View Full Version : CompUSA - A 154 day Battle

The Ponzzz
05-12-2007, 03:14 PM
So, I got the laptop back for the final time before the warrenty expired. It went back to CompUSA a total of 8 times. It went up for review for replacement, which it did not pass because they have not replaced anything inside the laptop. The issues are and were powering down randomly, keyboard no functioning properly and can not stay connected wirelessly.

The only thing they replaced/fixed in all of it's time going back, was the battery and the power pack. It never fixed any of the problems. Their main issue was they could reproduce the problems and it was assumed we didn't know to plug in our PC or set up a wireless network. All until bringing it in a 6th time.

On the 6th time, the tech that checked it in saw the keyboard not working correctly and it would not stay connected to the internet wirelessly constantly. It would drop every 2 minutes for 15 seconds. While writing up the notes on what he witnessed, he openned up notepad and the laptop powered down, for no reason at all. We thought for sure we had it(the replacement) then!

So after the repair depot could not replicate the issues, the manager of tech services decided to put it up for review for replacement. Upper coperate management said they I would need to replace the same part 3 times. Each time, they would not replace anything other than the one time battery and power supply. What they needed to replace was the motherboard(which would have got me my replacement). But they knew this and refused.

So I got it back and again, it didn't work. It had less than 6 days left to the warrenty. So I said 'fuck it' and took it to the computer shop up the road. Guy told me to come back in an hour or two he'll let me know the damage. Came back to the shop and he identifed the problem as a confliction on the motherboard, just so happened to have a replacement motherboard for this vaio there. Only charged me $50 for the motherboard and $75 for the labor.

The laptop now works wonderfully now. I just can't believe CompUSA. Seriously, the worst warrenty company ever. Even Best Buy said they would have just issued a replacement after bringing it in 3 times.

My advice to everyone, never buy a PC or laptop from them unless you plan on never getting a warrenty.

-The End

05-12-2007, 03:56 PM
my laptop was under warranty from Best Buy, and I got decent service from them. I intend to purchase another laptop from them.

05-12-2007, 04:03 PM
hit them with a lawsuit

$125 for parts/labor from the other guy, whatever it costs you for shipping/gas or whatever

and a ton of $ for 154 days of mental anguish, and their own stupidity.

05-13-2007, 02:38 AM

The Ponzzz
05-13-2007, 03:23 AM
Holy shit, that's MY vaio he's talking about, same year it was bought! Get the fuck out!!!

05-13-2007, 01:24 PM
Wow, compUSA really sucks. I have had good experiences with Best Buy though. Had to replace my Xbox 360 twice and they didnt ask any questions, just replaced it.

Stanley Burrell
05-13-2007, 02:07 PM
Every time I walk into a CompUSA, I get this really creepy used car sales vibe. I think it's the off white monitor grey and the random ethernet cards thrown on those on-sale tables in the back.

Circuit City has a better visible set-up and slightly more edumacated staff from what I've seen, but not by much.

In summation, CompUSA is what would happen if you combined Tower Records with Staples and replaced 90% of their merchandise with computer-related paraphernalia. Yeah, that's it.