View Full Version : D.C. Shooters

11-19-2003, 08:41 AM
Ok. I'm normally a tough sell for the death penalty, but in this case I'm thinking i'ts a really good thing.

The case against them is a slam dunk and they seem to show not a whit of remorse whatsoever.

And not that having a good "reason" as it were would help, but it was always purely about money with them not giving a damn who they killed.

In a quiet voice with a slight Jamaican accent, the 18-year-old also says he was the triggerman in each shooting and intended to kill all the people who were shot.
When asked if he pulled the trigger in each, he responds "Basically, yeah." Asked to clarify, he adds: "In all of them."


11-19-2003, 08:43 AM
Bleed them slowly and let the families of the people they killed stab them with long skinny needles

11-19-2003, 08:46 AM
I say start the bidding at $50,000 and have a man-hunt to benfit the families of the victims....hell there has to be some RICH freaks out there that'd love to hunt them down, put a bullet in 'um and mount their oogly faces in a trophy room.

Other than that...I'd say death by pellet gun...

[Edited on 11-19-2003 by GuildRat]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-19-2003, 08:50 AM
just save the government some money and club em on the head like they do seals.

11-19-2003, 09:44 AM
Are they even citizens of the U.S.?

I personally think we should end their lives in style. I'm thinking along the lives of a no-holds-barred wrestling match between these two dudes, and 4 polar bears, surrounded by water filled with sharks (with laser beams attached to their heads), at gunpoint. And they should have their legs tied together. Like in a sack race.

Yeah... on national TV. After castration. That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

11-19-2003, 10:11 AM
I'm not opposed to a good drawing and quartering....but with shetland ponies.

11-19-2003, 10:53 AM
I'm usually not one to say "Kill em!" to just anyone.

But I live in the DC area.

I'm drive by the Home Depot where the FBI woman was shot every day to/from work.

My brothers & sister live a few blocks from one of the gas station shootings.

And I was scared shitless for a week, hiding behind gas pumps and watching out for everyone. When it was still "a white van", we had people from our work calling about a van parked across the street that looked a bit shady.

I didn't step foot in my front yard to do any kind of yardwork, because of the killing of the guy mowing his lawn.

The fact that the kid was bragging about how he shot the agent makes me sick to my stomach.

11-19-2003, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
Yeah... on national TV. After castration. That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

They've done some horrible shit, and they deserve to die. But I don't want to watch them be castrated (you can do it, just not on TV).

Not the twig and berries, man.

11-19-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
Bleed them slowly and let the families of the people they killed stab them with long skinny needles

Cmon. This is the 21st century. Let's be a little more creative.

Microtome + flamethrower, baby. Start at the feet. Slice of little bit, flamethrower (to stop the bleeding). Wait a random amount of time, repeat. Of course, you'd need a doctor of some kind to make sure they stay awake / don't go into shock or whatever. And maybe an iron would work better than a flamethrower. Probably depends on the state.

Polar bears are wimps. Maimara still scares me, though.

11-19-2003, 03:50 PM
I dont think Malvo should get the death penalty. Life in prison is good for him. The other one tho should go the worst way possible in my opinion.

11-19-2003, 04:21 PM
*rubs his 2003 DC Shooters tour T-shirt*

11-19-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
*rubs his 2003 DC Shooters tour T-shirt*

Do you get weekly newsletters from that site with an update on all their newest shirts for your quotes?

11-19-2003, 04:27 PM
No, me and my friends make them. They have a contest for worst/cruelest/coldest slogans. We intend to win.

11-19-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
No, me and my friends make them. They have a contest for worst/cruelest/coldest slogans. We intend to win.

Perhaps you can use the pitchfork joke as a slogan. The question on the front, the answer (and picture of the pitchfork) on the back.

11-19-2003, 04:32 PM
I think it might be rather cozy to place them both, naked, tied to nice hard chairs in a locked room with the family members of those they killed. Arm the family members with cutlery and baseball bats and do not open the door until a designated family member says they are all tired and ready for a good meal. :)


11-19-2003, 04:34 PM
I think we should send them to Detroit.

(10 points to whomever gets the Kentucky Fried Movie reference)

11-19-2003, 04:39 PM
Damn, I thought this thread was about a cool new bar in DC.

11-19-2003, 04:42 PM
This is Shooters tour!

11-19-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I think we should send them to Detroit.

(10 points to whomever gets the Kentucky Fried Movie reference)

Ahahahahaha...I got it...but um, unfortunately I moved to Detroit last year...pity me?

11-19-2003, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Backlash
Damn, I thought this thread was about a cool new bar in DC.

Bwahahahaha Melrose Place

11-19-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Polar bears are wimps. Maimara still scares me, though.

We could always just make them act out Event Horizon again and again and again until they kill themselves.