View Full Version : Thrown stuff for sale, along with a few other goodies.

The Ponzzz
04-03-2007, 07:18 PM
Trying to help a friend move some of his thrown gear, along with selling some other stuff! Happy bidding! Either respond here, PM me or shoot me an email at GemStoneIVsales@gmail.com. Everything will go Once, Twice and SOLD. No trades at this point. And if you wish to discuss pricing, by all means, hit me up on PM or email.

a curiously small pouch
Barely the size of a Halfling child's fist, the pouch appears grossly distended, as if struggling to contain a very large object. A repeating pattern of angular, interlocking runes adorns every inch of the pouch's surface.

Surrounded by some swirling mist is a bright white zorchar spear with an elongated leaf blade.

Pouch weighs 2lbs, spears weigh 6, 5x lightning flares(unlimited bandolier)

Seller: Vrehn
SOLD on BO to Evarin

a steel-blue mithril chakram
Nearly a foot across, the mithril ring is a brilliant steel-blue. Small clusters of hawthorn blossoms are delicately rendered along the chakram's surface. Three stark white griffin feathers dangle from a leather thong threaded through a hole near the outer edge. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

4x, returner - lightning flares

Seller: Vrehn
CB: 25mil to Rylark, SOLD!
BO: 30mil

A kelyn bastard axe with a single crescent blade

Weighs 9lbs, 6x, blessable, switchable handaxe/greataxe

Seller: Vrehn
SOLD on BO to David(not sure of GS name), please check your emial

a black ora mace with a green glaes spider charm inset at the base of the handle

5x black ora from the WaveDancer, you know the type.

Seller: Hepsik
MB: 10mil
BO: 16mil

a royal blue herbalist's satchel
You see a glyph-like mark on the herbalist's satchel:
o X
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. | |

"Bloom" is written below the mark in small, light writing.

Weighs 6lbs empty, holds 125lbs. Shoulder worn. MUST stay a herbaslist's satchel via alters.

Seller: Hepsik
MB: 5mil
BO: 8mil

The Ponzzz
04-04-2007, 08:46 AM
Bandolier has a bid!

04-04-2007, 04:00 PM
But Mario,

A curiously small pouch fits you so well....

The Ponzzz
04-04-2007, 07:32 PM
Haha! It's not mine though!!

And with that said!

Bandolier SOLD on a BO!

The Ponzzz
04-05-2007, 12:47 AM
Chakram has a bid!

The Ponzzz
04-05-2007, 06:16 PM
Chakram going twice, will be sold tomorrow evening if no other bids!

The Ponzzz
04-06-2007, 08:32 PM
Chakram and bastard axe sold!