View Full Version : 5x incredible damage full plate

04-25-2007, 11:24 PM
a suit of fitted black plate with intricate silver etchings

5x incredible damage padded full plate
60 lbs

36m to Crippler

Anyone interested can contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or at bubbauno on AIM.


04-25-2007, 11:50 PM
Nice. Glad to see there are sets like this in the lands.

04-26-2007, 12:35 AM
This was up for sale a while back for 90m and even that was way too expensive.

04-26-2007, 02:15 AM
Stop sucking Tsin's ass Fallen.

Anyway, it's not the best damage padded plate in the game. ANNNND, damage padded plate is just...well...pointless anyway.

04-26-2007, 02:30 AM
As soon as you stop picking random fights, potty mouth. It is a nice set of armor.

04-26-2007, 02:30 AM
He's sucking Tsin's ass because he thinks the armor is nice? :lol:

04-26-2007, 02:33 AM
I'd imagine it has something to do with keeping Tsin either happy after a sale, or grooming him for a future one. Either way it isn't the first time in recent days.

High end plate sets aren't exactly rare either. At least not compared to any other AsG.

04-26-2007, 02:48 AM
Yah, it couldn't possibly be because he thinks the armor is nice..

04-26-2007, 02:49 AM
Then I over estimated his intelligence.

04-26-2007, 03:11 AM
I think you just have a chip on your shoulder. :shrug:

04-26-2007, 03:13 AM
I think you're being a stirring bitch *shrug*

04-26-2007, 03:17 AM
Yah, that's me. We go well together, you and I!

04-26-2007, 04:05 AM
I've purchased high end sets of plate, and not from Tsin. This set is better. Hence, I am glad to know it is out there. I am sorry if that upsets you, Strayrogue. Heh, honestly, it isn't that big of a deal.

04-26-2007, 04:53 AM
They must not have been very high end then, considering this is basically 5x unlightened plate.

04-26-2007, 05:58 AM
Stop me if I'm wrong... but if you're wearing Plate, then I'm assuming blood ISN'T an issue. The only thing you have to worry about is the crit divisor? Reduce the level of injury, reduce the potential stun, kill what hit you.

Having said that, the plate could be 'supercalifragilistic' damage padded, and it's STILL no more effective then a set of 150k silver, off the shelf plate that got a bump from a local wizard who took time out from eating his own snot to do a 5x enchant?

Hence the jumping on Tsin and his over-priced 5x damage plate. The only thing anyone sees is the artificial generation of observed value, and not an actual purpose of need for what it has... a bad choice in padding.

04-26-2007, 08:33 AM
Actually damage padding used to be THE type of plate armor you wanted. For most anyways. It is less efficient now, but I wouldn't mind owning a set. I would still prefer it over crit padding.

Blood most definately can be an issue as well.

04-26-2007, 08:44 AM
Stop me if I'm wrong... but if you're wearing Plate, then I'm assuming blood ISN'T an issue.

If you're say... a gnome... with 110 health, it might be nice to have some damage padding so you don't have to stop and eat acantha every 2 papercuts...

Do you need INCREDIBLE damage padding, instead of heavy for 1/3rd of the price? Well... that's really the question, isn't it?

Tea & Strumpets
04-26-2007, 10:10 AM
Actually damage padding used to be THE type of plate armor you wanted. For most anyways. It is less efficient now, but I wouldn't mind owning a set. I would still prefer it over crit padding.

Blood most definately can be an issue as well.

Wow, that's crazy talk. Damage padding/weighting is completely worthless in GS4. This was a nice set of plate in GS3. Anyone buying it now is just unaware of changes to game mechanics.

04-26-2007, 12:24 PM
Yep. The randomization fucked up damage padding. Adding it to plate, well, I never agreed with it in GS3.

Once you're in plate you don't have to worry about being bled out unless you're a total noob. You do have to worry about crit deaths. End of.

04-26-2007, 12:37 PM
so whats its approx worth?

04-26-2007, 12:44 PM
Yep. The randomization fucked up damage padding. Adding it to plate, well, I never agreed with it in GS3.

