View Full Version : Ardwen

06-22-2003, 09:28 PM
Sorry, I had to post, I cant understand this. This isnt agianst ardwen, supposivly he's a nice guy. I've been nice to him, beacuse he's a merchant and we both have things in common. I admire his jokes too. But he seems to treat everyone different. It's strange. Ive known him for over 6 months, and he doesnt treat me to well ...

I just feel singled out, and dont understand why. Because I treat him nice, most people would treat back nice, right? (Besides characters that RP arrogantly) he doesnt..

Anyone here a friend of his, and know he is acting this way to me? I'm not trying to whine, Just something I dont understand.

He never asks me how I am, never even tries to have a conversation with him. I always have to start it. But with other people, he's nice as can be, asking how they are, and being a normal person to them.

Anyway, any help is apperciated.


06-22-2003, 09:45 PM
you have a bad reputation buddy, a very bad reputation
and what's worse than having a bad reputation?
people that talk about it, so it spread like sexuel diseases.

People adviced you to reroll and to never talk about your former self, you didn't took that advice, so live with it.

06-23-2003, 12:33 AM
The answer is for you to move on...I know for a fact that you have been told more than once by several people including his IC wife (who is about the sweetest person you'd ever wanna meet) that he doesn't care to associate with you.

Ardwen has a small circle of friends that he spends most of his time with, those are the ones that you consistently see him at a table with or in other spots - about a handful - most of us he's known for years, literally. He's cordial to most folks but he's just selective about those he calls his close friends.

He has done deals with lots of folks, and he does talk to a number of people - but he's like anyone else - he chooses those he wishes to "hang out" with...and you aren't one of those people.

The fact that you have been told numerous times that he doesn't want to be your pal or your friend and you completely ignore his requests, you barge in at the table - and when he doesn't respond you whisper to others at the table asking why he doesn't like you etc etc ad nauseum..or you get on the net and carry on like a scorned woman.

Frankly you need to either confess that you are really in junior high school and are very innocent and naive about things and get your feelings hurt - or you just are stubborn and won't take direct hints.

I hate to be so direct, but I have come to the conclusion that you must be a young teen who isn't quite mature enough to understand the intricacies of this game. I can't imagine how it could be any other way.

This post isn't meant to flame you, but to get you understand how folks view you.


06-23-2003, 12:46 AM
Ya know I'd comment but I'm too busy laughing.
get a grip and move on

Red Devil
06-23-2003, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by Ardwen
Ya know I'd comment but I'm too busy laughing.
get a grip and move on

Not too busy to type that though, i swear to god that's gotta be the most retarded saying ever.

[Edited on 6-23-2003 by Red Devil]

06-23-2003, 09:14 AM
Warclaidhm.. I KNOW I've treated you MUCH worse than both Ardwen and Sergey..

And I am hurt that I didn't get my own topic.

You treat them better than you treat me and it's not fair.

06-23-2003, 11:20 AM
Or perhaps I just wanted to let people know i was lurking Devil

06-23-2003, 12:02 PM
Save your breath Ardwen.. Red Devil is this boards version of the mighty troll fisherman. Nothing to add to discussions except posts he hopes will gain him the attention he needs and desires.

Red Devil
06-23-2003, 12:20 PM
troll fisherman? praytell

06-23-2003, 12:23 PM
A troll fisherman is someone who 'trolls' message boards looking for an opening or reason to post something that can gain him attention without adding to the discussion. He/she normally uses imaturity, cursing and threats as bait.

06-23-2003, 01:14 PM
because he's a merchant...? what the hell does that have to do with anything? can't...stop...laughing...

but in all seriousness, i think the best advice you've been given was to start over. sell warclaidhm (if anyone would want that stigma), give your silver to your new character, don't let anyone know who your new guy is. if you don't want to start over, buy a warrior, they're not expensive, if you want to keep your precious redux.

06-23-2003, 02:14 PM
I'm not going to start over. If someone really thinks I'm ignorant they must be ignorant themselves. To re roll is to be defeated, to accept an end. I'm never going to do that. Never going to give up.

