View Full Version : Tsin and I
05-08-2007, 05:59 PM
Long conversation I wanted to share with the masses.
[16:18] bubbauno: hey what were you interested in again? I was so drunk last night.. hope I didn't make a fool out of myself
[16:18] bubbauno: hehe don't remember much
[16:22] Squigly144: lol
[16:22] Squigly144: naw, i couldnt tell you were drunk
[16:22] bubbauno: oh thank god
[16:22] bubbauno: one time I swear I lost like 50m
[16:22] bubbauno: cause I dropped my prices when I was drunk
[16:23] bubbauno: did you buy anything?
[16:23] Squigly144: lol, thats like 600$!
[16:23] bubbauno: that's nothing
[16:23] Squigly144: oh? lol. well, to me thats a lot
[16:23] bubbauno: iv'e probably made 300k from GS over my career
[16:23] bubbauno: had like 500m stolen from me
[16:23] bubbauno: over the years
[16:23] Squigly144: oh dear, impressive
[16:24] bubbauno: ya win some ya lose some
[16:24] Squigly144: how about you give me 500M?
[16:24] bubbauno: lol
[16:24] Squigly144: or 100M?
[16:24] Squigly144: or just 1000$?
[16:24] bubbauno: i'd rather sell you some stuff for cheaper than I should
[16:24] bubbauno: what were you interested in again?
[16:24] Squigly144: lo, i bet you would
[16:24] Squigly144: the shadow dagger and wiwards hand
[16:24] Squigly144: wizards
[16:24] bubbauno: oh
[16:25] bubbauno: nice items
[16:25] bubbauno: what'd I tell you? 40-50 for the dagger? 80-90 for the hand?
[16:25] bubbauno: 125 for both? or what?
[16:25] bubbauno: tell the truth now!
[16:25] bubbauno: hehe
[16:25] Squigly144: i cant commit right now though sadly, and to be honest, ymentioning your name doesnt receive stellar reviews <as im sure you are all too familair with>
[16:25] Squigly144: you said 95M for both, i have the log
[16:25] bubbauno: oh wow
[16:25] bubbauno: that is cheap
[16:25] bubbauno: heh
[16:25] Squigly144: my AIM is trillian, so it logs everything
[16:26] Squigly144:
[00:22] bubbauno: hand is really amazing
[00:22] bubbauno: Ardwen says prolly one of the top 5 oldest items left in the game
[00:22] bubbauno: hehe
[00:23] Squigly144: right
[00:23] bubbauno: hopin for close to 70 on the hand and 40 on the dagger
[00:23] bubbauno: i'd do something like 100 for both
[00:23] bubbauno: actually 95 if you can do all coin
[16:26] bubbauno: ah
[16:26] Squigly144: :)
[16:26] bubbauno: I believe ya
[16:26] bubbauno: so which do you want?
[16:26] Squigly144: i need some more time though, i know ya dont ike leaving things open ended, but it has to be so right now
[16:26] bubbauno: how come?
[16:26] Squigly144: lol
[16:26] Squigly144: [00:29] bubbauno: You see a twisted hand with old leathery skin.
It is clenched tightly into a fist.
An eerie whisper rings in your ears, "I am holding 851574427 of your silver coins, Master"
[00:29] bubbauno: not tryin to brag
[00:29] bubbauno: but you're right it's not that much
[00:29] bubbauno: hehe
[16:27] Squigly144: hehe
[16:27] Squigly144: also from you obviously
[16:27] bubbauno: oh geez I was drunk
[16:27] bubbauno: so why can't you buy something now if you can afford it?
[16:27] Squigly144: see above
[16:27] bubbauno: what?
[16:27] Squigly144: [16:25] bubbauno: hehe
[16:25] Squigly144: i cant commit right now though sadly, and to be honest, ymentioning your name doesnt receive stellar reviews <as im sure you are all too familair with>
[16:27] bubbauno: not sure what you mean
[16:28] Squigly144: but hey, you made 300, 000$ in GS items!!! wow
[16:28] bubbauno: I have a perfect record
[16:28] Squigly144: thats amazing
[16:28] Squigly144: spend it all on booze?
[16:29] bubbauno: my last few deals have been with GM Khaladon, Ardwen, Tayvin, Hakonne, Odysia, Plur
[16:29] bubbauno: I can get 50 references
[16:29] Squigly144: ahh
[16:29] bubbauno: I can't believe you would judge someone based on what other people say
[16:29] Squigly144: how do you deal with GMs? cant they just make their own items?
[16:30] bubbauno: I deal with their PC's
[16:30] bubbauno: lots of people are jealous because they find out how much money I make on items
[16:30] Squigly144: makes sense
[16:30] bubbauno: i've never ripped off anyone in my life.. but some people don't like my buy low sell high methods
[16:31] bubbauno: so if you want to believe those random nobodies over the most famous and honest merchants in the game who all deal with me then you should rethink
[16:31] Squigly144: ya, well i dont know you, so all i had to go on were what people had been saying <shrug>
[16:31] bubbauno: people talk shit all the time because they are jealous or just want to cause trouble
[16:32] bubbauno: why don't you find out yourself instead of making judgements on what other people "claim" to have heard about me
[16:32] bubbauno: they aren't the ones selling the unique items
[16:33] bubbauno: you obviously asked the wrong people.. anyone who has ever dealt with me has been pleased
[16:33] Squigly144: yes, you are wise and make good points
[16:34] bubbauno: it's the people who are too poor to afford anything.. and hear that I make 50m on one item
[16:34] bubbauno: so they say I must have lied or stolen it
[16:34] bubbauno: cause nobody could be that good
[16:34] bubbauno: shrug
[16:34] bubbauno: I sold 20 billion worth of gear last year to over 100 different people
[16:34] bubbauno: not one complaint
[16:35] Squigly144: oh wow, im even more impressed
[16:35] bubbauno: do you think I would still be in business if I ripped off people?
[16:35] Squigly144: rhetorical :)
[16:36] bubbauno: anyway.. I provide a service of spreading out the unique and powerful items that would normally be stuck in some GM's or ice age persons locker
[16:36] bubbauno: if you want to buy something I can guarantee you will be pleased
[16:36] bubbauno: if you want to base judgement on what a few other people claim then feel free
[16:36] bubbauno: you'll be the one missing out on all the good stuff
[16:36] bubbauno: ;-)
[16:36] Squigly144: if im not pleased do you have a money back policy?
[16:36] bubbauno: of course
[16:36] bubbauno: 100%
[16:37] Squigly144: has anyone ever exercized that policy?
[16:37] bubbauno: yes
[16:37] Squigly144: can i contact them?
[16:37] bubbauno: no questions asked
[16:37] bubbauno: might take a while to track them down
[16:37] Squigly144: i have time
[16:37] bubbauno: do you know anyone famous?
[16:38] Squigly144: in game?
[16:38] bubbauno: anyone who is remotely famous has dealt with me
[16:38] bubbauno: yes
[16:38] Squigly144: who have you dealt with that has been unhappy and you gave them their money back?
[16:38] bubbauno: they weren't unhappy
[16:38] bubbauno: they couldn't afford it
[16:38] bubbauno: i've never had an unhappy customer
[16:39] Squigly144: ahh, really? never 1
[16:39] bubbauno: sometimes people spend more than they could afford
[16:39] bubbauno: and need to sell it back or their wife will get pissed
[16:39] bubbauno: or can't pay bills or something
[16:39] Squigly144: lol
[16:39] Squigly144: so no one has ever been unhappy with an item you have sold them and asked for a refund?
