View Full Version : Energy Long Bow Gauntlet

03-11-2007, 07:15 PM
Energy Long Bow Gauntlet from most recent EG

5x energy long bow with plasma flares
Double flaring on undead
GOD mode once every two hours for 10x-20x with enhancives and flares on EVERY shot.
Made from pure energy, making it impossible to be disarmed and lost.

Since Kraygon did much more extensive testing, I pulled most of this directly from his post of the short bow..

5x on mana, 10x-20x on spirit. The +10 STAT bonus to STR, AUR, INF bonus also lasts for at least 20 minutes after releasing the bow from spirit mode. Bow cannot be disarmed and permanently lost because it forms from and recoils into the gauntlet. It would also be immune to breakage should it ever be released. And it can also be formed from hiding without becoming unhidden. Works with CMAN MFIRE.

It's 20 mana to form the bow and 5 mana every 60 seconds to maintain it. Fires at no cost.

1 spirit every 45 to 60 seconds for GOD mode.


a camouflaged leather gauntlet reinforced with black alloy plating

>raise gaunt
You raise your clenched fist above your head, causing crackling arcs of hazy blue energy to streak forth from either end of your leather gauntlet. The energy quickly stabilizes, forming a hazy blue bow centered on your left hand.

>tap bow
You tap a crackling hazy blue long bow, which is in your left hand.

>drop bow
Crackling bands of hazy blue energy flow down the limbs your hazy blue bow as they recede into the confines of your leather gauntlet.

- Random auto scripts -

Your hazy blue bow flickers into transparency for a moment, before quickly returning to normal.

Your hazy blue bow pulses softly.

A bead of hazy blue energy flows down the invisible thread connecting the upper and lower limbs of your bow, leaving behind a tiny shimmering trail.

An intense wave of hazy blue light suddenly manifests itself across your bow, slowly fading out as it lingers silently in the air.

Your bow issues a low thrumming sound in time with irregular hazy blue pulses, more felt than heard.

Erratic fibers of hazy blue essence dance their way up and down the insubstantial form of your bow.

- GOD Mode -

Enchant increases from 5x up to 10x-20x.
Will flare on EVERY shot like original elemental bows.
+10 STAT bonus to STR, AUR, and INF.
Will inflict 2nd degree wounds on hand and arm when finally dropped.

>clench gaunt
As you tighten your grip around a crackling hazy blue long bow, you feel a sudden rush of power surge through your left arm, demolishing the damping force within the conduit connecting you to the bow! You feel the power begin to siphon away the very essence of your life!

Your life essence continues to drain away into the hazy blue bow!

>drop bow
Overexerted from the enormous surge of power through your left arm, you feel your muscles scream with pain, accompanied by a number of shattered bones! Crackling bands of hazy blue energy flow down the limbs your hazy blue bow as they recede into the confines of your leather gauntlet.


You draw back on the force between the limbs of your bow, drawing upon your power to create a crackling hazy blue bolt of energy.
You fire a crackling hazy blue bolt of energy at an ethereal triton sentry!
AS: +618 vs DS: +355 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +35 = +328
... and hit for 118 points of damage!
Surgical strike to the left eye removes the top of the head!
The triton sentry goes still for a moment while its head reshapes.

** Your bolt of energy suddenly bursts, scattering into particles of hazy blue plasma! **
... 45 points of damage!
Deft blow to the spine cuts along the ethereal bones.
Fillet of soul?

** The hazy blue particles swirl and collapse in on themselves, centered on an ethereal triton sentry! **
... 65 points of damage!
Strong hit to the chest!
Tendrils of mist explode as the strike passes right through.
The triton sentry emits a hollow scream as ribbons of essence begin to wend away from her and into nothingness!
The bright luminescence fades from around an ethereal triton sentry.
The deep blue glow leaves an ethereal triton sentry.
A shadow seems to detach itself from an ethereal triton sentry, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around an ethereal triton sentry.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around an ethereal triton sentry.
An ethereal triton sentry glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The silvery luminescence fades from around an ethereal triton sentry.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.

Anyone interested can contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or at bubbauno on AIM.


