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05-23-2007, 12:04 AM
My, my... it sure is quiet here.

Anybody remember Esserae? Juspera? Alaayne?

05-23-2007, 12:05 AM
I remember Juspera...

Disregard, I was thinking of someone else. I remember Juspera being cool now.

05-23-2007, 12:05 AM
My, my... it sure is quiet here.

Anybody remember Esserae? Juspera? Alaayne?

Yeah, two out of three. Remember Mongoose or Dwu?

05-23-2007, 12:13 AM
I do. I miss Esserae, and Juspera, and Alaayne, and Prata.

05-23-2007, 12:14 AM
Wait... Sarah. Alaayne, is that you??

05-23-2007, 12:32 AM
Yup. :-)

05-23-2007, 12:36 AM
I certainly remember 'goose and Dwu. You betcha.

Juspera's AOL page is still up (on her Zilal ID) and there are some fun collections of River's Rest haiku and limericks and stories, from that era (about 8-9 years ago now, I'd say.) You can google Alaayne or Esserae or Juspera and look for the hit, or click here (http://members.aol.com/zilal/gemhome.html) and browse Juspera's GS3 site.

05-23-2007, 09:24 AM
Wasn't Juspera that uber quest whore?

05-23-2007, 09:43 AM
I don't know what "uber quest whore" means. I do know that she was a bright and funny person, and she was my friend.

05-23-2007, 09:50 AM
Sarah, check your PMs. :)

05-23-2007, 03:51 PM
Hmmmm. I miss everyone- cuz I haven't played in two years. But I missed Jesh. He was hilarious. Didn't miss that Martaigne guy, he was a troublemaker...

05-23-2007, 03:59 PM
Didn't miss that Martaigne guy, he was a troublemaker...

05-23-2007, 04:38 PM
<<Wasn't Juspera that uber quest whore?>>

See, that's what I thought at first, but I'm pretty sure it was Isakella (forgive me if I'm getting the name wrong).

05-23-2007, 04:40 PM
No, I think it was both.

05-23-2007, 07:46 PM
Yeah, what Martaigne said.

05-24-2007, 12:21 PM
Okay I'll bite. Anyone remember/miss Fimbrethil?

05-24-2007, 12:27 PM
Stay's just a hater.

Juspera was awesome (and is gone). I believe Dwu's on staff.

05-24-2007, 12:35 PM

Yeah, was? Last I checked, I'm still wreaking havoc wherever I go.

Or did you mean Was, the person?

05-24-2007, 12:35 PM
Okay I'll bite. Anyone remember/miss Fimbrethil?

I remember Fimby, where'd she go?

05-24-2007, 12:56 PM
I remember Fimby, where'd she go?

Long gone but the player lives on, I think.

05-25-2007, 12:20 AM
Fimbrethil? Sorry, no. She must be one of the newer players. ;-)

05-25-2007, 12:25 AM
Clove. Nice ferret. I had a ferret once... sniff... she's gone now. Nice little critter. Completely harmless unless you were wearing white socks OR abusing a squeaky toy. Doing both was certain doom.

She was a real carpet shark, that one. :-)

05-25-2007, 12:29 AM
I believe Dwu's on staff.

On staff? :rofl: He always did have a way with helping newbs. Amazing passive-aggressive roleplay skills. Slap your face with one hand, pat your back with the other.

05-25-2007, 01:13 AM
threads like this make me wonder if I will be remembered....

But the truth is probably depressing :)


05-25-2007, 01:48 AM
Dwu was special, that's for sure.

05-25-2007, 02:08 AM
threads like this make me wonder if I will be remembered....

But the truth is probably depressing :)


Who do you play? Hehe..

I remember Alaayne. Still around? Making a comeback?

05-25-2007, 02:20 AM
I remember the god damn boot, but RR hasn't been the same since.

It's a shame a number of fantastic "RPers" staying in RR for as long as there were creatures they could learn from; when that expired, they moved on.

Yes, I remember Juspera.

Every once in a while, I go back to RR for kicks but it just isn't the same. Maybe I always go at a poor time.

