View Full Version : Returning Player with some questions on TPS

05-22-2007, 03:14 PM
When you convert TPS, either P->M or vice versa...do you actually lose TPS or are they gained back later on when you get them during leveling? Also, do you gain your levels worth of TPS during your level, or are those in addition to the TPS you would get from earning a new level?

I just understand why when I convert, the ones i get through leveling seem to un-convert...is there a place where I can get a lot of good comprehensive info on TPS, how they work and flow?

05-22-2007, 03:45 PM
They are automatically reconverted...I believe when you level, if not right then on the spot. You DO gain exp in real time as you hunt off exp. You can literally spend every TP you make up until the point you level, and you can always train up one entire level's worth of skills.

I would assume Krakiipedia.org has some good information on the specifics of training points. Try doing a search there.

05-22-2007, 03:45 PM
The TPs are never lost, you will regain them when you get more of the type you converted to. As you level you will get TPs for that level at a steady rate. If a level is 40,000 exp, and you get 40MTP and 40PTP a level you will gain 1MTP and 1PTP per 1,000 exp. You will get no bonus TPs at level, it's just that at level any skill you have double trained in will give you the point cost of the extra double at level back (that sounds complicated, but if you 2x train in something that costs 10TPs 1x and then 20TPs per for 2x, you will get back 10TPs at level... but both trains at that level will be at 2x cost, so it evens out).

05-26-2007, 01:19 AM
Celephais is saying that no TPs are ever lost to "over-training"(3x or 2xing a skill), they are regained upon leveling?

05-26-2007, 10:29 AM
I would say go to Nilandia's website. I can't remember it off the top of my head.

TPS are regained as you level in GS4, instead of being lost to the ether like GS3.

05-26-2007, 10:35 AM
OK...if you use MTPs to cover a PTP skill...you convert and it costs 2 MTPs. You get those 2 MTPs back the next time you earn a PTP. Most pures have a large PTP debt, and most squares have a large MTP debt.

You unconvert everytime you earn a TP if you're converting, which is why I tried to not convert as much as possible. As long as you have a conversion "debt" you'll unconvert.

In GS3...if you converted, the extra TPs you converted were gone forever, not the case in GS4.

Clear as mud now?

05-26-2007, 02:23 PM
correct, if you spent every TP you had 3xing some skill until you had 101 ranks in it, and then stopped training in it and cap, you would have spent the same number of points on it as someone who 1x'd something until cap.

05-26-2007, 04:21 PM
I would say go to Nilandia's website. I can't remember it off the top of my head.
I have a small writeup of how training point conversions work on the site, taken directly from a GM post on the matter. I think it might have been the original announcement. You can find it at http://www.nilandia.com/training/tpoptimizing.htm

What everyone's said thus far looks to be correct to me. You don't have to be afraid of converting points anymore, and your training plan can be much more fluid given the system spreads your training over your levels for the least possible point cost, giving you more points to work with and no points lost if they aren't used.

You unconvert everytime you earn a TP if you're converting, which is why I tried to not convert as much as possible. As long as you have a conversion "debt" you'll unconvert.

This part I don't understand. Whether you convert or do not has no bearing with how many points you have. When you unconvert points, they can be converted right back into the other type, or used as they are. A physical point unconverted into two mental points still works the same as a physical point.
