View Full Version : Stolen Claidhmore

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Des ka
01-03-2004, 12:57 PM
I don't know why this h asnt been brought up yet, but it hasnt as far as Ive seen. So I thought I would.

It all starts when i'm hunting in the glacier. A titan weapon fires me, I ring back to tsc. I put my weapon on the ground untill the fire wears off on it, (while I'm getting healed) and then 1 second before I could pick it up, Anticor does.

He would not give it back. He taunted me and said if I went on my kneels and begged him he would. I knew he wouldn't.

So, I got to hearthstone. once I got there there was half the landing there to laugh at me.

He was pondering what to do with it. Instead of doing the right thing to give it to me, he thought of doing 2 things instead.

1) Give it to ardwen, who in return tosses it in the well.

2) Give it to drizz, who puts it in his locker with his other billion weapons to gather dust for years.

In the end I never got it back.

I guess I learned my lesson, I did do something stupid. But anticor did steal, doesn't make it right.


Oh, by the way. the claidhmore was 1x altered w/show. Worth around 3m-4m. I Spent all my coin on it, and don't have a single coin in the bank now, cant afford nothing else...

01-03-2004, 01:01 PM
One, it has been brought up in a thread last night.
Two, it wasn't stealing, you dropped it.
Three, you will have learned your lesson if you don't risk a supposedly 3-4 mil weapon for one deed.
Four, your "I have no other coin left in the bank" excuse is running pretty dry.

01-03-2004, 01:04 PM
That is terrible for you, to be sure. However, what Anticor did is not stealing. Items that are dropped on the ground are considered fair game. Players are expected to hang on to their character's valued items, even if it means the character gets injured by doing so.

What basically happened is...your character decided to discard his weapon to avoid the flares and, thereby, lost the weapon. It is not fun, maybe. It is not easy to take, maybe. It is fair, though.


01-03-2004, 01:08 PM
Looks like when Phase II of GS4 hits and droppage is around we'll be seeing alot of these kinds of posts, looks fun to me.


01-03-2004, 01:09 PM
Erm, droppage will never be implemented in GS4. Dunno where you heard that.

01-03-2004, 01:10 PM
Two things you should ask yourself.

Why am I hunting titans when I am at least 8 trains above them?

Everyone hates me why should I go create a thread about being a idiot and losing a item?

01-03-2004, 01:20 PM
Well in the old days before this prime/plat nonsense, we considered someone decaying and loosing all their items awfull, but if someone took those items and refused to give them back, it was indeed stealing. I dont fully agree with the whole "well you dropped it too bad" theory unless it was someone who was constantly doing things like that and not helping others.

We used to work together, someone hurt someone who couldnt fight back, such as a empath healing, we as in people who could do the right thing, would do the right thing. The lands are what we make of them, if everyone else is happy living in a dog eat dog world, then I guess we all have to. Its just a shame I think. I will till the day I die stand up for whats right. And yah know? I dont think thats right.

Of cource, I dont know the other circumstances and for all I know the same guy who dropped the weapon has done equally not so nice things to others.

But......Just because something is not in the simu rules, doesnt me as a society in the lands have to tolerate it without speaking our minds -Pierat

01-03-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Erm, droppage will never be implemented in GS4. Dunno where you heard that.

Really? Coulda swore somewhere I hear/read that droppage was coming, I'll be pleased if it doesn't, not a fun aspect of the game in my opinion.


01-03-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Pierat

Of cource, I dont know the other circumstances and for all I know the same guy who dropped the weapon has done equally not so nice things to others.

That is an understatement in this case.

01-03-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Ansherak

Originally posted by StrayRogue
Erm, droppage will never be implemented in GS4. Dunno where you heard that.

Really? Coulda swore somewhere I hear/read that droppage was coming, I'll be pleased if it doesn't, not a fun aspect of the game in my opinion.


I'm positive. I recall speaking to a GM about the matter over a year ago. I've also not read anything about it in regards to GS4 either. A quote, by Khaladon I think, goes something like, "Droppage will stay in (and only in) Platinum".

01-03-2004, 01:26 PM
I must admit, Droppage is harsh..but it really added a sense of extra danger to hunting. You die now, you loose a deed and a lil exp...darn. But if ya drop that 8x uber weighted weapon..Ouch..


01-03-2004, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
One, it has been brought up in a thread last night.
Two, it wasn't stealing, you dropped it.
Three, you will have learned your lesson if you don't risk a supposedly 3-4 mil weapon for one deed.
Four, your "I have no other coin left in the bank" excuse is running pretty dry.
Damn you Warclaidhm for making me agree with every point in one of Stray's posts, especially the last one.:mad:

01-03-2004, 01:28 PM
I heard they want to avoide dropage and are listening to other ideas at the moment.

01-03-2004, 01:31 PM
Normally i'd agree with Pierat on this matter, but Warclaidhm is a Dumb whore so... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA H!!! !@11232123@! AHA~HA~HAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ha

01-03-2004, 01:42 PM
There is a post by Mel on Simu's boards concerning droppage she wrote today or yesterday.

If I get the energy or bored enough I will go look again and see if I can find it

01-03-2004, 01:48 PM
Yah. I'd rather have droppage back and actual decent weapons like they get in Plat.

01-03-2004, 01:51 PM
I, personally, totally agree with Pierat. I enjoyed the all-for-one-one-for-all aspect of the game far more than I did the dog-eat-dog game GS ultimately became. It is one of the myriad reasons I do not play anymore.

However, what the game was then and what it is now are two entirely different things. Those playing now must learn to get along in the game as it is today.


01-03-2004, 01:53 PM
Even with droppage, I wouldn't up hunt in an area where I know my prized weapon could be blasted out of my hands. Same if I hunt in an area where I can be disarmed or cursed. Its common damned sense.

Weedmage Princess
01-03-2004, 01:59 PM
Warclaidhm, carry a disk. It's what I did when I hunted mages.

I can't feel sorry for you because you know people dislike you. Not only do you know people dislike you, you provoke them. You do it under the rouse of not knowing better (aka being stupid, I'm just being politically correct.) ..I don't buy that you're that dimwitted. I think you enjoy antagonizing people, so while yes, the right thing would be to give you the weapon back, and I'll go out on a limb and say most people would return the weapon to anyone else in that situation--you're fully aware of the situation you've put yourself in. So now that you've attained your goal of having everyone hate you, you should be a bit more intelligent than to drop your weapon ON THE FLOOR IN TSC AND EXPECT TO HAVE IT RETURNED. Don't stick your hand into the lion's mouth.

[Edited on 1-3-2004 by Weedmage Princess]

01-03-2004, 02:02 PM
Or do.

01-03-2004, 02:28 PM
Still think its the funniest thing ive seen in landing in a long time, only way he should get it back is if he lets beth violate him freely with her dildo.

01-03-2004, 02:30 PM
I think if someone did something like that to me, I would be forced to quit the game.

All in favor?

Weedmage Princess
01-03-2004, 02:30 PM
Eeesh. I don't think even Maim, in all her insane glory..would be willing to go there with Warscooterhm.

01-03-2004, 02:43 PM
1. Yes, SIMU says items dropped are technically up for grabs, but morally, it's still stealing if it's obvious the person is not meaning to discard the item.

2. I don't recall how weapon fire works, but it would be a much better idea to put your weapon in one of your containers or disk....

- Me

01-03-2004, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by peam
I think if someone did something like that to me, I would be forced to quit the game.

All in favor?

AYE. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

01-03-2004, 02:59 PM
You think a flaming weapon won't tear right through your little leather cloak? A disk is the only safe place for a 915'd weapon.

01-03-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
You think a flaming weapon won't tear right through your little leather cloak? A disk is the only safe place for a 915'd weapon.

I don't fucking know; I've never tried it. GemStone doesn't exactly follow all the laws of physics that the real world does....

- Me

Des ka
01-03-2004, 03:03 PM
I've tried that. I put a weapon in my container, it still gets ya. Oh, and the disk thing. I put my expensive armor in my disk once, was an idiot forgot about it and logged off. Never saw it again.

01-03-2004, 03:03 PM
Warclaidhm's brain doesn't follow the normal physics either. Maybe he can stick it in there.

01-03-2004, 03:09 PM
Good god.

Please quit.

01-03-2004, 03:17 PM
Warcladhm is an idiot....agreed there

makes me glad I have good friends IG.
I know I have made dumb mistakes like that... and they have bailed me out.

I just have a soft heart....

He's an ass but I know how much I would hate to miss my favorite weapon or armor.

so I'll rub my two fingers together... violins and all

and well hope you can get it back or buy a new one...


01-03-2004, 03:19 PM
Correct answer: Don't be a wuss and just take the flares.

01-03-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Des ka
In the end I never got it back.

I guess I learned my lesson, I did do something stupid. But anticor did steal, doesn't make it right.


Oh, by the way. the claidhmore was 1x altered w/show. Worth around 3m-4m. I Spent all my coin on it, and don't have a single coin in the bank now, cant afford nothing else...

Uh, Warclaidhm?

Didn't you just post this, in the "ashamed" thread:

Originally posted by Des ka
Anyway I agree 99% of everyone here are a bunch of assholes/losers. Look at the posts here. None of them are constructive, just lame posts that are not only annoying but un-constructive.

I have cried over these boards, many times. Some people have even told me to commit suicide here, and I take that seriously. Its not worth posting on here really

Why would you want said group of assholes discussing your personal plights?! You say they're not going to post anything constructive! You run the risk of crying!

Are you even capable of learning from what you post yourself?!?!

01-03-2004, 03:28 PM
He's like a fly to a bug zapper. Seriously. He's a frigging masochist; He loves the attention and the abuse. Why the fuck else would he continue to leave himself wide open to it?

01-03-2004, 04:03 PM
Calls for a beating, Sick em Maimara!

01-03-2004, 04:05 PM
I just have one question...

You hold in your hand a weapon you value at 3-4 mil. Why would you risk losing it by dropping it rather than choosing the losses that come with dying? It doesn't seem like a hard decision to make to me...

01-03-2004, 04:07 PM

True enough but your not a dumb whore.

01-03-2004, 04:13 PM
Hmm, I dont agree.............I guess since I really stay on Teras so much I dont know the whole story. Although, we are only as strong as our weakest link to bad alotta you sheep dont see that anymore.

1) Warclaidhm, You shouldnt have dropped your weapon, But what do you expect you are in Landing with people that mob and do what is popular so they fit in with there little fuck groups, all are sheep. Move!

2) RP the situation maybe if you start doin that people might open atleast one eye.

3) stop pissing people off and expecting love, it dont happen

5) If you continue your path of pissing off folk RP that and dont give two shits about a 4 million silver weapon. makes you look really weak.

01-03-2004, 04:18 PM
dude you forgot 4

01-03-2004, 04:26 PM
4. Warclaidhm is fucking dumb.

01-03-2004, 04:29 PM
fuck that.. I'd be pissed if I lost a weapn that expensive.

01-03-2004, 04:32 PM
If you had a weapon that expensive, you wouldn't have risked hunting with it in an area that could cause it to be lost or destroyed in the first place.

Maybe I'm not fond of Anticor's tactics, and he probably would have reacted differently with someone else, however I'm sure Warscooterhm has learned another valuable lesson about caring for your weapons. I'd be asking for a miracle if he learned from his mistakes huh?

01-03-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
4. Warclaidhm is fucking dumb.


01-03-2004, 04:34 PM
Ok, I'm dumb with numbers and such. How much harder does a 1x claid hit than a regular one?


01-03-2004, 04:37 PM
+5 as

01-03-2004, 04:38 PM
RP people?? They may have the decency to role play the situation into giving it back to him instead of being idiots and taking something that isn't theirs.

