View Full Version : Official: Creature Generation Area Shifts.

05-10-2007, 08:53 PM
Creature Generation Area Shifts. · on 5/10/2007 6:35:56 PM

Over the course of the global creature generator review, some creatures were deemed to be inappropriate for certain areas in which they were generating. Reasons spanned from an excess of different creatures all occupying the same area, to the creatures' levels being much too high or low for the other regularly generating creatures in the environs, among others.

Therefore, the following creatures have been shifted:

Wehnimer's Landing Area:
- Cave nippers moved from the Mine in Upper Trollfang to the Sea Caverns.
- Cave gnomes removed from the Mine in Upper Trollfang (still generating in the Catacombs and Gnoll Lair/Gnome Mine in the Upper Dragonsclaw).
- Troglodytes moved from the Mine in Upper Trollfang to the Gnoll Lair/Gnome Mine in the Upper Dragonsclaw.
- Spectral monks removed from Castle Varunar (still generating in the Monastery).

Teras Isle Area:
- Skayls moved from one portion of the Volcano, to the Eye of V'tull with lava golems and fire elementals.

Icemule Trace Area:
- Ice trolls removed from the Sleeping Lady Mountains (still generating on the Glatoph and the Ice Plains).
- Ice hounds removed from the Sleeping Lady Mountains (still generating on the Icemule Trail).
- Frozen corpses added to the Sleeping Lady Mountains. As an alternate path to Pinefar has not yet been established, these frozen corpses will not exhibit the Sheer Fear mechanic that is typically characteristic of undead creatures.

The above changes will also be reflected in any newly assigned Adventurer's Guild task related to the above areas. Additionally, numerous rarely generating creatures have been removed from the Adventurer's Guild's task lists.


This message was originally posted in Game Design Discussions, Critters and Creatures. To discuss the above follow the link below.


05-10-2007, 08:54 PM
A good change.

05-10-2007, 08:56 PM
Certainly appreciate the placement of frozen corpses in Icemule. Yay for that one.

05-10-2007, 09:00 PM
A good change would be less RSN over things we really wanted through less time wasting over coding things we didn't.

These level variations in the hunting grounds weren't a bad thing. You proper love Simu don't you Fallen.

05-10-2007, 09:01 PM
I honestly think these types of things are nice and a great use of time. I understand that RSN things are annoying, and they are for me as well, but disparaging other useful changes being made to the game is just silly IMHO. Why be pissy over a good change, even if its not the long awaited spell, or class, or any number of other things you wanted instead? Good change is good change, no matter when it comes. :shrug:

05-10-2007, 09:04 PM
I don't agree it's a good change, Jolena.
I'm the first to agree when they clearly are.

05-10-2007, 09:56 PM
So what is 'bad' about this change then? I'm genuinely curious what your thoughts are on it.

05-10-2007, 10:01 PM
I can't speak for the rest, but spectral monks were very handy in Varunar as mana batteries back when I was hunting there. Tapping them with manaleech reduced or eliminated the need for mana recharging, and since they were lower level, leeching them was pretty much a sure thing.

05-10-2007, 10:01 PM
I love where corpses are now, it's perfect. I had some fun out there hunting.


05-11-2007, 12:21 AM
This change was requested by many. It allows more people to stay in the Trace, and hunt their way up the levels, remaining there. I saw the arguments on both sides, Ash, and found myself agreeing with those wishing it be changed. Simu did as well.

This is an example of people requesting a change, and that change happening.

05-11-2007, 01:56 AM
my 3 cents
It's just funny how you can't satisfy everyone, I for one....really do not care about the changes as they do not affect me in anyway....however I think it's great that Simu is listening and responding.....they can't give everything to everyone but I think what they have done is wonderful.
I know back when I was hunting corpses I would have given anything not to have to deal with glacie's and they have done just that....to late for me but great for other...

05-11-2007, 02:05 AM
I agree with those stating it is a good change. And like most, my mains are not affected, but my four subs will be someday.


05-11-2007, 02:35 AM
These changes do not combat the issues with levelling in Mule at all.

05-11-2007, 02:43 AM
- Frozen corpses added to the Sleeping Lady Mountains. As an alternate path to Pinefar has not yet been established, these frozen corpses will not exhibit the Sheer Fear mechanic that is typically characteristic of undead creatures. >>

You dont think easier access to high(er) level undead will be helpful? Especially since they are now no longer surrounded by Glacei, one of the more deadly creatures in the game for their level.