Once you're in plate you don't have to worry about being bled out unless you're a total noob. You do have to worry about crit deaths. End of. >>

I've seen a warrior get locked into enough RT to be pecked to death. Heralds E-wave for 20 seconds, mobility stands you on the next attack. You get hit by frenzy from a Seer (not too many squares ward that) you then get swept by a scout for more RT, mobility stands you. Knocked back down by a Construct. Griffin Screech puts you in another 7-10. You're done. Beserk doesn't help if you're not stunned. Can't stun maneuver in RT. No sign of healing or symbol of restore. Usually, however, A crystal weapon will drop you due to blood loss lowering your DS to the point where no Ithzir is going to miss.

Just a long, stupid, painful death.

04-26-2007, 12:47 PM
Supercalifragilistic padding, rofl.

04-26-2007, 01:01 PM
Value of damage plate got killed, nobody is denying that.. I remember Blueland asking 400m for the red armor back in GS3 which is also 5x but with +40 instead of the +25 on my set.. I think he's asking around 200m for it now, so that dropped to half what it once was worth and that's the best set of damage ever. I'm sure other sets like this one went down by even more than half. This 5x incred set would have sold for around 150-175 back then and since damage plate rarely sells now I have no clue what it should go for. Feel free to make an offer if you are interested. No matter how many people trash damage plate, it can still be worth something to the right person. Supposedly there is talk of Warden fixing damage padding and weighting too, but who knows.

04-26-2007, 01:07 PM
Yep. The randomization fucked up damage padding. Adding it to plate, well, I never agreed with it in GS3.

Once you're in plate you don't have to worry about being bled out unless you're a total noob. You do have to worry about crit deaths. End of. >>

Just a long, stupid, painful death.

I'd put money on damage padding making no difference.

04-26-2007, 01:27 PM
I'd put money on damage padding making no difference. >>

Fair enough. Truth be told, I think damage padding is in need of an uptweak, and I hope that Warden's comment is an indication he means to work with both systems.

Tea & Strumpets
04-26-2007, 01:27 PM
Value of damage plate got killed, nobody is denying that.. I remember Blueland asking 400m for the red armor back in GS3 which is also 5x but with +40 instead of the +25 on my set.. I think he's asking around 200m for it now, so that dropped to half what it once was worth and that's the best set of damage ever. I'm sure other sets like this one went down by even more than half. This 5x incred set would have sold for around 150-175 back then and since damage plate rarely sells now I have no clue what it should go for. Feel free to make an offer if you are interested. No matter how many people trash damage plate, it can still be worth something to the right person. Supposedly there is talk of Warden fixing damage padding and weighting too, but who knows.

I have to say Tsin, this is the first post that I can recall that appear to be attempting to be honest. But you blew it with the last line.

04-26-2007, 01:29 PM
Supposedly there is talk of Warden fixing damage padding and weighting too, but who knows. >>

He isn't making this up. Warden posted on the boards that Damage Weighting/Padding is underpowered and may be in line for an uptweak. I should have saved it.

04-26-2007, 01:30 PM
Supposedly there is talk of Warden fixing damage padding and weighting too, but who knows.

I saw that post too. I suggest just hanging on to this set until damage padding gets worked out.


04-26-2007, 01:43 PM
yeah, people have been saying warden is about to fix damage padding/weighting for a long time now. should happen around the time we see monks. besides, knowing warden, his idea of balancing damage padding is probably just to nerf crit padding.

that plate just isn't worth much. heavy crit pad plate is several times better and can be had for 25-30mm.

04-26-2007, 01:45 PM
besides, knowing warden, his idea of balancing damage padding is probably just to nerf crit padding. >>

Heh. This made me laugh.

04-26-2007, 02:31 PM
It's funny because it's true :(

04-26-2007, 02:45 PM
First bid is in.. 35m to Kalwin

04-26-2007, 03:03 PM
so im guessin with that bid possibility of the fix is not likely, can i go 36m? :D

04-26-2007, 03:07 PM
Feel free to bid as much as you want. I'm looking for a lot more than the current offer and will keep taking bids until it gets closer to something reasonable. The fix to damage padding/weighting is going to happen, otherwise Warden wouldn't have brought it up on the officials. How soon is another matter.