I don't think it's right to take something off the ground, but some people are inconsiderate. I don't really know why you would come here and post something like this, because people here aren't very sympathetic to situations like this. It seems like it's something many would do..heh.

:shakes her head:


01-03-2004, 04:38 PM
Oldstyle 1x = -5 AS, greatsword
Newstyle 1x = +5 AS, -10 AvD from greatsword

01-03-2004, 04:39 PM
The mithrils are oldstyle, aren't they?

01-03-2004, 04:40 PM
wtf does that mean? There are mithril oldstyle and mithril newstyle.

01-03-2004, 04:46 PM
I can't wait till bob's signature says "I got head sept 12, 2020"

01-03-2004, 04:47 PM

3-4 million for +5 AS and an alter? I guess it boils down to what you want to pay for the things you have. :?:


01-03-2004, 04:49 PM
1x claidh = Hard to find. It's worth more like 2.5mil, even altered. 2mil normally.

<<I can't wait till bob's signature says "I got head sept 12, 2020">>

Fuck off, kthxdie.

[Edited on 1-3-2004 by Bobmuhthol]

01-03-2004, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
I don't think it's right to take something off the ground, but some people are inconsiderate.

Why do you think droppage and decaying were removed from GS in the first place? Why do you think disarming and picking became doable while holding the chest? Because people would pick things up off the ground and keep them.

Drop your favorite weapon, especially when you know how many people hate you? GS evolution in action.


01-03-2004, 04:50 PM
1x Claidh = overrated

01-03-2004, 04:53 PM
1x claid = being able to hunt some more creatures that I cannot currently, hince, I want one.

Problem is..the ugly ones are 2-3mil, and the ones I actually like are more then I'm willing to pay. Oh well.

01-03-2004, 04:54 PM
Come on, +5 AS means little to nothing in the game environment of today.

01-03-2004, 04:55 PM
It does when you hunt things that require magical weapons.

Then again, you can just buy a magical invar claidh for like 250k.

01-03-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Come on, +5 AS means little to nothing in the game environment of today.

Some critters require a enchanted blade to hit. They have a reason.

01-03-2004, 04:56 PM
yea.. thats true. why come here and cry about it, no one is showing compassion. i would still be pissed about losing it. i also would never drop something that expensive.

01-03-2004, 04:58 PM
Heh, I never got compassion over something like that, either in the game or on the boards. When I used to hunt Jantalarians, I would take my 10x axe before I knew that some of them disarmed. Someone helped me get it back and then slapped my upside the head for taking it in there and told me to use ebladed disposable swords instead. When you do something stupid, there is no compassion.

01-03-2004, 05:00 PM
I have an Invar claidhmore, the +2 kind? Yah, they ain't magical. Its a metal bonus..dwarven steel. At least, thats what the GM told me.


Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
It does when you hunt things that require magical weapons.

Then again, you can just buy a magical invar claidh for like 250k.

01-03-2004, 05:01 PM
You're right.


Most aren't, but some are.

01-03-2004, 05:01 PM
Every invar I've ever owned is not. *shrug*

01-03-2004, 05:03 PM
Because you always bought the non-magical kind. When I said most, I didn't mean half. The ones sold off the shelf aren't magical, the ones with enchanting marks are.

01-03-2004, 05:09 PM
slapped my upside the head for taking it in there and told me to use ebladed disposable swords instead.

now theres a reason to get slapped around. ::grin::

01-03-2004, 05:15 PM
...the +5 on mithril's also a metal bonus, hence lack of enchant marks on them.

01-03-2004, 05:19 PM
<<...the +5 on mithril's also a metal bonus, hence lack of enchant marks on them.>>

Enchanting marks are on a lot of things that are metal base. The entire reason they were implemented was because people had 0x things and sold them off as enchanted. There weren't enchanting marks so you couldn't be sure.

Of course, that only worked for people like Warclaidhm, but it still worked.

01-03-2004, 05:47 PM
Saw ,5X magical claidh goes for 1m

I think people know the difference and abuse it

01-03-2004, 05:49 PM
I can't wait till bob's signature says "I got head sept 12, 2020"

Don't kid yourself, that'll never happen.

01-03-2004, 06:16 PM
No one cares about when/if Bobmuhthol gets head.

Drop it.

Back to berating Warclaidhm.

01-03-2004, 06:31 PM
I think he knows what he has done is complete idiocy. He's just needing people's attention. I'm sorry, but I'd die 100 times before dropping my Betsy. If it means that much to you to whine and cry about it, be a man and take the damn flares. Thousand DR points isn't worth dropping a weapon, in my opinion.

Love you Jolena!

01-03-2004, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
I'm sorry, but I'd die 100 times before dropping my Betsy.

I haven't gone quite so far as to name a weapon... but I'd rather pay 3k for a deed than 3 mil to replace my weapon any day. :rolleyes:

01-03-2004, 06:45 PM
Here's my Betsy.

a masterfully crafted massive waraxe

This masterpiece among weapons features two sharp rolaren crescent blades linked in the middle by a splendid carving of a rearing puma viewed from the side. Elaborately embossed patterns along the sides of the head create sinister shadows regardless of the angle the light strikes them. The smooth bloodwood handle is wrapped in heavy, double-wound leather lanyards studded to the haft to ensure a perfect fit in her master's hand. Deeply engraved into the highly polished endpiece is the name, "Betsy."

And there you have it.

Love you Jolena!

01-03-2004, 09:33 PM
Firstly, Warclaidhm, you are a zygote. As in, not a fully developed human being. With that said, items on the ground are not "fair game". They weren't back when we had droppage, and they aren't now.

People used to DRAG bodies so that they would decay (before the group close flag) and could take their items. In invasions, people would run around stealing shields and weapons that lay on the ground. I've seen someone mistakenly put the wrong falchion on the TSC bench and have someone else take it.

If you think any of those are "fair game" circumstances, have fun in the Perma Cell with the other suckers. Dropping an item because of weapon fire does not make it fair game. Neither does a disarmed item. If you wish to challenge me on this matter, U2U me and we'll meet in game. We'll have an adept weapon fire me, I'll drop my weapon when it flares, and you take it.

Even if the GM's let you come back after your banishment, life wouldn't be very fun for you as there isn't anyone I can't make life horrible for. Not that I want to do any of this, as I hate quarrels, but don't be scumbags and steal someone elses weapon. Granted, Warclaidhm is a waste of space and life, but you're no better if you take his weapon.

Not that I even believe any of this happened, as all my interaction with Anticor has, thus far, been positive in nature.

01-03-2004, 09:36 PM
Being that Warclaidhm already assisted and the GM's said there is nothing they can do..I'd say you've already been prooven wrong Blazing

[Edited on 1-4-2004 by LordAdredrin]

01-03-2004, 09:37 PM
Sounds like, in this case, the GMs told Warclaidhm that he dropped the weapon so they could not help him. That would indicate to me that the climate has changed with regard to picking up items dropped on the ground.

What the heck? I do not play, so it makes no difference to me. It just seems, from what I read here, that things are very different these days.


01-03-2004, 09:50 PM
I'm guessing they feel that since he deliberately discarded it, as opposed to accidentally, it was up for grabs.


01-03-2004, 09:51 PM
He discarded it because it would have killed him, it's kind of different, no?


01-03-2004, 09:53 PM
weapon fire isnt a sure kill. it might have just wounded him a little more.

01-03-2004, 09:54 PM
The weapon was not forced from his hand. He made the effort to drop it to save his life. Different situation in all aspects.

Love you Jolena!

01-03-2004, 09:55 PM
He discarded it because it would have killed him, it's kind of different, no?

Hmm. Drop a 3 million weapon, or possibly lose a 7k deed?

As others have pointed out, it's not a hard choice at all.

01-03-2004, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
I can't wait till bob's signature says "I got head sept 12, 2020"

Isn't that a little optomistic?


01-03-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
If you think any of those are "fair game" circumstances, have fun in the Perma Cell with the other suckers. Dropping an item because of weapon fire does not make it fair game. Neither does a disarmed item. If you wish to challenge me on this matter, U2U me and we'll meet in game. We'll have an adept weapon fire me, I'll drop my weapon when it flares, and you take it.



We'll do it later tonight, make the weapon as exspensive as you can.

01-03-2004, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
Not that I even believe any of this happened, as all my interaction with Anticor has, thus far, been positive in nature.

Oh, it happened all right. Aticor, himself, was the first to tell us about it. There is another thread on the same subject, started by Anticor. ;)


01-03-2004, 10:13 PM
The games has risks. Death. Breakage. item loss.

Hunting certain creatures carries even more risks. Fear. Paralysis. Weapon fire.

You choose to take risks, you choose to accept the consequences. He then chose to try to avoid the possibility of dying by discarding his weapon. Had the janitor taken it, he would certainly not have gotten it back.


01-03-2004, 10:13 PM
Tell you what..

If warclaidhm would take this opportunity to start anew...

To remove all that hatred he has on him, that would be worth MORE than 3 million, believe it man.

Take this opportunity, take it.

01-04-2004, 02:57 AM
There is a difference between discarding a weapon for good, and dropping it for a moment. And although dropping it was probably a bad choice, especially in the center of town, those that saw him drop it could have had the courtesy to ask him, or pick it up and return it. Then again, this is GS and courtesy doesn't often exist.

01-04-2004, 04:12 AM
Technically, he dropped it and the weapon is fair game.

From an ethical standpoint Anticor and whoever ended up with the weapon are wrong in keeping it.
Unless he owes them money, they should return the weapon to him. Keeping it for all of his past transgressions isn't a valid position in my mind....and seems very....ummm, junior high drama to me.

01-04-2004, 04:45 AM
Needless to say Blazing did not respond to my u2u.

01-04-2004, 04:53 AM
How is keeping the weapon for past transgressions wrong? You personally don't truely know the ways that Anticors characters may or may not have been effected by warclaidhms character. There are a good amount of actions that varies characters have done to me that would not have me thinking twice about nabbing their weapons if they dropped them. But we are also discussing characters vs players. As a player would i feel like an asshole? sure. But would my character do what he had to do to strike back at certain other characters? of course.

01-04-2004, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by peam
I think if someone did something like that to me, I would be forced to quit the game.

All in favor?

Wow! What an understatement.
I would quit the game immediately.

I would walk into the inn and retire. Then, I would logoff.

Next, I would grab my gloves and jacket, and hop on my scooter. (Warclaidhm, you probably have a cape that you wear. Perfectly acceptable)

I would look for a "90 degree hill", or something that would do some real damage. Then, I would floor my turbo charged scooter until I crashed in a glorious fireball.

My final moments would be spent damning Anticor to hell, and mumbling about cruel life can be, even in a pure text environment.

01-04-2004, 03:02 PM
Gemstone 101

Never drop anything on the ground you value, in public place or in private. If the game crashes you've lost it. Simple. That he valued a deed more than his weapon was his second mistake. That Anticor picked it up and has kept it is his decision. That I don't care for WAr is no secret, but I wouldn't have picked it up, unless I just wanted to make him miserable for awhile. I would give it back, of course Ardwen would kill me for that, but that is me.

01-04-2004, 03:20 PM
Anticor, if you give his claidh back I'm going to be very disappointed in you.

01-04-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Myshel
Gemstone 101

Never drop anything on the ground you value, in public place or in private. If the game crashes you've lost it. Simple. That he valued a deed more than his weapon was his second mistake. That Anticor picked it up and has kept it is his decision. That I don't care for WAr is no secret, but I wouldn't have picked it up, unless I just wanted to make him miserable for awhile. I would give it back, of course Ardwen would kill me for that, but that is me.

I sat here for a minute trying to figure out why my name was in this post. I'm thinking, "What the hell does any of this have to do with me." Finally it clicked. Be clear next time so I don't have to ponder about why my name is in the post! :P

01-04-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by longshot

Wow! What an understatement.
I would quit the game immediately.