100% Wool
03-11-2007, 08:00 PM
that bow makes my e-peen this big 8=D

The Ponzzz
03-11-2007, 08:33 PM
You need to aim for ((_)=============D

Stanley Burrell
03-11-2007, 08:35 PM
If they code a claidhmore like this, I'm'a so make a character named Covenant and kill Masterchief :D:D:D

03-11-2007, 09:24 PM
Knowing what the short bow is going to sell for, this thing is going to be out of the price range for about 99.99999999999% of the PC's

03-11-2007, 09:48 PM
Isn't there already a warrior named Covenent?

03-11-2007, 10:08 PM
I feel like godamn Smeagol every time I hear about this fucking bow..

Yes! My Precious! We wants IT.. NASTY HOBBITS! [Gollum, gollum]

03-11-2007, 10:13 PM
Isn't there already a warrior named Covenent?


03-12-2007, 01:31 AM
Forgot to mention it's permablessed

03-12-2007, 01:38 AM
>drop bow
Crackling bands of hazy blue energy flow down the limbs your hazy blue bow as they recede into the confines of your leather gauntlet.

Forgot to mention typo.

03-12-2007, 01:46 AM
Yeah weird.. seems to be first person only though, I can live with that.

Crackling bands of hazy blue energy flow down the limbs of Tsin's hazy blue bow as they recede into the confines of his leather gauntlet.

03-12-2007, 02:11 AM
From Kraygon's thread.

.... Both the composite and long bow versions have found permanent homes and won't be sold.

Amazing, ain't it.

03-12-2007, 02:45 AM
Lol I was gonna point this out. What a dickhead. Original ebows are better.

03-12-2007, 03:24 AM
Yes originals are much better.. Feel free to try and buy one from Speaker, Neimanz or Beldin. Good luck with that.

03-12-2007, 03:26 AM
Yes, because most usually their word is their bond. When they say they won't sell something, they won't. Unlike you.

03-12-2007, 03:37 AM
I guess I must be the first person ever to become bored with something and decide to sell it instead of keeping it.. I can guarantee i've changed my mind about keeping items at least 100 times, and each time is better than the next because it always means i'm getting something new and improved. Everyone has changed their mind about an item and ended up selling something they were originally planning to keep. You are a moron if you judge someone's word by making it mandatory that they never sell any item they claimed to never part with. Over half of the items I buy and sell are these type of items, and every single person would probably have claimed at one point they would never sell it..

03-12-2007, 03:45 AM
Thanks for clarifying that your word doesn't mean shit.

Sean of the Thread
03-12-2007, 04:11 AM
Don't piss off a GM Stray if you know what is good for you.

03-12-2007, 04:14 AM
I have a strained relationship with one who posts frequently on these boards already. I BETTER WATCH OUT.

03-12-2007, 05:31 AM
I've had lots of high end items I said I'd never sell that I ended up selling.

Come to think of it, I said I'd never sell Methais either...

Sean of the Thread
03-12-2007, 11:07 AM
I've had lots of high end items I said I'd never sell that I ended up selling.

Come to think of it, I said I'd never sell Methais either...

Yeah but I don't remember you piping up and saying that to fuck with someone's sale like douche did.

03-12-2007, 11:17 AM
That bow reminds me of the Quincy from Bleach.

03-12-2007, 11:32 AM

Definately a nice bow. Will be nice to see how much this brings... or the composite for that matter.

03-12-2007, 01:53 PM
Katara still has the composite and doesn't plan on selling as far as I know.. Kraygon is selling the short bow to Doppelganger for somewhere around 250m or 300m I believe.

03-12-2007, 03:12 PM
That bow reminds me of the Quincy from Bleach.

yep. same thought.

03-12-2007, 07:22 PM
Who is Katara anyways? Isnt she the one with one of the teleport rings too?

The Ponzzz
03-12-2007, 07:27 PM
I sold a kitten to Katara, she's good people.

Though 300mil for a bow glove is dumb.

Don't log on another account to stick up for yourself/defend your sale this time Mike.

03-12-2007, 07:36 PM
You think everything is dumb. Here's an idea.. Go back to Plat.

The Ponzzz
03-12-2007, 07:48 PM
I don't live in GemStone Mike.

03-12-2007, 08:01 PM
Eh when you consider how easy silver is to get ahold of, and how rare some items are. And then how awesome they are. And how many people would love to have them... I don't think 300m is far off at all. TOO many rich people in the game.

