View Full Version : Board Mods Suck

11-19-2003, 04:22 PM
Here's an e-mail telling me that my post was pulled, and why it was pulled. Pretty gay if you ask me:


Your message copied below has been removed from the Discussions about the new GemStone topic for flaming. The GemStone III Forum has a family oriented atmosphere where people can exchange ideas and information without fear of being harassed or intimidated.

I removed your post because it was inflammatory towards those members of the Mentor Society that you were referring to. While you didn't outright mention anyone specifically, those persons familiar with the thread that began in the Mentor Society's official boards folder would be most familiar with one particular person in question. That, coupled with the post mentioning that the poster found your message fairly offensive, prompted me to pull this post. If one person found it offensive and posted about it, the assumption can be made that others found it equally offensive, yet did not post.

Please feel free to repost your message, after having removed those parts of the message that are inflammatory. Simply mentioning the lack of fondness for the society would be acceptable, as would a generalized reason behind that lack of fondness. But phrases such as "OOC snerts", "cranial rectal inversion syndrome", and "OOC idiot" are inflammatory and against Forum policy.

It's important to us that you understand why this kind of posting is not acceptable. If you feel unclear about the guidelines for posting, please read the 10 hints for posting that are prominently displayed on our website. Our guidelines specifically request that members count to 10 and be kind when posting.

If you have any questions about my action in removing your message, please don't hesitate to email me so we can clarify the issue to your satisfaction.


GameHost Emeradan
GSIV Moderator
**Just my opinion, and by no means an official one.

Forum: GemStone III
Category: The Next Generation of GemStone
Topic: Discussions about the new GemStone
Msg#: 15259
Subject: Re: Future Feeder Fun

>>The mentors already have a donation bin in their yard where folks can throw their unwanted goodies and they will be distributed to new characters.

That's no fun though. Besides, a lot of people aren't too fond of the mentor society anyway, mainly because it's gotten to the point where half the members are OOC snerts that have cranial rectal inversion syndrome. So while the items would go to new people, a lot of people don't want to deal with the mentor society in any way, shape or form to begin with.

Besides, new characters can't hold magic metals anyway.

For the record I'm not bashing the mentor society, as there's a lot of good mentors there. It's just getting to the point where they'll let anyone in these days as long as they have a clean record, even if they're known for being an OOC idiot.

~ Methais

Kneel before Zod!

==== END COPY OF POST ====


Now what the hell was wrong with that post that got it pulled, when tons of other posts talking about OOC idiots/snerts don't get pulled? Only thing I can think of is that it's cause I was talking about the precious little mentor society. As for this "one specific person" the mod was referring to, I really have no clue what they're talking about. Besides, saying "half the mentors" these days isn't talking about one person. Morons.

11-19-2003, 04:23 PM
Hear no evil, see no evil.

11-19-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Methais
half the members are OOC snerts that have cranial rectal inversion syndrome.

I'm pretty sure any post with the word "rectal" is getting pulled. Unless you're discussing some kind of medical problem you're having.

Amusing though.

11-19-2003, 04:31 PM
At least they spelled your name right.

(Yes, I have gotten a post pulled and found my name MISSPELLED in the nice dear X letter) (fuckin' pissed me off) (but yeah, mentors are totally teh suck, didn't we already know that? :D)

11-19-2003, 04:44 PM
Heh. I see no mention of any specific mentor in your post, Methais. The moderator screwed up bigtime on that one.

I do love "cranial rectal inversion syndrome"! May I borrow it, pretty please? :D


11-19-2003, 04:58 PM
Agreed, Daina. That is what makes the moderator's little faux pas so devastating. Methais said nothing whatsoever about Augie. It was assumed by the moderator. Baaaad! :lol:

HarmNone got a laugh out of it

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-19-2003, 04:58 PM
Emeradan loves closing threads and pulling posts. He's on some sort of powertrip in the GS4 boards. And yes, he's probably related to Augie somehow.

11-19-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Methais
half the members are OOC snerts that have cranial rectal inversion syndrome.

I'm pretty sure any post with the word "rectal" is getting pulled. Unless you're discussing some kind of medical problem you're having.

Amusing though.

Rectal-cranial inversion is a very SERIOUS medical problem. Those suffering from it need to be informed A.S.A.P so that may correct the problem or die a hideous death inhaling the noxious gasses of their own anal orifice.

It would seem that in this case, the GM in question needs to have the operation performed by someone else, thus...I recommend Maimara, as she has a crowbar with which to aid this poor poor soul.

11-19-2003, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by GuildRat
It would seem that in this case, the GM in question needs to have the operation performed by someone else, thus...I recommend Maimara, as she has a crowbar with which to aid this poor poor soul.

I second the motion!

...and, can I watch?

11-19-2003, 05:27 PM
I'd say write feedback but for having delt with Antavian myself, I know how useless that would be.

11-19-2003, 05:30 PM
It's called an anal cranial inversion. Get it right and maybe they won't pull your post. :cool:

11-19-2003, 05:41 PM
It all begins with the crown of the head pressed firmly agains the sphincter...

::prods Anticor::

11-19-2003, 06:50 PM
Just what we need, another Ysbail moderating the main BBS.

Though I have to disagree with Methais that "half" the mentors are in the boat with the aforementioned Augie, I don't really see anything wrong with that post.