06-23-2003, 02:49 PM
Never give up Never surrender! Lay off the galaxy quest. They are right everyone treats you like a child because of your past(and alot of current) actions. If you don't want that type of treatment the solution is simple and it has been stated. Try as hard as you like you've dug a big hole to climb out of with your begging for spells, being an OOC, trying to merchant, complaining, whining, etc. etc. etc. Lose the character and start with a fresh start or don't, it doesn't affect us either way.

06-23-2003, 02:52 PM
i think you're missing the point.
You cannot win, you already lost your reputation, people discredit (sp?) you all over..

A good exemple, to add to the 200 others is when you made your lordship.
You came to teras. The minute you found out the "town center" you IMMEDIATLY beg for spells. I was playing Sallazarre back then, and cause of YOU i started to symbol of sleep invisble, cause you ANNOYED the hell of whoever could spell you up.
You asked, again and again, until one either too fed up and spelled you, or you CRIED AND WHINED (sp again, sorry) the moment someone stunned|silenced you.
And you direspected people, as you NEVER looked at someone before whispering to them, so you broke their sleeping (and 4-5 favors)

More to insult, you came, and BEGGED for pure potions, which are a gems on teras, all of that to hunt DAMN KIRAMONS you could hunted in darkstone.

Man, you're not only in the left field, but you're on the left field of an other planet, you never understand what 50 people are trying to put into your thick brain, and you always play the role of the poor victims that is being laughed at.

Warclaidhm is a joke, his name is a joke, you are the only dumb warrior i know that was encouraging the 1X of his MAIN weapon as a solid training path.

Sell him and all your too expensive crap and start over, that is a friendly advice

06-23-2003, 02:56 PM
Not going to start over... again... you mean. Warclaidhm is at least your second do over that I know about... isn't it.

Never say never.. especially if it's already happened.

If you don't want to reroll, then simple stop complaining about people. Stop it in game... stop it here... just simply nut up and take it.

Or you can continue to do what you've now been doing for what.. 2 years now? Be considered a joke and have no one respect you.

06-23-2003, 04:59 PM
I recommend you make a new character, practically everyone in the landing knows about you because everytime anything happens to you, there are five replies back making fun of you.(Such as when you die...) And, if you do decide to make a new character with a different name, don't ever talk about Warclaidhm, and don't transfer your equipment over either, everyone will recognize you. Anyway, I hope you get your 'problem' sorted out, because I wouldn't enjoy the game in your situation.


06-23-2003, 06:08 PM
[And you direspected people, as you NEVER looked at someone before whispering to them, so you broke their sleeping (and 4-5 favors)]

Symbol : Dreams
Favor : 168

I can't believe Warclaidhm actually opened up two different threads about how two different people hate him. I'm going to repeat something I previously said. Warclaidhm: Please die. Ardwen doesn't like you, Sergey doesn't like you. Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

06-24-2003, 01:32 AM
Seriously, whether 12 or over 18...your just have to cope with the fact that some people won't like you.

Not So Quiet
06-24-2003, 10:55 AM
OMG...this topic is just too much for me. Ardwen. feel free to treat me like shit too.


~Retired from Gemstone

06-25-2003, 12:17 AM
Ok I don't know Warclaidhm history or anything about that, but I mean is what he has done so bad that this flameing needs to be so hateful. And no I'm not a junior high nieve (sp?) person I'm just a person who belives that hate is a emotion that is truely a sign of ignorance. I don't know.....Hell I'll probbaley get flamed for this but I truely could give a flip. Anyways I was just wondering why so much anger and so many grudges could carry on from somethings that happened in the past. I mean if he slept with your wife or what ever thats understandable but I mean come on is this really all nessciary (sp?)

06-25-2003, 01:00 AM
Judging from your grammar, spelling, and mechanics, I'd say you have yet to reach junior high school.

06-25-2003, 01:17 AM
Ok so my typeing skills are a little under par. You have still yet to answer my question.

06-25-2003, 03:18 AM
I can't speak for anyone else, but I hardly think it's hatred or holding a grudge. Just venting frustrations about the actions of a person. It's understandable. Especially when said person has come here numerous times ASKING why he's not liked. Most of this wouldn't have come to light if he didn't ask in the first place.

