View Full Version : Trading 49 Bane Cleric for 35-40 Ranger or Wizard + Silvers

04-11-2007, 01:30 PM
Name: XXX Race: Dwarf Profession: Cleric (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 204 Expr: 2473843 Level: 49
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 88 (29) ... 88 (29)
Constitution (CON): 74 (27) ... 56 (18) (Death's Sting)
Dexterity (DEX): 57 (3) ... 57 (3)
Agility (AGI): 59 (-1) ... 59 (-1)
Discipline (DIS): 84 (27) ... 84 (27)
Aura (AUR): 98 (14) ... 98 (14)
Logic (LOG): 81 (20) ... 81 (20)
Intuition (INT): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Wisdom (WIS): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Influence (INF): 68 (-1) ... 68 (-1)
Mana: 208 Silver: 742

xxxxxx (at level 49), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 130 35
Physical Fitness...................| 114 28
Arcane Symbols.....................| 150 50
Magic Item Use.....................| 150 50
Harness Power......................| 200 100
Spirit Mana Control................| 150 50
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 50 10
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 150 50
Perception.........................| 120 30
Climbing...........................| 70 15
Swimming...........................| 70 15

Spell Lists
Major Spirit.......................| 25

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 41

Spell Lists
Cleric.............................| 60

39 days remain until the annual FIXSKILLS is to be granted, on 05/20/2007.

Your 30 day migration period will begin when you choose to degrade a skill.

Further information can be found in SKILL FAQS.

You are holding a dark faewood runestaff topped with an ancient Mularos symbol in your right hand.
You are wearing a pair of storm grey moonstone cufflinks, a gold ring, a sigil-incised mottled grey prayerbook, a black steel crimson-veined spike in his left eyebrow, a tattooed symbol of Mularos, a bleeding heart tattoo, a clenched fist tattoo, an ornate black spidersilk satchel, some vaalorn banded vultite brigandine, a heavy platinum-bound bracelet, a deeply hooded black silk cloak, a silver-edged staff harness, some fingerless dark leather gloves, a sigil-woven eelskin rune pouch, a gleaming black onyx rose, a crystal amulet, a pair of dark spidersilk pants, a solid black cloak clasp, some thick onyx-heeled boots, an elaborate Mularos symbol, some fancy dark-lensed spectacles, an enamelled sea-blue scarab locket, a string of black prayer beads and a twine-etched dark steel ring in the upper ridge of his left ear.
Type INVENTORY HELP for more options.

In the locker you see some acantha leaf tea, some acantha leaf tea, some sweetfern tea, some red lichen tea, some ephlox moss, a small iron needle, some light peach pipe tobacco, a spiked platinum ball stud, some yellow lemon pipe tobacco, an ora-lipped glaes pipe, a small pumpkin, a small pumpkin, a clod of dirt, a handful of rubble, a rune-etched ruic long bow, an ora-laced vruul skin gem pouch, some blackened veniom cufflinks, a crystal amulet, a scintillating fishscale, some calamia fruit, a wooden matchbox, a plaited platinum choker, a dark green tobacco tin, a wooden matchbox, a platinum nugget, a gold-capped orase runestaff, some jewelled brocade slippers, a platinum-shod orase runestaff, a white knit surcoat and a tear-cut alexandrite earcuff.

Level: 49 Deeds: 0
Experience: 2473843 Death's Sting: Sharp
Exp. until next: 86157 Recent Deaths: 5
Mental TPs: 0 Fame: 11083818
Physical TPs: 59 Mana: 207/208 max
(1418 Phy converted to Mnt)

Your mind is as clear as a bell.

You feel a strange sense of serenity and find that you are able to reflect on recent events with uncommon clarity and understanding.

You are an inactive member of the Cleric Guild.
You currently have no ranks in any guild skills.

The following information will be restored if you rejoin your previous guild:

>prep 302
You chant a reverent litany, clasping your hands while focusing upon the Bane spell...
Your spell is ready.
>ch rolt
You channel at a rolton.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses a rolton.
CS: +250 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +58 == +330
Warding failed!
You successfully infuse more mana into the cast.
The violet haze chaotically swirls around the rolton, the tremendous force causing the victim to crumple inward upon itself!
The rolton is hit for 63 points of damage!
The rolton collapses to the ground, emits a final bleat, and dies.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Finished CoL Training

EDIT: You pay the transfer fee and if anyone thinks they have an offer in cash or silvers that will be satisfactory send those over too.