Tea & Strumpets
04-26-2007, 03:10 PM
The fix to damage padding/weighting is going to happen, otherwise Warden wouldn't have brought it up on the officials. How soon is another matter.

That's just conjecture on your part. Fallen mentioned that Warden said that it "may" be in need of an uptweak. That's a far cry from announcing his intent to actually do it.

04-26-2007, 03:12 PM
If you don't want to take the bids being offered because they are too low, why not just put out a minimum, Tsin? I've never understood why you put up 'So and so bid X amount' on your sales, only to come in later and say 'Feel free to bid what you like, but I will keep taking bids until it reaches what I see as the minimum needed to sell'. It would save you and everyone else a lot of time and confusion if you would just say 'This is my minimum.' instead of stringing folks along. You waste their time.

04-26-2007, 03:12 PM
That's just conjecture on your part. Fallen mentioned that Warden said that it "may" be in need of an uptweak. That's a far cry from announcing his intent to actually do it.

Mike isn't blowing smoke up your ass on this one. I remember reading the post by warden.

It was something like, "Damage weighting/padding has been really bothering me since the change to GSIV and I intend to fix it at some point."

Or at least, that's what I remember. Good thing the officials suck ass as a forum.

04-26-2007, 03:15 PM
so ill take that as,deal with the plate as is for now, ill go 36m then.

04-26-2007, 03:17 PM
ha, take it and run. as is it's worth 1/3 that MAYBE in terms of function and anything beyond that is just a gamble on it getting uptweaked. and even if warden does uptweak damage padding/weighting someday (big if), i doubt he'll make it anywhere as useful as crit padding/weighting.

04-26-2007, 03:20 PM
Can someone PLEASE post for me a level 80+ Warrior getting crit killed by an AS/DS attack, or a maneuver attack not involving magic while they are wearing plate? I would LOVE to see it. Aside from CvC, I think you are going to have trouble producing one.

04-26-2007, 03:23 PM
They also intended to release monks and savants in 2004. Simu doesn't really have a good track record of fixing or releasing things in anything resembling a timely manner.

04-26-2007, 03:44 PM
Theres really not that many 80+ warriors. Plus the death thread is full of mainly pures being battered around. Most likely because they're gimps.

But here goes:

You try, but the terrifying flight to certain death takes precedence. Accept your fate.
The griffin quickly swoops down and releases you several feet above the ground, and you flail awkwardly before landing with a dull **THUD**!

... 30 points of damage!
Hard blow to your neck loosens head on shoulders.
Quite fatal!
After what seems like an eternity, you feel the griffin's grip loosen and it drops your hapless corpse in an awkward heap.

A gremlock jumps on your back and flings a thin wire garrote around your neck and snaps it taut. Painful!
... 40 points of damage!
Awful slash nearly decapitates you!
That's one way to lose your head.

You thrust with a sonic warlance at Rusteek! (not 80 and not a warrior, but he's in plate I believe).
AS: +462 vs DS: +160 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +84 = +436
... and hit for 69 points of damage!
Attack punctures the eye and connects with something really vital!

* Rusteek drops dead at your feet!

The powerful look leaves Rusteek.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Rusteek.
The deep blue glow leaves Rusteek.
The light blue glow leaves Rusteek.
Rusteek seems a bit less imposing.

Someone exclaims, "Murder by Revon! Call the Guard Captain!"

An Ithzir adept spreads his arms wide, then claps his hands together sharply, releasing a wave of crackling motes into the air!
You roll to the side as you try to avoid the effulgent volley!
You roll to try to avoid a sparkling mote, but to no avail. The flickering ball strikes with a sharp snapping sound!
... 70 points of damage!
Massive electrical bolt burns a hole through the back and kidneys.
Your SIGN OF STAUNCHING is no longer effective.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The dim aura fades from around you.
The powerful look leaves you.
The light blue glow leaves you.
You become solid again.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
The air calms down around you.

