View Full Version : The Joy of Root Canals

04-24-2007, 06:24 PM
So, I had some pain near one of my back teeth. Went to the dentist yesterday. Major cavity action goin on, plus the wisdom tooth's gotta go even though that wasn't the "bad" tooth. Today I get to the guy who does root canals for a consultation. He says "well we can definitely save the tooth with a root canal, got time to do it now?" I'm like - uh- well I thought I'd have to make an appointment for that another day but sure.

It's 1.5 hours after I had it done, the novocaine is wearing off although when I scrunch my nose up only the right nostril moves, heh. The percoset's also kickin in, so I'm feeling a little woozy and I have that percoset body itch, wheee....

Mostly I just want to say, if any of you live near New Haven County, Connecticut, and ever need a root canal, you totally have to go to Dr. Cha's office in Hamden. He is AWESOME. He has a great sense of humor, lets you watch TV with your own remote to change the channel or turn up the volume while he's working, will provide nitrous oxide (laughing gas) if you have a fear of the drill (for a fee, dental insurance doesn't cover NO2), he's probably the only orient-born doctor I've ever had in my life who I can actually understand through his accent, he's accommodating, he doesn't make you wait forever in the waiting room, his assistants are terrific.

He actually makes getting a root canal a positive, adventurous experience rather than a dreaded fearful trauma. Oh and for the "extreme" types - if you let him know, he'll position you under his binocular-thingie so that you can actually watch almost everything he's doing through the reflection in the lens.

I've only had 3 fillings in my life, and 2 root canals prior to this as a result of a car accident that caused trauma to my front teeth. Both prior root canals were done by Dr. Cha. If I was in a neighboring state and found out I needed another one, I wouldn't hesitate to drive to Hamden just to make sure it's Dr. Cha who's doing the drilling.