I would walk into the inn and retire. Then, I would logoff.

Next, I would grab my gloves and jacket, and hop on my scooter. (Warclaidhm, you probably have a cape that you wear. Perfectly acceptable)

I would look for a "90 degree hill", or something that would do some real damage. Then, I would floor my turbo charged scooter until I crashed in a glorious fireball.

My final moments would be spent damning Anticor to hell, and mumbling about cruel life can be, even in a pure text environment.

I am dying now. :lol: Thanks!

01-04-2004, 04:16 PM
First off, Anticor hates Warclaidhm. He hates the fact that he is a giantman, he hates how he ripps people off, he hates his whining, bitching, begging and pleading. Everything he does represents weakness. He also hates the fact that he used to help Warclaidhm and Vorthais back in the day until he got backstabbed by the fucktard. He saw a chance to extract alittle payback and took it. He acted up a stupid action that turned into a window of opportunity. Anticor didn't cast the weapon fire, Anticor didn't provoke the moron, all he did was sit and wait.

I play Anticor with two very different personas. The first is the willing to help, overly generous, trustworthy wizard. When that trust is betrayed or the line crossed the other one kicks in. That second persona is pure malice and hatred. I don't hate halfway I hate until the person is dust. If he can somehow figure out how to get back in good graces then he might see his little pig sticker again. Until then it's in the locker.

01-04-2004, 04:25 PM
You're making it worse to him that way to if you'd throw it in the well and such.

Everyone should tell him his claidhmore represents the desire of everyone to make him better and to stop him to scrap a good game.

We were with you, all that gave you advices were.

01-04-2004, 04:29 PM
I'll give you 100k for it Anticor. :)

01-04-2004, 04:34 PM
anticor told me he hates me and everything i stand for :(

thatll teach me to make fun of his family roots. now hes gonna steal my 4x blessable waraxe.

01-04-2004, 05:14 PM
I'm going to be starting a two-hander in the next week or so.

Sure could use a nice claidhmore.

01-05-2004, 02:08 AM
Like I said, I hate the little rodent as much as the next person. Vif, Warclaidhm, and Haashek all have an outstanding invitation to a cyanide Kool-Aid party on me. Taking his weapon in such an uncreative manner is, however, repugnant. Sure, I could follow you around all day and steal your treasure, and you couldn't do anything about it. Why don't I? Because that's a scumbag thing to do.

This world is large enough now that you have the option of completely ignoring a person. Squelch 'em, move, whatever you wanna do. You are acting like quite the soup sandwich by resorting to his level. He's a shower shoe, make pretend he's dead. As far as RPing it out, let's be honest. Nobody f'in RP's anymore, and when they do, it's a carbon-copy of their real life f'ed up persona. You took his weapon cause YOU wanted to.

As far as you go Ranger, I don't think I'd ever like to have any contact with you, in game or out. My real profession and you being a deadbeat gangbanger are in direct contradiction of eachother. I've worked entirely too hard to cap my character to lose him now over a fight in Warvag's defense.

01-05-2004, 02:11 AM
i don't think anticor was following him around i'd like to think he has better things to do with his life. i think it was more of a matter of being in the right place at the right time and seeing the opportunity.

01-05-2004, 02:14 AM
Please don't insult my shower shoes like that.

01-05-2004, 02:20 AM
As far as you go Ranger, I don't think I'd ever like to have any contact with you, in game or out. My real profession and you being a deadbeat gangbanger are in direct contradiction of eachother. I've worked entirely too hard to cap my character to lose him now over a fight in Warvag's defense.

I have no idea what any of that has to do with proving your point.

I Guess its customary for you to resort to fallacies and bullshit statements that you will not (or can not) corroborate (such as me being a deadbeat). However, could you please save us all the trouble and put a disclaimer on your posts that indicates as such.

I'd be more than willing to help you out with such a thing. My first suggestion would be:


Or if succinence is your cup of tea: I AM A RETARD

I feel confident that someone of your superior intellect could come up with something fitting.

*edited error

[Edited on 1-5-2004 by RangerD1]

Weedmage Princess
01-05-2004, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by Blazing247
Taking his weapon in such an uncreative manner is, however, repugnant.

Yeah, and so is selling someone's rare item without their knowledge, and taking bids on it. Which is what Warscooter did. Amongst countless other scumbucket things.

Like I said, were it anyone else, I'm sure everyone would agree with you, and I do believe the weapon would have been returend. However Warclaidhm has done some truly F***** up stuff to people. What goes around, comes around..and while you might decide to sqeulch, forgive and forget--someone else who decides not to isn't wrong. If everyone went around grinning like a fool and saying "Aww, it's okay" when someone did something messed up to them, it'd just invite them to continue with their horrible antics. I'll do whatever I want, no matter how messed up it is, cause hey I'm not suffering any repercussions for it. However if they somehow get bit in the ass for what they've done..they'll think twice about how they treat people. Revenge is so underrated.

01-05-2004, 02:33 AM
Weedmage, as usual, makes an excellent point.

You can't go around being an ass forever and ever and then one day go, "I have no coin left and I'm not mean anymore so everyone love me plz kthx."

Would you like a waaaahmburger with those french cries?


01-05-2004, 02:49 AM
Not getting how Ranger's a deadbeat gangbanger...what with being in the armed forces and all.

01-05-2004, 02:52 AM
As long as Anticore will admit he stole the Claidhmore I see nothing wrong with keeping or selling the item. Do not hide behind policy and claim it was not thievery to take that weapon.

01-05-2004, 02:59 AM
I think you should give his claid back.

01-05-2004, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Not getting how Ranger's a deadbeat gangbanger...what with being in the armed forces and all.

Heh, Its alright. I have no problem putting my business out there. Back on the old boards people like blazing247 and Tamral would go on rants about gangs and in reality most lower income people in the country as being deadbeats etc etc. I argued against them in the matter and blazing247 took great offense to this simply because..well i dunno i just think hes an idiot.

Where i come into all of this is that i grew up on the south side of Chicago in probaly one of the worst areas in the country.

To make a pretty long story short, i've never been a member of any organization outside of the US military, but i do know many many people who have been in various gangs and i do know a great deal about them. That said, they are not what everyone likes to make them out to be in this country. I admit, they are far far from perfect but there *is* alot more to it.

I completely understand peoples aversion and apprehension to them but i have no qualms about stating that i would not be where i am today without the asisstance of my friends and the gangs they belonged to.

However, people like him have no desire to hear such things and would rather indiscrimately lump us all into an erroroneous sterotype. I'd explain better but i really don't wanna flood this thread, and i think i've already done so take that how you will.

[Edited on 1-5-2004 by RangerD1]

01-05-2004, 03:54 AM
Taking an item that was willingly dropped to the ground by its owner is not stealing nor is it against policy.

I believe Warclaidhm already spoke with GMs who promptly confirmed that while it may not have been nice, there was nothing they could do since it was perfectly within policy.

I think this has been stated many times already in this thread but I guess a refresher can't hurt for those who join us late and don't read every page.

01-05-2004, 05:22 AM
Taking an item that was willingly dropped to the ground by its owner is not stealing nor is it against policy. >>

So if you drop your purse on the ground and I claim it as mine you would not think of it as stealing? I am perfectly aware of the policy and the official stance regarding it. I am also aware that sometimes logic is not applied where policy is concerned.

I used the specific wording "hiding behind policy" for a reason, as to claim that he did not steal that Claidhmore is doing just that.

Do I fault the man for taking the claidhmore, based on what I have heard and seen regarding Warcl's character and could assume about Ant and his interactions? No. I do, however, hope that it is only in jest that he would suggest that he did not STEAL that weapon.

It may not be against the law to commit that particular form of the crime, but it is a crime all the same.

01-05-2004, 06:27 AM
Making comparisons between IG and OOG things is pointless. The two are incredibly different.

01-05-2004, 06:46 AM
Making comparisons between IG and OOG things is pointless. The two are incredibly different. >>

So your going to say its not stealing? Again, I say it may not have been theft as a written rule, but I will be damned if anyone will convince me it is not thievery in honest princible.

01-05-2004, 06:50 AM
OOG it would be stealing yes, backed up by law and principle. However, the world is vastly different IG. I can kill people. I can slay monsters and wield terrible magics. None of this I can do in reality. Not only is this policy enforced, but its damned common sense. Him dropping his weapon voluntarily was like giving up the weapon. It may not be honest, but it isn't stealing, it isn't taking something directly from someone against their consent. Its simply picking up a dropped item.

01-05-2004, 06:55 AM
He made a mistake, and left himself open for the theft to be made. He was a fool to drop that weapon, especially when comparing the cost of the blade to that of a deed. He should have known that people would never have respected his request not to touch the sword he was about to drop, even if he explained the reason why.

Its still stealing.

01-05-2004, 06:59 AM
All of the above is true except for the stealing part. The GMs agree with me. The Policy agree's with me. It may be dishonest, nasty and cruel, but it is NOT forcefully or deceptively taking an item from his person.

01-05-2004, 07:04 AM
Alright. Will you atleast agree that is was a purposeful act of malus that Anticore enacted against Warclaidhm? He knew that he (war) had no intention of abandoning ownership of the sword when he set it down, and took it fully aware that he was depriving the man of his weapon?

01-05-2004, 07:54 AM
Oh, yes definately. Was it justified, however? I don't know. Warclaidhm isn't the most popular or smart person in the game. Heh, my next counter-point was going to be, what if he had dropped it, did his little explanation, then some random newbie came into the room, saw the claidh, picked it up then kept it. Would that be stealing?

01-05-2004, 08:07 AM
If he had heard what Warclaidhm had said before dropping it, and refused to return the weapon..... IN MY OPINION Yes. Without a doubt, its stealing. Unless his parents didnt teach him right from wrong, he knows it doesnt belong to him.

I personally think that the GM's should go over this on a case to case basis rather them employ a broad policy. Yet people would be screetching "Favoritism" and "Unfair" whenever they were ruled against, so they must resort to the current standards and stand helpless in the face of this current calamity.

My question is: Does this give Warclaidhm the right to kill Anticore (assuming he could) on sight, and for him to be within policy? Usually thievery just allows for 1 retribution, but this ISNT thievery according to the law of the lands..simply horrible form on the part of Anticore.

I know if it happened to my former character I would kill this person every single chance I had. Further, I would do my utmost to make his life a living hell until I was barred from the game or my possessions returned to me. Any less would be a violation of what I myself believe, and the beliefs of my character.

[Edited on 1-5-2004 by Fallen]

01-05-2004, 08:14 AM
His name is Anticor.

It's not stealing. It's Warclaidhm being a complete dumbass. 99% of the people who aren't just bandwagon members of the No Warclaidhm Club would've kept it.

I'm one of them.

01-05-2004, 08:17 AM
His name is Anticor. >>

I know.

99% of the people who aren't just bandwagon members of the No Warclaidhm Club would've kept it. >>

So your saying if someone you have never met did this, you would grab the item up and not have a single thought of remorse for your actions?

01-05-2004, 08:23 AM
Kill Anticor with what? ::snickers::

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

01-05-2004, 08:24 AM
If you know his name is Anticor, why do you keep misspelling it? WTF?

No, Mr. Illiterate. If someone I never met did it, I wouldn't do anything. With Warclaidhm, I know he's retarded and everyone hates him, and the only consequence will be from a GM. If it was someone I didn't know, I don't feel like making enemies or having their older character kill me or something.

01-05-2004, 08:26 AM
he admitted to scamming people (ie stealing from them) as Vorthais. we should treat him as a model citizen now?

01-05-2004, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I, personally, totally agree with Pierat. I enjoyed the all-for-one-one-for-all aspect of the game far more than I did the dog-eat-dog game GS ultimately became. It is one of the myriad reasons I do not play anymore.