[16:40] bubbauno: one or two have I think
[16:40] bubbauno: only because they found out later I paid like 20m for it
[16:40] bubbauno: and then sold it to them for 50
[16:40] Squigly144: lol
[16:40] Squigly144: no refund im guessing?
[16:40] bubbauno: shrug
[16:40] bubbauno: if it's a good excuse sure
[16:40] bubbauno: problem with the item.. financial trouble
[16:40] bubbauno: finding out I made a little profit on something... nope
[16:41] bubbauno: anyway.. like I said I deal with hundreds of people every year.. the biggest merchants in the game.. you can choose to deal with me or not
[16:41] bubbauno: but I promise you won't be disappointed
[16:41] bubbauno: you get exactly what you pay for
[16:41] Squigly144: ya
[16:41] bubbauno: either way i'll sell it to someone else
[16:42] bubbauno: and you'll be the one who missed out
[16:42] bubbauno: ;-)
[16:42] Squigly144: :(
[16:42] bubbauno: so let me give you some advice
[16:42] bubbauno: don't miss out
[16:42] Squigly144: lol, any more advice?
[16:42] bubbauno: yeah make judgements for yourself
[16:43] bubbauno: i've bought and sold from at least 4 different GM's characters this year alone
[16:43] Squigly144: so im supposed to make a judgement about you because you are nice on IM? and spend 1300$ on a gut feeling? :)
[16:43] bubbauno: plus some of the big names.. Ardwen.. Tayvin.. Hakonne
[16:43] bubbauno: they wouldn't deal with me if they didn't trust me
[16:43] bubbauno: shrug
[16:43] bubbauno: what are you afraid of?
[16:43] bubbauno: that i'm lying about the items?
[16:44] bubbauno: they aren't mystery items
[16:44] bubbauno: shrug
[16:44] Squigly144: lol, mystery items are funny
[16:45] bubbauno: I just don't see why someone would miss the opportunity to own some of the best items in GS that the properties are well known and confirmed just because of a couple rumors from nobodies
[16:45] bubbauno: seriously what are you so afraid of?
[16:45] Squigly144: items not working as you say, not being happy with them
[16:46] bubbauno: these are extremely famous items
[16:46] bubbauno: they work exactly as they always have.. same as everyone knows
[16:47] Squigly144: k, well, i will be in touch. thanks for your time
[16:47] bubbauno: why would you not be happy with something you already decided you wanted to own?
[16:48] bubbauno: someone must have done a real number on you for you to be so scared to buy nice stuff
[16:48] bubbauno: don't miss your shot at owning nice stuff
[16:50] bubbauno: what's left to think about?
[16:52] Squigly144: i guess not much
[16:52] Squigly144: im just surpised that out of the hundred and hundreds of deals youve completed only 1 or 2 people were unhappy
[16:52] bubbauno: everyone gets exactly what they paid for.. everytime
[16:53] Squigly144: esp. with the critics. i would see more people were unhappy
[16:53] bubbauno: I never lie about the properties of an item
[16:53] bubbauno: the only way someone would ever be unhappy is if something turned out to be different than what I advertised
[16:53] bubbauno: I double check everything with a bard and warrior
[16:53] bubbauno: but the items you are interested in are like extremely famous
[16:53] bubbauno: the dagger has its own website
[16:54] Squigly144: yes, i saw it
[16:54] bubbauno: and the hand is easy to demonstrate
[16:54] bubbauno: what could they possibly turn out to be that you would be unhappy?
[16:54] Squigly144: unsure
[16:54] bubbauno: lol
[16:54] bubbauno: you seem to be unsure about a lot
[16:54] Squigly144: yes
[16:55] bubbauno: well in this case.. if you can't possibly imagine how they items could be any different than I say.. how can they be?
[16:55] bubbauno: you are seriously worrying for nothing
[16:55] Squigly144: anyways, thanks for the info, i got to go for now. i will be in touch
[16:55] bubbauno: shrug
[16:55] bubbauno: I hope so for your sake
[16:55] bubbauno: don't be so scared
[16:55] Squigly144: whats the rush for the sale?
[16:56] bubbauno: locker items?
[16:56] bubbauno: always a rush to get rid of them
[16:56] bubbauno: I have over 2 billion worth of stuff sitting in my locker
[16:56] Squigly144: i will take a bunch of em off your hands for free!!
[16:56] bubbauno: why don't you build up some courage first and buy some nice items before ya start asking for handouts
[16:57] Squigly144: fair enough
thats all for now
05-08-2007, 05:59 PM
Disregard, the post wasn't showing originally.
05-08-2007, 06:06 PM
sorry for double post. obviously I'm an amateur :)
05-08-2007, 06:08 PM
[00:21] Squigly144: hey, whats the CB on the wizards hand and the shadowdeath dgager <if there is a CB>?
[00:21] bubbauno: 50m on hand and 30m on dagger
[00:21] bubbauno: best offers so far
[00:21] Squigly144: oh? hmmm
[00:21] bubbauno: don't really like bidding wars.. rather people just negotiate a decent buyout
[00:22] Squigly144: yeah
[00:22] Squigly144: well, what kinda of BO offers you lokoing for? im more interetsed in the hand
[00:22] Squigly144: but want both
[00:22] bubbauno: hand is really amazing
[00:22] bubbauno: Ardwen says prolly one of the top 5 oldest items left in the game
[00:22] bubbauno: hehe
[00:23] Squigly144: right
[00:23] bubbauno: hopin for close to 70 on the hand and 40 on the dagger
[00:23] bubbauno: i'd do something like 100 for both
[00:23] bubbauno: actually 95 if you can do all coin
[00:23] Squigly144: gimme a moment to think and count my coins :)
[00:24] bubbauno: someone offered me a trade worth about 80 for the hand
[00:24] bubbauno: but if you noticed I have WAY too much stuff
[00:24] bubbauno: unless it's really amazing not lookin for any more trades
[00:24] Squigly144: i have noticed
[00:24] bubbauno: you need a bankbook
[00:24] bubbauno: heh
[00:24] Squigly144: and free alteration? or those items prob cant be altered eh?
[00:25] bubbauno: can't be altered
[00:25] Squigly144: ya, figured
[00:25] Squigly144: prob wouldnt want to anyways
[00:25] bubbauno: yeah
[00:25] bubbauno: unique dagger descrip and hand changes into 20 different descriptions anyway
[00:25] bubbauno: hehe
[00:25] bubbauno: can't really alter those
[00:25] bubbauno: I like that the hand is pin worn
[00:26] Squigly144: ya, big plus
[00:26] bubbauno: weird but neat
[00:26] bubbauno: this hand has sold only one other time in the past
[00:26] bubbauno: Ciston had it on one of his old lists for 125m
[00:26] bubbauno: he sold it to the person I got it from
[00:26] Squigly144: how much did you pay for it?
[00:26] bubbauno: you are lucky price has dropped
[00:27] bubbauno: hard to say.. I bought about 500m worth of stuff at once
[00:27] bubbauno: old GM left the game
[00:27] bubbauno: heh
[00:27] Squigly144: lol, 500m?