05-11-2007, 02:55 AM
As I said, this in no way relieves the level gap in Icemule Trace.

05-11-2007, 03:01 AM
These changes do not combat the issues with levelling in Mule at all.


Holy crap!

I like the changes, only thing I saw were leeching in varunar wont be the same, but ce la vie. you still have the corpses.

I really love slappy comments like the above though. Care to elaborate? You can't walk into thrufels cellar and fry withen 2 minutes without risk to yer health or what? You slip and side once in awhile? QQ

Did I miss anyhting with the bears and such? they still past sleeping lady? that "might" still be a problem, but not an insurmountable one.

I didnt have a problem with corpses when I was there, but I can see how younger folks of certain professions might have some trouble. Nice change. I think the town doesn't need to much a change of creature location as a purging of all the cry asses. sendem to sol haven, maybe they'll get killed in the riots. (you can hope right.)

Everyone can still level in ice mule. show me one person that can't make any headway.


05-11-2007, 03:05 AM
Are you fucking moronic?

The level gap in Icemule has nothing to do with shitty sub level 45 monsters. I couldn't careless the Rotting Corpses got moved. If I was a younger hunter in voln, sure it might be good. It really wouldn't bother me simply because hunting in the glacei area wasn't that hard anyway.

THE "LEVEL GAP" problems, as I've said three times now, occurs 10 levels later. This change, ergo, does not combat, relieve, or dispel this issue.


05-11-2007, 03:23 AM

The problem is yer never going to be happy. Maybe they should leave this the same so at least all the cry asses stay focused in one spot, and they can keep track of it : )

There are level gaps all over the lands? what the hells the big deal. IMT should cater to everyone form level 1-100? try visiting Logoth/Vaalor/River's Rest.

If yer not willing to move and want to stay in IMT deal with it. Learn lockpicking, or be the town garbage man.

I am really sick of this shit on the regular forums. Sad sacks make a post, and since they don't get instant gratification on something that isn't even a problem, they repost 50'ooo times and throw a tantrum.

Deal with it and suck it up.


postscript- feel free to throw another tantrum, I more then likely wont post on this thread again, and if yer like the cry asses on the regular boards, you can't handle it tell you get the last word, so I pass the helm to you.

05-11-2007, 03:27 AM
Ah, such moron's who've lived in Mule (and the game) maybe a year and think they're the daddy.

The issue in Mule is that there are critters to hunt. Maybe if you weren't some fucking pug you'd realize this. However, the difficulties and terrible spawn rates of these monsters make the area boring, unhuntable and generally pointless. It's why IMT mainstays like Chica, myself, (I'd say Stun and Jolena, but I think they may have gone to the EN for quest reasons - needless, they avoided the dreaded 55-66 gap) and Chiv are forced to migrate or relocate to entirely new areas, towns or parts of the game.

This pisses me off as I happen to have enjoyed growing up in Icemule. Sure I don't expect to get to the cap there (even though you can in the EN). I'd like some shitty creature spawn rates sorted out though before they move some over pointless monsters around to make the game easier than it already is for fucking babies like you.

The Ponzzz
05-11-2007, 03:41 AM
When I first saw the announcement I was hoping they altered what level certain things were, like make cave nippers HIGHER level, etc etc.

Was kinda hoping for new things to hunt after 50-55 in Icemule as well.

05-11-2007, 03:53 AM
The issue in Mule is that there are critters to hunt. Maybe if you weren't some fucking pug you'd realize this. However, the difficulties and terrible spawn rates of these monsters make the area boring, unhuntable and generally pointless. It's why IMT mainstays like Chica, myself, (I'd say Stun and Jolena, but I think they may have gone to the EN for quest reasons - needless, they avoided the dreaded 55-66 gap) and Chiv are forced to migrate or relocate to entirely new areas, towns or parts of the game.

This pisses me off as I happen to have enjoyed growing up in Icemule. Sure I don't expect to get to the cap there (even though you can in the EN).

I agree with your sentiments, Stay, because had there been hunting available past level 55'ish for Stun and I, we'd have gladly stayed in IMT. In fact, hunting in IMT/Pinefar area was a huge source of fun for me, and I loathed to leave. We actually went to the Landing for our 55-60'sh gap then went to Illistim simply to hunt (no quests actually, we wanted to avoid quests for a while, which is partially why we didn't come back to the Landing when the Ladrial thing was going on), and once we hit Rift age, came back to IMT. Sadly, it has changed a great deal and didn't hold as much appeal as it used to. However, I will concede that part of that was probably due to hating to make the trek from IMT to the Rift to hunt. We ended up staying days in the Rift just to avoid that trip/spelling up drama, and it kind of soured the point of being back in IMT as we were hardly ever there.