However, what the game was then and what it is now are two entirely different things. Those playing now must learn to get along in the game as it is today.


Warclaidhm would not have survived back "in the day" ... he would have been deeded or he would have changed a long time ago, saving us the trouble of constantly debating his ignorance.

Comparing the two different times is useless in this case as the way we went about dealing with each other has changed.

If Warclaidhm wasn't Warclaidhm.. then I would agree and say Anticor should give back the claidhmore.

But, unfortunately for us.. Warclaidhm IS Warclaidhm and lessons taught and retaught were never learned.

Perhaps this is a harsh lesson to learn, but my money will be on Warclaidhm continuing to be the town fool and learning absolutely nothing from this.

01-05-2004, 09:13 AM
If you know his name is Anticor, why do you keep misspelling it? WTF? >>

Its a joke that only I find funny.

No, Mr. Illiterate. >>

No need to be an ass.

If someone I never met did it, I wouldn't do anything. >>

I didnt say that I believed the actions were or were not justified. I said that a crime was comitted. You said yourself by admitting you would not behave in such a manner against one you did not know. What Anticore did may not be thievery according to the current letter of Elanthian law, but it was dishonest act and done with obvious intent. In my opinion taking something that someone rightfully (im assuming) purchased, then warned he was placing on the ground and asked that no one take it, IS stealing.

I know many will not agree with me on that note, but everyone so far will admit what he did was dishonest and not an act normally committed by an honorable person.

Kill Anticor with what? ::snickers:: >>

Off the top of my head, an implosion wand. Skill migration still has a grace period, does it not? There are plenty of ways to kill someone, and many more to harass and annoy.

01-05-2004, 09:20 AM
I believe the instant skill migration is over, or if anything, today is the last day.

If I'm not mistaken, Warclaidhm is a warrior, so the chances of him being able to use an implosion wand effectively against Anticor is slim.

As Parkbandit said earlier, had he behaved this way during the earlier days, he would not still be alive to tell this tale. He would have been deeded within days of his first few bad dealings. He knew he did wrong in the past (and present from what I've been told) so I don't see why people should all of a sudden be nice to him. Are the actions taken against him nice or fair? Not really. That doesn't mean that people don't have their reasons for doing it. He seems to have brought himself to these problems so he will just have to find a way to deal with it. He can't and won't change overnight, you can't expect his enemies to either.

01-05-2004, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by Blazing247
Sure, I could follow you around all day and steal your treasure, and you couldn't do anything about it. Why don't I? Because that's a scumbag thing to do.

Hey now... stop calling Falgrin a scumbag!


01-05-2004, 09:25 AM
As I see it, problems develop in the way people see this incident because some people mix up in-genre and out-of-genre.

In the real world, the taking of the claidhmore under the conditions here would be stealing. However, because the laws of Elanthia are different (interpretation by the GMs), this action was not stealing in-genre. The morals of people in the real world cannot be compared to the morals of characters who "live" in Elanthia. What Anticor did, in Elanthia, is not immoral or illegal, but it would be both if it was done in the real-world.

As Parkbandit pointed out, this kind of thing was handled very differently "back in the day". Players policed themselves. Someone like Warclaidhm would have learned how to play his character in a way that would not have resulted in the animosity he currently faces, or he would have been driven from the game. Things were, in some ways, simpler then. Now, the game is different, players do not police themselves, and what is acceptable and not acceptable is determined by policy as interpreted by the GMs.


01-05-2004, 09:26 AM
<<If I'm not mistaken, Warclaidhm is a warrior, so the chances of him being able to use an implosion wand effectively against Anticor is slim.>>

He's had spells. He's that dumb.

Warclaidhm removes his plate armor. Warclaidhm puts it in his disk. Warclaidhm casts a spell.

You remove Warclaidhm's armor from his disk. I gave it back though :(

01-05-2004, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
As long as Anticore will admit he stole the Claidhmore I see nothing wrong with keeping or selling the item. Do not hide behind policy and claim it was not thievery to take that weapon.

I'll have to take full responsibility for my son's ways... he is as his new father has taught him.

Damn, I'm proud of him too. :smug:

01-05-2004, 09:32 AM
If I'm not mistaken, Warclaidhm is a warrior, so the chances of him being able to use an implosion wand effectively against Anticor is slim. >>

True, though nothing stopping him for picking up a cheap sorcerer for cash and using him as a weapon.

He knew he did wrong in the past (and present from what I've been told) so I don't see why people should all of a sudden be nice to him. Are the actions taken against him nice or fair? Not really. That doesn't mean that people don't have their reasons for doing it. He seems to have brought himself to these problems so he will just have to find a way to deal with it. He can't and won't change overnight, you can't expect his enemies to either.>>

Im not sure where I personally draw the line against players policing their own. An eye for an eye makes sense to me, did Anticore lose a sum of money to Warclaidhm?

If not, he did something that was cheap and dishonest in an effort to upset Warcl's player. He lowered himself into acting in the manner as the one he detests. He is also acting as a policing body of gemstone, which again blurs the lines of policy.

I am not looking to make Anticore out to be a villain, I am simply commenting on an issue I have seen arise several times before. Situations like this set precedent, and I dont think a dishonest act should stand without close speculation.

01-05-2004, 09:40 AM
What Anticor did, in Elanthia, is not immoral or illegal, but it would be both if it was done in the real-world. >>

*Sighs* No one believes that taking an item that someone has rightfully claimed ownership but had placed on the ground with an explination is immoral?

You can do it without a second thought to someone like Warclaidhm, but people have said they wouldnt do it do someone they didnt know or didnt have a grudge against.

Im beginning to lose touch with what I am defending. It seems no one will bat a tear if Warclaidhm had items taken from him, policy or no.

If this situation were reversed, and an item you put on the ground with an explination was taken and not given back, my guess is you would hope someone would claim it is not right. Everyone has enemies. Just because there is no rule saying "You cannot do this" Does not make it an honest thing to do. Im sure there are many laws not invented to stop future crimes from being committed.

The argument "Well this is Elanthia, its different here" Comes into play. I say take a look at it through your character's eyes, my guess is if he didnt know the people involved they would claim it was wrong.

01-05-2004, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Fallen

I am not looking to make Anticore out to be a villain, I am simply commenting on an issue I have seen arise several times before. Situations like this set precedent, and I dont think a dishonest act should stand without close speculation.

This incident did not set any precedent as it has happened in the past with the same ruling.

There are very few characters in game that I would say deserved this... Warclaidhm is certainly one of them.

Hell, from a roleplaying perspective.. I would say Falgrin would be one of them as well.

01-05-2004, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Fallen

Im beginning to lose touch with what I am defending. It seems no one will bat a tear if Warclaidhm had items taken from him, policy or no.

I think you need to understand that it happened to Warclaidhm. Had it happened to a normal person, I am sure there'd be up-roar. But it happened to Warclaidhm. One could call it a perverted sense of Justice or Karma, but I am sure most, if not no all people whom experienced this character will say it was a justified action.

01-05-2004, 09:50 AM
I think the deciding point here, Fallen, is not what we as individuals might believe is right or wrong, but what the GMs decide, through policy and their interpretation of same, is right or wrong. That is the point I am trying to make.

Warclaidhm was told by the GMs that there is nothing to be done about what happened because he, himself, put his weapon on the ground to avoid a specific game mechanics effect (injury from flares and possible death). He made a choice. It turned out to be the wrong choice with regard to his weapon, possibly the right choice if he wished to avoid injury or death. By deciding in that manner, the GMs have deemed the taking of the weapon by Anticor to be within policy...therefore, "right" by the "laws" of Elanthia. Measured by real-world laws and morals the outcome would have been different.

My character (when I played) would not have taken the weapon. Anticor's character did, and it has been decided that he was within the law of Elanthia to do so.


01-05-2004, 09:53 AM
Hell, from a roleplaying perspective.. I would say Falgrin would be one of them as well. >>

Yes, but the law also defends the rights of even the lowliest slime of humanity. If you steal a cursed gem of mine and you die, I still go to jail.

Laws change. Why do you think the stance was made that if you put something on the ground, no matter what you do or say, its fair game?

Another question, is it a crime to pick up a weapon that was dropped because someone struck at a creature with hardened skin? He chose to swing at that creature, and knew the risks involved. It was on the ground, and anything on the ground is fair game... Do we start to take into account if the person who owned the sword was a good person? Who will be the one who decides?

01-05-2004, 09:56 AM
Speaking for myself, when people do things like that to others, it's morally wrong. Hell I see people do things now that are morally wrong, like when a jackass at a bar drops a $10 bill and someone else picks it up. He should give it back but he feels "Why should I? He deserves to lose some money."

I've seen people drop things while hunting or just putting it down "for a second" and then someone else coming along and picking it up. It's not theirs originally so technically they are stealing. What is in question here is that it's not against policy since we are all told to not put ANYTHING on the ground because it will be up for the taking. Even when people do careless things like put an object in a backpack and not MY backpack, they're still losing that item and no one is required to give it back. Someone who is nice will give it back. Someone who has had no prior problems with said person will give it back. Those who have ill feelings towards them won't. Such is life in the rough Elanthian life. Don't want to lose an item, don't put it anywhere where it can be taken.

I've lost lots of items through carelessness. I lost my goat pin which my halfling ranger adored and I'm pretty sure it was because I put it in a random backpack and not my own. I asked around town for a long time to see if anyone found it. No one said a word. I saw one very similar on someone, and they denied finding it. I can't prove it, but the chances were great that it was mine. I have to chuck it up as me losing my item, which I'm responsible for, and dealing with it.

I have a 10x lavender axe. Yeah tacky color, but my rogue likes all versions of purple so sue me. However it's 10x. People have been waiting anxiously for me to drop that puppy or lose it to the hands of a critter. I don't even use it anymore because I don't want that risk anymore. However if I lose it, it was my own fault.

01-05-2004, 09:58 AM
He knew the risks, then he ignored them. He then paid the price. I think that point some be seperate from the morality issue simply because it could have happened like this: Warclaidhm is disarmed, passing sorc accidently implodes and its gone. Is that an evil act?

Basically, and I can't say this enough, he knew the risks and still fucked up. Personally I don't know if I'd give it back to him if it were me and another, unnamed player, in the same position. You could justify it that Warclaidhm made a mistake in front of an enemy, whom has now capitalized on that mistake. Hell, I am sure if Warclaidhm had RPed a bit more with Anticor, played the "I lost my sword, I lost my soul mate" zen warrior crap, I reckon he'd have given it back.

Again though, many people, most of them rational and moral folks (even if they are members of the I hate Warclaidhm herd) have said they think what happened isn't immoral.

As a rule, I think whatever HN thinks is usually the most fair standpoint.

01-05-2004, 10:01 AM
I think the deciding point here, Fallen, is not what we as individuals might believe is right or wrong, but what the GMs decide, through policy and their interpretation of same, is right or wrong. That is the point I am trying to make. >>

It would seem that the GM's did look at this in an objective manner and made their ruling. I may not like their judgement, or the rule it was based upon, but I suppose they have the power and apparently the majorities affirmation. In the real world im sure some people would take that item if it was worth it, no matter the situation. This ruling reflects this ideal over the "entertainment of a player".

Not much more to argue really. I say Warclaidh is within his right as a player to handle this in an IC manner and declare a blood fued against Anticore. He should only be held to Elanthia's laws of the land, Not harassment policy. He should allowed to continually seek to harry Anticor THE CHARACTER until such time as he permanently kills Anticore, is himself killed, or his item is returned.