06-25-2003, 04:52 AM
I would conjecture that it's a number of things.

1. He mooches off of everyone without giving anything back.
2. He's incredibly immature and inconsiderate (for example, waking someone up from Voln sleep, or ambushing people as they walk on the boulder)
3. Makes himself a nuisance to people that clearly don't want to associate with him (see the thread title)
4. Intellectual osmosis, enough said

How precisely did you come up with the adultery comparison...? Heh

Red Devil
06-25-2003, 05:17 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Judging from your grammar, spelling, and mechanics, I'd say you have yet to reach junior high school.

maybe english isnt his main language

06-25-2003, 09:02 AM
If it was only one issue.. one incident... one situation with Warclaidhm.. then we wouldn't be having this discussion. But it's neverending. It's constant. Just look at the last few topics he started here and you should be able to feel our pain.

It's not hatred in my case.. mostly it's pity.. then it's simply my desire to end the pain. If you kill him, sure the pain will come back, but it stops for a bit until someone raises him back up.

06-25-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by OnexShipshafter
Ok I don't know Warclaidhm history or anything about that, but I mean is what he has done so bad that this flameing needs to be so hateful. And no I'm not a junior high nieve (sp?) person I'm just a person who belives that hate is a emotion that is truely a sign of ignorance. I don't know.....Hell I'll probbaley get flamed for this but I truely could give a flip. Anyways I was just wondering why so much anger and so many grudges could carry on from somethings that happened in the past. I mean if he slept with your wife or what ever thats understandable but I mean come on is this really all nessciary (sp?)


7 spelling errors on the following words: flaming, naive, truly (2), believes, probably, and necessary. I won't touch the absence of commas and use of apostrophes.

Point in case (joke)

If you want people to take your posts seriously, you would take one minute to make sure you spell everything correctly. If you spelled 7 words wrong on any essay past 9th grade, you would probably fail. I distinctly remember teachers who would take off a +/- for EVERY error. Thus strictly off spelling and ignoring grammar, your post gets a C- before anyone even reads it. That also doesn't take into account content.

Just a few suggestions.

[Edited on 6-25-2003 by Soulpieced]

06-25-2003, 11:09 AM
Hell I'll probbaley get flamed for this but I truely could give a flip.

That's my biggest problem. I've always hated how people completely forget what they're talking about. The correct syntax is "I truly couldn't give a flip." Just like people saying, "So don't I." They're idiots. I don't pay attention to what they're talking about, just that they have pitiful grammar.

--Bobmuhthol PWNZ.

06-25-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
How precisely did you come up with the adultery comparison...? Heh

Not really sure....must have been a spur of the moment kind of thing. I was just thinking of something that could really piss you off. As for the other info, thanks for the insight.

06-25-2003, 04:31 PM
Alright, alright.......geeze. I'll grab a Webster next time I decide to post. Alright everyone thanks for the insight on the Warclaidhm issue and the advice on my grammatical errors. I sometimes have trouble getting out of everyday non-chalant speech, and to answer the next question I know is coming, no I do not talk like a hillbilly in my eveyday life. I just choose not to scrutinize and analyze my ever word when talking with my friends.

06-25-2003, 05:00 PM
I think some of the hatred of Warclaidhm is due to his making new characters or new board handles to ask why people hate him so much, or to insult his former character as to try to pretend to NOT be him.

06-25-2003, 05:24 PM
You know what I hate the most about Ardwen? Once he knows you, he won't stop giving you FREE STUFF!!

Just the other day he handed me some FGB, a 7x flaring longsword, and a 4x a day heroism pendant. Last month it was high enchant shields, and before that "DB Item April". I mean .. holy crap .. I've had to create a locker character just to keep up with the stuff he gives away!

And then there are all the silvers he just hands out all the time. I think he's just trying to get me killed. Bastard!!


06-26-2003, 09:37 PM
See Warclaidhm, in the game.. I advised you ages ago to reroll. And when you reroll dont act like the same moron you always have been. If you can help it! lol Its really getting sad.

