View Full Version : 24 Half-Elf Rogue and 18 Halfling Wizard for Sale (GS3 Converts)

05-17-2007, 06:10 AM
Male 24 Half-Elf Rogue for sale. Has a last name, and no reputation whatsoever, as he hasn't even been touched since 2001.

Stats/Skills don't matter as he has either 2 or 3 options left to reallocate his stats and if you buy him today, he still has 3 days left on his GS3>GS4 migration period, meaning you'll have all weekend to try out training plans, test things out or whatever. Aside from that he has a fixskills, and will have another on the 20th.

Same deal with a Female 18 Halfling Wizard. All 5 stat reallocations available. Still on migration period until Monday, last name, no reputation, fixskills and another on the 20th.

Wizard is a CoL master. Rogue is Voln (not sure what step, but I can look).

Rogue - 3 million flat or $13.00 per mil ($39.00)
Wizard - 2.5 million flat or $13.00 per mil($32.50)

Would really prefer silvers, but cash is okay too. Buyer pays transfer fees. If someone wants to buy both I'll drop a mil off the price. AIM me at CQ Legacy or just post here if interested.

Edited: Because I'm an idiot.

05-17-2007, 01:14 PM
Bump - and prices lowered because I'd really like to sell before the weekend.

05-18-2007, 01:29 PM