That's precisely why I don't bother posting there anymore. If you have an issue you want to bring to light, you have to be so vague and sugarcoated about it that it ceases to be what you were talking about in the first place.

Plenty of people read these boards. If you have something you're dying to get out, just post it here instead. Better to do that and say exactly what you mean than having to edit to WAY down and then get it pulled anyway.


P.S. Ysbail pulled a post of mine once for saying "BS" (disguised vulgarity). I've seen a jillion people over there use the word "fugly" over and over - FUCKING UGLY for those who don't know - and mods that don't have as much of a wild hair up their ass don't do a thing.

[Edited on 11-19-2003 by SpunGirl]

11-19-2003, 06:52 PM
I agree. Simply post a link to here on their boards if you want to bring something up.

11-19-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Plenty of people read these boards. If you have something you're dying to get out, just post it here instead. Better to do that and say exactly what you mean than having to edit to WAY down and then get it pulled anyway.


Yes! That is a Very Good Idea! We are the BEST! :D

HarmNone thinks we do forums right

[Edited on 11-19-2003 by HarmNone]

11-19-2003, 07:38 PM
If the rectal thing was not in the post and it was pulled, THEN I would have a serious problem.

11-19-2003, 07:39 PM
Without mentioning any names there was no reason to post it unles he was using profanities. He just explained his displeasure in a slightly colorful way. They are lame and thats why I never posted there. Besides, I know most of my posts would've gotten pulled anyway. heheh

11-19-2003, 07:39 PM
You can't be right with simu

either you agree with them, or you disagree, but you can't be right, never, ever

11-19-2003, 07:50 PM
P.S. Ysbail pulled a post of mine once for saying "BS" (disguised vulgarity). I've seen a jillion people over there use the word "fugly" over and over - FUCKING UGLY for those who don't know - and mods that don't have as much of a wild hair up their ass don't do a thing.

I had a post pulled for calling a katana fugly.

11-19-2003, 08:46 PM
Who pulled it?


11-19-2003, 09:01 PM
I don't remember. I don't think it was Ysbail though.

11-19-2003, 09:10 PM
She must have gotten to the other ones, too. ::screams::


11-19-2003, 09:12 PM
Squick the official boards!

11-19-2003, 10:32 PM
I'm reasonably sure that pretty much saying they have their "heads up their asses" is a likely reason why that post was pulled, and please -- everyone knows that fugly is a veiled vulgarity, which is apparently against Simu's TOS. That the posts were pulled should really come as no surprise.

11-19-2003, 10:41 PM
On the contrary, it's that posts with "fugly" were NOT pulled whilst "BS" posts were. This is the source of discontent, if I read correctly.

I'd like to quote a truism of one of my good friends of long long ago:

"The bestest board monitors don't like to pullify the messages!"

11-20-2003, 01:13 AM
<<It's called an anal cranial inversion. Get it right and maybe they won't pull your post. >>

Hugs to super Anticor!

11-20-2003, 01:58 AM
You people are nuts.


11-20-2003, 05:56 AM
Yah. I wouldn't care if she pulled my post for saying "BS" if so many other mods hand't let the "fugly"ies go. I take no issues with policies that are followed across the board, so to speak.


[Edited on 11-20-2003 by SpunGirl]

11-20-2003, 06:08 AM
im assuming you were talking about soupie katana when you called it fugly .. gah its hideous

11-20-2003, 03:30 PM

11-20-2003, 04:55 PM
Yah. I wouldn't care if she pulled my post for saying "BS" if so many other mods hand't let the "fugly"ies go. I take no issues with policies that are followed across the board, so to speak.

Mods are going to see TOS and the direction of whatever folders they're modding differently. It happens here, too...even if we don't have a spiffy form letter.

11-20-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Artha

Yah. I wouldn't care if she pulled my post for saying "BS" if so many other mods hand't let the "fugly"ies go. I take no issues with policies that are followed across the board, so to speak.

Mods are going to see TOS and the direction of whatever folders they're modding differently. It happens here, too...even if we don't have a spiffy form letter.

That I can understand, but when a mod pulls a post and cites a specific policy reason for pulling it, and then it becomes apparent that the other mods don't give a crap about said policy, that chaps me.


11-20-2003, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Delyorik
You people are nuts.


Heh. Interesting you should notice.

HarmNone :D

Weedmage Princess
11-25-2003, 01:43 AM
I hate the Official boards...unless you are totally Pro-Simu in your posts, you will get chewed out by everyone else there at the least, or your posts pulled (which is usually the case) I rarely, RARELY read the boards there..I can't remember the last time I've been to those boards.

The Plat boards I have to say aren't like that...I've seen people speak their mind about Simu, voice their discountenace with certain policies and procedures and not only do the posts actually STAY, but sometimes they're answered. Like a different world.

11-25-2003, 01:45 AM
Thast just bull, i was paying for two prem and two standard accounts, thats gotta count for the same as plat lol

Weedmage Princess
11-25-2003, 02:36 AM
Heh..you know there's a whole separate board for Plat members only, right? Can't enter them with just a prime account.

11-25-2003, 02:50 AM
This i knew, im merely stating i was paying plenty out of my pocket *chuckle*

Weedmage Princess
11-25-2003, 02:56 AM
Ahh okay I wasn't sure.

I'm half asleep here...*gaze*