View Full Version : Character Raffle

03-31-2007, 02:48 PM
I am thinking about holding a character raffle soon. I want to test the waters some though, since I won't be able to advertise in the game.

I will most likely hold the raffle on a scale. With one winner. Tickets would be 1.5m, limited to 100 tickets.

Possible prizes would include an 84 empath, 100 rogue and 100 empath.

The characters in question can be found here.

100 human female empath with 12.2m experience (http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=051379B82B414B4981F80CB6 B7BB9626)
100 human male rogue with 9.52m experience (http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=F74862BB10C643BCA30BE417 B95ED69F)
84 human female empath (http://www.gsauctions.com/itemdetails.asp?auctionid=BB478C39A92F463181637743 9F5E99AB)

Each character will be outfitted with some decent gear as well. Mostly 5x enchanted or higher, possibly padded. I will have to look through what I have left if there is enough interest in the raffle.

If 40-74 tickets sell, the winner will get the 84 empath.

If at least 75 sell, the winner will be able to choose either the 84 empath or 100 rogue.

If all 100 tickets sell, the winner would have a choice between all three of them and the character they pick would be given an additional prize of a player shop chosen from FWI, Zul Logoth or the Landing(the most obvious choice since they already have citizenship there, and its the most expensive location).

Also - I suppose its possible I could hold the raffle at 3m a ticket. Have 5 prizes, being the 3 characters, the landing shop and the FWI shop. But all 100 tickets would have to be sold.

So if you are interested in such a raffle, please send me a PM with which auction you would prefer, and how many tickets you would be willing to purchase.

04-01-2007, 02:06 AM
Not enough interest so far

04-01-2007, 09:04 AM
cuz your bitin ;)