View Full Version : The Effect of Enhancive Strength Bonus on Initial Encumbrance

03-20-2007, 09:00 PM
Disclaimer: Not my work. Awesome stuff, though, done by Play.net SN: LAMOREED. Enjoy


Strength Bonus modifies the amount of weight a player character can hold before breaching the first encumbrance level. Constitution Bonus does not boost this initial encumbrance threshold. Below is the demonstration that each point of Strength Bonus increases weight needed to hit the first level of encumbrance by 1% of the player character?s BodyWEIGHT. It should be noted that Strength Bonus does not affect the amount between thresholds as this remains static value dependant on the player character?s bodyweight; only the initial weight before reaching the encumbrance threshold is increased.

All characters used in the assessment are essentially naked; they possess no enhancive or worn items. I will withdraw coins until the first level of encumbrance is realized. After this threshold is met, I will then increase the strength of the player character. The difference between the first unmodified encumbrance level and the second strength modified encumbrance level naturally yields the amount of weight increased by Strength Bonus before meeting the first encumbrance level. I will use the following formulas discovered by other players as foundations for my research: modified bodyweight and pound-to-coin.

Modified Bodyweight = {Base Racial Weight * [1 + (Constitution Stat-50 )/200 + (Strength Stat-50 )/200]}

N.B. The Modified Bodyweight formula is slightly off. A more exact measurement of Bodyweight results from using the WEIGH {self} verb. Gather 100 data points and average the total. The necessity of numerous data points has been illuminated by Eric?s research showing the variance of the WEIGH verb.

Pound:Coin = 1:160

Burghal Gnome Base Racial Weight = 80 pounds
Strength (STR): 98 (9) ... 98 (9)
Constitution (CON): 98 (34) ... 98 (34)
Modified Bodyweight = {80 *[1 + .24 + .24]} = 118.4 pounds
Actual Weight via WEIGH {self} = 118 pounds
Coin Weight before reaching first encumbrance level = 7458 coins
Wizard Strength (i.e. 509: 15 Strength Bonus) Cast on Burghal Gnome
Modified Coin Weight before reaching first encumbrance level = 10290 coins
10290 ? 7458 = 2832
2832 / 15 (Strength Bonus) / 160 (Coin Weight) = 1.18


Human Base Racial Weight = 180 pounds
Strength (STR): 96 (28) ... 96 (28)
Constitution (CON): 89 (19) ... 89 (19)
Modified Bodyweight = {180 *[1 + .23 + .195]} = 256.5 pounds
Actual Weight via WEIGH {self} = 255 pounds
Coin Weight before reaching first encumbrance level = 15693 coins
Rank 4 Surge of Strength (i.e. 17 Strength Bonus)
Modified Coin Weight before reaching first encumbrance level = 22629 coins
22629 ? 15693 = 6963
6963 / 17 (Strength Bonus) / 160 (Coin Weight) = 2.55

Each point of Strength Bonus increases the initial threshold of encumbrance by 1% of the Player Character?s Bodyweight. Constitution does not increase this initial threshold given my testing with 650 (Bear Form).

I cannot pinpoint the amount before a player character reaches the first level of encumbrance. Given the above Burghal Gnome, 9 strength bonus would alleviate 1699.2 (9 *1.18 *160) coin weight leaving a difference of 5758.8 (7458 ? 1699.2). The Human would have a difference of 4269 [15693 ? (28 * 2.55 * 160)] coin weight. Assuming the initial encumbrance level affected by unmodified player strength bonus is the same as modified player strength bonus then the above poses a problem. This leads me to believe the unmodified strength bonus of a player influences the initial encumbrance threshold differently.

Another concern is the double dipping method by which strength bonus is applied to characters of different races. Clearly, giants benefit the most from enhancive strength. For example, a giant with a maximum bodyweight of 355 and rank 5 surge of strength would increase their strength bonus by 20. This, in turn, increases their initial encumbrance threshold by 71 pounds. A similar burghal gnome with the maximum bodyweight of 120 and rank 5 surge would only increase their initial encumbrance threshold by 24 pounds.

Furthermore, the static value between encumbrance levels is again modified by bodyweight. The amount between each encumbrance level from 1-6 is 10% the bodyweight of the player character; levels 7 and 8 are 15% bodyweight while level 9 is 20% bodyweight. In this case, the giant would have a static weight of 36 pounds while the burghal gnome would have 18 pounds between levels 1-6.

