View Full Version : Character Backstories

04-12-2007, 12:14 AM
Ok, this is a Gemstone forum, and Gemstone is a Roleplaying game. Since real Roleplaying games have a basically fixed plot and extremely variable characterization, and that there is no thread about this, I think it might be nice to have a forum for this.

Well, regardless, I was talking to a girl that i've been seeing who is writing a book. She is having problems with character depth, and I figured I'd lend a hand and show how a character is motivated, i.e, the backstory.

It's not very strong, compared to what you guys are capable of, but it was a start, when I had the money and time to play. I miss playing Rada alot... Will probably be back around summer.

Xblast (11:30:21 PM): for example... radamanthys' father was a quiet, shy, but extremely talented demonologist. He was given a low level, but ultimately decision making and powerful spot in the Citadel, the Faendryl seat of governance. The upper eschalons were politicians, and he was a high seat of power for a non politician.
Xblast (11:30:39 PM): but, really had no sway in the outward affairs of the empire
Xblast (11:31:22 PM): his mother was strong willed and had a mind for politics
Xblast (11:32:20 PM): but found herself smitten by a humble man... since faendryl society is quite patriarchal, she settled for being his wife, even though she had designs to marry a powerful, rich, man... whom she was also able to
Xblast (11:32:46 PM): so she hounded her children
Xblast (11:32:57 PM): nagged them as much as she nagged her husband
Xblast (11:33:21 PM): he had a brillant mind, but was too weak and demure to really survive in such a plotting, cutthroat society
Xblast (11:33:52 PM): it was a bit of disdain for Rada's father that caused his mother to be so hard on him
Xblast (11:33:57 PM): to encourage him in his studies
Xblast (11:34:02 PM): and that he was never good enough
Xblast (11:34:42 PM): so he studys obcessively, his compulsion being his mother's vigilance over him
Xblast (11:34:52 PM): but his father had a kind heart
Radasgirl (11:36:27 PM): go on...I love this
Xblast (11:36:34 PM): and when the matter came about during the 12402 invasion of the Whenimer's Landing encampment and other towns and outposts in the Krolvin invasion...
Xblast (11:38:17 PM): based on that right after the outposts were created... the human empress of Turamzyrr tried to branch out and start trade with nearby residents
Xblast (11:38:34 PM): the Krolvin were the nearby civilization
Xblast (11:38:44 PM): the Krolvin are neandrithalic
Xblast (11:38:49 PM): and brutal
Xblast (11:39:03 PM): Three emissaries were sent
Radasgirl (11:39:47 PM): wait---is Rada in Whenier's landing?
Xblast (11:40:11 PM): The three emissaries returned in six sacks, borne at the vanguard of a Krolvin war party. The Krolvin have no use for trade. They take what they want. The citizens of the Landing were hard-pressed to defend it. Though many accomplished warriors, wizards and the like called Wehnimer's home, (Radamanthys' part comes in at this time) they were vastly outnumbered. It appeared that the Landing would fall.
Xblast (11:41:27 PM): Using his father's credentials within the Citadel as kinfolk have, he attempted to convince the elders of the need to support the humans at this juncture
Xblast (11:41:47 PM): Faendryl being cast from the Elven Nations 2500 years previous
Xblast (11:41:51 PM): they needed allies
Xblast (11:42:05 PM): the Elders scoffed
Xblast (11:42:27 PM): Radamanthys was barely 50 at the time, mostly still child in that culture
Xblast (11:42:36 PM): they laughed at him
Xblast (11:43:28 PM): and said, "If you feel so strongly about supporting those on the other side of the wall (a stone wall was erected, by the Faendryl, on the border of their empire and that of the Turamzzyrian Empire
Xblast (11:43:32 PM): ,
Xblast (11:43:49 PM): then you can go and defend them... and don't come back until they are safe!"
Xblast (11:43:52 PM): and thus he was cast
Radasgirl (11:44:39 PM): the Turamzzyrian Empire is where the humans are?
Xblast (11:44:53 PM): packed a backpack with books (there were no demonology teachers capable of his level at that time, in the Human empire) and departed across the wall
Xblast (11:44:56 PM): yea
Radasgirl (11:45:15 PM): what happened next?
Xblast (11:45:49 PM): Tamzyyr was the big port city, and Capital of the Empire... humans colonized from there
Xblast (11:46:32 PM): he ended up living in Whenimer's Landing in an area frought with dangers and problems
Xblast (11:46:43 PM): but was, in some capacity, dedicated to its safety
Xblast (11:46:47 PM): and was pleged to it
Xblast (11:47:03 PM): by the ruling body of his Art, the Citadel
Xblast (11:49:07 PM): he recieved notice 100 years previous that he was welcome back, and returned, but the infighting and pettyness made him long for his newfound home, where things were less decietful (human politicical posturing has nothing on that of the nigh immortal elven culture's steadfast brutality)
Xblast (11:50:57 PM): plus, he had gained a relationship with the local Sorcerer's guild and was loathe to give up all the connections he had made there, both with many Faendryl, as well as other races that were introduced to Sorcery who were being newly schooled in the Art... both on the Demonological side, as well as some dabbling in Necromantic arts.
Xblast (11:52:45 PM): Radamanthys dabbled in Necromancy for a bit, but was turned off by both the power-hungry practitioners of it, as well as the sheer brutality of it. he's a big nerd, with a weak stomach, deer eyes, and a certain agoraphobia that doesn't lend well to many things necromantic.