03-13-2007, 01:35 AM
So he said that he would never sell it and now he is selling it. What's the big deal?

03-13-2007, 04:22 AM
Eh when you consider how easy silver is to get ahold of, and how rare some items are. And then how awesome they are. And how many people would love to have them... I don't think 300m is far off at all. TOO many rich people in the game.

That's 4500 bucks. I'd say that is stupid as fuck.

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2007, 09:00 AM
Plus a GM I know told me it's going to get "balanced" in the near future whatever that means. Prolly why Tsin has changed his mind and decided to sell it all of the sudden.

03-13-2007, 10:39 AM
Katara has like 10 accounts and a good bunch of them are premium LOL... She can afford it... I saw her posse in Teras one day I wanted to meteor swarm


300M is nothing... You could make that in several weeks if the treasure is good and you got a bard to do some purifying...

I average about 30M a month and thats only selling gems I need for the AG and not even purifying them.. I could probably make about 100M if I lived in GS like some people and had a bard...

03-13-2007, 10:48 AM
That's 4500 bucks. I'd say that is stupid as fuck.

Not everyone deals in cash. And whether you do or not, some people make enough in game they can't actually get rid of all of it later.

Not to mention just because you spend 300m on an item, that doesnt mean that you won't ever get it back. You could always sell the item for cash later, or sell the item for coins and then sell the coins.

And if you buy something for 300m and wind up selling it for 320m you just made over $250. I still don't see how you can label buying something like this stupid.

Now, if you spent $4500 on twinkies.. I could understand calling that stupid. Unless you bought them to resale and make profit instead of eating them.

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2007, 11:04 AM
It's stupid because it's a line of text in a dying game.

03-13-2007, 12:03 PM
no.. what's stupid is it is a fantastic item.. and wouldn't ever be in danger of being 'balanced', 'nuked', 'tweaked', or 'nerfed', if the person who won it actually WANTED the ITEM, and not a fast chance at a high silver/dollar sale. Thats the big problem with items like these, no real effort goes into their acquisition, so there is no sense of lose in its being handed off to someone else.

Some of us players, should we have ever actually won an item like that, wouldn't even consider parting with it... We aren't plagued with such frightfully short attention spans, and thus don't become easily bored with the things we have taken so much time and effort to acquire. We don't play with something for a few days and then start looking for the next new, shiney, sparkley thing to hold our attention for another few days.

Guys like Tsin make me think of people who cheat at solitaire... seriously, whats the point?

03-13-2007, 12:05 PM
what's the stats on that glowbark arbelest Doppelganger has? saw him just wrecking shit in OTF with it

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2007, 12:09 PM
no.. what's stupid is it is a fantastic item.. and wouldn't ever be in danger of being 'balanced', 'nuked', 'tweaked', or 'nerfed',

.... O RLY

03-13-2007, 03:51 PM
what's the stats on that glowbark arbelest Doppelganger has? saw him just wrecking shit in OTF with it

I told him after he buys that new bow he needs to sell that thing...but nooooo he just won't listen to me.

03-13-2007, 04:52 PM
If 300m is so easy to get in GS, why do only a small handfull of people have it...?

Also, yes, 300m is a stupid price for the bow. Kind of like the 100m for the glamour gems from the same auction.

50m for my soulstone wand, however, was a steal =D

03-13-2007, 06:42 PM
It's stupid because it's a line of text in a dying game.

Do you trade stocks? If so what the fuck do you get out of it besides a few lines of text saying you own something? And now and then make money? Hows that different? This game is more stable than the stock market. Though I could most likely make more money there than in Gemstone.

Do you carry cash around in your wallet? Do you write checks? What the fuck are those except a lie from the government/bank saying we can back this with something actually worth anything. Even our coins arent real. They are steal, or copper, or zinc or whatever the fuck they are. Maybe some are plated with better, rarer metals. But whatever.

Gemstone has proven to be a cash cow for players for years and years. For you guys to not see it, or not be able to do it -well it isn't the fault of the people who can do it.


03-13-2007, 06:48 PM

You're actually comparing the stock market to buying things in GemStone?

Please take the five seconds it takes to realize how absolutely retarded that is.

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2007, 07:37 PM
HOLY shit he loses on every level. Take 370448's advice and reflect on your idiocy.

