View Full Version : Suspension of "suspension of disbelief"

05-21-2007, 03:57 PM
OK...so randomly, the guy who runs the digging game from Ebons shows up in Solhaven last night. I'm a total sucker for the game, so I was all in to begin with. But he shows up and tells people to gather round and go dig up some graves for treasure.

So...here I am, trying my best to keep up a generally good character, but I'm just going to...go dig up some graves for fun. Um...yeah...so I can BS my way into how it really was roleplaying my character (he was drunk and will do anything when he's drunk, he only dug AROUND the graves, etc...), or I can just give up and say "Is playing Pennant Chase in your character's roleplay?" What about bounty hunting? What about when this event is going on at Ebons? What happens when a merchant randomly shows up?

So should I have I abstained from digging at the expense of RP? Or should I suspend "suspension of disbelief" and just chalk it up to the fact that I, the player, love the damn digging game, and just keep on going?

The Ponzzz
05-21-2007, 03:59 PM

But wait, Aylias had the digging game open in Solhaven last night? ANy reason why?

05-21-2007, 04:00 PM
I like the drunk idea and digging around the graves. That made me snicker.

Is digging up graves against your character, is what you're saying? What, no fish, I ain't doing it? :D What was the digging game in Ebons like?

05-21-2007, 04:27 PM
I don't know if it was Aylias who was running it. During one of my digs I got a weird error that said to report it and Modrian answered that they were looking into it. But basically, there was no reason that I could see why they were running the game other than maybe to test the system for deployments like this. I think maybe 30 people even knew it was going on, and only maybe 10 participated (the gate moved locations constantly, so you really had to actually know this was going on to even be involved). It was about 6PM yesterday evening that this happened. The guy did say that he would be going to other cities as time goes by. He was around for a little under two hours.

The first time I played the game was on the spitfire and you were actually digging for treasure in the sand (a much easier thing to RP). Digging up graves for fun and profit is just not something I'd really see my character do. But he's done a lot of things I'd never have thought of him doing...but I'd hope for better reasons than "I can find cool stuff!"

Just in case you've never heard of this game, what it is is you buy a shovel for 2000 silvers from a wandering guy inside the game arena (graveyard, beach, etc...) and you just type DIG. There is some kind of percent chance of failure (you hit a rock) but most of the time you find a box. Inside the box is anything from worthless fluff (like finger bones, and eyeless doll heads) to cool fluff (unusual items with show descriptions) as well as an assortment of gemstones and coins.

More rare are randomly generated weapons and armor. I found a bone-adorned rusty vultite guisarme (4x modified halberd with vibe crits) and a bone-adorned ora flamberge (probably just 2x, pawn shop took it for 6k silvers [it is probably still in the Solhaven pawn if you want to check yourself for 12k]). I saw someone get a note and some other random weapons and stuff.

Usually there are three or four "auction quality" items out there during a game. I believe when it was on the spitfire there was a box with dice of fate in it, a muffin kiln, and a 2x permablessed sabre. Chances are obviously very low to find one of those things, but I know people who dropped hundreds of thousands of silver in looking for them.

I don't know if there were any "auction quality" stuff during this game...but I did find something very weird. "A rusty steel shard" with a show description of it being the tip of a dagger or something. Pawn shop appraised it at 12k silver so I was kind of suspicious that it was a lockpick or something.

So I get it sung to and I find out that it allows me to change the appearance of a floating disk when it is raised, has many charges, is noncrumbly and is rechargable by the AG. Pretty damn cool if you ask me, I haven't used it yet, so I don't know if it gives the same effects as a wizard casting a disk on themselves or something more unique, but I'd never heard of anything off the shelf having that ability. The fact that it appeared to be one of the myriad of "crap" that was in the boxes like misshapen steel pendants and old pointy toed shoes and might be junked makes me think that whomever dropped it in there was curious to see if anyone realized it was actually a valuable item.

05-21-2007, 04:30 PM
I don't know if there were any "auction quality" stuff during this game...but I did find something very weird. "A rusty steel shard" with a show description of it being the tip of a dagger or something. Pawn shop appraised it at 12k silver so I was kind of suspicious that it was a lockpick or something.

So I get it sung to and I find out that it allows me to change the appearance of a floating disk when it is raised, has many charges, is noncrumbly and is rechargable by the AG. Pretty damn cool if you ask me, I haven't used it yet, so I don't know if it gives the same effects as a wizard casting a disk on themselves or something more unique, but I'd never heard of anything off the shelf having that ability. The fact that it appeared to be one of the myriad of "crap" that was in the boxes like misshapen steel pendants and old pointy toed shoes and might be junked makes me think that whomever dropped it in there was curious to see if anyone realized it was actually a valuable item.

I would definitely call that auction worthy. It isn't the bell of the ball or anything, but a VERY cool item.

05-21-2007, 05:04 PM
Try and and tell us what the description change is.

05-21-2007, 05:08 PM
Definatly worth a charge just to see it in action, especially if it's AG chargable... go to the AG and find out how much it costs to charge it too. If it's cheap this might be a pretty nice item to figure out how many charges are bought with a given AG charge... (and from there we can slowly start to extrapolate how many charges are used in a given timeframe off enhansives).

I'm definatly jealous of this item (and I don't even use disks really)

05-21-2007, 05:27 PM
Apparently the I misspoke when I said it was AG rechargable. It is apparently rechargable only by "a very powerful wizard or a merchant" which I'm not sure what that means exactly. But at least it is noncrumbly. If I can find a black crystal I'll use it tonight.

05-21-2007, 05:31 PM
Too bad... it would be really nice to find an AG rechargable item that expends charges "on demand".

05-21-2007, 08:23 PM
As far as the suspension of disbelief goes, how is the event being otherwise treated in the course of the game?

When you think about, you had a sizeable group get together and both desecrate and loot hallowed ground because they apparently had nothing better to do.

There should probably be some sort of repercussions or consequences to it, but it's doubtful there will be. The offenders could get hauled in, or better yet, catch Luukos' eye or something. It would be very funny if they received 'Dark Marks' for that notice, like those of us who rescued Rayyne way back when.

If nothing happens though, and the GMs don't treat it as an event that's actually part of the world instead of just a game needing little reasoning or justification, can they really expect those involved to do any different?

05-21-2007, 08:43 PM
I think it's ok to suspend RP for certain events. I mean would my dark elf get on the Jugg? Typically that would be suicide, but there I was.