A greater construct swings a massive arm at you!
AS: +449 vs DS: +256 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +95 = +338
... and hits for 42 points of damage!
Eye crushed by a hard blow to the face!
You are stunned for 10 rounds!

(next shot killed him)

And me, in plate, 10 or so levels from your target:

The griffin quickly swoops down and releases you several feet above the ground, and you flail awkwardly before landing with a dull **THUD**!

... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow breaks your neck!
After what seems like an eternity, you feel the griffin's grip loosen and it drops your hapless corpse in an awkward heap.

I've got a log of falling and breaking my neck somwhere. I even got killed by the fracking wind once.

04-26-2007, 04:07 PM
You were 80+ Warrior and in plate when all that happened? Wow. Motes I can definitely see. Being in plate actually hurts you for that maneuver.

04-26-2007, 04:09 PM
Are you fucking retarded or something? They are merely clips from the few deaths posted in the death thread, which is littered more with whiney pures, namely yourself dying again and again and again.

04-26-2007, 04:12 PM
so did..any of them actually meet my criteria? Do you have to be hostile in every single one of your posts? What is wrong with you?

04-26-2007, 04:13 PM
Again, wtf? All of them met the criteria except Revon whooping Rusteek and me getting griffin dropped, AS I MENTIONED IN THE FIRST POST.

04-26-2007, 04:13 PM
Evarin doesn't die that often to my knowledge. I have his death knell highlighted and tagged with a sound; I promptly give him shit for dying which is too rare for my tastes. :(

I suppose it's possible he could die when I'm not logged in or near my computer though.

However, I still think damage padding is bunk.

04-26-2007, 04:23 PM
A greater construct swings a massive arm at you!
AS: +449 vs DS: +256 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +95 = +338
... and hits for 42 points of damage!
Eye crushed by a hard blow to the face!
You are stunned for 10 rounds!

(next shot killed him)

And me, in plate, 10 or so levels from your target:

The griffin quickly swoops down and releases you several feet above the ground, and you flail awkwardly before landing with a dull **THUD**!

... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow breaks your neck!
After what seems like an eternity, you feel the griffin's grip loosen and it drops your hapless corpse in an awkward heap. >>

Both of these don't count if by "10 levels from your target" means level 70.


You thrust with a sonic warlance at Rusteek! (not 80 and not a warrior, but he's in plate I believe).
AS: +462 vs DS: +160 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +84 = +436
... and hit for 69 points of damage!
Attack punctures the eye and connects with something really vital!

* Rusteek drops dead at your feet!

The powerful look leaves Rusteek.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Rusteek.
The deep blue glow leaves Rusteek.
The light blue glow leaves Rusteek.
Rusteek seems a bit less imposing.

Someone exclaims, "Murder by Revon! Call the Guard Captain!" >>

Not a warrior.

Which leaves these two...

You try, but the terrifying flight to certain death takes precedence. Accept your fate.
The griffin quickly swoops down and releases you several feet above the ground, and you flail awkwardly before landing with a dull **THUD**!

... 30 points of damage!
Hard blow to your neck loosens head on shoulders.
Quite fatal!
After what seems like an eternity, you feel the griffin's grip loosen and it drops your hapless corpse in an awkward heap.

A gremlock jumps on your back and flings a thin wire garrote around your neck and snaps it taut. Painful!
... 40 points of damage!
Awful slash nearly decapitates you!
That's one way to lose your head. >>

Since you already did the searching, could you tell me who posted these? Just want to try and confirm that they are warriors and above level 80 in plate.

Further, my comment about you personally dieing stemmed from this:

<<I've got a log of falling and breaking my neck somwhere. I even got killed by the fracking wind once. >>

I wasn't aware that you played a near cap warrior. Was I supposed to be?

04-26-2007, 04:27 PM

GAAAH these forums have quote functionality for a reason, and they're REALLY easy to use. It's okay when it's one line, but I don't want to have to re-read his entire post to see you're one line detractions.

