View Full Version : Teras Temple Swim Script

El Burro
03-12-2007, 02:11 PM
Anyone have one?

03-12-2007, 03:02 PM
move go incline
put swim whirlpool
pause 1
put swim s
pause 3
put swim s
pause 3
put swim s
pause 3
put swim s
pause 3
put swim s
pause 3
put swim ne
pause 3
put swim ne
pause 3
put swim s
pause 3
put swim se
pause 3
put swim w
pause 3
put swim fissure
pause 3
put swim step
pause 3
put swim ne
pause 3
put swim u
pause 3

El Burro
03-12-2007, 03:41 PM
Have you ever been to the temple?

03-12-2007, 04:15 PM
He has. He runs around in there with some uber capped wizard of major leetness :P

El Burro
03-12-2007, 04:21 PM
With a gagillion swim ranks and the encumberance of a helium balloon...

Anyone have a swim script worthy of a plate wearing, pretty good swimming, backpack full of junk warrior that can't swim through with constant 3 second RT's and without the occasional failure?

03-12-2007, 05:44 PM
This one's pretty close. Once in a while it messes up, but I don't know what causes it, as I didn't write the script (Gothique did). For the most part though it should work even if you get some failures, though it seems to pause for an extra second before swimming to another room.

I can say though that with 101 swim ranks, I've never gotten a failure ever...but I'm not wearing plate either so I don't know how much that hinders you.

Anyway here's the script:

#Swimming to the temple

put swim whirl
match southA You skillfully
match southA Confidently
match southA You swim
match end It quickly becomes apparent
match end Tentatively, you attempt

pause 1 then put
put swim s
match southB You skillfully begin
match southB With powerful strokes and kicks
match southB You manage to paddle
match southB You swim
match southA You scramble about
match southA You flail around helplessly
match southA You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim s
match southC You skillfully begin
match southC With powerful strokes and kicks
match southC You manage to paddle
match southC You swim
match southB You scramble about
match southB You flail around helplessly
match southB You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim s
match southD You skillfully begin
match southD With powerful strokes and kicks
match southD You manage to paddle
match southD You swim
match southC You scramble about
match southC You flail around helplessly
match southC You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim s
match southE You skillfully begin
match southE With powerful strokes and kicks
match southE You manage to paddle
match southE You swim
match southD You scramble about
match southD You flail around helplessly
match southD You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim s
match northeastA You skillfully begin
match northeastA With powerful strokes and kicks
match northeastA You manage to paddle
match northeastA You swim
match southE You scramble about
match southE You flail around helplessly
match soughE You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim ne
match northeastB You skillfully begin
match northeastB With powerful strokes and kicks
match northeastB You manage to paddle
match northeastB You swim
match northeastA You scramble about
match northeastA You flail around helplessly
match northeastA You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim ne
match southF You skillfully begin
match southF With powerful strokes and kicks
match southF You manage to paddle
match southF You swim
match northeastB You scramble about
match northeastB You flail around helplessly
match northeastB You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim s
match southeastA You skillfully begin
match southeastA With powerful strokes and kicks
match southeastA You manage to paddle
match southeastA You swim
match southF You scramble about
match southF You flail around helplessly
match southF You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim se
match westA You skillfully begin
match westA With powerful strokes and kicks
match westA You manage to paddle
match westA You swim
match southeastA You scramble about
match southeastA You flail around helplessly
match southeastA You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim w
match fissure You skillfully begin
match fissure With powerful strokes and kicks
match fissure You manage to paddle
match fissure You swim
match westA You scramble about
match westA You flail around helplessly
match westA You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim fissure
match steps You skillfully begin
match steps With powerful strokes and kicks
match steps You manage to paddle
match steps You swim
match fissure You scramble about
match fissure You flail around helplessly
match fissure You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim step
match northeastC You skillfully begin
match northeastC With powerful strokes and kicks
match northeastC You manage to paddle
match northeastC You swim
match steps You scramble about
match steps You flail around helplessly
match steps You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim ne
match upA You skillfully begin
match upA With powerful strokes and kicks
match upA You manage to paddle
match upA You swim
match northeastC You scramble about
match northeastC You flail around helplessly
match northeastC You fail to gain any headway

pause 1 then put
put swim up
match end You skillfully begin
match end With powerful strokes and kicks
match end You manage to paddle
match end You swim
match upA You scramble about
match upA You flail around helplessly
match upA You fail to gain any headway

pause 1

03-12-2007, 06:40 PM
Also of note, if you put wait 3, it'll actually wait as many seconds as it takes (assuming Stormfront). The 3 is just insurance for the typeahead problem that sometimes occures.

If you use wizard, ignore.

03-13-2007, 01:09 AM
Heh, Methais posted my script before I could. I wrote that for Wizard.

Theres a GOTO error on the third south of that script. I havn't been able to figure out why though. So if you use it keep the directions handy so that you dont drown.

El Burro
03-13-2007, 09:22 AM
Perfect, thanks for putting in the effort so I didn't have to :)

03-13-2007, 08:26 PM
The one thing to remember is that you can get washed away by the current and land in a different room. I havn't been washed out enough to know if its the same room each time.

03-19-2007, 12:01 PM
It pushes you in any available direction. My script doesn't allow for that since I'm not all that great at writing scripts in the first place. So you have to watch for that, pause the script swim in the direction you were pushed from then unpause it.

But it works fine 95% of the time. Just have to watch it and have the directions handy incase you get that weird GOTO error, or get pushed into another room.