View Full Version : 7x ironwood runestaff with loresong

03-14-2007, 07:23 PM
a diamond-inset ironwood runestaff - Sparkling black diamonds wend over the dark, dense ironwood, creating a tight spiral that completes sixteen revolutions from one gilded tip to the other. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

7x runestaff
Loresong hints at some sort of magic but I have yet to find anything
Only found two scripts so far but it probably has more

>rub runestaff
You polish the jewels of your ironwood runestaff to a perfect shine.

>turn runestaff
You turn the ironwood runestaff over in your hands, watching the jewels sparkle in the ambient light.


The harmonic vibrations that your song evokes in the ironwood runestaff convey a sense of great age. At a rough estimate, the runestaff is worth 1 silver, but a collector of antiquities might be willing to offer a significantly greater sum.

As the ironwood runestaff responds to your song, you sense echoes of ancient enchantment drifting softly through the resonances. It is difficult to say whether or not the runestaff is innately magical, but, if not, then it has certainly been exposed to a great deal of magical energy over an extended period of time.

The resonances of your music caress the ancient weave of enchantment within the ironwood runestaff. You recognize both spiritual and elemental components, twisted together and permanently altered into a new form -- the unmistakable taint of sorcery.

As you sing to the ironwood runestaff, you evoke the image of a short man with silver-streaked hair. He holds the ironwood runestaff in his hands, studying it intently. As he turns it over, its brilliant gems glitter brightly as they catch the light, and he nods his approval. He signals to a liveried servant nearby, and the servant quickly comes to take the runestaff away. The vision drifts away from you as your verse ends.

Anyone interested can contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or at bubbauno on AIM.


03-14-2007, 10:34 PM
That loresong looks really familiar. Where is it from? WD?

03-14-2007, 10:37 PM
Grey Shark Isle on this past Dhu. Most things from there have that loresong. There's also more to the loresong than has been posted.


03-15-2007, 12:47 AM
Yep. Not that rare. Those scripts are also on a number of merchant sold items.

04-29-2007, 12:20 PM
Or you can buy my non-scripted 7x runestaff for 7m, your choice :)

05-10-2007, 09:19 PM