View Full Version : My rogue sucks

11-21-2003, 07:13 PM
AS only went down a little. DS went down a whole shitload, critters fucking dodge my ambush, I cant even pick a frickin box anymore if I even want to try to hunt. Ambushing is so fucking random I can roll a 90 and not crit whatever I'm hunting, then roll a 6 and crit them. My RT went up to 12 before I was even 1/2 fried. Might as well wear leathers due to the fact that training in armor cost A TON.

Being a rogue is no longer fun. I can understand ambushing was overpowered, but is there a point in totally nerfing rogues and pushing them 100% to one path or another?

I'm am not happy. Not a single bit.

11-21-2003, 07:19 PM
Can someone answer (you) a question of mine?

are crits totaly random now, or it's just ambushing crits that are?

11-21-2003, 07:20 PM
all crits

11-21-2003, 07:23 PM
So just 2X in cm, 1x in ambush and aim from open.

If you hit it by more than 101, it seems intelligent to do, you save the hiding round time.

11-21-2003, 07:28 PM
I 2x CM and 2x Ambushed. But Im sure 1x will work just fine too.

11-21-2003, 07:29 PM
Ambush just push ds down
sweep and aim from open, back wounds cause the most damage. I was killing banshees (impossible to death crit) in 2 shots, must be feasable still

11-21-2003, 07:40 PM
I don't know if crits are totally random, I heard Delmax on the offiboards saying they were +/- 1, and that guy knows everything. My own data correlates with that.

Then again, I wasn't ambushing, so maybe that's where I'm confused.

11-21-2003, 07:42 PM
-1? a rank 9 crit on the eye changed into a crit 8 is still a death one, so why people are whining?

11-21-2003, 07:57 PM
However, now instead of determining your crit, these factors determine your MAXIMUM critical. Your minimum critical would be half of your maximum. A random roll between the maxinum and minimum determines the strength of your critical exactly.

from the simu thing. Thus achieving maximum ambush benefit can result in only a rank 5 wound, which is rarely fatal.

11-21-2003, 07:59 PM
rank 5 wounds is fatal with a piercing weapon on an eye.

Short sword and you?

11-21-2003, 08:26 PM
Rarely. I said rarely.

11-21-2003, 08:36 PM
A good rogue knows when to turn a "rarely" to a "often"

Weedmage Princess
11-25-2003, 07:03 AM
Hmm..my rogue does okay...she isn't what she was in 3, but she's 3x pick, 2.5-3x disarm, 2x dodge, 1x cm, 2x perception and 1x shields and I'm stopping at 45 ranks of armor...and she knows up to 404 so she has self cast lores.

You know that perception is a big factor in ambushing now, right? How often are you training in it?

[Edited on 11-25-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

11-25-2003, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
Ambush just push ds down


11-25-2003, 09:35 AM
You are either hunting stupid things, trained wrong or just lacking. Rogues, like sorcerers used to be a very easy profession to play. Not anymore. However, I have found that after the conversion, my rogues out of all my characters, are the best off.

11-26-2003, 07:25 AM
It's + or - 4, guys. That's a pretty wide stretch.