04-12-2007, 10:17 AM
Vontez's history:

The details of my life are quite inconsequential.... Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from River's rest with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a 15-year-old Elven prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize; he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possesses and the insane lament... My childhood was typical: summers in the Landing... herb gardening lessons... In the spring, we'd make meat helmets... When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds — pretty standard, really. At the age of 12, I received my first scribe. At the age of 14, a Luukosian named Wilma ritualistically shaved my testicles — there really is nothing like a shorn scrotum — it's quite breathtaking... I suggest you try it.

04-12-2007, 10:51 PM
I know radamanthys was trying for a bit more seriousness, but that shit is fucking HILARIOUS. I love how you modified it for GS.

04-13-2007, 12:35 PM
There are still people that make up background stories for GS? I'm pleasantly amused.

The only one I really ever did in full was for Kiera, and I don't remember all of it. It was something straight out of a Luis Royo drawing of a barbarian chick in mail being protected by large cats.

The problem that I have with GSIV and making character storylines is that someone on staff ultimately comes out with some official documentation or rule that renders your carefully crafted storyline not valid. Then, you have a character on your hands that you've played one way for say 5 years that you can't play that way anymore or risk violating one of the sanctums of new policy (see Kiera). I always found writing fantasy books a better passtime investment wise; it's harder for the rules to be changed arbitrarily.

04-13-2007, 12:44 PM
Lothwynn is rather hostile towards any character's background that has even the slightest deviation from Game Lore. Read the Race/Elf official Forums.

04-13-2007, 11:16 PM
Part of me is actually glad Lothwyn's talking because in some ways, a lot of what he's saying agrees with some ideas I'd had as well. Ironic, given I'd posited the theory of an Ashrim enclave in Ta'Nalfein.


04-15-2007, 01:14 AM
I try to give all my characters a bit of a backstory. Nothing too dramatic, so I can alter it as need-be. But every one of my characters I've made sure to at least plot out how I want their attitudes/beliefs to be.

04-16-2007, 01:52 AM
Same for my characters. Some of them have in-depth backstories tying in multiple threads and such. Others are rather simple, like a normal person coming from Anytown, Tamzyrr. But whichever character I play that's not a locker has at least a sketch to work from.


04-16-2007, 08:17 AM
I'm pretty in depth in the concept of my characters, but the only story I ever "wrote" was Ilvane's. I have a general outline of what I want the character to be, and things develop as time goes by.


04-16-2007, 08:35 AM
I don't I've ever had a character who was ever Anyguy from Anytown. Otherwise, what's his motivation to be an Adventurer as opposed to a turnip farmer?

The most "normal" one was an elf of an aristocratic house who lost his whole fortune gambling compulsively, and so he took up the life of a roguee to try and make it back and return to his family proudly. "Normal" in the sense that this is something spoiled, rich young men do all the time.
