View Full Version : Some Argent Dawn gold for sale

05-12-2007, 03:00 PM
Well, my attempts to sell my account haven't gone as well as hoped, so instead I think I'm going to try to recoup some of what I spent on gold recently.

Through dgamesky, I paid $315 for 3,150g which they apparently had a seriously hard time filling. 3 or 4 days later, some angry e-mails and phone calls with chinese farmers, and I finally had *most* of my order, around 2,800g.

So yeah, if you want some gold for your epic flying mount but desperately want to avoid the over-priced hassle that I went through, then buy 3,000g from me for $265. I'll give the gold in person in-game rather than via the mail to keep greedy GM hands off of it.

shoot me a PM if you're interested. If you're on another pve server, it may even be worth it for you to create an alt to transfer, who knows.

05-12-2007, 04:39 PM
I'm interested in how exactly those angry phone clals went.

Did you speak to someone who seemed to know what was going on?

Were they apologetic? Dismissive?

I just don't know anyone who has used one of the farmers services before.

05-12-2007, 04:52 PM
it was mainly my anger via e-mails. but they did feel the inexplicable need to call me to confirm that they were mailing portions of my order...1 of which for about 280g was simply "lost".

There really wasn't anything resembling "communication" in the phone calls, and the e-mails tried to be apologetic, but they were just canned responses that didn't even make sense (yay language barriers) suggesting that I take it up with the GMs first ("hey, I violated your ToS & got cheated by farmers in the process!!" yeah right)