[00:27] bubbauno: sold out
[00:27] Squigly144: oh,, i see
[00:27] bubbauno: i'd say prolly 60-90
[00:27] bubbauno: give or take
[00:27] bubbauno: heh
[00:27] bubbauno: so somewhere in the middle i'm shootin for
[00:27] bubbauno: you think you can afford both?
[00:28] Squigly144: ya, seems about right
[00:28] Squigly144: well i know i can afford both, but still lots of coin
[00:28] bubbauno: not really
[00:28] bubbauno: infinite amount of coins
[00:28] bubbauno: unique items are so much more valuable
[00:28] bubbauno: you've seen the dag in action?
[00:28] bubbauno: wicked
[00:28] Squigly144: well, its a lot for me then, perhaps not a lot for you
[00:28] bubbauno: the wave attack works in sancts too
[00:29] bubbauno: You see a twisted hand with old leathery skin.
It is clenched tightly into a fist.
An eerie whisper rings in your ears, "I am holding 851574427 of your silver coins, Master"
[00:29] bubbauno: not tryin to brag
[00:29] bubbauno: but you're right it's not that much
[00:29] bubbauno: hehe
[00:29] bubbauno: trust me they are both worth it though
[00:29] bubbauno: and ya get 15m off if ya buy both together
[00:29] Squigly144: yeah, totally
[00:30] Squigly144: how about you throw in the coin hand?
[00:30] bubbauno: rofl
[00:30] bubbauno: that's on the not for sale list
[00:31] bubbauno: along with my other stuff I use
[00:31] Squigly144: :) i know
[00:31] bubbauno: i've sold 4 of these daggers before
[00:31] bubbauno: lowest was 40.. highest was 55
[00:32] bubbauno: and hand has ranged all the way up to 125 at one point.. prolly closer to 75 now
[00:32] bubbauno: 95 for both is a steal
[00:32] Squigly144: ah, i thought there was only 1 shadowdeath dagger out there
[00:32] bubbauno: there are 4 of em
[00:32] bubbauno: same with the vambraces
[00:32] bubbauno: they all look different though
[00:32] Squigly144: ahh
[00:32] Squigly144: im learning so much
[00:33] bubbauno: I can teach you even more if you want
[00:33] Squigly144: :) go on
[00:33] bubbauno: lets hook you up with some new toys first
[00:33] Squigly144: yes!
[00:34] bubbauno: so 70 for hand if you want it by itself.. or 40 for dag.. or 95 for both
[00:35] Squigly144: i want them both, but need to sleep on it. its most of my coins, have about 130mil in coins.
[00:35] Squigly144: if you get a better offer, by all means, take it
[00:35] bubbauno: well i'm not takin all your coins then
[00:35] bubbauno: and ya gettin a pretty nice discount
[00:35] Squigly144: yes, i appreciate the discount
[00:36] bubbauno: I don't like to leave possible deals hanging
[00:36] bubbauno: any chance I can talk you into it tonight?
[00:36] bubbauno: what if I dropped it to 90 flat
[00:36] bubbauno: heh
[00:36] Squigly144: dont think so, i dont like to rush into deals. i just came acrss your posting this evening and didnt really get a chance to ask around
[00:37] bubbauno: nod
[00:37] bubbauno: well a few people know about the daggers
[00:37] bubbauno: but not many would know about the hand
[00:37] Squigly144: i like to be as ediucated a consumer as i can be, as im sure you are. but i dont know who to aska bout these items. lol
[00:37] bubbauno: almost everyone is gone now who would remember the hand
[00:37] bubbauno: daggers were released in the last couple years though
[00:38] bubbauno: you checked out the link right?
[00:38] bubbauno: that tells almost everything about the daggers
[00:38] Squigly144: yeah, i read it, iots sweet
[00:38] bubbauno: yeah
[00:38] bubbauno: so what questions did you still have that you needed answering?
[00:38] bubbauno: I know more than anyone else
[00:39] Squigly144: well, to be hoenst id like some 3rd party opinions :) im sure you understand. your opinions are likely biased
[00:39] bubbauno: opinions aren't really necessary
[00:39] bubbauno: my items sell themselves
[00:39] bubbauno: people appreciate them for what they are..
[00:39] bubbauno: heh
[00:39] Squigly144: yes they do, they are amazing items for sure
[00:39] bubbauno: but if you want to ask around that's fine
[00:39] bubbauno: not sure if you will find any answers though
[00:40] bubbauno: might have to decide on your own
[00:40] Squigly144: ya
[00:40] bubbauno: guess i'll talk to you tomorrow then
[00:40] Squigly144: sure
[00:40] bubbauno: see if ya ready
[00:40] Squigly144: ya. thanks
05-08-2007, 06:09 PM
[16:23] bubbauno: iv'e probably made 300k from GS over my career
The IRS might find that interesting.
05-08-2007, 06:12 PM
Nice going. You had a conversation with Tsin and made YOURSELF look the like the one that was the douche.
That's my opinion anyway.
Tsin may be a hard seller, annoying to argue with, worth envy and disdain over the amount of money he has, and the items that he has, etc., but I don't understand the point of your post.
So you asked Tsin about items so that you could let him know the people don't like him? And then subtly make fun of him by getting him to brag about himself and his sales?
He's right. He's dealt with most of the most famous people in the game (cause they have the money). They have been satisfied with the items they have gotten from him. I'm sure Hakonne, Evarin, Tayvin, etc. would indeed recommend him. You may not like his prices, but for the most part, the gear is substantially what he says it is.
Hell, he got pissed off at me the other day for trying to say that a 1x glaes claid-weighted greataxe is like a 3x old-style claid (which I said because the AvD is more analagous to a greatsword based claid than a claidhmore based claid, and because its a GLAES axe with +5 AS). Not only does he generally tell mostly truthful properties about an item, he polices others that he thinks are being shady about their descriptions.
I think that most of the time, any errors in his descriptions can be chalked up to "puffery", meaning opinionated remarks about the subjective value of the item to a buyer, and frankly, there is nothing wrong with that.
I can't believe I just entered a thread with the sole intend to DEFEND Tsin, but I have. You are the one that looked like the idiotic asshole, not him. That's my opinion of course, and I already know how much everyone here LOVES my opinion :tumble:
Have a good one!
05-08-2007, 06:14 PM
<<he polices others that he thinks are being shady about their descriptions.>>
To be fair, he does that to peddle his wares.
05-08-2007, 06:17 PM
<<he polices others that he thinks are being shady about their descriptions.>>
To be fair, he does that to peddle his wares.
Well, if that's true, why does he do it to me via private thoughts whenever he feels the need to do this? If is was trying to harm my sales, he would say it out loud.
05-08-2007, 06:28 PM
<<You may not like his prices, but for the most part, the gear is substantially what he says it is.>>
That made me snortle-laugh.
05-08-2007, 06:32 PM
No, he does it so you will correct your assessment and his items look more unique.
The Ponzzz
05-08-2007, 06:34 PM
I wanted this thread to deliver...
Stanley Burrell
05-08-2007, 06:35 PM
My eyes, they bleed.
05-08-2007, 06:42 PM
[17:22] bubbauno: why did you just post that on the PC? what's wrong with you?
[17:23] Squigly144: so you would know how it feels to be screwed over
[17:23] Squigly144: your ego makes me sick
[17:23] bubbauno: um ok
[17:23] bubbauno: you actually think that is going to make a difference?