Another thing.. people are like going nuts when you misspell a word. I joked with someone about their misspellings a while back in a thread and everyone was like omg spelling doesn't matter.. Seeee this proves I was right! It obviously does matter if you want people to take you seriously! HA!

Oh by the way Warclaidhm TOLD me a few weeks ago that he was only 17 irl. The bit about him being a cop or training to be one is an outright lie.

06-26-2003, 10:00 PM
<< I joked with someone about their misspellings a while back in a thread and everyone was like omg spelling doesn't matter.. >>

Actually, what really happened was you made a big deal about how spelling does matter, all the while making tons of spelling mistakes in your own post. Therefore in your effort to preach that posts with poor spelling should not be taken seriously, no one took your post seriously.

I am a firm believer that spelling is not a primary factor in argumentation, but that content and substance are.

06-26-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Kranar
I am a firm believer that spelling is not a primary factor in argumentation, but that content and substance are.

This is true only up to a point. A typo or grammar error here or there does not take much away from what the writer is saying. But mispelled words in every sentence, failure to punctuate or capitalize properly, and grammar errors galore are distracting and make it hard to decipher what the writer is saying.

Poor writing can also tell others something about you- your education level, for instance. Also, if you know how to use proper grammar, punctuation, and sentences but choose not to, it tells the reader that you either don't respect them enough or don't care enough about what you are saying to go to the trouble to write properly. In either case, why should they, as readers, care enough to read what you wrote? Presumably, that is why you are writing in the first place.

06-26-2003, 11:35 PM
<<Oh by the way Warclaidhm TOLD me a few weeks ago that he was only 17 irl. The bit about him being a cop or training to be one is an outright lie.>>

This would go into the OBVIOUS category at fark.com..
Warclaidhm can't possibly be 17, either. Just look at his Warbladehm thread. And the fact that he can't spell 'again' to save his life. I still can't get over that. Pretty, too. Preety and agian. It's just too much for me to handle when he's constantly typing them like that. Does he think that's how they're spelled or what? Anyway, he's not 17. He's not even 14. And I can say that, cause I'm 12.

--Bobmuhthol. The Youngin.

06-27-2003, 12:39 AM
In this day and age in America, Bob, really stupid people actually can graduate high school.

06-27-2003, 04:55 AM
Warclaidhm is 14 and lives in AZ

06-27-2003, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by Ben
Warclaidhm is 14 and lives in AZ

Do you just assume everything? I am not 14, and I never tell my real age to anyone ..

06-27-2003, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by FishSticks

Originally posted by Ben
Warclaidhm is 14 and lives in AZ

Do you just assume everything? I am not 14, and I never tell my real age to anyone ..

you did, you told it to at least 5 characters of mine in whisper or private thought, and yeah, it changes everytime

06-27-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by FishSticks

Originally posted by Ben
Warclaidhm is 14 and lives in AZ

Do you just assume everything? I am not 14, and I never tell my real age to anyone ..

Everytime you post... you inevitably tell your age.

Red Devil
06-27-2003, 01:14 PM
Nope :), After the new table mechanics, your welcome to tables whether invited, or not.

06-28-2003, 01:59 PM
Well yeah you can barge at a table. You can still wait to be invited too. If you are polite enough that is. When I go to a table, I wait for them to invite me. If they invite me then I know there isn't a private meeting taking place and or the person isn't asleep. Such as ElanthianSiren just mentioned.

Besides, who the hell cares whether Ardwen likes you or not? Warclaidhm, do you think he's the "In Crowd" of Elanthia? Hardly. No. The only reason you want to be his bud is because he is rich and your a greedy little turd. All you're interested in.. really interested in is getting at his freebee's so you can turn around and sell them. Get real.

Anyway, for some reason. Warclaidhm lies about his age to people. Why does he tell people his age? Why does he think we care? We don't but when he acts so immature it just makes it easy to guess his age or at least his age range. The guy is wierd that is for sure. With all the whining he has been doing here on the boards about people not being nice to him. I'm beginning to wonder if he's not just some 10 yr. old child. I mean, older people dont care. If they think someone doesn't like them they are like.. oh well..and move on with their lives and make other friends.