03-13-2007, 07:48 PM
Reflecting... Hmm. I still hold my stance.

There is nothing wrong with investing money, or making money through playing Gemstone.

Even if my previous comparison doesn't quite work for you.

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2007, 08:07 PM
Dude. IT'S GEMSTONE. A DYING TEXT BASED shit game. $450 I could understand. $4500 with gemstones bleak future is just stupid... put that shit into an IRA for <insert diety>'s sake.

IF I told my wife I was taking $4500 out of our money market account to invest in GSIV I'd be divorced or worse.

03-13-2007, 08:28 PM
Seems like its still plugging along to me... I thought it was dying when I left 2 years ago.

Besides, like I said before. Not everyone deals in cash. Some people actually play the game enough to make the coins they spend.

03-13-2007, 09:00 PM
Dude, spending $4500 on any hobby is crazy unless you make a good chunk of change to support your habit. I guess GS could just be considered a hobby. But it is a freakin dying text based game and that is alot of money to spend on something that isnt REAL, and not even yours mind you.

Don't give me that "what is real and what isnt real" crap either. Stocks have underlying certificates that represent shares of a company and you stating that money isnt real is just INSANE.

Hey, can I live in your world?

The Ponzzz
03-13-2007, 09:08 PM
More benefits to owning a share of someone's company than just a profit(or loss).

And I agree, GS is a hobby.

But I don't think a single item in game is worth over 200mil.

03-13-2007, 09:10 PM
Especially since you don't really need high end items. does anyone actually find this game hard?

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2007, 09:54 PM
Not hard at all. 4x gear is just fine end game.

03-13-2007, 10:43 PM
Dude, spending $4500 on any hobby is crazy unless you make a good chunk of change to support your habit. I guess GS could just be considered a hobby. But it is a freakin dying text based game and that is alot of money to spend on something that isnt REAL, and not even yours mind you.

Don't give me that "what is real and what isnt real" crap either. Stocks have underlying certificates that represent shares of a company and you stating that money isnt real is just INSANE.

Hey, can I live in your world?

Again, you assume someone will be spending real cash. And that even if they do, they are 'spending' rather than investing. Yeah, people do it - but I am not sure who really. Most anyone I know with that kind of money in the game - is investing and usually having fun at the same time.

As for the money thing, its just a placeholder. If our government collapsed what do you think your dollar bills would be worth? If the bank goes -rupt, wheres your money coming from? Sure some are insured up to 100k, what if you have over 100k? Your fucked. Stock market crashs and you lose out? Your fucked. EVERYONE loses interest in Gemstone at the same time... Well whats the chances of that happening? It would go slow, and you should have time to get out without large losses.

And, living in my world is by invitation only.

But if you are interested, just send a SASE to me, along with $10 US, and I will send you a pamphlet.

PS - Im done making stupid comparisons in this thread.

Someone buy Tsins bow for 350m so everyone can laugh at how stupid you are for spending text for text.

(PSS if I had the coin I would buy the thing for 250-300m.)

03-13-2007, 11:04 PM
I did the hard part for you guys and started a new thread for this bitch fest:


Have at it!

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2007, 11:36 PM
This thread works just fine.

03-14-2007, 10:55 PM
Again, you assume someone will be spending real cash. And that even if they do, they are 'spending' rather than investing. Yeah, people do it - but I am not sure who really. Most anyone I know with that kind of money in the game - is investing and usually having fun at the same time.

As for the money thing, its just a placeholder. If our government collapsed what do you think your dollar bills would be worth? If the bank goes -rupt, wheres your money coming from? Sure some are insured up to 100k, what if you have over 100k? Your fucked. Stock market crashs and you lose out? Your fucked. EVERYONE loses interest in Gemstone at the same time... Well whats the chances of that happening? It would go slow, and you should have time to get out without large losses.

And, living in my world is by invitation only.

But if you are interested, just send a SASE to me, along with $10 US, and I will send you a pamphlet.

PS - Im done making stupid comparisons in this thread.

Someone buy Tsins bow for 350m so everyone can laugh at how stupid you are for spending text for text.

(PSS if I had the coin I would buy the thing for 250-300m.)

Yes i was assuming we were talking about real money.

Um...I just want to make sure i read that correctly. Did you just compare buying an item in GS to the collapse of the US monetary system?