05-25-2007, 02:29 AM
I remember the god damn boot, but RR hasn't been the same since.

It's a shame a number of fantastic "RPers" staying in RR for as long as there were creatures they could learn from; when that expired, they moved on.

Yes, I remember Juspera.

Every once in a while, I go back to RR for kicks but it just isn't the same. Maybe I always go at a poor time.

The boot? You old timer you!

I remember having to drop an amulet just to go to the Landing to ask for a Cleric to raise a fallen local.

05-25-2007, 02:34 AM
boot....log...there and back...amulets were at a premium if you needed to travel fast.

05-25-2007, 02:36 AM
The boot? You old timer you!

I remember having to drop an amulet just to go to the Landing to ask for a Cleric to raise a fallen local.


Good times!

Just as an aside, when did the boot get 86'd? I stopped playing a while before it happened for school. When I came back to the lands, my main had a crystal amulet in hand and was ready to come back to RR but was denied instead.

05-25-2007, 02:39 AM

Good times!

Just as an aside, when did the boot get 86'd? I stopped playing a while before it happened for school. When I came back to the lands, my main had a crystal amulet in hand and was ready to come back to RR but was denied instead.

When they made the trip to RR from Solhaven on a boat?...about 3-4 years ago?

What sux, is that the fee to get to RR is based on your character's level.

05-25-2007, 06:43 AM
Clove. Nice ferret. I had a ferret once... sniff... she's gone now. Nice little critter. Completely harmless unless you were wearing white socks OR abusing a squeaky toy. Doing both was certain doom.

She was a real carpet shark, that one. :-)

Meet Chaplin. "Carpet shark" that's cute; if I had carpets Chaplin would be one for sure. He's an old ferret and though still very playful keeps most of his mischief between him and his brother.

Fimbrethil? Sorry, no. She must be one of the newer players. ;-)

Yup. One of the newer ones alright. I believe she stopped playing around 6 years ago. Some others I miss playing with (in no particular order) are Bowen, Tilone, Rogal, Julietra, Hyoko, Marc, Brutii, Sayrena and Galadriel.

05-25-2007, 07:13 AM
When they made the trip to RR from Solhaven on a boat?...about 3-4 years ago?

What sux, is that the fee to get to RR is based on your character's level.

I always used to buy a ton of tickets when really low level so I could go back and forth for cheap (actually, werent they free for really low levels?)

05-25-2007, 10:27 AM
When I was looking to adopt a ferret, I googled... no, no, there was no Google then, I used Lycos or Yahoo search (or meta-search-engine Dogpile) and found that nearly every state had a ferret club of some kind. Most had names like "Mass Ferret Friends" or "New Mexico Ferret Club" and so on. One, however, stood out: "Carpet Sharks of Kansas". I had a good chuckle over that one, and adopted the phrase - but I cannot take credit for it (though I wish I could!)

Alaayne lived in RR for quite a while. RResters eventually learned to keep an extra three or four amulets in their packs for emergency trips to the Landing to fetch clerics and so forth. Often the cleric would request travel expenses (i.e. - a couple of amulets) as part of the raising fee.

The log stopped working towards the end of Alaayne's time in GS. I think that had to be at least six years ago... maybe seven or eight. I took the boat from 'Haven a few times, but so infrequently that I barely remember what it was like. Passage may have been free for young'uns (which makes sense cuz RR was supposed to be for them) but I really can't recall.

The decision to Break the Boot was a rational one, but doing so really isolated the town and made it a lot tougher for young'uns to get there. (At that point, nobody was ever "born" in RR. This may have changed.) Some older characters stayed in RR even after they outgrew it, levelwise, because it was home and they loved it. Many did not, and were forced to move on to pursue their goals. The demise of the log, and the resulting increase in difficulty traveling to and from RR, made the decision to stay or leave all that more profound.

Leaving home (mom and dad) is a natural thing that nearly everyone goes through, but leaving ones home town should never be mandatory... Maybe RR is Elanthia's charming little "dead-end town" that some people can't wait to get out of while others can't bear to leave. Not every adventurer has the wanderlust. :-)

05-25-2007, 10:48 AM
Yanno, I often wonder about "good RPing" vs. the need to advance.

