View Full Version : Big Brother is WATCHING!

04-30-2007, 01:36 AM
I sometimes get a little annoyed with GM oversight with things that do not concern them. For example, I've heard of some people getting pulled/warned for foul language that was private (or in some cases doesn't even go through). You could, in fact be OLD friends with someone and get in trouble just because it's their game, not ours. Anyway... some people may recall the 3+ people playing instruments, the couple of people doing sorc reps, and the general nonsense cluttering our game windows in Kirshor's tent tonight. In a rare moment, I decided to contribute when I saw Kirshor pop out and did:

>imitate speech kirshor I'll be taking ten more!
This is not an appropriate place for that.

Aha... the room is silenced... oh well... so then I'm joking with some people about how someone needs to cram a phallus down someone's throat (Emislity) so they shut their bard music up. Not that I really care, as most people probably don't at this point, but you know how joking gets... So to test that the room is actually silenced, I send ACT through to make sure I'm in the clear... then I do the following:

>act strolls over to Emoslutty and crams his skin flute down her yapper!
This is not an appropriate place for that.

...and there was much rejoice. Humorous reply and all. Unfortunately, Andraste didn't recognize the pure genius of my ACT.

SEND[Andraste] I know it's been 20 minutes since you did that rather vulgar act in public, but for future reference, if you do something like that again in public, you can count on speaking to one of us in private. Thanks!

>report the room was silenced! I knew it wouldn't go through because I typed ACT ahead of time to test

SEND[Andraste] You never know when a silence effect will be dropped, so try to control yourself from testing it, in the future

Maybe if I explained that I meant that the flute was fashioned out of a hide? ...And that the mistake in her name was an... innocent... typo?

04-30-2007, 01:50 AM

04-30-2007, 01:54 AM
Oh shit... if I got locked out it would have been worth it to see that animated gif. I'm going to be laughing for days.

04-30-2007, 02:09 AM
So, if the silence effect had been lifted when your act took place, what do you think the GM response should have been?

04-30-2007, 02:38 AM
"lol, nice dude"

But seriously... just to clarify (if the tone doesn't make it obvious), I'm really trying to share something humorous more than I'm trying to complain. It's more like: this event made me think of some things that might be more worth complaining about.

Anyway, to give some context... the room was JUST silenced and contained about 100 people or whatever. And I figure I'm pretty damn safe testing the silence and then playing with it... odds are pretty low that my test will catch the last millisecond of the silence and I will get caught in the open with the immature one.

04-30-2007, 02:52 AM
I believe his .gif was directed toward you and not the GM.

It's a damn ridiculous complaint.

You obviously did something akin to the emote attempted in silence earlier ... to do it in front of a GM is just plain moronic. Coming here to complain about it is retarded.

04-30-2007, 03:14 AM
"But seriously... just to clarify (if the tone doesn't make it obvious), I'm really trying to share something humorous more than I'm trying to complain.

Silenced or not you're still acting like a tool when you attempt that act. I hate people who room scroll, it's even worse when you get people saying "he just told everybody to be quiet".

I agree with Tsa'ah here, posting yourself acting like an idiot here was just stupid..


04-30-2007, 09:42 AM
The merchant wasn't in the room. Her merchant was on the other side of the Festival. You people should know her style by now from the whole Unconcerned thread. Emislity had left her instrument script running for literally 4-5 HOURS along with several other idiots. We eventually all started being annoying as possible so that the room would be silenced. It was.

When more merchants showed up, and the room was unsilenced, her script never missed a beat and continued to play.

I dislike Emislity, and Andraste.

04-30-2007, 01:32 PM
Because of Emislity and these forums, I'll never be able to look at roast beef the same :(

04-30-2007, 03:07 PM
Making Emislity looking like the normal one is never a good move.

04-30-2007, 03:35 PM
Heh, that room was hilarious. Someone was being a typo nazi so Stunseed hit him with the verbal insult and shut him up. It was nice.

05-02-2007, 11:30 PM
Please... like this even comes CLOSE to my accidentally saying out loud what I was trying to 'chat' in OOC on psinet...

I'm glad I missed all that.. as a room full of people acting like tools gives me a headache :(

05-03-2007, 07:17 AM
The merchant wasn't in the room. Her merchant was on the other side of the Festival. You people should know her style by now from the whole Unconcerned thread. Emislity had left her instrument script running for literally 4-5 HOURS along with several other idiots. We eventually all started being annoying as possible so that the room would be silenced. It was.

When more merchants showed up, and the room was unsilenced, her script never missed a beat and continued to play.

I dislike Emislity, and Andraste.

And this justifies the complaint of the OP how?

05-03-2007, 08:50 AM
And this justifies the complaint of the OP how? >>

<<But seriously... just to clarify (if the tone doesn't make it obvious), I'm really trying to share something humorous more than I'm trying to complain. It's more like: this event made me think of some things that might be more worth complaining about. >>


05-03-2007, 09:33 AM
And this justifies the complaint of the OP how? >>

<<But seriously... just to clarify (if the tone doesn't make it obvious), I'm really trying to share something humorous more than I'm trying to complain. It's more like: this event made me think of some things that might be more worth complaining about. >>


And how easy it is to pull the old "Hey, I thought it was funny, I wasnt complaining..." line when they are pulled up for being a prick.

I sometimes get a little annoyed with GM oversight with things that do not concern them.

Sounded like a complaint to me.

05-04-2007, 10:47 AM
And this justifies the complaint of the OP how? >>

<<But seriously... just to clarify (if the tone doesn't make it obvious), I'm really trying to share something humorous more than I'm trying to complain. It's more like: this event made me think of some things that might be more worth complaining about. >>


Plus, with this being posted in "Staff and Policy Complaints", I think the "I thought it was funny, I wasnt complaining" line wears a bit thin.

Just sayin'

05-04-2007, 11:46 AM