01-05-2004, 10:02 AM
Wow! Thanks, StrayRogue. I really do try to be fair, and I do not hate Warclaidhm. I think he needs to pay more attention to what he does, and think things through more thoroughly before acting. That is something I have said to him, as well. ;)

I will also point out that, considering we are going on the rules of Elanthia here, things done by Vorthais cannot be held against Warclaidhm. Although we all know the two characters were played by the same person, in Elanthia these are two different characters and must be treated as such if fairness is to be honored.


01-05-2004, 10:13 AM
I think that in the context of the game and its policies, tracking someone down waiting for an opportunity to legally pick up the weapon would have, in my eyes, been the same as stealing. Perhaps even nastier since it would be premeditated policy-skirting theft. Anticor, however, just happened to be there and saw an opportunity to teach Warclaidhm a lesson.

A lot of people would not have done this to someone else. My character would never have done it period, no matter how evil or dumb the target.

I do think Warclaidhm deserved the lesson. The soft spot in my heart tells me the lesson could have been learned through a lesser loss than a 2 mil weapon but then again, Warclaidhm never seems to be out of money for long and often enough, the higher the price paid, the deeper the lesson is branded into memory.

01-05-2004, 10:17 AM
In the grand scheme of things, losing a 2 mil weapon shouldn't be that big of a deal. Getting money really isn't that much of a feat anymore.

01-05-2004, 10:19 AM
In the grand scheme of things, losing a 2 mil weapon shouldn't be that big of a deal. Getting money really isn't that much of a feat anymore. >>

Hehe. Rich people say funny things.

01-05-2004, 10:21 AM
Fortunately, I have never misplaced ANYTHING in all the time I've been playing. So I have no sympathy for anyone who does. The MY verb works wonders.

01-05-2004, 10:23 AM
Fortunately, I have never misplaced ANYTHING in all the time I've been playing. So I have no sympathy for anyone who does. The MY verb works wonders. >>

I lost many a Drake falchion and scimitar in my earlier days of playing before mastering the MY verb. Though I probably either directly found my next weapon in a bag, or indirectly bought it from the pawnshop because of player capitalizing on anothers error.

01-05-2004, 10:25 AM
Hehe, see, everything usually evens out.

01-05-2004, 10:28 AM
Hehe, see, everything usually evens out. >>

Drake falchion here, 1x claidhmore there. Its all gravy

01-05-2004, 10:29 AM
That's the spirit.

Miss X
01-05-2004, 10:31 AM
From an outsiders point of view, personally I think he should get the weapon back, however I'm not fully aware of all the things he's done to others, I get the impression perhaps he deserved it. Either way, I'm sure he will learn something from this.

I just don't see the logic behind taking a weapon you really dont wanna lose, to an area where it can be taken (including dropping in TSC!!!).
I have a weapon I love, its nothing special really just a 6x crit weighted morning star, but its altered and it fits my charecter perfectly, I would hate to lose it, so I never take it if I hunt in an area I could get disarmed etc. Also, when I put it away I find using the STOW verb is pretty great. Just type stow r and it puts the weapon in my cloak, simple.
When I was younger, I lost a shield I liked it was pretty much my own stupidity dropping it at a table and forgetting, just had to live with it. If you drop something, tough fucking luck deal with it and don't do it again!!

01-05-2004, 10:34 AM
Exactly. Life lesson, don't do it again.

01-05-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
I think the deciding point here, Fallen, is not what we as individuals might believe is right or wrong, but what the GMs decide, through policy and their interpretation of same, is right or wrong. That is the point I am trying to make. >>

It would seem that the GM's did look at this in an objective manner and made their ruling. I may not like their judgement, or the rule it was based upon, but I suppose they have the power and apparently the majorities affirmation. In the real world im sure some people would take that item if it was worth it, no matter the situation. This ruling reflects this ideal over the "entertainment of a player".

Not much more to argue really. I say Warclaidh is within his right as a player to handle this in an IC manner and declare a blood fued against Anticore. He should only be held to Elanthia's laws of the land, Not harassment policy. He should allowed to continually seek to harry Anticor THE CHARACTER until such time as he permanently kills Anticore, is himself killed, or his item is returned.

Even with the deminished learning capacity that Warclaidhm has shown he possesses over the years... I doubt he wants to tangle with Anticor. BUT, if he did decide to do that, I doubt the GMs would stand in his way as long as it didn't become a distraction to others in the game.

01-05-2004, 01:15 PM
*disclaimer per Ranger's request: If you lack morality and a decent sense of right versus wrong (aka you think gangs are a positive thing), please ignore the rest of this post*

The question isn't OOG law versus IG law. The fact is, law IN the game has changed over the years. It wasn't even something that had to be debated about many years ago. You didn't take someone elses items, period. Even if you wished them dead.

I haven't had a character go through the old warrior's turnip lesson, but doesn't he talk about not picking up what isn't yours? I can say with certainty that this exact behavior, five years ago, would have gotten Anticor banned. Evidently, the explosion of retards in the game has dumbed down the morality of it.

Any way you look at it, it's just as bad as whatever offense Warvag originally commited. As far as the not stealing comment, well, I deal with people claiming that on a daily basis. "Sir, I did not mean to steal that, honestly." Any way you wanna spin the ball, it's a stolen item.

I'm not gonna debate it anymore, cause part of it makes me happy to see him get his. It's still a scumbag move, and more IG ways of dealing with this could have been used.

01-05-2004, 01:22 PM
I think it all boils down to if said person was not Warclaidhm, then this would not be being discussed. The weapon would more than likely not have been touched..

01-05-2004, 01:29 PM
Days later...still funny as hell

01-05-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
The question isn't OOG law versus IG law. The fact is, law IN the game has changed over the years. It wasn't even something that had to be debated about many years ago. You didn't take someone elses items, period. Even if you wished them dead.

Many years ago, you could have simply killed Warclaidhm for every stupid thing he did. He would either have learned his lesson or he would have been paying alot for deeds. Today the rules are different.

Originally posted by Blazing247
I haven't had a character go through the old warrior's turnip lesson, but doesn't he talk about not picking up what isn't yours? I can say with certainty that this exact behavior, five years ago, would have gotten Anticor banned. Evidently, the explosion of retards in the game has dumbed down the morality of it.

Your certainty that Anticor would be banned is incorrect. First of all, droppage wasn't active 5 years ago.. I would think that it was more like 7 or 8. Let's say you meant 8 years ago. The worse thing that would have happened in this case would be that the GM would pop down and talk with both parties involved. Since droppage back then occurred whenever you decayed, the GM would probably force Anticor to give the weapon back. He certainly wouldn't have been banned.

Originally posted by Blazing247 Any way you look at it, it's just as bad as whatever offense Warvag originally commited. As far as the not stealing comment, well, I deal with people claiming that on a daily basis. "Sir, I did not mean to steal that, honestly." Any way you wanna spin the ball, it's a stolen item.

Seems you are hung up on this 'stolen' stance a bit... in which case you are incorrect. It cannot be stolen as it was not in anyone's possession. Take a look at the NEWS items. I can't quote the specific one to you, but there is one that clearly states that you should not drop anything on the ground and expect to maintain possession of it. Clearly this means that if you drop something on the ground, you have basically given up any claim to the item.

You can argue the morallity or right vs wrong of it.. but in today's Elanthia, it is not considered stealing. Take it from me... I know stealing. :smug:

Originally posted by Blazing247
I'm not gonna debate it anymore, cause part of it makes me happy to see him get his. It's still a scumbag move, and more IG ways of dealing with this could have been used.

3 million, which is what Warclaidhm claims the claidhmore is worth, is not that much in today's game. I would recon that Warclaidhm.. while he once again proclaims himself completely poor, has plenty of silvers to get a new one. Hell, I've given away stuff worth that in the past.

01-05-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
I think it all boils down to if said person was not Warclaidhm, then this would not be being discussed. The weapon would more than likely not have been touched..

Still a real stupid thing to do... but I think you are right. Karma has a bad habit of turning around and biting you in the ass.

Someone had mentioned that Warclaidhm shouldn't be held responsible for the acts of Vothais. Huh? Vorthais was retired BECAUSE he was scamming so badly that the player probably found it near impossible to play without being hunted down every moment. So he transfered the wealth he gained by scamming folks to Warclaidhm and then proceeded to proclaim he was Vorthais but that he has since changed. Sorry... still responsible in my book.

And had it stopped there.. folks would probably not give Warclaidhm a second notice.. but it didn't. He continued his ways and still does. Gee, I wonder why folks dislike him!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-05-2004, 01:39 PM
I just had to comment as I find this hilarious.

Where's the part about Idiothm's friend, Swordfyre, casting at Bob, running, then running in, WARN INTERACTING Anticor, and running out again?

With friends like those...

Anyway, if I had grabbed the claidhmore, it'd be in the well. Consider himself lucky its still in the game at all. Besides, if he could, he'd just go dupe up some more or scam someone else.

Too bad 80% the lands won't even deal with his sorry ass anymore. Great Lord my ass. Fucking disgrace to the guild, the game and warriors all around.

01-05-2004, 01:45 PM
I remember when he used me to buy something because he had a bad reputation and the merchant (claw of anderas i think) was refusing to have contacts with him..

4,5 is far from 2m, huh?

Remember? I do, he did not took that lesson, and still was annoying to everyone and sending OOC thought on the amulet.

He doesn't learn, that is all, he's a parot.

[Edited on 5-1-04 by Xcalibur]

01-05-2004, 01:48 PM
yep.. bad Karma. My characters have never had interaction with Warwhatshisname, but from the overwhelming replies of those who have.. one conclusion can be made...you are kinda lucky its not in the well at least.

01-05-2004, 01:49 PM
If it was a decent person or a complete stranger to me I would have picked up the weapon and waited for him/her to get healed and then returned it.

Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to Warclaidhm.

And the name is Anticor spell it right, it's not that tough.

01-05-2004, 02:23 PM
I thought it was Anticorn.. as in you hate corn so much you named your mage Anti-Corn.

Weird.. learn something new everyday.

01-05-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I thought it was Anticorn.. as in you hate corn so much you named your mage Anti-Corn.


I think that's going to be my new sig!

01-05-2004, 03:19 PM
Unfond memories of tackling him once in every single room of the warrior guild to stop him from asking all of us the effing way to Bertrandt fifty times a day.

01-05-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Unfond memories of tackling him once in every single room of the warrior guild to stop him from asking all of us the effing way to Bertrandt fifty times a day.

But he's a guild master! Warriors around the globe can rejoice knowing the title means jack shit.

01-05-2004, 03:32 PM
He isn't yet. His name isn't on the plaque outside the guild.

01-05-2004, 03:35 PM
Maybe the guild masters are actually doing the right thing and not initiating him. Good for them. I know he was begging for masters to come to the guild like last night.

01-05-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
*disclaimer per Ranger's request: If you lack morality and a decent sense of right versus wrong (aka you think gangs are a positive thing), please ignore the rest of this post*

The question isn't OOG law versus IG law. The fact is, law IN the game has changed over the years. It wasn't even something that had to be debated about many years ago. You didn't take someone elses items, period. Even if you wished them dead.

I haven't had a character go through the old warrior's turnip lesson, but doesn't he talk about not picking up what isn't yours? I can say with certainty that this exact behavior, five years ago, would have gotten Anticor banned. Evidently, the explosion of retards in the game has dumbed down the morality of it.

Any way you look at it, it's just as bad as whatever offense Warvag originally commited. As far as the not stealing comment, well, I deal with people claiming that on a daily basis. "Sir, I did not mean to steal that, honestly." Any way you wanna spin the ball, it's a stolen item.

I'm not gonna debate it anymore, cause part of it makes me happy to see him get his. It's still a scumbag move, and more IG ways of dealing with this could have been used.

Your grasp of what the rules were back in the day are erroneous. Please don't talk to us like we were not there and as such were not privy to them.