[Edited on 6-28-2003 by GS4Gurl]

06-28-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Red Devil
Nope :), After the new table mechanics, your welcome to tables whether invited, or not.

Actually all you are welcome to is showing just what a snert you are by doing that.

One of the worst moves simu made in my opinion was to change those mechanics.

[Edited on 6-28-2003 by Skirmisher]

06-28-2003, 02:37 PM
Creo que no

06-28-2003, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
Well yeah you can barge at a table. You can still wait to be invited too. If you are polite enough that is. When I go to a table, I wait for them to invite me. If they invite me then I know there isn't a private meeting taking place and or the person isn't asleep. Such as ElanthianSiren just mentioned.

Besides, who the hell cares whether Ardwen likes you or not? Warclaidhm, do you think he's the "In Crowd" of Elanthia? Hardly. No. The only reason you want to be his bud is because he is rich and your a greedy little turd. All you're interested in.. really interested in is getting at his freebee's so you can turn around and sell them. Get real.

Anyway, for some reason. Warclaidhm lies about his age to people. Why does he tell people his age? Why does he think we care? We don't but when he acts so immature it just makes it easy to guess his age or at least his age range. The guy is wierd that is for sure. With all the whining he has been doing here on the boards about people not being nice to him. I'm beginning to wonder if he's not just some 10 yr. old child. I mean, older people dont care. If they think someone doesn't like them they are like.. oh well..and move on with their lives and make other friends.

[Edited on 6-28-2003 by GS4Gurl]

Actually I liked him as a person. I know he can have a sense of humor and is nice to other folks. I try to be friendly with him, ask him how he is etc. I also asked who's table it was when I got there, I came to see a friend Tsin. I'm not going to post on these boards anymore, no one likes my opinion, sure I realize I've made a few mistakes and I will change my ways to the best of my abilities. I really am a good person, although some of you might not realize it. The reason I'm not going to post anymore is I'm just tired of people swearing, etc. Perhaps I'll just read the boards now, no one posts anyone's good on these boadrs, but all their bads. I dont belive in that. What I belive in is perhaps we should dread about the good, not the bad. Take what you have as a privlige, not a right.

06-28-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by FishSticks
I really am a good person, although some of you might not realize it.

that should resume all the personality of Warclaidhm's owner.

Look at how that sentence is mythomaniac|egomaniac.

06-28-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by FishSticks

Originally posted by Ben
Warclaidhm is 14 and lives in AZ

Do you just assume everything? I am not 14, and I never tell my real age to anyone ..

I played Njorn you idiot.

06-28-2003, 07:42 PM
Warclaidhm, I really want to know one thing: Why haven't you been shot in the face yet?

"I'm such a stupid pansy! Look at me go! HOly ccrap! I'm such a good person! I'm going to whine now! WHINE WHINE WHINE!"

Jesus. Please die. I'm so damn glad you're not posting again, and if you do I'm going to deed you.

--Bobmuhthol > Warclaidhm's family

06-28-2003, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Warclaidhm, I really want to know one thing: Why haven't you been shot in the face yet?

"I'm such a stupid pansy! Look at me go! HOly ccrap! I'm such a good person! I'm going to whine now! WHINE WHINE WHINE!"

Jesus. Please die. I'm so damn glad you're not posting again, and if you do I'm going to deed you.

--Bobmuhthol > Warclaidhm's family

warclaidhm will return, saying he has changed, that now he's mature and MADE a new totaly NO COPYING (yeah right) web site about stuff that was spoken of aeons ago.

He seeks attention, ignorance is your best weapon against him, but on the net, ignorance doesn't work, there is always stupid people that "troll?" anything, so those pests think they got it.

My character >bob>warclaidhm>Vif>Sergay>decaying rolton

06-28-2003, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
[ Warclaidhm: Please die. Ardwen doesn't like you, Sergey doesn't like you. Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

Oh you SO stole that from ME!! Hehe.