03-14-2007, 11:16 PM
I compared a US dollar bill - a piece of paper, to a Gemstone Item - a piece of text.

03-15-2007, 05:04 PM
One has material worth, one doesn't.

Just because a hundred or so people are stupid enough to pay money for lines of text does not mean that line of text has material worth.

It just means that some people are astoundingly retarded.

03-15-2007, 05:22 PM
Yes i was assuming we were talking about real money.

Um...I just want to make sure i read that correctly. Did you just compare buying an item in GS to the collapse of the US monetary system?

You misread it. as he said nothing of the sort. What he did say was that the a US legal tender bill fails to have value if the US economy collapses. It's been rendered fiat value, because we've deemed it so. The same can be said for GS products or coinage. It has value, because there are enough people that continue to trade, buy, and sell. The latter, however, can't be compared to the longevity in stability of the dollar.

03-15-2007, 05:23 PM
One has material worth, one doesn't.

Just because a hundred or so people are stupid enough to pay money for lines of text does not mean that line of text has material worth.

It just means that some people are astoundingly retarded.

It does have material worth, if only for those hundred or so people.

03-15-2007, 05:27 PM
Plus a GM I know told me it's going to get "balanced" in the near future whatever that means. Prolly why Tsin has changed his mind and decided to sell it all of the sudden.

Care to share details on this "balance"?

03-15-2007, 05:51 PM
Looking for around 350m on the bow

03-15-2007, 06:06 PM
Care to share details on this "balance"?

Balance = nerfed into oblivion

03-15-2007, 06:14 PM
They only nerf stuff that is bugged or was created when GS was much different and might be unbalancing today. The bow was created less 6 months ago and went through both QC and Warden before being released at EG. Saying they are going to nerf an item released this recently is stupid and just an attempt to sabotage the sale. You could say that about almost any item and say there is a "chance" of getting nerfed.. There are plenty of older items that are far more likely to get changed.

03-15-2007, 08:38 PM
I'd agree. There's stuff being sold far more likely to get waxed.

Sean of the Thread
03-15-2007, 09:13 PM
Just repeating what I heard... and I found it odd he quickly changed his mind from "permanent home" to all of the sudden for sale.

03-16-2007, 12:15 AM
I really hate how items like these end up in the hands of the "used car salesman" types, the types that will try to sell water to a drowning man if they can flip a profit. Items of this magnitude should be auctioned off to people that will use them as a permanent weapon, and maybe even come up with a good RP story behind how they got it, how it changed thier character's life/situation/demeanor whatever the case may be. Someone who would enjoy the weapon for what it does, use it to enhance thier gaming experience, and not just flaunt it on the end of thier e-peen.
As a casual gemstone player for the past 9 years or so, I've seen this routine over and over, and it gets me really heated.
Why do you think Tsin is selling "a rediculous or whatever amount of high end items" ?? Because, every year before big events, like EG, and the soon to come Dragonfly, this guy tries to sell off every item he owns so he can outbid everyone else at the next auction, and that is usually what happends. It's an ongoing bastard cycle, and thats where we come back to this item. I know damn well this wasn't bought for 350m, Hell, i'd be surprised if the auction went for much more than 200m max. Now what happends? ::insert random used or aston martin salesman here's:: bid epeniswave's everyone elses, he/she wins the item, and now has double the money to throw up on the next god item that comes around.
Thats great for you and all, and give yourself a high five, but this is the kind of shit that increases inflation, decreases people's hopes and chances of getting a high end trophy item that may define thier character, and indirectly increases the speed that gemstoneIV goes down the shitter.
In a perfect world, these types of items should be monitored in who they are sold/given/auctioned to. It pains me when i'm at an ::insert random game event here:: and a level 27 empath mule, or a Multi-Account freak that always has everything in front of him ewaved and is perma hasted/buffed by his other character wins a high end bow, for example, over me; a cunt hair away from being capped ranger, who doesn't have any crit weighting or 10x damage padded armor or leet zests and scripts or any other e-penis pumps, who plays the game to make friends, roleplay, and watch his avatar grow. I'm just using myself as an example, anyone else that fits the same criteria should have just as much an equal chance to attain items like this as Tsin or anyone else, without using slimy merchanting schemes and/or paying cash for silver, because you sure as shit smells can't wait to attain a few hundred million silver the way the game is made to, without going into cardiac arrest. That would significantly decrease inflations, or maybe bring it back to a decent medium.
It's not like you can go out and quest for your "epic" item, or build a party of folks together to go slay a beast for your "life long mission" to obtain your uber item. IMO, all weapons and items such as these do, is just put more money into the already filthy rich's, bank account.