If somebody such as Warclaidhm dropped his weapon in the manner he did, and somebody else claimed it as his then the only recourse warclaidhm would have would be to regain it back somehow.

The only similar action that would have gotten you banned is clear mechanics abuse, I.e. putting a backpack on the ground so somebody would put something in there.

Now, i'm quite sure you'll claim i'm bullshit, but quite frankly we both know your grasp on reality is fleeting as it is, so believe what you want.

For kicks ask Bleys what caused his beef with the old Rogue's guild.

I think you'll find the situation somewhat similar.

01-05-2004, 06:39 PM
No matter what I think of Warclaidhm I personally think it was wrong to take it...

Shrug just me I guess...

Des ka
01-05-2004, 07:26 PM
I wish people here could just talk in a friendly manner, :Sigh:.

I'll admit, I used to scam. As vorthais, yes. ----> I DO NOT <------- scam anymore. I didnt make friends. People thought on the amulet that it was a scam and that hurt my rep. Guys, everyone learns. I do learn

I did learn a lesson. I would never put my weapon on the ground again. However, I dont think anticor should've taken it. I doubt he'll give it back. He just doesn't seem like the guy to forgive someone. I'm impressed that he will locker it in case we get things resolved, that is very mature of you anticor.

I'm not on the guild plaque. But nither are alot of guild masters. They have to update it.

01-05-2004, 07:41 PM
:( so they did nominate you.

Stupid warriors.

01-05-2004, 08:05 PM
Whoever nomiated Warclaidhm should be shot.

01-05-2004, 08:49 PM
<<I did learn a lesson. I would never put my weapon on the ground again. However, I dont think anticor should've taken it. I doubt he'll give it back. He just doesn't seem like the guy to forgive someone. I'm impressed that he will locker it in case we get things resolved, that is very mature of you anticor.>>

Hey moron, you've lost how many weapons?

Massive stone mattock, immolation sword, this claidhmore, I'm sure another enchanted claidhmore, and a plethora of other stupid shit you whine about constantly.

You doubt Anticor will give it back? Let me clarify. Anticor says, "I will not give it back." He does seem like the guy to forgive someone, but you haven't done anything worthy of being forgiven, you've just been stupid.

My final point of this post: YOU ARE DUMB.

Des ka
01-05-2004, 08:58 PM

You hear the subdued thoughts of Mythrand touch your mind:
"Are you a guildmaster, sir?"

>think to mythr yes
You focus your mind on Mythrand and t

You hear the subdued thoughts of Mythrand touch your mind:
"Excellent. I shall keep an eye out for you, then. I have heard a lot about you."

>think to mythr Uhh what about me?
You focus your mind on Mythrand and think: "Uhh what about me?"
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You hear the subdued thoughts of Mythrand touch your mind:
"Only that you are among the greatest warriors in the land."

You hear the subdued thoughts of Mythrand touch your mind:
"Curious. ooc: Well, I've seen you on the forums a lot. I'll do me darnedest not to judge from what they got to say."

01-05-2004, 09:14 PM
I don't understand it. Everyone complains about Warclaidhm's intelligence when in fact he could very well be accomplishing exactly what he wants. He is one the most well known people in the lands. Granted he has achieved his position in a way that is not the best way to get there but he is there. He has not always done the smartest and most intelligent things, but he has gotten a rise out of everyone here.

One more thing that bothers me. Everyone complains when he posts, tells him to leave and go to Klaives boards, etc.... Just ignore him and maybe he will give up here. I personally have had little interaction with him, and could care less one way or the other. Instead of giving him 15 different threads a month, just make one thread and post about him there. As of right now there are roughly 10 threads dedicated to Warclaidhm and his actions that have been posted in the last 2 weeks(rough estimate). If you want him gone, leave him alone. It's at least worth a try.

01-05-2004, 09:18 PM
Congradulations Warclaidhm. You are still a dumb whore. People like Beutifulgreen, deadward etc were well known as well. Didn't change the fact that they were idiots.

01-05-2004, 09:40 PM
Just shows that there are 3 ways to be noticed in the lands:
1. Incredible RP for a very long time
2. abuse your power at old ages
3. Be an idiot all the time

01-05-2004, 09:55 PM

Is there really that much difference between post whores and dumb whores?

Just wondering....:?:

01-05-2004, 10:04 PM

01-05-2004, 10:05 PM
Elrodin said:
Instead of giving him 15 different threads a month, just make one thread and post about him there. As of right now there are roughly 10 threads dedicated to Warclaidhm and his actions that have been posted in the last 2 weeks(rough estimate). If you want him gone, leave him alone. It's at least worth a try.

This has been suggested in almost every thread out there about him. To date his antics are just to juicy to ignore I guess.

01-05-2004, 10:59 PM
<Your grasp of what the rules were back in the day are erroneous. Please don't talk to us like we were not there and as such were not privy to them.>

Don't act like such a dumbass then. My oldest IG friend is still on perma-ban for the exact thing Anticor did. No, there weren't any extenuating circumstances as I was standing right there. Some guy dropped his weapon, he took it. He never gave it back. The GM's had to go into his character file to take it away and give it back to the owner, and banned him after that.

We both know that ALL policy is based on personal GM bias. What will get you banned and what will get me banned are vastly different beasts, depending on many variables as petty, for example, as how the GM is feeling at that particular moment in time.

Because Anticor didn't get banned for this does NOT mean it is acceptable policy. Just because my friend did get banned, does not mean it's completely against policy. It's a grey area, for sure, but it's UNETHICAL any way you slice it.

Please, keep on insulting my intelligence, I rather enjoy the lowbrow insults by the lower class such as yourself. Next up, my momma?

01-05-2004, 11:03 PM
Why, I did the same thing with a Krolvin backslasher. You're dumb. It was also in TSC.

01-05-2004, 11:04 PM
Ask Darcmoon, he seems the one who likes insulting others moms. Watch out, he'll try to snap your neck as well.

Love you Jolena!

01-05-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Myshel
This has been suggested in almost every thread out there about him. To date his antics are just to juicy to ignore I guess.

If you noticed i think i have posted maybe two or three times in all of the other thread bashing warclaidhm combined. I dont even bother to read them anymore because they say the same thing. If it has already been suggested then nobody is following up on it. His antics havent changed at all. Hes still the same Warclaidhm.

01-05-2004, 11:08 PM
Just like we're still making the same threads.

So what's your point?

01-05-2004, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
<Your grasp of what the rules were back in the day are erroneous. Please don't talk to us like we were not there and as such were not privy to them.>

Don't act like such a dumbass then. My oldest IG friend is still on perma-ban for the exact thing Anticor did. No, there weren't any extenuating circumstances as I was standing right there. Some guy dropped his weapon, he took it. He never gave it back. The GM's had to go into his character file to take it away and give it back to the owner, and banned him after that.

We both know that ALL policy is based on personal GM bias. What will get you banned and what will get me banned are vastly different beasts, depending on many variables as petty, for example, as how the GM is feeling at that particular moment in time.

Because Anticor didn't get banned for this does NOT mean it is acceptable policy. Just because my friend did get banned, does not mean it's completely against policy. It's a grey area, for sure, but it's UNETHICAL any way you slice it.

Please, keep on insulting my intelligence, I rather enjoy the lowbrow insults by the lower class such as yourself. Next up, my momma?

Who is your friend that got perma-banned? I think that would tell a lot. How do you know your "friend" didn't have other warnings that led up to the banning, and what he did was just the last straw? We don't know the whole story on that one, and I bet you don't either. And I doubt Anticor has any warnings. Aside from the fact people are repeatedly told to NEVER put things on the ground. Having to explain that to you is really sad.

Ranger made valid points and resorting to calling him a dumbass only dismisses your credibility. No one made lowbrow insults but you as far as I can see. Give us a break please, thx.

01-05-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247 The GM's had to go into his character file to take it away and give it back to the owner, and banned him after that.

This here is probaly the key sentence in what happened to your friend.

At most, depending on the circumstances somebody would have been made to give the weapon back, however by your statements its obvious he was not cooperating with the GM's and i wouldn't doubt that there was more to his ban then that one incident.

Please, keep on insulting my intelligence, I rather enjoy the lowbrow insults by the lower class such as yourself. Next up, my momma?

Just as i enjoy the deadbeat jokes from someone just as clueless as yourself ;)

Oh by the way, in a few short months i'll be a non commissioned officer in the Army.

Who knew deadbeats like myself could become something in this world, next you know you'll have a "Deadbeat" like myself as mayor of a town like Hartford, Conn...oh wait...it already happened. My bad.

01-05-2004, 11:15 PM
I have to add---

Has anyone seen that commerical before movies at the theater for Coke Music or whatever blah blah? With Deluxe 247? :D

If not, you wouldn't get it anyway, so nevermind.

01-05-2004, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
I have to add---

Has anyone seen that commerical before movies at the theater for Coke Music or whatever blah blah? With Deluxe 247? :D

If not, you wouldn't get it anyway, so nevermind.

Those are the best commercials of all time.

01-06-2004, 12:44 AM
<Aside from the fact people are repeatedly told to NEVER put things on the ground. Having to explain that to you is really sad.>

Not putting items on the ground has very little to do with item theft. The likelier reasons we are "told this" is because of the old, indiscriminatory janitor, sudden game crashes, and critters picking it up.

As far as it being the last straw, that is a moot point. The point is, he got a warning for that behavior. Whether it was his first warning, or fiftieth, it IS warnable behavior.

Congratulations on becoming an NCO. We all know it's the NCO's that make shit happen. As far as not being a deadbeat by making grade, you know as much as I do there is no correlation. I would love to say to you all the people I met were in the Corps to help their country, but mostly, it was a way out for these kids. Flip burgers, or fight for your country. Not all service men are altruistic, and immune to scrutiny. Either way, congrats.

Chelle, the whole 'thx' thing is so last year. Try to be a bitch a little more creatively. I know it's hard for you.

01-06-2004, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by Blazing247
Don't act like such a dumbass then. My oldest IG friend is still on perma-ban for the exact thing Anticor did. No, there weren't any extenuating circumstances as I was standing right there. Some guy dropped his weapon, he took it. He never gave it back. The GM's had to go into his character file to take it away and give it back to the owner, and banned him after that.

We both know that ALL policy is based on personal GM bias. What will get you banned and what will get me banned are vastly different beasts, depending on many variables as petty, for example, as how the GM is feeling at that particular moment in time.

Because Anticor didn't get banned for this does NOT mean it is acceptable policy. Just because my friend did get banned, does not mean it's completely against policy. It's a grey area, for sure, but it's UNETHICAL any way you slice it.

Please, keep on insulting my intelligence, I rather enjoy the lowbrow insults by the lower class such as yourself. Next up, my momma?

I'm hopping on the I-doubt bandwagon and seconding that there must have been more involved in that one act, or more prior to that one act to get perma-banned.

Even so, what happened a long time ago and what happens today can hardly be compared, or referred to as prejudice or bias. It is though a reflection of the changes that the GS community has gone through and a modifying of their Policy.

01-06-2004, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by Blazing247
As far as it being the last straw, that is a moot point. The point is, he got a warning for that behavior. Whether it was his first warning, or fiftieth, it IS warnable behavior.

I doubt it is a moot point. By your own words the GM's had to go into this mans account and forcibly take away the weapon. I'd be willing to bet that there was more involved in this one situation then simply "picking up the weapon".

01-06-2004, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
I have to add---

Has anyone seen that commerical before movies at the theater for Coke Music or whatever blah blah? With Deluxe 247? :D

If not, you wouldn't get it anyway, so nevermind.
It's deluxe son...deluxe....:thumbsup:

Weedmage Princess
01-06-2004, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by Blazing247
As far as it being the last straw, that is a moot point. The point is, he got a warning for that behavior. Whether it was his first warning, or fiftieth, it IS warnable behavior.