We are back in EN for the time being, because well.. let's face it, the Tower is absurdly easy hunting and our alternates are making good loot as well as have nice hunting grounds to boot. However, I would love nothing more than to come back "home" to IMT to hunt in the higher levels, if it weren't such a pain in my ass to travel to said hunting ground. I don't foresee changes occurring in that respect, however, as the Rift is already available. The move of corpses to the Sleeping Lady however is nice for my younger ones who are still in IMT.

05-11-2007, 04:02 AM
Completely agree with you Jolena. I really hated to leave my self. And I find EN hunting so easy that it's boring, but it's less boring than the tedium of navigating upper Pinefar, then finding a mob to kill. It's the lesser of two evils.

I've asked the guru a few times to look at the spawn rates. "They're spawning fine (if you're with a group, which is what GS is all about, fun and friends!)", is the typical response.

05-11-2007, 04:41 AM
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have any idea how long it would take to re-code and implement these changes?
I understand that greater trained critters wandering into an area where you really don't want them when you're first starting off (few trains) is something that 'might' deserve looking at. But I remember that being something which stirred adrenalin and spiced up the hunt. So don't think I'm simply disparaging the change becouse it's not the new 750 or new profession.
On the other hand I see a change where someone is likely to spend MUCH more time in the same ground, such as plane 1 of the Rift having accidental Vvrael appearing, being a better thing especially for pures.
And I know the Rift is supposed to be wild and unpredictable. But I still believe it's something which makes people call for help in some way, instill a bit of 'panic' and such.
Wouldn't they have been better off taking the time to finish the surname registry that's announced then stated it's RSN?

Or finishing 750 and new professions? heh.

05-11-2007, 08:22 AM
Not that long, Ash. People were talking about these possible changes no more than three months ago, and that is being generous. I believe some of them were already in the works, but I imagine some of them were also done at the request of people on the boards.

Part of the problem for IMT is that stupid slog up the mountain. I think the alternate route up to pinefar is going to be a good thing, if done correctly. I hunted my way up IMT as well. I hunted the Cellar, zombies for a brief stint, then Elder tree spirits. Good times. If there was a faster commute between IMT and pinefar, I may have remained there for a long stretch of levels. Fast doesn't always = better, but having access to a populated town to rest in between hunts is a definite for me. This is one of the major reasons I fucking loathe the Rift. Other reasons include the long ass pause to get in, the pain in the ass to get out, and having 2 things to hunt in there at cap. Teras is somewhat better, aside from the long ass swim to get in. OTF has me spoiled I suppose, you are up and in the grounds in less than 15 seconds, and out and back in town just as fast.

05-11-2007, 08:54 AM
Teras Isle Area:
- Skayls moved from one portion of the Volcano, to the Eye of V'tull with lava golems and fire elementals.

Wow, Lava Golems, fire elementals and Skayls. Its like all the trash in Teras got thrown into one dumpster together. Good riddance getting them out of the pyro field.

05-11-2007, 08:56 AM
Shhhh. This is a shit change. It is all shit! Nothing Simu does is good. SHHHH.

05-11-2007, 09:01 AM
I didn't even know there were things called cave nippers (and I thought I read something else when I glanced at the word 'nippers').

05-11-2007, 09:15 AM
Wow, Lava Golems, fire elementals and Skayls. Its like all the trash in Teras got thrown into one dumpster together. Good riddance getting them out of the pyro field.

No kidding, I read that and was like "wait, they removed the one pain in the ass from that awesome hunting area?"

05-11-2007, 09:31 AM
I was hunting there around level ...80? or so, as part of a CHE event and those fuckers were tagging me every now and then with their spells. Tough, tough place.

05-11-2007, 09:34 AM
Something I just thought of was they made these changes to make it easier for lower level chars. Ok. And to make utilizing the advg a bit easier. Ok.

If you are level 20 to 30ish, you still have to run through frost giants, lesser and great ice giants, crones, and now frozen corpses to get to the caribou and artic wolverines.

I would say a little more thought should have went into this.

I personally don't care, but if you are doing something to accomodate things, then be complete in the thought process.



05-11-2007, 09:39 AM
<<If you are level 20 to 30ish, you still have to run through frost giants, lesser and great ice giants, crones, and now frozen corpses.