[17:23] bubbauno: all it does it make you look stupid
[17:24] Squigly144: you are the stupid one
[17:24] bubbauno: now I have to spend a few hours and warn every single person I know not to deal with you
[17:24] bubbauno: what a waste of my time.. hope it was worth it
05-08-2007, 06:50 PM
Now I support Tsin, whereas before I was indifferent.
The Ponzzz
05-08-2007, 06:50 PM
I doubt anyone says, "Oh fuck, Mike told me not to deal with this guy! I better not!"
OD already.
I can't think of a single person who you deal with that I don't hear shit talk about.
Yes that includes your beloved people mentioned in this thread.
05-08-2007, 06:52 PM
God I actually have to back Tsin on this one. New guy made himself look like a immature douchebag.
05-08-2007, 06:55 PM
For all the bashing, sniping and general dislike of Mike and his dealings, in dozens of deals, and three or 4 person trade scenarios I have never had a single problem with him, and more often then not actually got a good deal for whatever I was buying, do I think i get above average deals because of whom I am, of course I do, but I usually get that from everyone I deal with. Does he try to be as cut throat as possible when purchasing or selling items, of course, thats no different from how I do business, or anyone else. The only real difference is attitude and respect.
05-08-2007, 07:01 PM
Wrong again Mario..
[17:43] diorogue033: hey man
[17:43] diorogue033: just an FYI
[17:43] diorogue033: Squigly144
[17:43] diorogue033: was trying to buy some coins from me, and started trash talking you
[17:43] diorogue033: linked me to some thread on the playerscorner
[17:43] diorogue033: I ended the deal
[17:43] diorogue033: what a dbag
[17:43] diorogue033: I told him to go cry to his mom, if he can't play with the big boys
[17:44] diorogue033: I just wanted you to know that you've got friends man--I know you know this--but fuck the little hater peons
[17:44] diorogue033: Anyway, I blocked him and I will not be doing business with him.
05-08-2007, 07:01 PM
well, just to clear the record, Tsin's post is entirely fake, and it should be obvious. what i included was the entire conversation, period. think what you will.
both his posts to date are fake. it's clear by the tone of the conversation that i wouldnt say that. and i dnot even have an active character so i wouldnt be buying coins. lol. nice try Tsin
Is it written somewhere in the TOS that a Tsin bashing thread followed by a Tsin defending thread be made at least once a month? What the fuck.
Sean of the Thread
05-08-2007, 07:08 PM
For all the bashing, sniping and general dislike of Mike and his dealings, in dozens of deals, and three or 4 person trade scenarios I have never had a single problem with him, and more often then not actually got a good deal for whatever I was buying, do I think i get above average deals because of whom I am, of course I do, but I usually get that from everyone I deal with. Does he try to be as cut throat as possible when purchasing or selling items, of course, thats no different from how I do business, or anyone else. The only real difference is attitude and respect.
So we'll just ignore the 20 or so complaints by respectable members saying otherwise.
05-08-2007, 07:09 PM
I will note two observations, and will not even try to argue any points.
1. Tsin's chat logs are in the same exact format as coleman's, which is a nonstandard format.
2. diorogue033 is not logged on and the name has 0 hits on Google.
And this happened 5 years ago.
(00:25:34) BubbaUno: yo
(00:25:41) BubbaUno: were you at the final?
(00:27:25) brad: what final?
(00:27:34) BubbaUno: hah
(00:27:35) BubbaUno: shut up
(00:27:38) BubbaUno: this morning
(00:27:41) brad: i sat by you dumbass
(00:27:51) BubbaUno: i was so fucked up this morning
(00:27:53) brad: heh
(00:27:53) BubbaUno: too hung over
05-08-2007, 07:09 PM
diorogue033 is Xaerve.. not sure why he would make that up.. feel free to ask him yourself
Sean of the Thread
05-08-2007, 07:11 PM
diorogue033 is Xaerve.. not sure why he would make that up.. feel free to ask him yourself
A little late in the game to try and redirect the spotlight eh?
05-08-2007, 07:12 PM
Speaking of Tsin talking to people
3 years ago
I'm 16 years. Learning to become a professor and teach in quantum theory/and or teach advanced calculus or astrophysics.
I have several physics books, including Calculus For Dummies (for brush up) and several others.
Now, this guy, who I play an online game with called GemstoneIV, is a astrophysics genius. Yet he is such an as* is living proof how just because someone is brilliant can be such a total pain in the rear:
LordWarclaidhm: Your a student of Astrophysics?
BubbaUno: yes that's a fake equation
BubbaUno: the summation is going from i = 1 to G
BubbaUno: which can't happen
LordWarclaidhm: oh, thanks. I'm intereseted in physics/quantum theory to
LordWarclaidhm: My real question is..what is some variable/constant with a slash though it mean?
LordWarclaidhm: Never seen that before.
BubbaUno: part of the shrodinger equation
BubbaUno: has to do with wave functions
BubbaUno: don't worry about it
LordWarclaidhm: I do worry about it bro, I'm gonna be a professor of quantum theory, heh
LordWarclaidhm: Thats my future job
BubbaUno: umm no your not
BubbaUno: you'll never make it
LordWarclaidhm: Right.
LordWarclaidhm: Thanks anyway. besides your discouraging comment.
LordWarclaidhm: So you gotta be a wise as* plus insulting at the same time?
LordWarclaidhm: way to go
BubbaUno is idle at 3:25:59 AM.
BubbaUno is no longer idle at 3:26:20 AM.
LordWarclaidhm: Hey, sorry about being a prick earlier.
LordWarclaidhm: I'm studying quantum theory and physics and I did'nt think you realized that
LordWarclaidhm: Interested in the universe.
LordWarclaidhm: You there?
BubbaUno: no
BubbaUno: bye
LordWarclaidhm: ?
LordWarclaidhm: are you mad at me?
BubbaUno: stop talking like my girlfriend geeze
BubbaUno: go to bed
BubbaUno: bye
LordWarclaidhm: Alright. talk to you later
BubbaUno: no
BubbaUno: don't
LordWarclaidhm: How am I talking like your girlfriend?
BubbaUno: you sound like a little bit*h.. are you mad at me?
BubbaUno: shrug
LordWarclaidhm: oh
LordWarclaidhm: sorry
BubbaUno: i'm busy so leave me alone
The Ponzzz
05-08-2007, 07:13 PM
For all the bashing, sniping and general dislike of Mike and his dealings, in dozens of deals, and three or 4 person trade scenarios I have never had a single problem with him, and more often then not actually got a good deal for whatever I was buying, do I think i get above average deals because of whom I am, of course I do, but I usually get that from everyone I deal with. Does he try to be as cut throat as possible when purchasing or selling items, of course, thats no different from how I do business, or anyone else. The only real difference is attitude and respect.
See Ardwen, I'm a saleman in the real world. Currently I'm a freelance advertising agent which will change in one week where I will be working for Kodak. Before that I sold print equipment for the document solutions industry that ranged from the 100k to 500k range in price. What makes a good salesman from a lizard suit is being straight forward.
Yes we are all looking for a deal. We all want to make/save money. But if for any instance that I sell something that doesn't have the properties I stated, i.e. if I claim my print press does 250 prints per minute and cost effective for 100,000 prints, and it really can only do 75? Well not only would I have lost my job, but I would have cheated them JUST to make the sale.
The difference is, Mike isn't working for anyone but himself, and he isn't as aggressive with some of the big names. Hell I was able to read many of conversations that have gone bad or show Mike's true colors and have been asked not to post them here or discuss with anyone the nature of the IM. And I will respect their wishes.