That's not true, it is NOT a moot point. It's very valid, infact. Hell, swearing isn't necessarily a "bannable" offense, or saying a word like whore or something. However if you have 5 warnings on your account, versus someone with maybe 1 or 2, versus someone with NONE...guess who's more than likely to get locked out if they say whore with a pissed off GM watching? That's right, the one with the 5 warnings.

You do have a point that there are a lot of "gray" areas when it comes to the issues of warnings..but banning/locking out is a whole other ballgame. Picking up a weapon someone dropped on the ground is NOT a bannable offense. At it's worst, it's worthy of a warning. Now if it so happens that the warning pushes you over the top...well then...yeah. But yes, prior history DOES come into play there.

Think about it, when a player goes to see Raging Thrak and answer his questions, one of the things they STRESS is you put your weapon in YOUR backpack, YOUR sheathe or whatever YOUR container is. What do you suppose the reasoning behind that is??? It's game mechanics. Might not fit into some people's code of morals, sure..and no I wouldn't take anyone's weapon if they dropped it (**unless they did something to deserve it.) but that doesn't mean someone who does take it is worthy of a ban.

Ask the original Edgeleaf or Summir about that. Tsin didn't get banned...hell he didn't even get a warning when he took her shield up in the rift.

[Edited on 1-6-2004 by Weedmage Princess]

01-06-2004, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by Blazing247
<Your grasp of what the rules were back in the day are erroneous. Please don't talk to us like we were not there and as such were not privy to them.>

Don't act like such a dumbass then. My oldest IG friend is still on perma-ban for the exact thing Anticor did. No, there weren't any extenuating circumstances as I was standing right there. Some guy dropped his weapon, he took it. He never gave it back. The GM's had to go into his character file to take it away and give it back to the owner, and banned him after that.

We both know that ALL policy is based on personal GM bias. What will get you banned and what will get me banned are vastly different beasts, depending on many variables as petty, for example, as how the GM is feeling at that particular moment in time.

Because Anticor didn't get banned for this does NOT mean it is acceptable policy. Just because my friend did get banned, does not mean it's completely against policy. It's a grey area, for sure, but it's UNETHICAL any way you slice it.

Please, keep on insulting my intelligence, I rather enjoy the lowbrow insults by the lower class such as yourself. Next up, my momma?

I am about 99% certain we have heard such a small slice of this story. Like a tiny flake or crumb.

You have to do something pretty serious to get perma-banned from this game. The company at this point in time tells you that they don't want your monthly payment.. that you are doing something so bad that you jeopardize the game itself.

Your 'friend' didn't get perma-banned for simply walking by and picking up a weapon... no matter how innocent he proclaims.

Get the rest of the story and come on back.

01-06-2004, 09:59 AM
I'm not a Warclaidhm fan, at all. I'm sure he's a complete imbecile, and anyone that spends 10 minutes in the Landing soon becomes aware that he is one of the village idiots -- he basically screams it from the rooftops with the inane (and often OOC) amulet chatter.

But, I think it's a bad idea to get mixed up in stealing people's weapons -- even when the person is a complete shithead like Warclaidhm.

01-06-2004, 05:50 PM
<<Even if the GM's let you come back after your banishment...>>

First off, the GMs would tell you you're shit outta luck if you dropped something on the ground and someone else grabbed it. I think even Thrak tells you that back at level 1 when you talk to him.

That being said, I always get a chuckle out of stupid bullshit like this...

<<life wouldn't be very fun for you as there isn't anyone I can't make life horrible for.>>

On that note, here's something to cheer people up:


Des ka
01-06-2004, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1

Originally posted by Blazing247 The GM's had to go into his character file to take it away and give it back to the owner, and banned him after that.

This here is probaly the key sentence in what happened to your friend.

At most, depending on the circumstances somebody would have been made to give the weapon back, however by your statements its obvious he was not cooperating with the GM's and i wouldn't doubt that there was more to his ban then that one incident.

Please, keep on insulting my intelligence, I rather enjoy the lowbrow insults by the lower class such as yourself. Next up, my momma?

Just as i enjoy the deadbeat jokes from someone just as clueless as yourself ;)

Oh by the way, in a few short months i'll be a non commissioned officer in the Army.

Who knew deadbeats like myself could become something in this world, next you know you'll have a "Deadbeat" like myself as mayor of a town like Hartford, Conn...oh wait...it already happened. My bad.

There's not many people I truly hate, as the player. But you are certainly one of them. You say your intelligent, yet you make the most immature and pointless insults that are offtopic. It just makes you stand out.

I doubt your in the army bud, people in the army actually have respect.

Just do me a favor and go to war and get shot.

Miss X
01-06-2004, 07:46 PM
Uh... I don't think there was any need to be that harsh. You won't win any friends making statements like that.

01-06-2004, 07:52 PM
Hey buddy, if you could follow a logical progression like most non retarded people you would know that his comments were in response to insults he directed at me.

As for the whole "I doubt if your in the army thing" You have to be seriously joking you fucking idiot.

I'll give you the Army definition of respect "Treat others as they should be treated".

In the army respect is earned and not just given to every fuck turd because they were special enough to swim up the canal. I seriously doubt there is much you could do to earn my respect, but i'll give you a hint: Don't be a fucking dumb whore in everything you do. You might do well to learn that lesson, because it applies in most areas of the real world.

As for the shots at my life? Well i'd just advise you to watch out for those scooters.

01-06-2004, 07:52 PM
God, you're so fucking stupid.

Every time I decide to ease off, you go and do or say something that makes me want to reach through my screen and bitch slap you back into your mother's stomach.

[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Edaarin]

01-06-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
You won't win any friends making statements like that.

And therein lies the nature of Warclaidhm

01-06-2004, 07:56 PM
Word Warclaidhm learned this year:


Times he used it this year: 415

Warclaidhm, warclaidhm, warclaidhm....

01-06-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Des ka

There's not many people I truly hate, as the player. But you are certainly one of them. You say your intelligent, yet you make the most immature and pointless insults that are offtopic. It just makes you stand out.

I doubt your in the army bud, people in the army actually have respect.

Just do me a favor and go to war and get shot.

Are you kidding me? You wouldn't know respect if it jumped up and cornholed you. Holy shit you have to be one of the most narrow minded, self centered, socially challenged people I've ever had the pleasure of laughing at.

This game makes me cry.

You guys need to grow up.

I doupt your in the army (try yes he is and then try you're, as in you're an asshat)

God damn that claid is gonna get dusty.

Go to war and get shot? I hope those trees you keep hugging are there to protect you the day you decide to open your sissy mouth to someone like that in public. Ohh wait that requires a spine. Seriously that's such a stupid comment and even you, saying alot I know, are better than that.

01-06-2004, 08:37 PM
JUST when I think Warclaidhm might actually be winning a couple thick skulled fool's sympathy... he comes through in the clutch and really shows why folks hate him.

Well done Warclaidhm... and I certainly hope I am towards the top of your hate list.. I know I deserve to be.

Weedmage Princess
01-06-2004, 08:43 PM
Yeah, Warclaidhm, I think you'll be getting your weapon back really soon now :rolleyes:

01-06-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Des ka
There's not many people I truly hate, as the player. But you are certainly one of them. You say your intelligent, yet you make the most immature and pointless insults that are offtopic. It just makes you stand out.

I doubt your in the army bud, people in the army actually have respect.

Just do me a favor and go to war and get shot.

And just to point out a couple things Warclaidhm...

1) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't continue to use the immature word.. because you have yet to show ANY maturity.. here or in the game. Weren't you the one that confessed to crying over this message board? Oh wait, you were.. refer to my signature line.

2) When discussing someone's intelligence, it's a real good idea to double check your post for silly 2nd grade mistakes like.. "your" instead of the proper "you're". Oh, and there is a space between Off and Topic.

01-06-2004, 08:51 PM
I feel the need to make a comment here.. whether y'all decide to start ripping on me, I couldn't care less because it regards a friggin' game people.

You are all getting all torn up over someone either playing or not playing "an asshole" according to y'all in a game.

Me, I personally haven't seen it in him, hasn't bothered me and been actually friendly when I did see him.. don't consider him a friend, but not a retard..

and yes, because I know there will be a comment in regards to this.. whether he wants it or not, it is in Warclaidhm's defense.

Frankly, I'd think I'd hate all of you more than him at this point since out of 9 pages of posts, maybe with the exception of a few, not many.. if any of you can make it thru a post without swearing or belittling someone else I would most definitely be surprised, cripes, grow up people. You feel big and bad after you post flaming someone? I bet you do.

Last note.. some of you should seriously consider in spending some of your hard earned.. or parents hard earned money and invest in: 1)a dictionary.. and 2)a thesaurus.. and try to broaden your vocabulary instead of making yourselves look ignorant.

Have a great day. :bounce:

[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Izadriel]

Weedmage Princess
01-06-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Izadriel
I feel the need to make a comment here.. whether y'all decide to start ripping on me, I couldn't care less because it regards a friggin' game people.

You are all getting all torn up over someone either playing or not playing "an asshole" according to y'all in a game.

Me, I personally haven't seen it in him, hasn't bothered me and been actually friendly when I did see him.. don't consider him a friend, but not a retard..

and yes, because I know there will be a comment in regards to this.. whether he wants it or not, it is in Warclaidhm's defense.

Frankly, I'd think I'd hate all of you more than him at this point since out of 9 pages of posts, maybe with the exception of a few, not many.. if any of you can make it thru a post without swearing or belittling someone else I would most definitely be surprised, cripes, grow up people. You feel big and bad after you post flaming someone? I bet you do.

Last note.. some of you should seriously consider in spending some of your hard earned.. or parents hard earned money and invest in: 1)a dictionary.. and 2)a thesaurus.. and try to broaden your vocabulary instead of making yourselves look ignorant.

Have a great day. :bounce:

[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Izadriel]


01-06-2004, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Izadriel
I feel the need to make a comment here.. whether y'all decide to start ripping on me, I couldn't care less because it regards a friggin' game people.

Yet here you are posting because you don't give a damn about a game that doesn't matter.

You are all getting all torn up over someone either playing or not playing "an asshole" according to y'all in a game.

Me, I personally haven't seen it in him, hasn't bothered me and been actually friendly when I did see him.. don't consider him a friend, but not a retard..

Consider yourself darned lucky.

and yes, because I know there will be a comment in regards to this.. whether he wants it or not, it is in Warclaidhm's defense.
God knows he lacks the intellect to defend himself and needs you to defend him from the barbarian hordes at the gate. Or so one may infer from your need to post on his behalf.

Frankly, I'd think I'd hate all of you more than him at this point since out of 9 pages of posts, maybe with the exception of a few, not many.. if any of you can make it thru a post without swearing or belittling someone else I would most definitely be surprised, cripes, grow up people. You feel big and bad after you post flaming someone? I bet you do.

And what exactly are the words you would use to describe your own post here? Sugar coated? Diplomacy at its finest?

Humorous that its ok for you to toss flames but verboten for all others.

Last note.. some of you should seriously consider in spending some of your hard earned.. or parents hard earned money and invest in: 1)a dictionary.. and 2)a thesaurus.. and try to broaden your vocabulary instead of making yourselves look ignorant.

Have a great day. :bounce:

[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Izadriel]

Funny that Tijay was just mentioning to me how the term ignorant is tossed about so much lately and i commented how it seems to be used by those trying to make themselves look good.

