06-05-2007, 11:11 AM

Tea & Strumpets
06-05-2007, 11:18 AM
Good luck having a high enough "Ranger CS" to ward anything like level. That wouldn't by any chance be a capped wizard using the item? And what fine luck that the attacks you showed just coincidentally are a 98 and 99 on the open rolls.

I'm sure that wasn't edited together.

06-05-2007, 12:25 PM
I almost posted something like that, T & S. Then I realized that 380ish is a likely CS for a capped non ranger (assuming someone who uses spirit spells - a wizard would probably have a lower CS, around 330 probably), and those critters are in the temple, so they're moderately high level. Even with those rolls, his end roll is over 200, so he would ward every time. Who knows how much dispelling went on before hand to hit those critters - having never hunted the temple, I certainly can't say.

06-05-2007, 05:59 PM
Who knows how much dispelling went on before hand to hit those critters - having never hunted the temple, I certainly can't say.

Below is from a capped ranger with 100 ranger spell ranks.

It should illustrate pretty clearly that no dispelling went on when using that item.


You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Nature's Fury spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a siren.
You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a siren with relentless fury!
CS: +437 - TD: +285 + CvA: +20 + d100: +76 == +248
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of mist-covered debris hits a siren!
... 44 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the siren clean through!
The siren gives a plaintive wail before she slumps to her side and dies.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a siren.
The surroundings advance upon a siren with relentless fury!
CS: +437 - TD: +294 + CvA: +20 + d100: +68 == +231
Warding failed!
A siren is struck by a sharp piece of mist-covered debris!
... 41 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the siren clean through!
The siren gives a plaintive wail before she slumps to her side and dies.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a siren.
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You gesture at a triton executioner.
You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a triton executioner with relentless fury!
CS: +437 - TD: +288 + CvA: +20 + d100: +23 == +192
Warding failed!
A cluster of mist-covered debris collides with a triton executioner!
... 33 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to abdomen!
The triton executioner is stunned!
... 35 points of damage!
Massive blow removes the triton executioner's right forearm at the elbow!
The executioner's sharply tapered longsword falls to the ground.
... 30 points of damage!
Scaldling blast peels large layers of skin off the triton executioner's back!
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a triton radical with relentless fury!
The dull golden nimbus surrounding a triton radical suddenly begins to glow brightly.
CS: +437 - TD: +308 + CvA: +25 + d100: +47 == +201
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of mist-covered debris hits a triton radical!
... 44 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Great shot penetrates thigh and shatters bone!
It is knocked to the ground!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!
... 55 points of damage!
The triton radical's chest is cooked to tender perfection. White meat or dark?

[You have 10 kills remaining.]
The triton radical gurgles once and goes still, a wrathful look on her face.
A white glow rushes away from a triton radical.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a triton radical.
The brilliant aura fades away from a triton radical.
The very powerful look leaves a triton radical.
The white light leaves a triton radical.
A triton radical seems slightly different.
The warm glow fades from around a triton radical.
The surroundings advance upon a triton combatant with relentless fury!
CS: +437 - TD: +265 + CvA: +20 + d100: +100 == +292
Warding failed!
A triton combatant is struck by a sharp piece of mist-covered debris!
... 53 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Incredible strike pierces heart and runs the triton combatant clean through!
The triton combatant collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on his face before expiring.
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a siren with relentless fury!
CS: +437 - TD: +279 + CvA: +20 + d100: +41 == +219
Warding failed!
A siren is struck by a sharp piece of mist-covered debris!
... 38 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Shot shatters shoulder and severs left arm!
The siren's scallop shell shield falls to the ground.
The siren is stunned!
... 45 points of damage!
It is knocked to the ground!
... 45 points of damage!
Blast of superheated steam shrivels the siren's left hand!
The surroundings advance upon a triton radical with relentless fury!
The dull golden nimbus surrounding a triton radical suddenly begins to glow brightly.
CS: +437 - TD: +288 + CvA: +25 + d100: +29 == +203
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of mist-covered debris hits a triton radical!
... 44 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
Shot to back shatters bone and vertebrae!

[You have 9 kills remaining.]
The triton radical collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on his face before expiring.
A white glow rushes away from a triton radical.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a triton radical.
The brilliant aura fades away from a triton radical.
The very powerful look leaves a triton radical.
The white light leaves a triton radical.
The surroundings advance upon a water elemental with relentless fury!
CS: +437 - TD: +311 + CvA: +25 + d100: +32 == +183
Warding failed!
A water elemental is struck by a sharp piece of mist-covered debris!
... 31 points of damage!
... 20 points of damage!
It is knocked to the ground!
... 15 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
The surroundings advance upon a spectral triton defender with relentless fury!
CS: +437 - TD: +269 + CvA: +25 + d100: +79 == +272
Warding failed!
A spectral triton defender is struck by a sharp piece of mist-covered debris!
... 49 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Brutal assault cuts a swath through the torso!
Fortunately for the triton defender, it doesn't need lungs.
... 40 points of damage!
Massive blow obliterates the left knee.
The triton defender falters as a sickly light flows freely down its leg.
It is knocked to the ground!
... 55 points of damage!
Incredible strike to the triton defender's back smashes through the chest!
Too bad it melts back together.
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.


