View Full Version : For Sale: Level 60 Halfling Paladin/Fixskill

Urinal Poops
05-06-2007, 01:43 PM
To be sold on Sunday 5-13-07, high bid by 8 PM eastern

Minimum bid 10 bucks

Level: 60 Deeds: 2
Experience: 3519688 Death's Sting: Sharp
Exp. until next: 35812 Recent Deaths: 0
Mental TPs: 0 Fame: 20986208
Physical TPs: 86 Mana: 182/182 max
(92 Phy converted to Mnt)

Race: Halfling Profession: Paladin (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 24 Expr: 3519688 Level: 60
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (10) ... 100 (10)
Constitution (CON): 97 (33) ... 94 (32)
Dexterity (DEX): 92 (36) ... 92 (36)
Agility (AGI): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Discipline (DIS): 83 (11) ... 83 (11)
Aura (AUR): 92 (16) ... 92 (16)
Logic (LOG): 59 (9) ... 59 (9)
Intuition (INT): 62 (16) ... 62 (16)
Wisdom (WIS): 85 (17) ... 85 (17)
Influence (INF): 74 (7) ... 74 (7)
Mana: 182 Silver: 0

(at level 60), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 210 110
Combat Maneuvers...................| 224 124
Polearm Weapons....................| 224 124
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 25 5
Physical Fitness...................| 162 62
Dodging............................| 162 62
Harness Power......................| 160 60
Perception.........................| 50 10
Climbing...........................| 105 25
Swimming...........................| 105 25

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 7

Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 35
Training Points: 86 Phy 0 Mnt (92 Phy converted to Mnt)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

14 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2007.

Your 30 day migration period will begin when you choose to degrade a skill.

Current society status:
You are a Master in the Council of Light.

You have learned and are able to use the following abilities:
Sign of Recognition
Sign of Warding
Sign of Striking
Sign of Clotting
Sign of Thought
Sign of Defending
Sign of Smiting
Sign of Staunching
Sign of Deflection
Sign of Hypnosis
Sign of Swords
Sign of Shields
Sign of Dissipation
Sign of Healing
Sign of Madness
Sign of Possession
Sign of Wracking
Sign of Darkness
Sign of Hopelessness

Past society affiliations (resigned or cast out):
The Order of Voln

You may reset your society status one time. Type SOCIETY RESET for details.

He appears to be a Halfling.
He appears to be immature and tiny. He has innocent doe-like brown eyes and freckled skin. He has ratty, brown hair tangled into a web of jam stained braids. He has large feet. He has some very chubby cheeks that protrude roundly from the sides of his face.
He has several painful-looking scars across his abdominal area.
He is holding a gleaming white ora pike in his right hand.
He is wearing a set of mottled grey mithglin half-plate, a jam-stained snack bag, a jam-spattered tart satchel, a gold ring, a tiny jam-stained band, a golden tart pin, a small jam-stained cloak, a locket, and an old halfling luck charm.

Nothing special on the gear.
Lots of feature alterations.
No coins.

05-06-2007, 01:48 PM

Urinal Poops
05-07-2007, 04:27 PM
CB is $30

Urinal Poops
05-08-2007, 06:19 PM
Bump, CB is still $30

05-08-2007, 08:08 PM

05-08-2007, 08:17 PM

Urinal Poops
05-09-2007, 11:49 PM
This will be sold thursday night at 8 PM eastern if I do not receive anymore bids.

Urinal Poops
05-11-2007, 02:57 AM