View Full Version : help needed with a rogue

03-23-2007, 06:11 PM
Okies starting a Rogue archer, what would be the core training? Was thinking of...
armor x2
pf x2
range x2
cm x2
moc x1
pick locks x3
disarm x3 perception x3
ambush x2
hide x2

anything i missing or doing wrong?

03-23-2007, 09:13 PM
Okies starting a Rogue archer, what would be the core training? Was thinking of...
armor x2
pf x2
range x2
cm x2
moc x1
pick locks x3
disarm x3 perception x3
ambush x2
hide x2

anything i missing or doing wrong?

running the numbers super quick I came up with 66/42 tps

where would you be getting that many training points?

03-23-2007, 09:35 PM
Drop the MoC for now, 1x CM and 1x PT, that'll save ya 20 PTPs.

03-24-2007, 08:32 AM
Drop the MoC for now, 1x CM and 1x PT, that'll save ya 20 PTPs.

Thats my advice. Everything else looks right on que.

Dont forget your Cmans and guild skills. I think there are a few archer build topic folders under the Rogue primary folder here to use as some feedback.

-Ganalon, 87 Rogue Archer/picker extraordinare.

03-24-2007, 08:53 AM
No dodge?

03-24-2007, 09:23 AM

Yea, you'll want 1x dodge.

03-24-2007, 09:26 AM
Here's where I'm at currently.

Ganalon (at level 87), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 180 80
Combat Maneuvers...................| 194 94
Ranged Weapons.....................| 278 178
Ambush.............................| 278 178
Physical Fitness...................| 187 87
Dodging............................| 206 106
Arcane Symbols.....................| 122 31
Magic Item Use.....................| 50 10
Harness Power......................| 45 9
Disarming Traps....................| 361 261
Picking Locks......................| 365 265
Stalking and Hiding................| 367 267
Perception.........................| 367 267
Climbing...........................| 105 25
Swimming...........................| 130 35
Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 4

Ganalon, your Combat Maneuver training is as follows:
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Shadow Mastery smastery 5
Disarm Weapon disarm 2
Garrote garrote 2
Specialization I wspec1 4
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Surge of Strength surge 2
Cutthroat cutthroat 2