Mike preys on the naive. He fiends for it. He knows who he can scam completely, and he knows who he can toy with. The general rule is, if you don't know the properties 100%, you should never purchase from him. He's just as low as the Chinese with their gold/gil/etc sales. At the end of the day, HE'S making money. He bullies people into buying. And if one night doesn't go well, he turns it around the next day claiming he was high or drunk. In my log with him, he changed careers 8 times, from working as an astronomy scientist, to being a GM all the way back to just being a student. If those tactics don't work, he continues, down his line, as if he has it all planned out.
It's no question who he bows down to. And it's no question the perks he's got from it. And you, Ardwen, are one of those few people he will bow down too. He will always run to you or scream your name when he needs a reference.
For the 7 people he will work with and that will work with him, is it honestly worth the over 40 people who have publically voiced themselves as being cheated? That's only a small portion of the population. Most people don't even know about the PC.
05-08-2007, 07:15 PM
Didnt say to ignore anything, just making a point, and posting my opinion. Odds are there are folks out there that have complaints about deals with every major merchant type. You arent doing your job if people dont complain about something, deal with him or dont, either way somehow I dont think it effects him a whole hell of a lot.
all in all thats how life is ya know. Theres good and bad in everything.
05-08-2007, 07:19 PM
over 40 people who have publically voiced themselves as being cheated?
now that is funny.. there are maybe two or three people who I have ACTUALLY dealt with who talk shit because they fucked up.. the rest are just people jumping on the bandwagon so someone with notice them. I guarantee you couldn't even come up with 5 people who have been cheated on a deal with me in the past 5 years.. When i'm dealing billions worth of gear with hundreds of different people every year I honestly think my percentages are damn good.
The Ponzzz
05-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Can we put money down on 5 people? Cuz I was able to rattle off 18 in my head.
The Ponzzz
05-08-2007, 07:31 PM
Heh, you can just search here for 9, and that doesn't include me and 3 people I was asked to not start drama out loud with.
I also am in sales, and anyone who has ever been in sales runs across guys like Tsin all the time. Arrogant jackasses who got that way because they are good at what they do. Obviously he is a good salesman and I am sure he knows it. On the other hand I am guessing if you actually knew him on a personal level his arrogant jackass routine would probably not be there (to an extent) because it is part of his sales tatic. At least that's how I find most of my sales guys to be. It is a shame though at the sheer number of people who bash this guy just for the sake of bashing him.
05-08-2007, 07:38 PM
Have them all post here publically including when, what item and how they were cheated? I'm actually looking forward to it.. Hell I might even give out some compensation if it turns out to be accurate and they make a good argument and haven't pissed me off recently.
The Ponzzz
05-08-2007, 07:43 PM
Did you want it notarized too?
05-08-2007, 07:48 PM
For all the bashing, sniping and general dislike of Mike and his dealings, in dozens of deals, and three or 4 person trade scenarios I have never had a single problem with him, and more often then not actually got a good deal for whatever I was buying, do I think i get above average deals because of whom I am, of course I do, but I usually get that from everyone I deal with. Does he try to be as cut throat as possible when purchasing or selling items, of course, thats no different from how I do business, or anyone else. The only real difference is attitude and respect.
Well if he gives infinite attitude and zero respect and has admitted he lies to potential customers to make the sale, why do I want to deal with him again if my name isn't Ardwen or Tayvin?
05-08-2007, 07:52 PM
Respect has to be earned.. I usually respect anyone who is quick and easy to deal with when buying and selling stuff and doesn't complain about every little thing
The Ponzzz
05-08-2007, 07:59 PM
Respect has to be earned.. I usually respect anyone who is quick and easy to deal with when buying and selling stuff and doesn't complain about every little thing
I forget, honesty is a little thing!
And you'll likely not see over 5 people post their transactions here with you Mike. Seeing half of them are either x-post from the officials or via chat.
Plus, you claim you never sold the camo cloak to me, so obviously I'm a liar...
I also am in sales, and anyone who has ever been in sales runs across guys like Tsin all the time. Arrogant jackasses who got that way because they are good at what they do. Obviously he is a good salesman and I am sure he knows it. On the other hand I am guessing if you actually knew him on a personal level his arrogant jackass routine would probably not be there (to an extent) because it is part of his sales tatic. At least that's how I find most of my sales guys to be. It is a shame though at the sheer number of people who bash this guy just for the sake of bashing him.
Because the real world, we do it to eat, feed our kids and spouses. In a game, people don't want that. We come here to unwind, play a game, not to be husseled the same way we would be on the streets.
05-08-2007, 08:01 PM
I would pay more for an item from someone I liked rather than get a discount from someone I disliked or didn't trust.
Because the real world, we do it to eat, feed our kids and spouses. In a game, people don't want that. We come here to unwind, play a game, not to be husseled the same way we would be on the streets.
Nice point ;) but if there is a market that supports it (which there is)why not?
05-08-2007, 08:09 PM
There is a market that supports grifters all across the country who take advantage of the elderly who live alone also does that somehow make it ok?
And in case my point is not clear there, the correct answer is no.
05-08-2007, 08:15 PM
That sounds promising... Wonder how you get into that business.. Know any grifters who have a few spare rich marks near death they can share to get me started?
05-08-2007, 08:22 PM
See sig
05-08-2007, 08:31 PM
Not sure why you keep posting that over and over.. You compared me to a used car salesman selling shitty cheap cars for high prices.. When in fact I rarely sell anything that I would consider cheap and most of the time I sell extremely valuable unique items. Which is why I mentioned Aston Martins because they are high end cars and the original analogy was about cars. Get over it.
05-08-2007, 08:32 PM
I didn't compare you to anything, I just like the quote
05-08-2007, 08:41 PM
Not sure why you keep posting that over and over.. You compared me to a used car salesman selling shitty cheap cars for high prices.. When in fact I rarely sell anything that I would consider cheap and most of the time I sell extremely valuable unique items. Which is why I mentioned Aston Martins because they are high end cars and the original analogy was about cars. Get over it.
You're aware he's making fun of the fact that you saw "cheap car salesman" and thought he was comparing virtual goods to cars, and that you actually think of them as valuable, instead of comparing your tactics to that of what is considered a sleazy profession? The analogy was not about cars (if he did infact make that analogy), it was about tactics.
The "most valuable item" in GS, still has that minor drawback of not existing. Other than that I have no real opinion on this matter...
Ardwen is a douche bag.. he kicks puppies
05-09-2007, 03:42 AM
[16:30] bubbauno: i've never ripped off anyone in my life..
05-09-2007, 05:03 AM
He bullies people into buying.
While I'm not a large fan of his selling techniques, is it truely his fault that he "can" bully people? I had something he really wanted, and he told me to sell it, I denied him. He bugged me for a few days, went below the belt once (it is Tsin after all) and I denied him. It was over.
It's not all that hard to say no, is it? The power that Tsin has is that people give into rash, unthought greed. He throws a number at you, and you say to yourself "Holy Christ!" I know I did.
But then it becomes the individuals burden to say "yae" or "nae." I get the preying part, and I can concede a few other things, but in the end all you have to do is say no.
The offer he gave me for my item would make people weep I think, but I wanted the item more. And I doubt he'd ever have turned it for a profit too.
Just chatting...