I was, and am a cleric. I grew up in the Landing, loved it, didn't think of going anywhere else. But then I hit the undead gap (this is when clerics pretty much hunted undead exclusively). And I had the choice, do I go somewhere else despite my RP'ed love for this town, or do I stick it out here even though I can't really advance any further.

Luckily, the decision was made for me - I performed so poorly on the banaltra quest as the Landing's first team cleric that my character shamed himself into leaving the Landing.

At which he moved to Ta'Vaalor, loved it, even bought a home there, and could hunt in the Fethayl Bog, which went up to about 60 trains (before the level compression). Then, the 302 changes went in, and Repel Undead suddenly became Bane for my Charl-aligned cleric, and level compression suddenly put me at 54 trains and the Bog in the late 40s (which I still don't understand, as I was pretty much at like level with spectres before the compression) and I had to make a massive RP shift to justify why I now hunted living things....but then, there was nothing left to hunt in Ta'Vaalor for me.

So I left. My home is still there, but I spend all my time in Ta'I. I'm so disillusioned by trying to make Ta'I my home that I've not bothered advancing that character (my main RP character) in years. I suppose I could always predicate a move back to the Landing, if I worked out the RP well enough, but eh.

What's everyone else's opinion on the "RP a home town" vs. "need to advance" issue?


05-25-2007, 11:36 AM
Well... I haven't played in two years, but I feel your pain. During my tenure I was often frustrated by the progression of GS development. It's easy to get into situations like yours where you have to make drastic shifts in your location or activities for the sake of advancement. However, even wild, drastic changes can find a reasoning. When it comes to RP (in my opinion) you are only limited by your imagination. People (even stable or rigid people) make drastic changes in their lives all the time- why wouldn't characters?

You can create a plausible reason for almost anything imaginable. The difficulty lies in letting go of what you wanted to do and no longer can. Some examples for relocating I can think of include:

You've fallen in love with a PC or NPC in Ta'I.
You've decided to mentor another cleric or paladin in Ta'I.
You have long term research to do in Ta'I.
You're being mentored by an esteemed cleric/wiseman in Ta'I.

And honestly? Any of these relationship reasons don't even have to involve an actual PC or NPC. Make up a name and RP it.

By way of example, one of my favorite characters dearly loved Solhaven but couldn't advance there. He spent most of his time hanging around Solhaven, RP'ing, helping others hunt and then took "vacations" to Ta'Illistim to hunt. It was slow going, but that's the comprimise I made and I didn't feel any urge to race to the cap.

Just my two cents.

05-25-2007, 12:09 PM
When I was looking to adopt a ferret, I googled... no, no, there was no Google then, I used Lycos or Yahoo search (or meta-search-engine Dogpile) and found that nearly every state had a ferret club of some kind. Most had names like "Mass Ferret Friends" or "New Mexico Ferret Club" and so on. One, however, stood out: "Carpet Sharks of Kansas". I had a good chuckle over that one, and adopted the phrase - but I cannot take credit for it (though I wish I could!)

Weasels are wonderful pets by any name. Both of mine are rescued. Chaplin (my avatar) was found wandering around in front of my apartment and just followed me inside. I was never able to locate his original owner. Mojo, his brother, was given to me by acquaintances who were moving somewhere that didn't allow ferrets. It took a couple months for the boys to get used to each other, but they're brothers for life now.

05-25-2007, 12:24 PM
And I remember your character sleeping the shit outa my sorc about 3 years ago. Had alot of laughs with you, Clove.

05-25-2007, 12:36 PM
And I remember your character sleeping the shit outa my sorc about 3 years ago. Had alot of laughs with you, Clove.

Naps were simply Clove's way of spreading the love!

05-26-2007, 12:56 AM
I did love my ferret. I regret not getting her a cage-mate to bond with. A couple I knew had a bonded pair, who had free run of the house. They played together like otters... house otters. Such fun! Not coincidentally, otters and ferrets are both members of the family Mustelidae, which also includes minks and weasels...