06-28-2003, 08:08 PM
This guy should meet Seirus. If he's not the same player, that is. They'd get along wonderfully. And I thought I was one of the youngest to play! :( I'm not special anymore.

06-29-2003, 10:35 AM
The difference is...

some young people are intelligent, and more capable of playing well than a fair number of the older people in the game

some aren't really up to the level of playing Gemstone decently

and some older people, like Warclaidhm, want to claim they're young for sympathy (AH! That explains how he could be so stupid.) and then older people for respect (Police training.)

07-02-2003, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
and some older people, like Warclaidhm, want to claim they're young for sympathy (AH! That explains how he could be so stupid.) and then older people for respect (Police training.)


07-02-2003, 11:13 PM
He's stated he's both pre high school and in police academy...on this board. I know someone who claims that he's a recent HS graduate and apparently knows him RL.

07-03-2003, 12:23 AM
I can see the college essay now...

I am Lord Warclaidhm Powerswing, the merchant. <insert mindless drivel here>

07-03-2003, 01:36 AM
My cousin is a pathological liar and he used to say he was training at the Police Academy... when he was in junior high. Hmm. Young minds must think alike.

07-03-2003, 02:02 AM
I'm beginning to think I'm a pathological liar. I do it mainly for entertainment. Especially because a lot of people are stupid, and deserve it for being inferior. A lot of things I say I just make up off the top of my head when people invade my rest and start asking me questions, claiming I'm the master of everything (which I am).

07-10-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Prestius
You know what I hate the most about Ardwen? Once he knows you, he won't stop giving you FREE STUFF!!

Just the other day he handed me some FGB, a 7x flaring longsword, and a 4x a day heroism pendant. Last month it was high enchant shields, and before that "DB Item April". I mean .. holy crap .. I've had to create a locker character just to keep up with the stuff he gives away!

And then there are all the silvers he just hands out all the time. I think he's just trying to get me killed. Bastard!!


I know!! Isn't it awful the way he just forces stuff on you. Sigh.. I have to fight him off regularly.. .
I of course, think my husband is wonderful and War's continual intrusion into our life, unwelcome. His whispers to me are always on the same vein.. "why doesn't he like me, what have I done?"
First of all I don't like being whispered to about anyone in my presence, its rude and especially about my husband. Second, he has made it clear to you and others have made it clear to you he just doesn't care for your company. You can not force your attentions or friendship on anyone and expect to be respected. Third, I've come to the conclusion you are striving to be the most annoying player in Gem. Congratulations! I think you are.
Any attention is better than none at all. Heh? War?

07-10-2003, 01:39 PM
here's my question: Why does anyone care whether or not someone likes them in a game? What's the thought proccess here?

Maybe it's my old 24 year old brain, but what's the payoff for having in-game relationships consume you so much that you annoy everyone? Wouldn't you think that it was time to chill out already?

07-11-2003, 08:58 AM

What Myshel is really saying is...

'Stop flirting with my husband. He's told you he's not your type and I would appreciate it if you would stop undressing him with your constant gazes. Get a clue"

08-03-2003, 12:30 PM
Me thinks War is finally going to get all of Ardwen's attention finally, as of last night by my count he is owed 3 chats. Making inappropriate comments after being warned at the faire he continued to annoy Ardwen and now he will be searching for him for some friendly chats!:lol:

08-04-2003, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Myshel
Me thinks War is finally going to get all of Ardwen's attention finally, as of last night by my count he is owed 3 chats. Making inappropriate comments after being warned at the faire he continued to annoy Ardwen and now he will be searching for him for some friendly chats!:lol:

Heh.. better Ardwen than me. Tell him to put leg greaves on though.. the way Warclaidhm humps his leg.. he's sure to chaif.

08-05-2003, 01:51 PM
I've known ardwen for a while, he's a really cool guy, he just likes to be left alone, it isn't that hard of a concept. Personally, 90% of all gs players or twits, klaive, bobmuhthol, that dumb warrior who ask for spells 24-7 shit, he probally buys spells ups a week in advance, lyonis, mistros Warclaidhm, and Warclaidhm no means no, I'm sure you've heard that plenty of times ;)