In my experience, my deaths have almost always come from maneuvers. Therefore, it is my belief encumbrance has been the single largest contributor to my deaths. I find it laughable the encumbrance system hasn?t been called into question before given GS4?s trend of balance between all things. Perhaps it?s time for a change?


03-20-2007, 09:01 PM
Constitution does not increase this initial threshold given my testing with 650 (Bear Form). -- dan/gnimble

That's correct. CON and STR stats are used equally to determine body weight, but only the strength stat is used to determine initial unencumbered carrying capacity. Levels of encumbrance for most systems is in increments of 5% body weight, however, the messaging is doesn't reflect this accurately. I believe the messages are 1-6: 10% each and 7-10: 20% each.

Unencumbered carrying capacity = [trunc to .XX((STR Stat - 20)/200) * Body weight] + (Body weight/200).


Body weight: 150
STR stat: 75

((75 - 20)/200) * 150) + (150/200) = carrying capacity
((55 / 200)* 150) + (150/200) = carrying capacity
(.27 * 150) + .75 = carrying capacity
40.5 + .75 = 41.25lbs. max unencumbered carrying capacity

I derived this table, converting the strength stat into a strength factor which can also be used in a more simplified formula:

(body weight * STR factor) + (body weight/200) = carrying capacity


20 .00 50 .15 80 .30
22 .01 52 .16 82 .31
24 .02 54 .17 84 .32
26 .03 56 .18 86 .33
28 .04 58 .19 88 .34
30 .05 60 .20 90 .35
32 .06 62 .21 92 .36
34 .07 64 .22 94 .37
36 .08 66 .23 96 .38
38 .09 68 .24 98 .39
40 .10 70 .25 100 .40
42 .11 72 .26
44 .12 74 .27
46 .13 76 .28
48 .14 78 .29

If the stat is odd, use the lower value -- i.e., if stat is 75 use the value for 74

The weigh verb is body weight +/- 2%. So if the body weight is 100, the readings from the WEIGH verb will be 98,99,100,101,102.

I'll go through your post in a bit more detail but right now I gotta run.


03-20-2007, 09:01 PM
>>Take into account that large races have natural maneuver penalties, and small races have natural bonuses. I have no idea, though, whether this bonus/penalty could possibly offset the massive encumbrance bonus giants get, or the massive encumbrance penalties gnomes receive.
Evarin and his Mis'ri

Yes, they can offset them, and often do. There are situations in which I get torn up much worse as a giantman than humans, elves and halflings by manuevers or crits or certain types. For some reason giants seem to take a lot more neck and head shots from things like roa'ter burrows, falling critters, and the list is nearly endless. I don't have any empirical data to support that, but after nine years of group hunting it's simply something I've noticed. Would I give up my strength and con bonuses, or whatever else goes hand in hand with those? No, but that's a big part of why I chose to be a giantkin. I just had no idea how badly they could get hosed by the negative modifiers.


03-20-2007, 09:02 PM
<<Unencumbered carrying capacity = [trunc to .XX((STR Stat - 20)/200) * Body weight] + (Body weight/200)

Your Unencumbered Carrying Capacity works out beautifully. That's what I couldn't get a handle on.

As far as the enumbrance levels I know the messaging isn't accurate. I know I can be within the lowerbound of a level of encumbrance and recive X additional RT when attacking then be in the higherbound of the same level and have X + 1 RT.

<<I believe the messages are 1-6: 10% each and 7-10: 20% each.

Here's a list of all the messages and the associated bodyweight percentage for my Burghal Gnome used in the original post.

Level Message Bodyweight % Coinweight
1 Your load is a bit heavy 10 1888
2 You feel somewhat weighed down 10 1888
3 You can't quite get comfortable 10 1888
4 Your shoulders are beginning to sag 10 1888
5 The weight you are carrying is giving you a backache 10 1888
6 You are beginning to stoop under the load you are carrying 10 1888
7 It is difficult to move quickly at all 15 2832
8 You find it nearly impossible to make any fast moves 15 2832
9 You are so weighed down with junk you can barely move 20 3776

03-20-2007, 09:04 PM
>Levels of encumbrance for most systems is in increments of 5% body weight, however, the messaging is doesn't reflect this accurately. I believe the messages are 1-6: 10% each and 7-10: 20% each. -- Me

Bah. Fixing me.

Levels of encumbrance for most systems are in increments of 5% body weight, however, the messaging doesn't reflect this accurately. I believe the messaging levels 1-6 are 10% each and 7-9 are 20% each.