You say, "Don't fuck with my woodchuck please."

03-16-2007, 12:26 AM
Wow that's a lot of complaining.. Maybe you should go play another game like WoW or EQ if you want to be a sheep among a million identical people in terms of status and wealth.. However in GS there is a well defined hierarchy and those people that want to be rich do so, and those who are poor choose to remain poor. Complaining about the status of the upper class and why it's not fair that they always get everything isn't the way to go.. In fact it's probably just admitting to yourself that you could have had all those nice things but didn't bother to put out the effort required to obtain them.

03-16-2007, 02:44 AM
Its funny how people say they are upper class and all that.... in a text based game.. Like anyone(except in RP maybe) even cares.

03-16-2007, 07:18 AM
I don't choose to be "poor". I simply choose not to spend 14 hours a day playing a computer game. As he says in Trainspotting: I choose life.

03-16-2007, 01:59 PM
In five years, what will Tsin be remembered for?

Being upper class?

Or being a douchebag?

03-16-2007, 02:21 PM
"In fact it's probably just admitting to yourself that you could have had all those nice things but didn't bother to put out the effort required to obtain them."

Shouldn't that really mean money rather than effort? Shelling out the cash to buy out older characters with rare/older stuff isn't really effort.

03-16-2007, 02:29 PM
Tenalin's post

You know, I understand why you feel the way you do about Tsin. He IS the 'used car salesman' of Gemstone, and you're correct in that he's only out to make a profit, and really has no sense of ethics when it comes to merchanting. However, I have to disagree with you on a few things, despite my intense dislike of Tsin and his merchanting ethics.

Plenty of opportunities were available at EG, as well as Foehn's Promise during the auctions that were held for people in attendance, no matter how much coin they had, to win an item. It was done with tokens, and tokens don't see how much coins you have. Many people won items for the cost of their token alone, and so I can't honestly agree with you that the items weren't available to people who don't sport hundreds of millions of silvers in their bank account. I saw forehead gems, houses, one of these energy glove bows that Tsin is selling, and much much more go to people who bid with their token.

As for what people do with these items, yes it can be frustrating to see the *one* item you wanted from the auction but didn't manage to get land into the hands of someone who sells it immediately or even a few months later. But, this is the nature of commerce: Buying and Selling. I've landed a few really nice items in the past that I turned around and sold a few months later, and really there is nothing wrong with this. Its not bad ethics, and its certainly not something that Simutronics should ever monitor. Even still, there are several precautions that they have put into place like skills checks and level checks for items that they wish to monitor and try to ensure get into the hands of someone who can use it. I just can't see how you can honestly disparage and blame someone for selling an item for profit, when that is how things function for commerce no matter what arena it is played out in: GS or the real world.

If noone ever sold the item that they won/acquired from auctions, merchants, or even other people because they didn't think it was ethically correct to do such a thing, then the items would never circulate, and effectively squash any chances of someone else using it. I for one, would rather see people sell their items and allow others the chance to have some of these things, than to see them set in lockers or be exclusively used for the rest of that person's GS 'career' without a chance of it moving hands. The difference you see, is Tsin tends to find people who have won these items and aren't aware of their true value, then buys them from that person for a huge discount (which is even still much more than that person has usually ever seen in liquid silvers), and turns around and overprices his items significantly when selling. Even still, people will pay for them if they want them that badly. I've overpaid for an item that I really wanted before, and I'm sure that were I able to again and it was something I again really really wanted, I would do so.

03-16-2007, 03:01 PM
I don't see how the raffle's were fair when Tsin (or any other blatant MAer's there - Tayvin, Katara, Sergey) could just enter any or all of their characters for a better chance of winning.

03-16-2007, 03:05 PM

03-16-2007, 03:06 PM
It's fair because, despite the unpopularity of having multiple accounts, if you choose to take multiple accounts to an auction and pay the ticket price for each one, you DESERVE to have an equal chance to each character present. There is nothing you can say to dispute that each account deserves the same chance as the next to win an item. The fairness is also established in the fact that only one item went to each account, because only one character per account could enter the auction.