05-09-2007, 05:46 AM
kittens! get it right Sean, puppies are cool, kittens are footballs.
Sean of the Thread
05-09-2007, 06:15 AM
Didnt say to ignore anything, just making a point, and posting my opinion. Odds are there are folks out there that have complaints about deals with every major merchant type. You arent doing your job if people dont complain about something, deal with him or dont, either way somehow I dont think it effects him a whole hell of a lot.
all in all thats how life is ya know. Theres good and bad in everything.
This board isn't plastered with Ardwen or Sergey complaints last I checked.
05-09-2007, 06:22 AM
I'll put $100 on finding 5 people who he's cheated and lied to in the past 5 years.
Sean of the Thread
05-09-2007, 06:26 AM
<---Lied to me several times for starters.
Tea & Strumpets
05-09-2007, 10:29 AM
For all the bashing, sniping and general dislike of Mike and his dealings, in dozens of deals, and three or 4 person trade scenarios I have never had a single problem with him, and more often then not actually got a good deal for whatever I was buying, do I think i get above average deals because of whom I am, of course I do, but I usually get that from everyone I deal with. Does he try to be as cut throat as possible when purchasing or selling items, of course, thats no different from how I do business, or anyone else. The only real difference is attitude and respect.
You're an idiot, Ardwen. This has been explained to you dozens of times, but he can't afford to screw you over. Why this flies over your head is beyond me.
meh, the real problem is that tsin has no competition. all the other big ticket merchants are either gone or not merchanting actively anymore, so tsin is able to let his douchebaggery run free.
Stanley Burrell
05-09-2007, 11:42 AM
The IRS might find that interesting.
Um. Out of veering, off-topic, morbid curiousity (and in light of all the bright accounting types that post here, I think) how exactly would this tally into the whole yearly tax equation?
How much of ...It?... Is already put into tangible brackets by the bankers? Does it count as a second job? Does "Internet Sales" cover everything, from GSIV/WoW to Harrier Jet money made?
Secondly, lemme also crawl down into the nuke-proof bunker before mentioning that the one dealing I've had with Ardwen and with Tsin have both been lickity-quick and about as professional as far as far as eBay/PayPal/Amazon marketplace/etc. have gone for me (or at least a jillion times faster than any sending and shipping of physical internet swapshop sales by comparison.)
I mean, I kinda feel obliged to say something since I've had good customer care in that respect, or whatever you want to call it, and I just keep seeing row after row after row of Tsin this and Tsin that threads, again and again and again, and it gets me wondering wtmf I did right/wrong. Er?
Sean of the Thread
05-09-2007, 11:47 AM
Minus costs it's income.
Stanley Burrell
05-09-2007, 12:34 PM
Wonderful, thank you :)
05-09-2007, 12:41 PM
There's a difference between lying to someone about stuff like the price I paid or who I bought it from and actually cheating someone on an item.. I'm still waiting for all these people you claim I cheated to come forward with the specifics.
Can you articulate the difference? I'm assuming you mean theres a difference between lying to someone to create a false sense of trust ("I'm a GM") and cheating them on an item vs lying to someone about the properties of an item as opposed to cheating them on an item.
Sean of the Thread
05-09-2007, 12:51 PM
He's guilty of all that.
I'd lay good money on the fact that he's lied to the IRS as well.
05-09-2007, 12:54 PM
He was claiming there were 40+ people who have publically accused me of cheating them on an item.. Meaning I flat out lied about the properties and made money off them.. So far I have yet to see 3 people come forward who actually bought something from me that turned out to be different from what I claimed. Everyone exaggerates or stretches the truth when trying to sell their items.. The big difference is that can not be considered "cheating" someone if they never buy anything or their item is exactly what I told them it was.
Originally Posted by Tsin
Everyone exaggerates or stretches the truth when trying to sell their items.
No everyone does not exaggerate or stretch the truth on items to make a sale. Everyone makes mistakes and I'm sure plenty of people have accidentally sold an item whose properties weren't what they claimed. But to intentionally exaggerate or lie about the properties of an item would make you a cheat in my book. I'm not making any claims to the number, if any, people you've cheated but it seems to me your justifications for your actions are fairly weak if you're falling back on "well everyone lies so I lie too."
05-09-2007, 01:15 PM
He was claiming there were 40+ people
Exaggerating the truth there a bit? I think the numbers 18, 20 and 5 were used... (not culmunitive)
Everyone exaggerates or stretches the truth when trying to sell their items..
I've had no dealings with you so I have nothing to really remark on other than what you've said here.
Sean of the Thread
05-09-2007, 01:20 PM
I've already stated it but it needs repeating over and over. He's lied to me several times about items.
And no .. EVERYONE does not exaggerate or stretch the truth when selling items. That's just plain scum baggery.
This is why people should buy from
05-09-2007, 01:20 PM
For all the bashing, sniping and general dislike of Mike and his dealings, in dozens of deals, and three or 4 person trade scenarios I have never had a single problem with him, and more often then not actually got a good deal for whatever I was buying, do I think i get above average deals because of whom I am, of course I do, but I usually get that from everyone I deal with. Does he try to be as cut throat as possible when purchasing or selling items, of course, thats no different from how I do business, or anyone else. The only real difference is attitude and respect.You're an idiot, Ardwen. This has been explained to you dozens of times, but he can't afford to screw you over. Why this flies over your head is beyond me.
I would have to concur with T&S.
Tsin is relatively dependent on being on good terms with Ardwen to be able to facilitate the continuation exchanging high-end items with Ardwen.
If Tsin causes issues with Ardwen, he has effectively denied himself future access to numerous valued high-end item.
This is not an issue with the "average player", as Tsin can always find *another* "sucker" to vastly overpay for an item, or be vastly underpaid for an item, or to completely get the raw end of an item exchange.
For the record, Tsin has "screwed over" 4 players in the game that I consider good friends (and am aware of several more who ended up on unfavorable terms). Granted that they should had taken far more precaution with him prior, but unfortunately they were unaware of his shady reputation at the time.
In one exchange, Tsin netted some 40 million by badgering her into the trade and preying on her inability to truly recognize the value of the items in question. Obviously, Tsin refused to reverse the trade (who would after "sucker-ing" someone for 40 million in value) when she returned to him after I "OMG WTF did you do?!?!" to her after learning about it.
05-09-2007, 01:43 PM
That sounds like something I should remember.. Who was that and when? So I supposedly bought multiple items from her for less than they were worth and somehow cheated her at the same time? I better be careful next time I buy something for cheap I might accidently be cheating them without knowing at the same time!
Funny you have never mentioned this before when we were doing those 4 or 5 deals we have done in the past couple years. Like I said before have her come forward and if she makes a good argument maybe i'll make amends.
05-09-2007, 02:07 PM
In one exchange, Tsin netted some 40 million by badgering her into the trade and preying on her inability to truly recognize the value of the items in question. Obviously, Tsin refused to reverse the trade (who would after "sucker-ing" someone for 40 million in value) when she returned to him after I "OMG WTF did you do?!?!" to her after learning about it.
Well, at the risk of sounding like I am defending Tsin (which I'm not), your friend really has no cause for complaint.
She sold something to someone. If she didnt do her homework on it's worth, she really only has herself to blame. Lets face it, if Tsin is sniffing around you, there is gold involved. Do a bit of asking around before you sell. If not, suck it up.
