View Full Version : Assess Weighting/Padding
05-03-2007, 03:21 PM
Can't seem to find the info off hand, but do we have any exact numbers on how many ranks a warrior needs in a weapon class / armor in order to assess it for weighting or padding?
05-03-2007, 04:47 PM
80-100 is the general consensus though (2x warrior at 40 or so).
You could test it if you want! :D
05-03-2007, 04:50 PM
80-100 is the general consensus though (2x warrior at 40 or so).
You could test it if you want! :D
Or someone with a mid-level warrior (preferably not their main) with a fixskills that's about to be swallowed could just fixskills to no skills... and slowly train in things one by one.
Speaking of, anybody who has characters they don't play too often, that have a fixskills... and want to "save" it, go train your characters to no skills and fixskill to that. Infact if you're planning on selling a character eventually, nothing better than telling someone "You get to pick their skills AND have a fixskills left over if you find out you don't like it"
05-03-2007, 04:54 PM
Actually, it just struck me that I have lots of time on my hands coming up and I'm no longer morally able to do redux testing, so I might as well test this out, right? Data in a week or so.
Stanley Burrell
05-03-2007, 05:04 PM
You can pull off an incredible assess with like 40 ranks if you have ten or fifteen minutes of patience. Prolly a whole lot less.
You can also, or at least were able to, train in 2hws and assess OHBs and OHEs. I swear.
Whenever I got my first read (weighting/padding) to damage/critical, I think I almost always got a full assess in shortly afterwards. Now, I don't know if there's coding that supports this or if it's just how things went for me. I would absolutely imagine an INT or WIS bonus somehow ties into the equation.
Latrinsorm is on teh mathz, so your answer is pretty much guaranteed, right?
05-03-2007, 05:33 PM
Thats a good start for info and if Latrin gets to get some more details thatll help too. What Im actually planning on doing is taking a level 80 warrior and trying to get it so I can assess any base with him since I wont actually have the urge to hunt with him.
05-09-2007, 03:02 PM
So it turns out I don't have a weighted weapon (edged) anymore, nor padded armor. If anyone has one that they can let me borrow for a few hours, that would be neat.
05-09-2007, 03:04 PM
Particular weighting level needed? Crit/damage? I have a veniom hilted falchion you can borrow, but you'll have to wait till later tonight (6+ish est) for me to lend it to you.
05-09-2007, 04:33 PM
Anything more than 0, I don't suspect there's a difference, and r0xx0r! Can you IM me at latrinsorm22 when you're good to go? I hope you're in the west, I'll probably weep otherwise.
05-27-2007, 12:05 PM
Alright, here's the scoop.
First, a warrior doesn't need any ranks to detect if there's weighting at all: however, he or she will only have a 1/20th chance of doing so. This chance increases by 1/20th at 9 ranks and every 5.5 ranks thereafter (9, 14, 20, etc.). Thus, a level 40 warrior doubled in weapon (82 ranks) will have a 75% chance of detecting the presence of weighting. Statistics tells us that there's only a 1.6% chance of him or her missing weighting after three attempts. (I only had 96 ranks available to me, so I'm not sure if the progression goes all the way to 100%. I expect not.)
Second, a warrior will never misidentify a damage weighted weapon as a crit weighted weapon (and I suspect vice versa). Further, a warrior will never get a wrong value reading (misidentifying a somewhat weighted weapon as a decent weighted weapon, for instance). The progression for value identification is significantly more mysterious. My best guess is that it maxes out at around 175 ranks, but even at 82 ranks a warrior will have a solid 30% or so chance at getting exact info (resulting in a 2 in 3 chance at finding it after 3 tries). I'm quite sure that it's related to overall tries rather than raw weighting identifications: that is, the ratio between value readings and raw readings is extremely unstable. I would have to do the experiment again with significantly more trials to really be sure, and I'm not going to anytime soon.
I don't have any armor to try the same experiment on armor assessment. I would imagine it's exactly the same, only with armor ranks.
edit: Oh, and there's no evidence to indicate that my warrior got "better" at assessing as each trial (rank) went along (a familiarity effect). Also, there's no evidence that indicates stance plays a role.
Sylvan Dreams
05-27-2007, 01:56 PM
First, a warrior doesn't need any ranks to detect if there's weighting at all: however, he or she will only have a 1/20th chance of doing so. This chance increases by 1/20th at 9 ranks and every 5.5 ranks thereafter (9, 14, 20, etc.). Thus, a level 40 warrior doubled in weapon (82 ranks) will have a 75% chance of detecting the presence of weighting. Statistics tells us that there's only a 1.6% chance of him or her missing weighting after three attempts. (I only had 96 ranks available to me, so I'm not sure if the progression goes all the way to 100%. I expect not.)
I can confirm that it in fact does not go to 100%. Being post-cap and fully 2x in OHE and 140 ranks in armor, I have on occasion completely missed the weighting/padding of an item. Not the level of it, but missed that it was there at all.
Second, a warrior will never misidentify a damage weighted weapon as a crit weighted weapon (and I suspect vice versa). Further, a warrior will never get a wrong value reading (misidentifying a somewhat weighted weapon as a decent weighted weapon, for instance).
Correct. Once a warrior gets a reading, the reading is never wrong.
edit: Oh, and there's no evidence to indicate that my warrior got "better" at assessing as each trial (rank) went along (a familiarity effect). Also, there's no evidence that indicates stance plays a role.
Also correct. I've never noticed that stance plays a role nor have I noticed any sort of intelligence behind whether or not you can determine the padding/weighting.
05-27-2007, 03:29 PM
Tasty info. A level zero getting reads. Wow. Now I don't have to work on my warrior anymore, I just need to have patience to finally get a read.
05-27-2007, 03:56 PM
is there a definite meaning when the item you try to assess gives you a message "you cannot seem to get a feel for the (blank)"? i thionk you get this message with normal claidhs, and they are beyond incredible crit weighted, but what if its another item?
05-27-2007, 04:39 PM
I seem to recall some scripted pauldrons causing that messaging on certain sets of armor.
05-27-2007, 04:45 PM
Certain fancy scripting (IE the pauldrons Lain is talkin about or special actions and whatnot) will prevent a warrior from being able to assess the item's damage / crit weighting / padding. I've several daggers like this. And thank you Latrinsorm for the info.
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