Your personal beliefs about people having more than one account at events aside, there is nothing unfair about taking them to an event and having the same chance as everyone else PER ACCOUNT.

03-16-2007, 03:13 PM
No. It's not an equal chance when you have a 1 in 25 chance of winning an item when everyone else has a 1 in 100. It has absolutely nothing to do with "deserving it". Should they "deserve" it would mean that anyone who buys all those millions of silvers off eBay or whatever "deserves" what they win.

Most of the items I saw go out actually did go to people who seemingly wanted them. That was great. However most of the upperend stuff was past around the top merchants (ie the people who buy coin for cash on a large scale) like a fat hooker. Look at the gorget, for example.

There was maybe two exceptions where the high end item went to someone who actually "deserved it". In fact all I can think of is Tierus winning the Solhaven house.

03-16-2007, 03:16 PM
Alright, I'll bite, Stray. What is the reason that you think no more than one account per household should be able to go to an auction? Because, if you want to limit things to only one account to make them 'fair' by your terms, you have to either make it one account per billing address, or one account per credit card. That's really the only way to do such a thing.

Keep in mind that several people have accounts that they put on the same credit card or billing address as their family members or loved ones.

Edited to add, you can't compare buying silvers off of ebay to paying for the ticket price to attend an event, hon. Its no where close to being the same. Ticket prices are the cost of admission to an event/auction. Each account HAS to pay the ticket price to attend, and so yes they do deserve to have the same chance for that account as anyone else who paid a ticket price. The chance isn't determined by players, it's determined by accounts, hence my use of capped letters in my previous post when stating PER ACCOUNT.

03-16-2007, 03:20 PM
Why do I think a person should only be allowed to take one account to an event such as that? Why, to make it a whole lot fairer.

Do that and you won't have people like the aforementioned taking five of the stateroom tickets per WD run. You won't have them getting all the juicy items. You won't have legions of people complaining on the officials that thanks to the fact they have A) lives or B) jobs they couldn't just take a day off and buy the tickets in the 10 minutes they take to sell out.

03-16-2007, 03:22 PM
Don't get me wrong, I know why they allow it. I know a lot of the GM's are blatant MAer's and cash-for-silver whores. Indeed one has been selling his wares here for cash quite recently. I also know that in general they don't give a fuck who gets their items or who buys there tickets, just as long that every single one of them is sold.

03-16-2007, 03:22 PM
:shrug: I give up trying to reason with you, its obvious we both have our viewpoints that won't change. I'm sorry that you don't feel that people should be able to have the benefits offered for each other their accounts, simply to cater to those who don't choose to or can't afford to have more than one account themselves. Fortunately, that's not how things work.

03-16-2007, 03:24 PM
Of course it isn't how things work. Read my above post. It doesn't make it any less fair, however.

03-16-2007, 03:26 PM
Alternatively, I think it would be unfair if I were not allowed to have the same benefits for both of my accounts, since I pay for both of them the same way and in the same amount as someone else. Its not as if I get a discount for having 2 accounts, I don't at all. So yes, I do believe I should have the same exact benefits for each one.

03-16-2007, 04:16 PM
"Do that and you won't have people like the aforementioned taking five of the stateroom tickets per WD run. You won't have them getting all the juicy items. You won't have legions of people complaining on the officials that thanks to the fact they have A) lives or B) jobs they couldn't just take a day off and buy the tickets in the 10 minutes they take to sell out."

Isn't this an argument against pay-to-play events in general?

03-16-2007, 04:33 PM
Wow that's a lot of complaining.. Maybe you should go play another game like WoW or EQ if you want to be a sheep among a million identical people in terms of status and wealth.. However in GS there is a well defined hierarchy and those people that want to be rich do so, and those who are poor choose to remain poor. Complaining about the status of the upper class and why it's not fair that they always get everything isn't the way to go.. In fact it's probably just admitting to yourself that you could have had all those nice things but didn't bother to put out the effort required to obtain them.

I wouldn't be so proud of the name you've made for yourself in Gemstone.

03-16-2007, 04:37 PM
I don't see how the raffle's were fair when Tsin (or any other blatant MAer's there - Tayvin, Katara, Sergey) could just enter any or all of their characters for a better chance of winning.