Thanks for proving me right!:thumbsup:

Weedmage Princess
01-06-2004, 10:14 PM
Well let's give the guy a break. He's just green enough to not know how truly stupid/annoying Warclaidhm is. If he sticks around a bit, I'm sure Warclaidhm will say or do something else completely out there that will make him want slap himself silly for ever defending him. Maybe he'll tell someone else to go to war and get shot?
Time will only tell. ;)

01-06-2004, 10:18 PM
<<try to broaden your vocabulary instead of making yourselves look ignorant>>

You need a dictionary to broaden your understanding of the word ignorant. The word you're looking for is stupid.

01-06-2004, 10:26 PM
Last note.. some of you should seriously consider in spending some of your hard earned.. or parents hard earned money and invest in: 1)a dictionary.. and 2)a thesaurus.. and try to broaden your vocabulary instead of making yourselves look ignorant.

If you can make a make a valid argument that adequately explains how using profanity denotes a lack of vocabulary i'll gladly shut the fuck up.

01-06-2004, 11:49 PM
Ya'll sure are retarded!

If you're going to nitpick at our vocabulary, maybe we ought to dissect your post for mistakes, yah? It'll allow me to remember what it's like to be a 13 year old who's not doing so well in English class.

EDIT: on a serious note here, did you really not read Des ka's last post? I hope you go to war and die? I'm going to 'look stupid' and swear here, but what kind of ignorant shit is that?

"Whether y'all decide to start ripping on me, I couldn't care less because it regards a friggin' game people."

Well, first off, aside from sounding like a hick, if you're going to pick at us about our language at least don't be too lazy to spell out the word freaking. That's just bad form. And regards is just the wrong word to use there, about or concerns would have been more apt. I hate it when people try to use words that they think will lend credence to their argument because it sounds neat.

"Me, I personally haven't seen it in him, hasn't bothered me and been actually friendly when I did see him.. don't consider him a friend, but not a retard.."

You don't need the me at the beginning. I've actually been friendly with him would be the correct wording. You also fit three sentences into one.

"Frankly, I'd think I'd hate all of you more than him at this point."

You'd think you would, huh? Indecisiveness is a killer.

See how silly that was?

[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Edaarin]

01-07-2004, 01:11 AM
Oh you are so NOT using a moment between Jesae and Edaarin as your signature or I'm going to make it a point for her to belch in your face. Cause she'll do it. <nods vigorously>

01-07-2004, 01:40 AM
<<Just do me a favor and go to war and get shot. -Warclaidhm>>

Alright, I've been nice to you both in and out of game and have bit my tongue when it comes to you on these boards many times, despite all your constant hypocritical whining and snerty bullshit, but being a resident of the United States I can't help but give in and publicly acknowledge the fact of what a fuckstain ass plunger you are after reading that statement. Whether you like the guy or not, if he's really in the army (and if he's not/never was then he's an even bigger fuckstain for saying he is but I'll take his word on it), he's doing a hell of a lot more for our country than you and me are, so if nothing else, have SOME respect for that instead of telling him to go to war and get shot.

And quit posting that lame ass French shit in your signature in an attempt to look intelligent (No offense to XCalibur or others whose primary language is French), because you're not.

And learn how to spell.

Learn how to use proper grammar.

Learn how to ride a scooter.

Learn how to stick to your word when you say "I've changed, I'm a good guy now, honest!" instead of sticking your foot in your mouth 10 minutes after, every single time.

Pull your head out of your ass.

Stop whining about people fucking you over when there's probably 10 people you've fucked over for everytime you get fucked.

And most importantly, next time you're gonna say something like that to someone who serves our country in the military, take Arnold's advice:

[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Methais]

01-07-2004, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Des ka

There's not many people I truly hate, as the player. But you are certainly one of them. You say your intelligent, yet you make the most immature and pointless insults that are offtopic. It just makes you stand out.

I doubt your in the army bud, people in the army actually have respect.

Just do me a favor and go to war and get shot.

Oh my dear god...this is Warclaidhm's player? No wonder everyone hates him! I had no opinion having never interacted with him in game. Unbelievably ignorant is my take on him now.

Seriously you nitwit, I have been doing some catch up reading on past postings....RangerD1 seems to insult EVERYone, he is an equal opportunity slammer. He slammed my very first posting but it just made me feel all warm, fuzzy, and welcomed. That you are such a thin-skinned, asinine oaf that you tell someone to go get shot...OH MY GOD, you have real mental problems.

As far as your terribly childish antics in game well, you really should spend more time with your Playstation because it seems that you do not play well with others. Preferably off in a corner somewhere all alone. You thin-skinned asinine oaf.

01-07-2004, 03:00 AM
Well, in my defense i didn't slam Tijay. Us brothers gotta stick together.

01-07-2004, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Well, in my defense i didn't slam Tijay. Us brothers gotta stick together.

You're so white you make the GAP look cool.

01-07-2004, 07:48 AM
Wait a minute.

The Gap isn't cool anymore?

01-07-2004, 08:31 AM
Abercrombie is the new Gap.

01-07-2004, 10:16 AM
I'd shop at abercrombie if I wanted my clothes pre wrinkled and looking like they were pulled out of a trashbag. That store irritates the shit out of me, everything is laying on the tables and ground like it was just tossed. I'd rather shop at J.Crew.

In summary.

RangerD1 = White as the kid on Undercover Brother

Gap not cool.

Abercrombie = stupid = Tayre's fashion sense

Claidhmore = still mine.

01-07-2004, 11:12 AM
Anticor is just envious of my gangsta glasses.

01-07-2004, 12:07 PM
I agree Ant, Pre-fucked up clothing is the most retarded gimmick I have seen to date.

01-07-2004, 12:13 PM
I went into abercrombie one day and i was gonna buy some jeans, and i noticed that the bottoms were all ripped up and there was hole sand shit. I was like WTF is this, i told the girl who worked there "Hey man your shit is fucked "...she looked at me like i was retarded.

01-07-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
I was like WTF is this, i told the girl who worked there "Hey man your shit is fucked "...she looked at me like i was retarded.

Probably because you called her a MAN?

01-07-2004, 01:25 PM
i told the girl who worked there "Hey man your shit is fucked "...she looked at me like i was retarded.

LOL, thats some funny shit.

01-07-2004, 01:40 PM
<<Probably because you called her a MAN?>>

Yeah. Next time say "Hey bitch your shit is fucked, now go make me a sandwich and iron my fucking shirt!" She'll love that even more.

01-07-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Methais
<<Probably because you called her a MAN?>>

Yeah. Next time say "Hey bitch your shit is fucked, now go make me a sandwich and iron my fucking shirt!" She'll love that even more.

Yeah, well, that line only has to work once. Once you find the woman that goes for it, you're set.

01-07-2004, 02:29 PM
Unless she irons it while you're still wearing it. C'est la vie.

01-07-2004, 03:19 PM
Okay, that wasn't an exact quote.

01-07-2004, 03:34 PM
This thread needs to go to a firing squad.

01-07-2004, 03:40 PM
No no, I think we're on to something here.

GO IRON MY SHIRT! You can start on the sandwich once I am satisfied with your work.

Edit: Grammar

[Edited on 1-7-2004 by Fallen]

01-07-2004, 03:42 PM
I'll iron your s hirt if you're wearing it.

01-07-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
I went into abercrombie one day and i was gonna buy some jeans, and i noticed that the bottoms were all ripped up and there was hole sand shit. I was like WTF is this, i told the girl who worked there "Hey man your shit is fucked "...she looked at me like i was retarded.

Were you wearing your new gangsta glasses?

She was probably just too intimidated by your fearsome visage.:yes:

01-07-2004, 05:37 PM
Nah, i don't really wear those in public.

01-07-2004, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I'll iron your s hirt if you're wearing it.
Maimara is such a domerstic type.

Weedmage Princess
01-07-2004, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Nah, i don't really wear those in public.

Why not? They're HOT.

01-07-2004, 05:50 PM
Please get back on topic or I will feel the need to close this thread. Thanks.

01-07-2004, 05:59 PM
Sorry your weapon was stolen. all the sympathy I can muster for a turncoat.

01-07-2004, 06:39 PM

Des ka
01-07-2004, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Sorry your weapon was stolen. all the sympathy I can muster for a turncoat.

Hmm, is that ment to an insult at me? I always viewed you as a good person.

As for what I said to Ranger.

He's ruthless. Theres a point where you can't stand it anymore, so I had to say something. I of course didn't mean it.

Also for anyone else out there. If you really think I'm a "retard", and use cussing to prove it, that just makes you that much lower.

I'm glad your defending america if you are, rangerD. But I can't imagion someone in the army, as an OFFICER, coming to boards to cuss people out and be malicious, anyway you can.

I can spell fine.

As for the other person who threw a wall of cussing words at me, calling me a retard. I must say, you'd be wrong. You don't know anything about me in real life. You cussing someone out like that makes you look that worse.

For one. If I was really a retard, I could not type as well as I do, let alone spell. Most people with retardation have an IQ of someone around 7.

If you've noticed, I'm not "retarded". Before you call someone a retarded fuc* ass moron bitc*slap idiot, be sure to know what "retarded" means.

People trash many people here. They say their idiots, but them doing it in the manner they are makes them that much more ignorant.

Weedmage Princess
01-07-2004, 07:18 PM
Well then, Des Ka, what would you diagnose your major malfunction as, then?

Clearly something is wrong, because you've managed to make yourself one of the most hated people not just on these boards, but in the game, period. So it's not just the opinions of a few, but something you are in fact doing.

01-07-2004, 07:19 PM
<<Most people with retardation have an IQ of someone around 7.>>

I think you mean they have an IQ higher than yours.

<<Before you call someone a retarded fuc* ass moron bitc*slap idiot, be sure to know what "retarded" means.>>

It means Warclaidhm, you bitchslap idiot.

<<They say their idiots, but them doing it in the manner they are makes them that much more ignorant.>>

Your grammar sucks. Also, I've had to say this to about 50 different people, LEARN WHAT THE WORD IGNORANT MEANS YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT. Ignorant is not an insult. You know who's ignorant? EVERYONE. You're dumb. And stupid. Fucking idiot.

You're such a bitchslap ass moron.

01-07-2004, 07:23 PM
I think Warclaidhm is the kid I was making fun of a couple minutes ago when I was talking to Tayre.

<<Before you call someone a retarded fuc* ass moron bitc*slap idiot, be sure to know what "retarded" means.>>

I really think you're the kid who called me a bang ganger. You're just as stupid.

The conversation went something like this:
Me: "Fuck off."
Warclaidhm: "I'm not a bang ganger like you."
Me: "Fuck off."

01-07-2004, 07:28 PM
Mental retardation does not start at 7. It starts at like 70. Just because you're retarded doesn't mean you drool all over yourself and can't have simple motor movement. I honestly do think you are slightly mentally retarded. I'm not downing you for it, It's just what I attribute your extreme idiocy to.

01-07-2004, 08:00 PM
Very well could be autism (sp). Autistic people generally are obsessive about certain things in their life.

01-07-2004, 08:46 PM
But you are retarded. Maybe not mentally, but I'm not closing the door on that one. Retarded simply means you are considerably less than developed in a certain area, be it in terms of intelligence, social eptitude, or what have you. You strike me as the kind of person kids pick on in real life, yes? Socially awkward?

You need to not take everything people say 100% literally. I called you fucking stupid/retarded because what you posted sounded idiotic. Comprende? I didn't call you a bitchslap. That doesn't make any damn sense. I said I wanted to bitchslap you back into your mother's stomach. That means smack you around. And the argument about cussing doesn't have any sort of merit whatsoever. For some people, including myself, using "bad words," like your mommy would call them, is simply a way to reinforce or draw attention to a point. They're just words that emphasize something, give it extra meaning, such as "really" or "fucking," as in you're "really fucking stupid."

01-07-2004, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Des ka

But I can't "imagion" someone in the army, as an OFFICER, coming to boards to cuss people out and be malicious, anyway you can.

I can spell fine.