04-26-2007, 04:30 PM
GAAAH these forums have quote functionality for a reason, and they're REALLY easy to use. It's okay when it's one line, but I don't want to have to re-read his entire post to see you're one line detractions.

Hmm. I GUESS I can stop being lazy and start using this.

04-26-2007, 04:32 PM
Hmm. I GUESS I can stop being lazy and start using this.

Maybe if you bold the >>'s or something... it's just hard at a glance to tell where strayrogue ends and you start (eww..)

04-26-2007, 04:38 PM
Very eww.

04-26-2007, 05:53 PM
I'm looking for a lot more than the current offer
How much are you looking for? I might be interested depending on what your minimum bid is.

04-26-2007, 06:21 PM
The min bid is current 36 million. He usually updates the very first post, so that is where to look for price changes.

04-26-2007, 07:26 PM
Can someone PLEASE post for me a level 80+ Warrior getting crit killed by an AS/DS attack, or a maneuver attack not involving magic while they are wearing plate? I would LOVE to see it. Aside from CvC, I think you are going to have trouble producing one.

Ditto. Everyone keeps saying it sucks, but I have yet to see a log of it sucking. If Tsin would go out and use both of his sets of plate, he could show us the difference. I believe he has a set of masterful crit as well. I personally havent owned a highly damage padded set of armor since GS3, but only because I dont invest in armor much anymore. I think, from my experience hunting capped rogues with good redux, blood loss has killed me far more often than crits. Even random damage padding could help quite a bit.

Fallen, dont you hunt with Debia all the time? Shes a capped warrior I thought? So you should have a very good idea of what normally kills a capped warrior. Is this why your above post seems to say that crit deaths arent something that affect her as often as something else?

As far as people asking for a MB, read his last post about Bluelands plate and this set... I gather from that post he is looking for somewhere around 75m or more. More than likely he would be happy with 100m

04-26-2007, 07:37 PM
Fallen, dont you hunt with Debia all the time? Shes a capped warrior I thought? So you should have a very good idea of what normally kills a capped warrior. Is this why your above post seems to say that crit deaths arent something that affect her as often as something else? >>

Correct. She and I are of the opinion that Damage padding is the way to go for a non-giant race. Still, others believe differently, and that is their prerogative.

To expand a bit on this thought, the BEST way to go for a warrior hunting OTF is very high enchant plate. Crystal weapons are what is going to kill you most, followed by spells like weaponfire. Neither of which are aided by padding. Still, Debia has magical ranks out the wazoo, so she can afford to take a hit on the enchant to lessen the amount of damage she takes when in a ton of RT. Wounds dont really matter. We can heal down just fine in the field if she takes too many blows.

04-29-2007, 11:52 AM
CB is still somewhere close to 40 but lookin for over 50 at least.

04-29-2007, 12:12 PM
You do realize "CB" implies the bid has been accepted, and that, with time, will eventually be thought to be the "winning" bid, right? Don't call it a CB, call it an offer. Which you have rejected.


04-29-2007, 01:15 PM

04-29-2007, 04:36 PM
>< >>

I just like posting like Fallen sometimes. ;)

04-30-2007, 01:29 PM
throw me a bone here :D still $504.00

04-30-2007, 03:01 PM
heh... he isn't taking your bid seriously, bud. i'd be shocked if he settled for less than 70m even though that plate is worth 1/3 that as is.

04-30-2007, 03:31 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about it...
If worse comes to worse just put a deadline on your bet...
Nothing says you can say the bet expires XX...

04-30-2007, 05:31 PM
Hmm didnt I make this set of plate, sold it for 150m when damage was king too if I recall, excellent plate though and very useful if ya in huge swarms still.

Armor certificates and high level damage padded soft armors made me a very large pile of money

05-09-2007, 12:19 AM
Best offer so far was somewhere just under 40 I think.. This set used to sell for 150m+. Keep the bids comin.

05-09-2007, 07:20 AM
it sold for 150m when damage padding was, you know, actually useful.

05-13-2007, 02:21 PM