06-05-2007, 06:02 PM
No dispelling was done.. 354 CS for Tsin with 71 ranks in elemental and 384 CS for Chazym with 101 ranks in elemental.. My capped cleric had like 410 CS or something.. I can easily ward almost everything since even capped stuff only has 300 or less for TD.

06-05-2007, 06:09 PM
Below is from a capped ranger with 100 ranger spell ranks.

A capped ranger with ranger spell ranks... I don't think a capped ranger would want to spend the 70 mana to use the horns.

Also note the examples shown have a 99 and 98 d100 roll in them...

Edit: not saying it isn't a great item, ranger TDs are extremely low, so even for characters not trained in magic it should be usable... just that the logs taken should be taken with a grain of salt... high resulting rolls shown and 70 mana per use...

06-05-2007, 11:24 PM
A capped ranger with ranger spell ranks... I don't think a capped ranger would want to spend the 70 mana to use the horns.

Also note the examples shown have a 99 and 98 d100 roll in them...

Edit: not saying it isn't a great item, ranger TDs are extremely low, so even for characters not trained in magic it should be usable... just that the logs taken should be taken with a grain of salt... high resulting rolls shown and 70 mana per use...

My point in posting, if it wasn't clear, was because someone insinuated that Tsin had dispelled those critters to make his CS when using the horns higher. I simply posted to prove that uninformed comment incorrect.

06-06-2007, 12:02 AM
My point in posting, if it wasn't clear, was because someone insinuated that Tsin had dispelled those critters to make his CS when using the horns higher. I simply posted to prove that uninformed comment incorrect.

And I in no way refuted that point, I made another point that all of the end rolls were around or over 200, a consistency that not everyone could expect (which I know you in no way said). I just think it's rather convient that Tsin posted an attack with rolls of 98 and 99... (We see this all the time with all merchants though...)

Tea & Strumpets
06-06-2007, 09:34 AM
My point in posting, if it wasn't clear, was because someone insinuated that Tsin had dispelled those critters to make his CS when using the horns higher. I simply posted to prove that uninformed comment incorrect.

I guess I will take out a few moments to point out how ludicrous your post was. Is this the original Odysia, or did she sell out? I can't believe a long time ranger would make this post thinking it somehow validated Tsin's copy/paste example of a lvl 100 post cap wizard with 98 and 99 rolls.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and not assume that you do regular business with Tsin. Knowledgable players, or those with influential friends, don't have to worry about Tsin's scams. I guess it's easy to ignore that if you are immune to them (like myself).

You've already pointed out that you have more ranger ranks than most rangers in the game. I'm going to guess you have at least 30 spirit spells as well, which is a combination only a post-cap ranger would bother with. You might have more spell ranks than any ranger in the game, because most of the good ones have quit.

You also forgot to mention the lore bonuses (that were obvious from the 5th cycle of 635) that you have. You also completely ignored the fact that your CS is 50+ higher than an "over the cap" wizard. How you think any of your log validates Tsin is beyond me.

I'm very familiar with 635. The spell blows and is situational AT BEST, and that's for a lvl 100 ranger. To think that any character in the game would want access to this spell for 70 mana per cast (with a shit CS and no lore skills) is laughable.

The two critters that were shown in Tsin's log are the ones with the lowest TD in the sunken temple. What a coincidence that the end rolls were a 98 and 99, and what an even greater coincidence that they happened to hit the eye and the neck for crit kills! Tsin should either play the lottery, or do a better job of copying and pasting.

Tsin has admitted repeatedly on these boards that he has no problems lying to convince a buyer, or pretending to be a GM to validate the item's properties. People like yourself, Stealth, or Tayvin, just throw your own reputations in the shitter when you stick up for this kind of person.

06-06-2007, 09:43 AM
just......remove.....this.....worthless....sack... of shit named tsin from the forums?

06-06-2007, 01:02 PM
Haha! At least the only thing you guys are bitching about are the example logs.. Usually you basher freaks try and find every possible flaw to embellish in attempts to sabotage my sales.. If the only criticism is about some posted logs and not 20 other bullshit excuses why this item is the worst ever I can live with that. Here you go..