I would say a little more thought should have went into this.

I personally don't care, but if you are doing something to accomodate things, then be complete in the thought process. >>

I THINK, and don't quote me, that they intend for the alternate route to pinefar to in part address this problem. They turned the Sheer fear off in acknowledgement of the difficulty in passing through the area.

They also removed a bunch of rare spawn creatures from the Advg. It would blow to get 2-3 Cull Ki-lin tasks in a row.

05-11-2007, 09:58 AM
Good point.

So they are simply in the middle of a positive change.


05-11-2007, 10:28 AM
Well, it was clear from the Official boards, and from these boards that it isn't an INTIRELY positive change. Some people liked the layout of the monsters as they were. However, if you are waiting for 100% approval rating before doing anything, nothing will get done. The best you can do is fight to compromise. Or quit, I suppose.

05-11-2007, 10:46 AM
Well, it was clear from the Official boards, and from these boards that it isn't an INTIRELY positive change. Some people liked the layout of the monsters as they were. However, if you are waiting for 100% approval rating before doing anything, nothing will get done. The best you can do is fight to compromise. Or quit, I suppose.

That depends on who the opposers are. Theres a couple of people on the officials who basically oppose any change that removes an inconvienence because they think it Disneyfies the game. Theyre pretty consistent about it though, so its easy to tell.

05-11-2007, 10:50 AM
They are making a new path to Pinefar, so I am sure it will take into consideration for the caribou and wolverine hunters..I really am thrilled they took corpses down the mountain. I have one level 45 character and a level 39 character that will love it there now. I did a bunch of hunting and it is quite the challenge, but it's fun now. I think it was a really good change.

I'm looking forward to seeing what they do up in Pine and if there will be some higher level beasts put up there soon. It seems like they are listening now, at least.


05-11-2007, 11:40 AM
I would love to see them add something just past the door on the way to the rift. It's a great show to sit and watch the room messaging there, but some creatures would fit there nicely, right between lesser ice elementals, and the rift critters.


05-11-2007, 12:39 PM
These new GMs are kinda smarmy. This made me chuckle. A post by GM Fazli.

>Will the alternative path to pinefar address that issue?

We've decided againt the alternative path. Instead, a giant mouse with red shorts and suspenders will hold your hand and walk you up the mountain.

-GM Fazli, tongue-in-cheek

05-11-2007, 12:42 PM
They get funnier and funnier, don't they.

05-11-2007, 12:44 PM
Hah. Who peed in your Cheerios, Ash? What's got ya down?

05-11-2007, 12:55 PM
These new GMs are kinda smarmy. This made me chuckle. A post by GM Fazli.

>Will the alternative path to pinefar address that issue?

We've decided againt the alternative path. Instead, a giant mouse with red shorts and suspenders will hold your hand and walk you up the mountain.

-GM Fazli, tongue-in-cheek

Was he perchance smarting off to Nodyre there? Because I honestly wouldnt blame him at this point (the guy wont drop this issue).

05-11-2007, 01:00 PM
Oh Jesus Nodyre is opposing the change?
No mate I'm all for it.. allways was.
Nothing wrong here Fallen. :D

05-11-2007, 01:05 PM
No, Nodye was a proponent of the change, he just doesn't think it has gone far enough.

05-11-2007, 01:24 PM
I'm either an idiot, or I've been away too long, because all my characters have spent almost their whole lives in Mule and I've never seen nor heard of the Sleeping Lady Mountains.

05-11-2007, 01:27 PM
When I'd capped I found out what they were finally.
Only saw the name when I BEF LISTed and a friend was on the way to the Rift.

05-11-2007, 03:28 PM
There is a cave with pretty cool descriptions of dead bodies and darkness, I think the area below it is the sleepy mountains.

Evarin <3's Pinefar and surrounding hunting grounds

05-11-2007, 03:53 PM
When you cross the rocks to get into the frost giant area, you are just in the glacial area. However, as you go past the gorge and the wall that you must climb, you are in the Sleeping Lady Mountains area. You should take some time to look at the room descriptions if you are able to, they even mention the mountain in there a few times. It covers from the gorge all the way up to the butte where you climb to get to Greater Giants. Past that point is Olbin's Pass until you climb the snow mound to head towards Pinefar.

Also, yes, the cave where you can rest off the cold has some neat stuff. I remember how shocked I was the first time I saw the old dead halfling. :D Don't forget the coolness that is the hot springs on Olbin's Pass, though! I love that area as well.