View Full Version : Looking for a Skinning Script
05-05-2007, 04:38 PM
I'm basically looking for a rather simple skinning script with certain functions.
I need a script that gets out a proper skinning item, in this case a skinning knife and also skins the targetted creature. IE: .skin hob gets the knife, skins it and gets the skin/stows it afterwards.
Preferably for the SF if possible. If anyone has one similar, let me know, thanks!
05-05-2007, 09:18 PM
mean something like this? change weapon/container and usage is .skin hob or whatever you are hunting. very simple one i made awhile back.
put put black fal in my back
pause 1
put get knife from my back
pause 1
put kneel
put skin %1
put stand
pause 1
put put knife in my back
pause 1
put get black fal
put sear %1
then i use my get script. same deal .get <skin name>
put put my bla fal in my sheath
pause 1
put get %1
pause 1
put put %1 in my back
pause 1
put get my bla fal from my sheath
Can probably combine the 2, i just use 2 seperate ones.
05-05-2007, 09:28 PM
I don't play anymore, I just made this on the spot.
%1 is the monster. 2% is the name of the pelt.
Replace knife with whatever you're skinning with.
PUT Stow right
PUT Stow left
PUT Stance D
PUT take knife
PUT kneel
PUT skin %1
PUT take %2
PUT stow right
PUT stow left
PUT stand
PUT ready weapon
Someone who still plays can do a less crude one with matches.
05-05-2007, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the response guys, I went along with one like this. It gets the job done well enough and quick enough so that having out no weapons etc isn't much of a problem yet..So it will do for now. Always room for improvement I suppose.
put stance def
put sheath
put wear my shield
put get my knife
goto skin
put kneel
waitfor You kneel
put skin %1
put loot
put stand
waitfor You stand
put stow left
put sheath
put get my falchion
put remove my shield
05-06-2007, 05:14 AM
This is the one I use
put sheath
put get my knife
put kneel
put skin %1
put stand
put put my knife in my ank she
IF_2 put get %2
IF_2 put put %2 in my cloak
IF_2 put loot
IF_2 put stow right
put unsheath
if you call it like .skin witch, it just skins the witch and stands
if you call it with .skin witch nose, it skins the witch loots it grabs the nose in you right hand, put its in whatever container you have set to stow stuff in.
I also use
put sheath
IF_1 goto doit
goto end
put get %1
put put %1 in my cloak
goto top
put unsheath
to get stuff, this one you just call .g nose trunk coffer sapphire box
and it'll pick up all those things and throw them in your cloak then get your weapon out.
05-06-2007, 09:58 AM
All these are wierd heh heres mine.
put get knife
put kneel
put skin target left
put stand
put stow knife
put loot
put target random
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