As you rub your horns, a scintillating green aura engulfs you.
You close your eyes in a moment of intense concentration, channeling the pure natural power of your surroundings. As you continue to gather the energy, a low thrumming resounds through the area. Suddenly, a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing everything around you!
The surroundings advance upon a triton executioner with relentless fury!
CS: +384 - TD: +294 + CvA: +20 + d100: +69 == +179
Warding failed!
A triton executioner is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 50 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Damaging strike to chest, several ribs shattered!
The triton executioner is stunned!
... 30 points of damage!
Good blow to back!
The surroundings advance upon a triton executioner with relentless fury!
CS: +384 - TD: +294 + CvA: +20 + d100: +45 == +155
Warding failed!
A triton executioner is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 36 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Beautiful shot pierces skull! Amazing the triton executioner wasn't killed outright!
The triton executioner is stunned!
... 30 points of damage!
Good blow to right arm!
The surroundings advance upon a siren with relentless fury!
CS: +384 - TD: +316 + CvA: +20 + d100: +60 == +148
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a siren!
... 44 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Strike connects with shoulder blade!
The siren is stunned!
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to chest!
The surroundings advance upon a triton executioner with relentless fury!
CS: +384 - TD: +294 + CvA: +20 + d100: +86 == +196
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a triton executioner!
... 54 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Neck skewered, sliding past the throat and spine! That looks painful.
... 25 points of damage!
Nice blow to right arm!
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
You feel the battle horns drawing mana from you.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

06-06-2007, 01:21 PM
I guess I will take out a few moments to point out how ludicrous your post was. Is this the original Odysia, or did she sell out? I can't believe a long time ranger would make this post thinking it somehow validated Tsin's copy/paste example of a lvl 100 post cap wizard with 98 and 99 rolls.

I will never sell my character to ANYONE. If you knew me, you'd know that. Clearly, you don't. Don't bother attacking me because I posted something you didn't agree with. Deal with it.

Did you even READ my post? No. You read what you WANTED to IN my post.

The POINT, if you didn't GET it, the first time, is that *I* used 635 all of those times to PROVE that there was NO dispelling done to get the TD's used in Tsin's example. And I posted multiple types of critters as well.

That's it. The only point of the post.

There are other points that you and others have made that I DIDN'T COMMENT ON. I didn't agree or disagree. But, you assume that I disagree because I posted an example refuting ONE part of someone's post.

People like yourself, Stealth, or Tayvin, just throw your own reputations in the shitter when you stick up for this kind of person.

I've done business with Tsin before. Haven't ever found him to lie in particular about any of the items that I've bought. I have willpower. I can say - NO, when I don't want to buy something and he nags me about it.

I could really care less what someone's opinion of me is. Someone who DEALS with me can make their own decisions about that.

06-06-2007, 01:26 PM
And I in no way refuted that point, I made another point that all of the end rolls were around or over 200, a consistency that not everyone could expect (which I know you in no way said). I just think it's rather convient that Tsin posted an attack with rolls of 98 and 99... (We see this all the time with all merchants though...)

And I didn't agree or disagree with that point when it was said. Thank you for confirming that.

I'm not going to pick apart someone's sale. Someone may have use for the item. It wouldn't be me or any of my characters. But I couldn't sit by and let people assume that Tsin had messed with the Temple critter TD's when I knew for a fact that he didn't - hence the reason I posted multiple examples of my casting 635.

06-06-2007, 01:43 PM
That troll leg sheath is pretty cool. If I was still playing I'd likely look that up. Though since you have it listed on your high end items I doubt I'd want it.

Don't think I'd pay more than 5 million for an item of fluff. Even if it is cool fluff.

Tea & Strumpets
06-06-2007, 02:05 PM
There are other points that you and others have made that I DIDN'T COMMENT ON. I didn't agree or disagree. But, you assume that I disagree because I posted an example refuting ONE part of someone's post.

Well, there may be some truth to that. I'll readily admit that I question the motives of folks that stick up for scumbags. Thank you for clearing up the speculation from a player who admitted he had never been to the Temple.

06-06-2007, 02:26 PM
Haha! At least the only thing you guys are bitching about are the example logs.. Usually you basher freaks try and find every possible flaw to embellish in attempts to sabotage my sales.. If the only criticism is about some posted logs and not 20 other bullshit excuses why this item is the worst ever I can live with that.

Certainly can't blame you for posting a good result with your item... I don't see people showing examples of their flaring weapons when it flares for 10pts on a leg... they always show the 70pt eye flare. No one posts their clean miss with the claid... or 101 endrolls.

It's too bad though, ideal world standpoint it'd be nice to see any item your going to buy used multiple times across the whole range of it's abilities, rather good of you to post that second use where despite neck and head hits they still didn't crit kill.