I sold a car to a dealer once at much less than it was worth. Whose fault is it that I didnt get as much as I could have if I sold it elsewhere? Mine. Now your friend can apply that logic to her situation.
Tsin is a prick, btw.
05-09-2007, 02:37 PM
I bet 90% of the claims are almost identical to that one. People either find out I paid way less than I sold it to them for or I bought something from them for less than it was actually worth. Of course it's always my fault and if I ever make profit on something I must have cheated that person.
05-09-2007, 02:43 PM
I bet 90% of the claims are almost identical to that one. People either find out I paid way less than I sold it to them for or I bought something from them for less than it was actually worth. Of course it's always my fault and if I ever make profit on something I must have cheated that person.
I've been on the giving and receiving end of this. I've been pissed when somone sold me something for 30 mil that they got for 10mil. I've also had people pissed at me when I sold them something for 25 and they found out I got it for 15.
It's the nature of people to feel "ripped off" when there is a disparity in price. But if I didn't feel like that item was worth 30 to me in the first place, I wouldn't have bought it, so I had no right to be pissed at the seller.
If Tsin paid 10 for something and you buy it for 40, becaust at the time you subjectively felt it was worth 40, then Tsin has done NOTHING WRONG. I can understand you getting pissed when you later find out he got it for 10, but being pissed at YOURSELF for not knowing the worth of the item, and being pissed at Tsin are two different animals.
Tsin has done nothing wrong in situations like this.
05-09-2007, 02:54 PM
Is there ever going to be an end to the Tsin bashing threads? I mean after 5 posts I was still chuckling.. after 5 pages.. I was getting bored. Most people here know what Tsin's about and I am NOT debating that, but beating a dead horse isn't going to help anyone who isn't wise to his ways.. so to speak. Oh and Tsin don't think I am defending you.. because I'm not.
If you are waiting for him to admit that he's a cheat or a thief or say "Ok ya got me.. so maybe SOME of my deals weren't so on the up and up." I think you're going to be waiting a long time. He will never admit anything.. he's already shown that.
You can only be shown the picture of the weasel so many times before becoming exasperated and saying "Ok! I get it! It's a weasel!" :D
05-09-2007, 02:59 PM
Cause all the cool kids are doing it!
05-09-2007, 03:03 PM
Is there really an end to roleplaying threads? No one will ever agree on what's "good" roleplaying.
Is there really an end to religious threads? I don't think anyone is going to convert anyone to their or no religion because of what's discussed here.
Is there really an end to political threads? No one is really going to convert anyone to the other side because of a post here.
You get my point. I find that most debates aren't going to resolve anything, but they're there for good discussion and maybe if at least to inform others of their opinions/findings/dealings.
I think it's safe to say that if you see a thread title with TSIN in it, chances are that it won't be good. No one's going to stop doing it, so either grin and bear it or move along.
Tea & Strumpets
05-09-2007, 03:06 PM
Tsin has done nothing wrong in situations like this.
That's a logical fallacy (I'm just goofing on you). No one (but Tsin) is claiming his horrible reputation is due to jealousy, or envy at his profits. Only Tsin is promoting that as the cause of the constant accusations.
Don't humor him. Everyone knows he's a liar and a cheat, but it's still fun to talk about it. He's a really a stupid person as well, as is evident from his posts and his attempts at presenting an argument.
05-09-2007, 03:15 PM
I think it's safe to say that if you see a thread title with TSIN in it, chances are that it won't be good. No one's going to stop doing it, so either grin and bear it or move along.
You're absolutely right! :lol:
05-09-2007, 03:28 PM
I've been on the giving and receiving end of this. I've been pissed when somone sold me something for 30 mil that they got for 10mil. I've also had people pissed at me when I sold them something for 25 and they found out I got it for 15.
It's the nature of people to feel "ripped off" when there is a disparity in price. But if I didn't feel like that item was worth 30 to me in the first place, I wouldn't have bought it, so I had no right to be pissed at the seller.
If Tsin paid 10 for something and you buy it for 40, becaust at the time you subjectively felt it was worth 40, then Tsin has done NOTHING WRONG. I can understand you getting pissed when you later find out he got it for 10, but being pissed at YOURSELF for not knowing the worth of the item, and being pissed at Tsin are two different animals.
Tsin has done nothing wrong in situations like this.
Point was...
Tsin *knew* that the other individual(s) did not have a sound grasp of the value of the items in question.
Tsin *knew* that he would "make out like a bandit", and badgers until they relent and agree.
Tsin *knew* that he could get a one-time big payday, "enough to justify" being a crook and not being concerned about the disatisfaction afterwards.
Face it, it would be *far* less of an issue if... it was more like the following scenario.
Tsin is attempting to purchase a highly enchanted weapon.
Educated players understand that such a weapon generally goes for 20 million.
Uninformed player asks for 10 million (after Tsin declines to volunteer an offer).
Instead of going "DEAL!!" and netting 10 million, Tsin explains that the weapon is underpriced and offers 18 million for it (netting 2 instead).
The problem is that Tsin is not courteous like that.
If he was... we would not be having these endless threads.
05-09-2007, 03:37 PM
That sounds like something I should remember.. Who was that and when? So I supposedly bought multiple items from her for less than they were worth and somehow cheated her at the same time? I better be careful next time I buy something for cheap I might accidently be cheating them without knowing at the same time!
Funny you have never mentioned this before when we were doing those 4 or 5 deals we have done in the past couple years. Like I said before have her come forward and if she makes a good argument maybe i'll make amends.
It was mentioned to you at the time. You came up with excuses, and insisted that she approach you. You ended up tossing her some 5x weapon as an appeasement, which barely put a dent in her loss.
Unfortunately, she does not play anymore, and has not played for a few years now. It was a pretty significant loss once she was able to understand it. Fortunately for her, she was able to shrug it off as it being a text-only loss, and moved on real-life wise (was not going to let herself get in a funk over it).
I've only done *one* deal with you.
I needed silvers at the time. I also did my homework and got back to you 3 days later, and you begrudgingly agreed to my quote, which was significantly higher than your previous offer (which you tried to keep pushing on day 1 and 2). I also had to hold steadfast to the quote (which was inflated to fair market value) and decline the trinkets you were peddling to lower my quote so that you could emphasize your own gain.
Also, the market for it at the time was rather limited to few individuals (that could afford it), so it was a necessary evil.
05-09-2007, 03:38 PM
Uhh... I have zero sympathy for someone who sold something to Tsin and felt "ripped off". They had a high end item... short of their grandmother dying and needing money for an operation they didn't have to sell the item. Even if Tsin was saying "10 mil if you do it right now only", thats where you have to realize anyone who makes a deal like that is trying to get the upper hand, any deal of that stature could be given the time to find out if you're getting royaly ripped off.
If you bought a lotto ticket and didn't get a chance to see the drawing, and then someone who saw the drawing offered you $100 for your ticket only if you sold it to them right then, you'd be an idiot to accept.
As for her taking a "loss" on the item... she sold it... if Tsin paid her 10mil and threw it in the well, she still would have gotten what it was "worth" to her.
05-09-2007, 04:22 PM
I wanted this thread to deliver...
It's not delivery, it's
05-09-2007, 04:27 PM
Point was...
Tsin *knew* that the other individual(s) did not have a sound grasp of the value of the items in question.
Tsin *knew* that he would "make out like a bandit", and badgers until they relent and agree.