Don't hate the players... hate the game.

03-16-2007, 04:38 PM
Wow that's a lot of complaining.. Maybe you should go play another game like WoW or EQ if you want to be a sheep among a million identical people in terms of status and wealth.. However in GS there is a well defined hierarchy and those people that want to be rich do so, and those who are poor choose to remain poor. Complaining about the status of the upper class and why it's not fair that they always get everything isn't the way to go.. In fact it's probably just admitting to yourself that you could have had all those nice things but didn't bother to put out the effort required to obtain them.

*note to self...This is probably going to be the only place and time Tsin will ever be in the upper class...or middle class for that matter.

03-16-2007, 06:39 PM
Id have to agree with Jolena for the most part. But I also have to say that I agree with StrayRogue in one regard.

I don't think any person should be able to have more than one account per merchant. Especially on the ones with limited tickets. The bastards sold the tickets at a time BEFORE they said they would, a time when most people are at work. And, alot of the MA'ers wound up buying a ton of tickets, meaning that other paying customers didn't even have a chance to buy a ticket to the event because several people bought alot of tickets. So more to the point - they are taking away the ability of others to even go to the event, much less enjoy it or get some nice item(s) from it.

The only problem would be is that there is no real way to seperate users and accounts. So something like that, allowing one person per event wouldn't be possible.

And yes, I have multiple accounts, I buy/sell things for cash, so I have more than the 'normal' player in the way of being able to abuse the way things work. I don't think its right, but it is about the only way to get where you want to go sometimes.

03-16-2007, 07:08 PM
I used to feel angst and anger towards Tsin but I sat down and thought...

When I die, I get to go meet my maker and tell him how I led a good life, raised a wonderful daughter and served society to better it. Tsin gets to go to his and tell him, he owned billions of silvers worth of lines of text. Hopefully the maker doesn't die of laughter as he pulls the rejected lever.

03-16-2007, 07:11 PM
Are we all about done here?

There are plenty of threads where we can discuss merchanting tactics and reputations, and I think we've about run the course on this thread.

03-16-2007, 10:29 PM
I used to feel angst and anger towards Tsin but I sat down and thought...

When I die, I get to go meet my maker and tell him how I led a good life, raised a wonderful daughter and served society to better it. Tsin gets to go to his and tell him, he owned billions of silvers worth of lines of text. Hopefully the maker doesn't die of laughter as he pulls the rejected lever.


To stay on topic, cool bow.

Sean of the Thread
03-17-2007, 12:11 AM
To stay on topic. This bow blows Tsin's butter churning mother's clumpy clitoris unless in god mode. WHICH to be of any reasonable/practical use requires spirit enhancing items.

Don't waste your silver/cash unless you have mack daddy spirit items.

03-17-2007, 12:24 AM
I am working on getting a +2 spirit recovery item through the guild. At 270k BP upgrading the badge in order you can get a +1. No idea on what it takes to get +2. I am at 500k BP at the moment.

They aren't too hard to get. MAing and using WOL is an option, too. I see many people MAing archers that have someone hasting them.

03-17-2007, 07:58 AM
1 spirit every 45 to 60 seconds for GOD mode.


False. It's every 20 seconds. Which makes it darned nearly impossible to use the same cleric to WoL you consistently. And spirit regen enhancives don't seem to pulse fast enough to keep the bow running.

03-17-2007, 05:07 PM
False. It's every 20 seconds. Which makes it darned nearly impossible to use the same cleric to WoL you consistently. And spirit regen enhancives don't seem to pulse fast enough to keep the bow running.

[cackle] I keep thinking of sleazy used-car salesmen promising a car on their lot gets between 35-45 mpg on the highway, and after you buy it ya find out it's more along the line of 12-15 mpg (shudder)

03-20-2007, 08:27 PM
Oh, another thing is that the stat enhancements do not last nearly as long when you disable God Mode as Tsin would have you believe. From personal experience they lasted less than a minute. I didn't test it extensively, but maybe they drop on the mana pulse or another timer, but I can't say for sure. Regardless, it's nowhere near as long as Tsin has stated, which is yet another lie.


04-23-2007, 02:12 AM
A little bump for anyone considering doing business with Tsin.