06-08-2007, 12:19 AM
Ice age wiz hand sold

06-10-2007, 09:02 PM

06-10-2007, 09:25 PM
7. a black galvorn-bound shield emblazoned with a serpent with ruby eyes that seem to pierce your soul

9x ice age shield

if this isnt sold yet, im interested in getting it. what is your asking price?

06-10-2007, 10:28 PM
probably 30m

06-12-2007, 02:59 PM
20m for the shield

06-12-2007, 03:38 PM
bumping with the same post you last posted and then deleting the previous post is wicked gay.

06-12-2007, 04:55 PM
I was gonna say the same thing, but I'm guilty of it too

06-13-2007, 11:58 AM
Better than having the last 10 posts in a row say bump.. There will always be something for you to complain about so stay out of my threads if you can't handle it.

06-13-2007, 01:44 PM
Better than having the last 10 posts in a row say bump..

That's true... The grass is always greener...

There will always be something for you to complain about so stay out of my threads if you can't handle it.

I say stay out of your own threads if you can't handle people bitching at you...

06-13-2007, 01:53 PM
I think I really hate Tsin.

06-18-2007, 05:33 PM


06-18-2007, 06:57 PM
real mature man - just block him

06-18-2007, 07:04 PM
yeah real mature. When all else fails.
He's a fucking disease.

Does anyone here actually buy from him? Apart from you AD?

06-18-2007, 08:03 PM
I have.

06-18-2007, 08:39 PM
Settle down psycho.. Who are you anyway? Still surprises me that people can get so angry when they have never even met me or done business ever.. For every person who is stupid enough to believe what some nobody like you says there are five others who like to find out for themselves.. They also find it hard to believe that I can continue to do business with all the other respectable merchants and still be as bad as you claim.. Just this month I made over 300m selling to a few first timers.. All of them were satisfied and said they will do business again soon as they can afford anything. That's not even including the 10-20 regular customers who give me a couple billion in business every year.

06-18-2007, 09:18 PM
Does anyone here actually buy from him? Apart from you AD?

Honestly I don't do much business in game with anyone, much less Tsin.

The only thing I can recall buying recently was the wavedancer ebow. And that was more of a spontaneous splurging, spending cash I had made flipping characters.

I just think all the people bashing Tsin here are a bit more annoying than anything Tsin does on these boards. Theres only so much stuff you can read before you figure out people just need to find some other avenue to get rid of their anger. Take up boxing or something.

It almost seems like you people are feeding on each other..

I hate him.. NO I hate him.. Yeah well I hate him MORE!! And you just keep going. We get it already. You dont like him. But this is the merchants market, where we buy and sell things. I'd really like to see it kept that way.

Nothing against you Ash, or anyone else that likes so much to make their feelings known. I just get tired of reading it when I am trying to figure out whats for sale, and what sold.

06-19-2007, 05:43 PM
Some interesting information that I forgot to mention.. The self mana inviso brig CAN have the damage padding removed and heavy crit padding added to them if you want to spend the premie points.. I believe it would cost 4500 for the padding and an additional 1k for the self mana ability.. This was already done to the damage padded self mana heal 2 hauberk which is now heavy crit.

06-19-2007, 07:14 PM
How exactly do you go about removing the current padding on an item? Can you also remove flares from weapons?

The Ponzzz
06-19-2007, 07:17 PM
You can, certain GMs who add flares/padding will also remove it for you. It's as tough as finding a padder/flarer.

Also, if you want to SWITCH something you can. By using a Sadie scroll or again finding a merchant. basically it overwrites the old stuff. I had SDP replaced with acid flares.

Now, i'll also add, not ALL GMs will do this.

06-19-2007, 07:28 PM
So.. you think I could replace the flares on an ebow with weighting? The 'weighting' gives you the ability to aim better with ranged correct?

Or heck I would rather take the flares the fuck off.. they are useless anyways. Make it cheaper to enchant the thing.

06-19-2007, 07:34 PM
You are getting a little sidetracked.. My original intention was to inform someone interested in the inviso brig that they could ADD crit padding with PP which would replace the current damage padding. You can't add weighting through the PP system and I can almost guarantee there will never be another merchant that would add weighting to stuff. When it comes to the ebows that were around before WD the scripts are so old for those that most GMs these days are afraid to even alter them let alone change the flares.

06-19-2007, 07:40 PM
Eh this is a wavedancer ebow. And I did forget that you cant add weighting to weapons.

And why has that gone away? It doesn't even make sense to take it away.

06-27-2007, 09:02 PM
Self mana 117 axe sold

Make sure to report it on your taxes.

07-03-2007, 09:21 PM