View Full Version : WTB .. Katar(s)

03-26-2007, 05:45 PM
Looking for a couple Katars.. Perfect Forging (steel is fine if its a perfect forge), or something with nice abilities. If its forged, enchant is not important, and my grampa will Bump it for me to 6x without a lot of grief.. let me know whats out there.. thanks

03-26-2007, 06:32 PM
I think I may have something. I'm about to leave for a movie though so I can't check till I get back.

03-26-2007, 06:36 PM
Not sure if you caught my post "A Couple Items", but I have a well-forged +27altered one if you wanted to settle for something slightly less than perfect ;)

If not, i dont blame you one bit...

ps. it's imflass

03-26-2007, 07:11 PM
The well forged sounds nice, but not quite what i was looking for.. but thank you for the heads-up.

I'm finding that, while Katars built up quite a fervor when they were released, most of the people I know didn't like the costs required to use them. They were eithe unsatisfied, or simply got bored and re-trained :(

My Paladin is a little different though. She's a Two-Weapon swinger, and is fully trained for brawl & OHE. She's also a little better then singled in Dodge and the like.

I wana have her swinging two nice Katars, whoopin undead heiny left & right.

Right now shes using a draker eonake cresent axe & a Neophrite eonake longsword... works VERY nice. But I want to move to Katars.

If anyone here can help, I would appreciate it. I understand Koop has a couple nice looking Katars (called gauntlet swords for some reason) in his shop, but he didn't get them sung to or assessed before putting them on the shelf, and so they list absolutely NOTHING about their traits/abilities :(

Anyone know Koops IM?

In any case, I look forward to hearing from you soon Skeeter.. and thanks

03-26-2007, 07:18 PM
Koops' Weaponry

In the Common language, it reads:
Some items are priced to reflect a buyout. If you want to haggle over something let me know.
The white ora weaponry is more of a collection of mine, but for sale if your willing to pay the price. All are sanctified, equal to eonake with random zests. Some are even unlocked to have alot more zests and deity specific actions.
The massive tower shield is 4x, heavily zested and contains intense lightning flares that will kill the mightiest of foes.


03-26-2007, 11:01 PM
looks like there's a black mithril Katar in my locker. wasn't in the right town at the time so that's all I know about it.

If it sounds like something you might be interested in I can get more details.

03-26-2007, 11:50 PM
looks like there's a black mithril Katar in my locker. wasn't in the right town at the time so that's all I know about it.

If it sounds like something you might be interested in I can get more details.

heh.. it sounds decent enough, bu without any info on its enchant or other specs.. kind of a question mark more then an answer.. I'll admit, it has me curious though. If you ever find yourself in the sme town as it, just PM me with the details.. should you remember


03-27-2007, 12:38 AM
will do

03-27-2007, 08:25 PM
there aren't many perfect katars out there, not many people forge them. I've sold 2. 1 to Evarin and 1 to Gob.

If you wanted a nice brawler for the offhand, something a little smaller, I have a eonake hook-knife.

03-27-2007, 08:38 PM
I have a perfect vultite troll-claw as well...

although you're lookin for katars, so not sure why we're throwin brawlers at you now.

03-27-2007, 09:19 PM
Gob's Katar is very nice. Already enchanted. He has it up for sale. Stupid little halfling. HATE HATE HATE.

03-27-2007, 09:41 PM
Gob's Katar is very nice. Already enchanted. He has it up for sale. Stupid little halfling. HATE HATE HATE.

Who's Gob? Got a link? I'm REAAAALLLY sleepy

03-27-2007, 11:26 PM
You have a black mithril katar in your left hand.

l at my katar

The handle of this simple weapon is set at a right angle to the blade and consists of two parallel steel bars. The blade itself is forged of deep black mithril and honed to a razor-sharp double edge. Two fiery red rubies are imbedded at opposite ends of the katar's crosspiece, each etched with the likeness of a single tongue of flame.

You touch the crystal with one hand, your mithril katar in the other hand. Tiny sparks of brilliant golden light dance across your katar. A red beam shoots up from your katar toward the ceiling. A shrill, piercing note sounds, echoing through the room.

So it has flares of some sort.

03-28-2007, 12:35 AM
Sthrockmorton, is that imflass katar the one made by me?

I have a perfect imflass katar or two out there somewhere, my little babies. Curious to know whos hands they are in now.

03-28-2007, 11:12 AM
Hmmm, afraid not, my imflass one is only well-forged...