View Full Version : Flower Quest = Scripter Sting Operation?

04-06-2007, 04:01 PM
I don't know if this is really a complaint from me, but there sure are a lot of people complaining.

I have to imagine that either the Flower Quest for the 1x per month cross realm transport dragonfly is either one of the most poorly conceived quests EVAR or it was actually originally billed within the GS staff as a sting operation to get scripters.

So, am I just a consipracy theorist here thinking that this was designed to catch and punish scripters? I recently mastered cobbling and my script was only checked in on by a GM once (shoe fell off the worktable onto the floor while I wasn't touching it, caught that one as a GM check instantly). But it seems like a TON of GM effort is being put in to catch and punish scripters on the hunt for the last 10 herbs.

I do kind of get a little giggly every time I see a "I was TOTALLY watching the script right up to that point but I...went to the bathroom/wanted to see what the dragonfly would do/scrolled back to see what happened/fell asleep/name your excuse here" posts. Take it like a (wo)man! Don't hate the game for catching you, hate yourself for getting caught!

Lothwyn has to be near quitting over his work on this quest + the Virilneus "my backstory > game documents" magic loss arguments just after he's probably gotten over the GSS hootenany. He's one of the few fun GMs still around, but he sure knows how to piss off groups of vocal people.

Anyway, I guess my complaint is that this quest could have been much better handled (make people go around the world looking for these flowers, have them awarded as prizes for roleplaying, have them as AG quests where you have to do something level equivalent to acquire them, or any number of other ways) and that the arguments going on are just turning me off of the whole festival at the moment.

04-06-2007, 04:07 PM

04-06-2007, 04:19 PM
Virilneus is a GM?

04-06-2007, 04:26 PM
Judging by the amount of whining he's done over the years, I'm going to guess no.

04-06-2007, 04:43 PM
Naw, I was referring to Virilneus' current feud with Lothwyn. His argument is that he wrote his backstory for his character's magic powers before the game documentation existed. So the current plot arc of the "web" storyline has involved Zimzum and Missoni losing their magical powers and they've got into like a 100 post forum brawl over wether or not a GM should be allowed to do things a player can't. Virilneus must have HATED playing Dungeons and Dragons, that damn DM, always killing his character that the player said was immortal.

04-06-2007, 04:48 PM
Things like this seem to invite scripting, so it's kind of stupid to punish people for it. If you don't want them scripting, maybe getting the flowers should consist of more than walking through the same 15 rooms trying to get something that spawns once every few hours before the other dozen people doing the same thing.

Less tedium, more fun? Lawl.

04-06-2007, 05:17 PM
link to forum brawl? I got a few hours to kill

04-06-2007, 05:35 PM
Holy shit that forum thing sounds like a trainwreck. Link please!

04-06-2007, 06:35 PM
Virilneus threads are always a trainwreck. He is ubermaximo self-interested hell spawn numero uno, and generally full of the worst ideas of anyone who posts on the boards aside from Hakwea and Skatemom(sorcerer bolt spell, primary organizer of the level cap petition). He had an entire *set* of his posts pulled because he became enraged that the GM notion of a frock didn't coincide with his.

Most of his posts and ideas apply only to himself and primarily benefit himself with possible unintended side-effects that benefit other groups. This leaves nearly everyone with the urge to choke the life out of him every time he opens his mouth, which is frequently. I don't even know what the hell he is talking about this time, but it already irritates me.

04-06-2007, 09:32 PM
.... He had an entire *set* of his posts pulled because he became enraged that the GM notion of a frock didn't coincide with his...

I could use a good frock... its been a long week

04-06-2007, 11:10 PM
Heh...I forgot about the frock controversy. I'm sorry, but if I'm arguing the semantics of frocks in an online forum about a virtual piece of clothing, I need to get serious full metal jacket help.

Here's a link to the festivities for those of you trainwreck watchers:


That's when it all started, it gets better from there.

04-06-2007, 11:10 PM
Virilneus threads are always a trainwreck. He is ubermaximo self-interested hell spawn numero uno, and generally full of the worst ideas of anyone who posts on the boards aside from Hakwea and Skatemom(sorcerer bolt spell, primary organizer of the level cap petition). He had an entire *set* of his posts pulled because he became enraged that the GM notion of a frock didn't coincide with his.

Most of his posts and ideas apply only to himself and primarily benefit himself with possible unintended side-effects that benefit other groups. This leaves nearly everyone with the urge to choke the life out of him every time he opens his mouth, which is frequently. I don't even know what the hell he is talking about this time, but it already irritates me.

He does make some good points though...

Invariably storylines are unflexible and they involve the introduction of omnipotent NPCs because GMs have no other way to control things other than through coercive force.

That's always been a pretty gay thing about GS storylines. Of all types of games that have storylines, you'd think a text based one would be the most flexible.


I think it is yet another example of unimaginative storylines by GMs who do not want to put the effort into performing the same types of behaviors they expect us to. GMs expect interactions like say a young thief stealing from an old wizard to be roleplayed out, and yet the GMs never, in their storylines, do so. Rather they follow a predetermined script and rely on omnipotent NPCs to make sure players cannot hind, alter or manipulate that script. Using omnipotent NPCs and other such powers to force players to follow a predetermined path is not roleplaying, its shepherding.

He's always been a huge forum whiner, but it's hard to really disagree with him on the gayness of the predetermined way GMs run events where what the players do really has no bearing on anything. I mean why bother even showing up when for all intents and purposes, you're just there for the show?

04-07-2007, 01:49 AM
lol @ thread.

Reminds me of numerous posts made by that other douchebag Nodyre.

04-07-2007, 02:28 AM
Ugh. H2U's a real winner.

04-07-2007, 02:30 AM
Heh, reading that thread got me a few laughs. I think they short changed Evarin in a few places, though Khaladon pulled off a blinder referring to Viril's infamous petition.

04-07-2007, 02:57 AM
< Heh, reading that thread got me a few laughs. I think they short changed Evarin in a few places, though Khaladon pulled off a blinder referring to Viril's infamous petition. >

Yeah, I was rolling when it went over like 99% of people's heads.