View Full Version : Ok So How Do You Do This?

11-22-2003, 11:00 AM
Just Got My Friend To Open Up A Gemstone Account... Started a little Dark Elf Sorc...

With all these new skills I have no idea what to tell him to train in, I have not lvl'd my sorc in about 4 years and really have no idea.

Can anyone give me any ideas as to what he should train in?


-Varsus (can't help the newbies cuz ima warrior)

11-22-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Varsus

Can anyone give me any ideas as to what he should train in?

I am also a warrior. Be aware I have not played a sorc in IV but if I was. this is where I might start

co 21
de 29
di 70
lo 90
in 90
st 69
agl 21
inf 94
wis 96
aur 80

then train as much as possible in these skills and use a staff:
spell, MIU, scroll, mana, harnes, lores and spell aim

necro lore affects: 701, 708, 711, 716, 730

demo lore affects: 712, 718, 725, 750, COS

be aware some of this might be dated cause I sold my 153 sorc and 67 sorc a couple months back

11-22-2003, 03:35 PM
hrm, anyone able to tell me exactly what lores to train in? and which new skills?



Dighn Darkbeam
11-22-2003, 04:36 PM
2x spells and spell aim.
1x Harness mana, mana control, Arc Sym, MIU, Perception, and the Sorcerer lore of your choice. 1x brawl and .5-1x shield.

Get PT, climbing, swimming, and 8 ranks of armor use when you can.

As for specific lore training I say 1x in the skill at first, and switch between necro and demon unless you have specific reasons which you want to excell in one area over the other. When you get more points pick up a second training of lore. I decided to alternate between the two, but you can chose one over the other if you like.

Following this plan should make you a decent sorcerer. If you want to run around with a big stick in your hands someone else will have to help you.

12-03-2003, 11:18 AM
Hi all.

I need some help, my husband is over in Iraq he is a commander in the Navy and he has this sylvan sorc.

He can't play and I told him that GS 4 is out and he wants me to redo his sorc <who now in GS4 is 50 trains>

He wants him all done and retrained so that when he gets back finally in March he won't have to do it himself. I figure hey I can do this for him....wrong, never trained a sorc and have no clue where to put his stats or his training....

Help please, you can post here or email me at Brat8525@yahoo.com

I want to do this right for him, he has been over in Iraq for 7 months already and all he wants is to be able to finally relax when he gets back and just play.

he is 50 trains a sylvan and he has always kept his character very viable, meaning not cornering himself in his training...IE cookie cutter.

Thanks in advance all.


12-03-2003, 06:59 PM
I wish I could help ya . . I know crap about training a sorcerer.
Shimm's lucky to be able to hunt at all!

I hope you sort it though, I can imagine the guy just wants to rest . . . I hope he gets to .
Sounds like he deserves it.

Dighn Darkbeam
12-04-2003, 12:17 PM
There is a post in the market folder offering to work closely with you to help you convert your character. Its not that expensive and you will more than likely be satisfied with the results.