View Full Version : Custom spell prep phrase. HEPL!
05-10-2007, 12:55 AM
I need assistance, badly. I want a nice, short and sweet phrase that can be used for all my spell circles that isn't too fucking lame. I have one idea so far and after sharing it on psinet didn't get too great a review. Most know how Jesae is, and for those of you who feel like giving REAL ideas, any help would be great.
Jesae gestures with silken fluidity as she begins a slow, engaging chant...
That's what I have so far. I think "silken fluidity" is a bit redundant. Perhaps:
Jesae gestures with slow, silken movements as she begings an engaging chant.
I don't KNOW. So start throwing out ideas.
05-10-2007, 12:56 AM
I like the 2nd version and think that it would work very well without being annoying as hell being used for each cast. Though I would probably use fluid rather than silken. But the image is basically the same, just a preference of wording.
05-10-2007, 01:30 AM
Dude, I have about 50 variations of what I wanted. I know the pain of wanting to get it right for your character, not be annoying, not looking like shit, etc. It's not something you can change. You CAN revert to your old spell prep's at will, should you want to.
Anyway, he's an exert from over two years of notes I made in preperation for it finally being done:
You intone an ancient and forgotten dialect of Faendryl invoking quietly the XXX spell.
Raw, elemental energy crackles across Stay's fingers, as he draws arcane sorceries to his command, invoking the XXX spell.
shadowy tendrils
Shadows pulse across the whites of Stay's eyes as he gestures, calling arcane energies to his command.
Tendrils of darkness coalesce around Stay's form as he
Involuted tendrils of dark coil around Stay's hands as he draws arcane
Involuted wisps of eldritch darkness/fire/energy coil/writhe?
Smokey wisps of dark energy begin to emerge from Stay's finger-tips
Smokey wisps of dark energy, emanating from Stay's finger-tips, being to coil around
The irony is it doesn't really sound like any of these now that it's actually done.
Writhing and coiling across his right arm, smokey wisps of dark energy erupt from Stay's palm as he invokes the XXX spell.
Erupting from his palms, smokey wisps of dark energy begin to coil around Stay's form as he draws arcane sorceries to his command/Invoking the XXX spell.
Erupting from Stay's palms...
Wisps of dark energy begin to coil upward from Stay's palm as he incants an arcane sorcerery to his command.
Intoning verses of accent-ridden Faendryl, dark energy erupts from Stay's palms as he invokes the XXX spell.
Quietly intoning verses of near-forgotten Faendryl, dark energy suddenly erupts from Stay's palms as he invokes the XXX spell.
As Stay incants quietly, wisps of darkness [begin to] coil around his fingers.
05-10-2007, 01:34 AM
I think Eoghain's idea is the best.
05-10-2007, 01:39 AM
Heh, I should probably be thankful I don't remember what it was.
05-10-2007, 01:59 AM
I was referring to "(Eoghain emotes MAKE SEXY TIME RP)".
"Jesae fluidly makes silken sexy time RP gestures." is my reading of it.
05-11-2007, 01:59 PM
With slow, exotic inflection and sensual gestures Jesae is surrounded by an air of charged energy, not all of which seems magical.
With slow, exotic inflection and sensual gestures Jesae's eyes sparkle with a powerful mysterious energy.
Fluid gestures and exotic incantations awaken energy around Jesae which is as sensual as it is magical.
Exotic incantations call attention to the sensual gestures Jesae makes as she summons magical energy.
Sometimes any little thing can tip off a whole new brainstorm of creative ideas. Feel free to rip bits and pieces of that to make it your own if you like anything you see.
I'm at work so that's just off the top of my head, but if you like those and want help refining something, psichat me tonight.
05-11-2007, 03:30 PM
With slow, exotic inflection and sensual gestures Jesae is surrounded by an air of charged energy.
I like this one, cut short.
05-11-2007, 03:37 PM
My brain read erotic instead of exotic once I got to sensual.
05-11-2007, 03:40 PM
I think I like that better. Raowr.
05-11-2007, 03:43 PM
The use of exotic in a context where it would imply erotic was deliberate.
I'm glad someone noticed ;)
Stanley Burrell
05-11-2007, 04:12 PM
Wow. I totally got confused because of "inflection" (I thought it was a word I learned in high school writing.)
Now that I know you're referring to her voice, I'd prolly go along with (to build on the above):
With ponderously growing inflection, Jesae weaves an exotic air, her voice's sensual song matched by a soft hum of slowly gathering energy.
05-11-2007, 04:20 PM
Not to stifle the creative ideas, and while I know the effect you were going for...
I think ponderous is a poor word choice here:
3. Lacking grace or fluency; labored and dull: a ponderous speech.
On the one hand, ponderous means to carry great weight, but it means so generally speaking, to be unweildy.
Stanley Burrell
05-11-2007, 04:22 PM
It means slow.
05-11-2007, 04:22 PM
Honestly Shari I liked the same second idea Bree liked. It isn't obnoxious at all and it's fitting for the character.
05-12-2007, 01:59 AM
Thanks for the imput, guys. I like the word "exotic" and may have to find a place to put it in the wording.
05-12-2007, 02:00 AM
Jesae gestures with fluid, exotic movements as she begings a slow engaging chant.
05-12-2007, 02:04 AM
Heh I liked the first one better. Exotic seems out of place for gestures.
05-16-2007, 02:01 AM
You gesture with slow, silken movements as you begin an engaging chant for Call Familiar.
Your spell is ready.
I stuck with "silken" because it seems sexier..which is the whole angle I'm trying to work with her. And I restricted it to the wizard circle so people didn't see it five million times when I was trying to spell myself up.
It appears we can have more than one custom prep phrase. I tried asking Lothwyn about it but he said nobody has ever won two so he's not sure on it, but this is how it looks when you type "prep phrase"
>prep phrase
You know the following phrases:
1. You gesture with slow, silken movements as you begin an engaging chant for [Spell Name]. (Restricted to Wizard Base spells.)
Use PREP PHRASES OFF to turn off your special messaging.
See PREP PHRASES HELP for more info.
So that would be KICK ASS if we could get specific ones to a spell, or a circle.
05-16-2007, 03:42 AM
It appears we can have more than one custom prep phrase. I tried asking Lothwyn about it but he said nobody has ever won two so he's not sure on it, but this is how it looks when you type "prep phrase"
Yes, it's possible.
I got a purely custom phrase from the Spitfire in Plat, then I won one of the raffles on the WD for the semi-custom phrases. They both apply to the same circle and I can choose which I want to use, or if I want to use the normal messaging.
I love the phrase you got, Shari!
05-16-2007, 03:51 AM
Me too! That's awesome for her.
05-16-2007, 01:35 PM
Your day will come, make sexy time RP custom spell prep phase.... someday.... :(
05-16-2007, 01:47 PM
Nice. Quick work too. Strayrogue went through hell to get his.
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