View Full Version : LTB: Cap/Near Cap Rogue

04-18-2007, 04:37 PM
Ok, so I've basically returned to the game via fresh start after leaving a few years ago and I'm basically in need of a Rogue.

I'd prefer one as close to 100 trains as possible, and one other than a halfling/gnome...IE: Standard Size Race.

Skills don't matter, due to an upcoming fixskills, stats matter a good amount unless said character has a good chunk of Bounty Points saved up...Equipment, meh..Doesn't matter.

Basically, I'm looking for a character in itself, as close to 100 trains as possible, and NOT a Gnome nor Halfling. Name really doesn't matter as well, I'd much rather prefer one that no one knows much about due to a possible turn in playing style/rp.

If you have one or know of any similar to the above, let me know here or send an IM to RabidKrolvin

We can work out further details then, Thanks!

04-18-2007, 05:06 PM
Buy AestheticDeaths Rogue

http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=F74862BB10C643BCA30BE417 B95ED69F

04-18-2007, 05:07 PM
Buy AestheticDeaths Rogue

http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=F74862BB10C643BCA30BE417 B95ED69F

Saw'em, bit more than what I'm willing to pay most likely. But I added him to my Buddy List earlier :)

04-18-2007, 09:51 PM
AD's rogue is probably the furthest post-cap that you're going to find for sale.

The price isn't bad, either, if you factor in the unspent bounty points.

04-19-2007, 08:38 AM
AD's rogue is probably the furthest post-cap that you're going to find for sale.

The price isn't bad, either, if you factor in the unspent bounty points.

Did he buy 'you'?

04-19-2007, 06:12 PM
AD's rogue is probably the furthest post-cap that you're going to find for sale.

The price isn't bad, either, if you factor in the unspent bounty points.

I don't need a rogue who is likely the furthest Post-Cap either. So anything Capped, but not far along as AD's rogue is still fine by me.

The price is bad for me, for multiple reasons that I have no need to explain :)

04-19-2007, 06:46 PM
Ignore this reply please

04-19-2007, 07:17 PM
Xaerve you should know better then to ask the identity in the open like that.

Anyhow - if you are looking for a capped or near capped character, you are lookin to spend $800 or more. Unless you have some old friends, or believe in miracles.

The one I have for sale is priced higher since his stats are good, experience is beyond the norm, guild skills are maxed, has alot of bounty points(almost enough for the 10m+ fixskills potion) and he has a good rep.

Though that seems to be a problem for you since you want someone unknown. But most any capped character is going to be very well known, even the ones that haven't been played for years will have old friends and people who knew them. Your just better off finding someone who was liked so people aren't killing you all the time.

04-19-2007, 07:40 PM
Anyhow - if you are looking for a capped or near capped character, you are lookin to spend $800 or more. Unless you have some old friends, or believe in miracles.

I'm curious what he thinks would be reasonable, especially considering the fact he's "looking" instead of someone looking to sell out. I think your rogue is pretty well priced and probably the closest he's going to get to what he wants anytime soon.

04-19-2007, 08:08 PM
Anyhow - if you are looking for a capped or near capped character, you are lookin to spend $800 or more. Unless you have some old friends, or believe in miracles.

I disagree, I don't go into anyone's thread and say "you've priced this too high" but when you throw it out there like fact you open yourself up to contrasting points of view. Especially amongst empaths I think you're off on prices here. If we're talking about wizards, sure.

04-19-2007, 08:36 PM
I just sold a 97 sorc for $850, if that helps anything

04-19-2007, 09:51 PM
Don't get me wrong. My statements are just my opinion. Everyone has their own. Thats how the market works. Prices fluctuate because of it.

As far as what you think things are worth, please share your opinion. Tell us what you think someone should be spending on capped rogues.

But the last four capped rogues I can recall selling since I have been back have all sold for over $800, and actually one wasnt even capped just 90+ levels.

As to the empath being overpriced. A capped empath with 8.2m experience sold on gsauctions this January for $1100. Following that price, based on the experience - the one I have could warrant up to $1600 or more. And I tend to base characters prices off of levels, or experience to be more precise. They go up or down depending on the particulars. Good or bad stats, extras etc..

If you can provide any examples of other capped characters selling below $800 please do so. I'd like to add them to my 'price guide'. I can only think of one, and that was a fluke. The halfling paladin who was sold a few times recently. That was the most undesired profession in the game, and for the profession an undesirable race.

And on the wizards, from memory would be one that just sold for $1200, one which sold for the equivalent of around $1100-1200, and the one which sold here for $1500. NONE of which had much if any experience over 8m. They were basically freshly capped, no gear to speak of that I can recall. The $1500 sale had stuff which should have made it even higher - but no one would pay it - and the guy was seeminly in a rush once he actually made up his mind to sell rather than ask for offers.

04-19-2007, 09:56 PM
I don't need a rogue who is likely the furthest Post-Cap either. So anything Capped, but not far along as AD's rogue is still fine by me.

The price is bad for me, for multiple reasons that I have no need to explain :)

And to clear this up - the claim isn't that this rogue is the furthest post cap. Only that he is probably the most experienced rogue for sale at the moment. Or in recent history I suppose.

There are several rogues with more experience. But most will not be for sale anytime soon. If/when they are, they will most likely be priced as high if not higher.

04-19-2007, 09:56 PM
As I've told Allen the first day of this post...It's still early in the game. You'd be surprised how many people try to sell you things right off the bat.

Which is why, when dealing with the market of these things in the past etc, I've always been patient with my dealings and find that to be the best. I'll never buy anything unless it suits my desires...While the rogue is a good price, AT THE MOMENT...It's too high for me.

Why you ask? Simply ask Allen, I told him in IMs about my situations...Like starting Penn State in 4 months for starters and having my own reasons as to why I'd actually rather prefer a newer capped character in comparison to one with a boat load of extra XP. Time may not be a thing on my side while in school, and I'm still debating on how to handle something like this that may never see more than 2 hours a day.

Thank you all for the concern however.

04-19-2007, 10:28 PM
No doubt about it, the way you say you are handling your future purchase is the best way to do it. Find a price you are willing to pay. And ask people what they have to get rid of. Negotiate. Don't buy just because its the only thing on the market.

I wouldn't have even responded to the thread except for the mention of my rogue.