View Full Version : New Character Help

The Mountain Men
03-13-2007, 04:45 AM
Hello, i am a new player and would like all the advice i can get about starting a character. I am interested in starting a giantman ranger. how can i maximize the stats and skills?

Thank you

03-13-2007, 09:05 PM
Ideally, try and lock yourself away and do nothing but play non-stop! Don't do any roleplaying, do you hear me? NONE! Just create scripts to do the hunting and resting for you, that way you can still eat and go to the bathroom.

Try and hoard as many boxes as you can. Creating a second character to open those boxes is a good idea and having an empath and cleric created will assist in keeping you alive as much as possible.

Just put your stats anywhere that make sense and let the fun begin!

Remember, more experience gathering and less roleplying is the key to success.

Good luck!

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2007, 09:06 PM
Hello, i am a new player and would like all the advice i can get about starting a character. I am interested in starting a giantman ranger. how can i maximize the stats and skills?

Thank you

Cancel your account

03-14-2007, 02:40 AM
You guys are terrible.

03-14-2007, 04:01 AM
Ideally, try and lock yourself away and do nothing but play non-stop! Don't do any roleplaying, do you hear me? NONE! Just create scripts to do the hunting and resting for you, that way you can still eat and go to the bathroom.

Try and hoard as many boxes as you can. Creating a second character to open those boxes is a good idea and having an empath and cleric created will assist in keeping you alive as much as possible.

Just put your stats anywhere that make sense and let the fun begin!

Remember, more experience gathering and less roleplying is the key to success.

Good luck!

Also I'd recommend getting at least 30 ranks in lockpicking (reason for 30 ranks in lockpicking is because with less than 30 ranks, you get minimum exp for picking boxes) and joining Rone Academy.

See, the entrance to the rogue's room in Rone Academy is guarded by a box with a -30 lock on it, which you have to pick in order to gain access to the room. When you leave the room, the box resets and is locked again. So be sure and create a script that picks the box and exits the room and picks the box again until you're fried, which should take you roughly 10-30 seconds. Then go to a table about 3 rooms away and rest while you go afk and play a real game.

Hope this helps you on your way!

The Ponzzz
03-14-2007, 04:03 AM

That's the trainer spreadsheet that tsoran made many moons ago, it will help you get started.

03-14-2007, 10:51 PM

That's the trainer spreadsheet that tsoran made many moons ago, it will help you get started.

Lets try not to fill his head with lies and useless information please.

03-14-2007, 11:05 PM
Lets try not to fill his head with lies and useless information please.

QFT. Do what me and Ignot advised and you'll be kicking major ass all over the place.