View Full Version : New wiz

03-06-2007, 10:54 PM
Hey all. Back to gemstone after a long hiatus and I'm wondering if this wizard is going down the right path. He's gonna be a bolter and use a rune staff from what it sounds like those do. Is it alright if I train him in some weapon skills just to get through to 10 or so so I can start actually using spells? Does the skill migration thing allow me to get those points back?

ender: Male Age: 0 Expr: 4852 Level: 1
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 94 (7) ... 94 (7)
Constitution (CON): 21 (-4) ... 21 (-4)
Dexterity (DEX): 50 (15) ... 50 (15)
Agility (AGI): 70 (20) ... 70 (20)
Discipline (DIS): 77 (8) ... 77 (8)
Aura (AUR): 79 (9) ... 79 (9)
Logic (LOG): 92 (26) ... 92 (26)
Intuition (INT): 62 (16) ... 62 (16)
Wisdom (WIS): 70 (10) ... 70 (10)
Influence (INF): 47 (-6) ... 47 (-6)
Mana: 10 Silver: 421

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Physical Fitness...................| 10 2
Arcane Symbols.....................| 20 4
Magic Item Use.....................| 20 4
Spell Aiming.......................| 20 4
Harness Power......................| 20 4
Elemental Mana Control.............| 20 4
Elemental Lore - Air...............| 20 4
Climbing...........................| 10 2

Spell Lists
Major Elemental....................| 1

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 2

Spell Lists
Wizard.............................| 1
Training Points: 89 Phy 19 Mnt

03-06-2007, 11:01 PM
If you're still in your first month, you can change around your skills extremely quickly, recovering all of the points.

03-06-2007, 11:06 PM
I ended up passing over that first month...I'm not too concerned about it being quick. If skills can be recovered quickly I think I'll just do that to get through.

03-06-2007, 11:10 PM
Your skills will recover quick enough at lower levels, because you'll have less ranks to recover. That and if you're sucessful hunting without your weapons while you have the skills, you'll just find it gets easier as it recovers.

I think it's a good idea to train in weapon skills to help you advance. (although you may consider just re-rolling your character to start the month over)

03-07-2007, 09:48 AM
You DEX is WAY to low for a bolter.


03-07-2007, 02:41 PM
You DEX is WAY to low for a bolter.


He's a halfing... it'll climb like crazy, being it's a physical stat it won't hurt him too bad on the TP end of things (infact it being that low is a good thing for his TPs). And the Halfling bonus makes up for it not being capped. I hope you have long term goal in mind. Although I would say if you do plan on keeping it 50 (capping at 100) I would make it 49... By level 12 it will be 61, starting at 50 or 49.

03-07-2007, 05:04 PM
I agree with the way too low part on the dex, even if it's going to raise to 61 by 12, being a bolter you're going to wish it was higher I think. Wizards are kind of difficult to hunt in the early trains, so having him trained in a weapon for awhile is good, but that strength is pretty high for a pure in training, seems like you could do much more good putting the points elsewhere.

03-07-2007, 05:21 PM
Just turn in iron to the blacksmith for the first 6 levels. No hunting necessary. Of course, he's goign to need help being a halfling in trying to make said iron...

03-07-2007, 07:23 PM
Alright, after giving up all of that work I did on this character last night he has been rerolled. These are my new stats:

Race: Halfling Profession: Wizard (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 0 Expr: 135 Level: 0
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 90 (5) ... 90 (5)
Constitution (CON): 73 (21) ... 73 (21)
Dexterity (DEX): 60 (20) ... 60 (20)
Agility (AGI): 70 (20) ... 70 (20)
Discipline (DIS): 77 (8) ... 77 (8)
Aura (AUR): 69 (4) ... 69 (4)
Logic (LOG): 78 (19) ... 78 (19)
Intuition (INT): 53 (11) ... 53 (11)
Wisdom (WIS): 70 (10) ... 70 (10)
Influence (INF): 20 (-20) ... 20 (-20)

He is gonna be a CoLer, so I figured I'd raise aura a bit for spirit points. Gave him a bit more dex for bolting and dropped influence down to where it belongs. This character will probably never make it to 100.

03-08-2007, 12:05 PM
If you have no intentions of never making it to 100, pick a level you would like to "mature" at... aim for dex to hit 100 then (dex is your main offensive stat as a wizard). With a 60 dex it hits 100 at level 90... an 85 dex hits 100 at lvl 39.

Your strength is only really going to be useful for the early levels while your fighting rats (but you've got 30 days and 5 re-stats, so at day 29 switch to where you want to be... keep your current stats till then)

03-08-2007, 12:15 PM
Your strength is only really going to be useful for the early levels while your fighting rats (but you've got 30 days and 5 re-stats, so at day 29 switch to where you want to be... keep your current stats till then)

I have a level 38 halfling wizard and find this to be absolutely not the case. Even with a disk and and strength, its still incredibly easy to get encumbered as a halfling, and thats what kills me 99% of the times I die. I started my strength very high (similar to what you put) and wouldn't trade it for anything.

I completely agree with the point about picking a level you want to mature and letting your dex max there, though.

03-08-2007, 01:04 PM
I have a level 38 halfling wizard and find this to be absolutely not the case. Even with a disk and and strength, its still incredibly easy to get encumbered as a halfling, and thats what kills me 99% of the times I die. I started my strength very high (similar to what you put) and wouldn't trade it for anything.

I completely agree with the point about picking a level you want to mature and letting your dex max there, though.

You're right, I take that back about it not being useful, I was just quickly trying to think of somewhere he could get the points for his dex. Con could be lowered safely moreso than STR, and maybe AGI a bit (although early on the DS is quite useful, as spells start to become the main component less so). I don't see WIS being terribly useful early on... wizards don't really need the extra TD as badly as some other classes, the problem obviously being the lose of TPs.

Anyway play around with your stats in a calculator and see how they fit at your target level.