That ferret dance of joy was something to behold. I guess that's what they call the weasel war dance...

05-26-2007, 01:05 AM
Ferrets are entertaining pets. I can’t tell one from another though.

05-26-2007, 01:13 AM
Well luckily for me Akari likes to travel and move around quite a bit.. so staying in one place was never an issue for us.. because where Akari goes.. so does Senja for the most part.

And ferrets are illegal in CA, they are considered vermin. I would get one anyway but if it got sick I am afraid that the vets might not know how to treat them properly.

05-26-2007, 03:43 PM
And ferrets are illegal in CA, they are considered vermin. I would get one anyway but if it got sick I am afraid that the vets might not know how to treat them properly.

It's too bad ferrets are illegal vermin in California. There are organizations petitioning to legalize them there. Ferrets are NOT vermin. Ferrets have been domesticated longer than housecats and in Europe they're used as "mousers" in barns and country homes to rid them of rodents and small vermin. I own a pair and they're a joy; everyone who visits loves their antics and they're as gentle as doves. My cat on the other hand...

05-26-2007, 06:57 PM
Ferrets fucking stink

05-26-2007, 07:30 PM
Ferrets fucking stink
No more than a dog.

05-26-2007, 07:51 PM
You mean, no more than a wet dog.


05-26-2007, 07:58 PM
Ferrets smell like ass 100% of the time.
Dogs can smell like ass, and they can make a whole house smell like ass.

*I do like ferrets... they just reak.

05-27-2007, 06:56 AM
Ferrets fucking stink

Let me preface this by saying my 81 year-old Nana; a woman who you could say is set in her ways and opinions, used to think the same. But after spending the weekend with my weasels reversed her opinion. Ferret odor can be a problem, but properly addressed it's minimal and no worse than most other pets.

There are two causes of ferret odor; their waste and their natural musk oils (which even descented ferrets produce).

The waste odor is addressed two ways. Frequent litter changes do the trick for most. Some ferrets require specialized diets or diet supplements to reduce their waste odor. At least such diets and supplements are available- which is more than can be said for cats!

The musk is another story. Ferrets are grooming animals like cats. They keep themselves fairly clean and only require occasional brushing or bathing if they get into a mess. Unfortunately most ferret owners bathe their weasels unnecessarily which succeeds in drying out their skin and fur causing the ferret to overproduce oils to rehydrate themselves. That results in (you guessed it) a stinky ferret.

Left alone they smell about as strongly as your average dog.

05-27-2007, 09:21 PM
I remember my friend's brother had a ferret and a sugarglider (flying rat). The ferret always stunk and he would let the sugarglider live outside the cage in the house. Needless to say it was pretty fucking creepy hanging out at that house as the flying rat was zipping all over the place dropping little poop bombs like he was on a mission.

05-27-2007, 10:04 PM
The boot? You old timer you!

I remember having to drop an amulet just to go to the Landing to ask for a Cleric to raise a fallen local.

I had to do that all the time. I bought them in bulk just so I could get people raised.

Stanley Burrell
05-27-2007, 10:39 PM
Yo, Widlebeest, Higuchi and Duir, yo.

And it was dumb when you titled and had to use gold rings to get into Reighnbeugh's instead of amulets. You could dye gems "lurid orange" though. That was aite, so to speak.

05-27-2007, 10:48 PM
I remember Beest. Good picker.

05-28-2007, 12:39 AM
I think Higuchi became a GM and then left. He was cool.

05-30-2007, 04:42 PM
Aww...Such nice warm memories after reading through here. I still miss 'beest to this day. He was such great fun to RP with always kept me on my toes. Tea Pot (Higuchi) was one of my favorite hunting partners back when Spectral Warriors were the most difficult thing in the rest.
Esserae - One of the most entertaining players I've ever had the pleasure to play with.

And there was an empath but I can't remember his name...he loved blood eagles...goodness this is back before my first char ever titled...

Such good times!