Tsin *knew* that he could get a one-time big payday, "enough to justify" being a crook and not being concerned about the disatisfaction afterwards.
Face it, it would be *far* less of an issue if... it was more like the following scenario.
Tsin is attempting to purchase a highly enchanted weapon.
Educated players understand that such a weapon generally goes for 20 million.
Uninformed player asks for 10 million (after Tsin declines to volunteer an offer).
Instead of going "DEAL!!" and netting 10 million, Tsin explains that the weapon is underpriced and offers 18 million for it (netting 2 instead).
The problem is that Tsin is not courteous like that.
If he was... we would not be having these endless threads.
I knew too. I know what the market-wide worth of something is when I'm selling it. If I try to sell it for 5 mil more, and YOU think its worth that 5 mil more, I didn't rip you off when I sold it to you.
If later you find out I overcharged you by 5 mil from the market price, you have no right to get mad at me. You thought it was worth it, and you bought it. Not my problem.
Point was...
Tsin *knew* that the other individual(s) did not have a sound grasp of the value of the items in question.
Tsin *knew* that he would "make out like a bandit", and badgers until they relent and agree.
Tsin *knew* that he could get a one-time big payday, "enough to justify" being a crook and not being concerned about the disatisfaction afterwards.
Face it, it would be *far* less of an issue if... it was more like the following scenario.
Tsin is attempting to purchase a highly enchanted weapon.
Educated players understand that such a weapon generally goes for 20 million.
Uninformed player asks for 10 million (after Tsin declines to volunteer an offer).
Instead of going "DEAL!!" and netting 10 million, Tsin explains that the weapon is underpriced and offers 18 million for it (netting 2 instead).
The problem is that Tsin is not courteous like that.
If he was... we would not be having these endless threads.
Sounds like your mad at him for not being an idiot. If I know I can get a hotdog for 2 dollars Im not going to pay 3 because I feel the hot dog is worth 3 dollars no one in their right mind would if you sell something for less than its worth it doesnt make the buyer an asshole it makes the seller foolish. Deal with it.
05-09-2007, 04:38 PM
Buying low and selling high is how the rich get rich in this game. Know the worth of the item you are seeking, else you have no one else but yourself to blame.
05-09-2007, 04:44 PM
Sounds like your mad at him for not being an idiot. If I know I can get a hotdog for 2 dollars Im not going to pay 3 because I feel the hot dog is worth 3 dollars no one in their right mind would if you sell something for less than its worth it doesnt make the buyer an asshole it makes the seller foolish. Deal with it.
Heh... I could see the exchange at the hot dog stand ... "Hey how much are your hot dogs?" "Gee... I don't know... how about a dollar?" "Hmm, $1 you say? market price on hot dogs is about $2, I'm such a nice guy I'm going to give you $1.80, that way we're both happy!"
05-09-2007, 04:51 PM
Well then...
... this is why Socialism fails.
05-09-2007, 04:54 PM
Speaking of Tsin talking to people
3 years ago
I'm 16 years. Learning to become a professor and teach in quantum theory/and or teach advanced calculus or astrophysics.
I have several physics books, including Calculus For Dummies (for brush up) and several others.
Now, this guy, who I play an online game with called GemstoneIV, is a astrophysics genius. Yet he is such an as* is living proof how just because someone is brilliant can be such a total pain in the rear:
LordWarclaidhm: Your a student of Astrophysics?
BubbaUno: yes that's a fake equation
BubbaUno: the summation is going from i = 1 to G
BubbaUno: which can't happen
LordWarclaidhm: oh, thanks. I'm intereseted in physics/quantum theory to
LordWarclaidhm: My real question is..what is some variable/constant with a slash though it mean?
LordWarclaidhm: Never seen that before.
BubbaUno: part of the shrodinger equation
BubbaUno: has to do with wave functions
BubbaUno: don't worry about it
LordWarclaidhm: I do worry about it bro, I'm gonna be a professor of quantum theory, heh
LordWarclaidhm: Thats my future job
BubbaUno: umm no your not
BubbaUno: you'll never make it
LordWarclaidhm: Right.
LordWarclaidhm: Thanks anyway. besides your discouraging comment.
LordWarclaidhm: So you gotta be a wise as* plus insulting at the same time?
LordWarclaidhm: way to go
BubbaUno is idle at 3:25:59 AM.
BubbaUno is no longer idle at 3:26:20 AM.
LordWarclaidhm: Hey, sorry about being a prick earlier.
LordWarclaidhm: I'm studying quantum theory and physics and I did'nt think you realized that
LordWarclaidhm: Interested in the universe.
LordWarclaidhm: You there?
BubbaUno: no
BubbaUno: bye
LordWarclaidhm: ?
LordWarclaidhm: are you mad at me?
BubbaUno: stop talking like my girlfriend geeze
BubbaUno: go to bed
BubbaUno: bye
LordWarclaidhm: Alright. talk to you later
BubbaUno: no
BubbaUno: don't
LordWarclaidhm: How am I talking like your girlfriend?
BubbaUno: you sound like a little bit*h.. are you mad at me?
BubbaUno: shrug
LordWarclaidhm: oh
LordWarclaidhm: sorry
BubbaUno: i'm busy so leave me alone
I don't think I've ever read a conversaion by Warclaidhm with anyone that didn't make me laugh. "Stop talking like my girlfriend geeze." lmao. Not to derail the thread, but everytime I come into contact with or read a log of Warclaidhm talking to someone, it just baffles me what a huge vagina he is.
And speaking of vaginas...
Point was...
Tsin *knew* that the other individual(s) did not have a sound grasp of the value of the items in question.
Tsin *knew* that he would "make out like a bandit", and badgers until they relent and agree.
Tsin *knew* that he could get a one-time big payday, "enough to justify" being a crook and not being concerned about the disatisfaction afterwards.
Face it, it would be *far* less of an issue if... it was more like the following scenario.
Tsin is attempting to purchase a highly enchanted weapon.
Educated players understand that such a weapon generally goes for 20 million.
Uninformed player asks for 10 million (after Tsin declines to volunteer an offer).
Instead of going "DEAL!!" and netting 10 million, Tsin explains that the weapon is underpriced and offers 18 million for it (netting 2 instead).
The problem is that Tsin is not courteous like that.
If he was... we would not be having these endless threads.
I really don't see what the problem is with this. I've done similar things. For example, Raaksha's original player owned some very heavily crit padded double leathers (I think they were originally decently padded but he had extra padding added around the time Solhaven opened). After he sold out, I saw the new owner of Raaksha selling the leathers on the net, and he didn't know they had additional padding. Long story short, I got a killer deal on them and resold them for a pretty big profit. I didn't try to pressure him into a quick sale or anything, I just went along with it as if I didn't know the item was more padded than he thought they were. Was I wrong for that? No. Would he be wrong for getting pissed at me later? Yes, he would because it's not my responsibility to say "Hey dumbass, those things are worth 3 times what you're selling them to me for."
You'll be hard pressed to find someone that will say, "I don't think you're charging me enough for those. Here, let me pay you even more money!" You might be able to find them in the world of infinite carebear vaginas, but not here.
If Tsin lies to someone about the properties of an item or whatever, then yeah the other person has a right to be pissed.
If Tsin underpays for an item because the owner was ignorant about its properties and/or value, the only one the other person has a right to be pissed at is themself.
And just for the record...
Also, wtf does socialism have to do with this thread?
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