View Full Version : Mants Thraks, and Goblins

02-18-2007, 02:12 PM
Tested it Works fine, If ya find any major problems just gimme a post.

Feel free to use the Gem part in any script took me awhil just tweaking Dont wish that on anyone. But it goes there from well and returns to well depositing money in the bank (Yah could make it go to the gemshop and sell the gems to if yah like, I keep em for bounty but to each to their own)

and Those F-ing damn goblins have so many stupid endings it put me threw a tough time. Almost kiked em out in a whole.

pause 1
put gird
put stance forward
pause 1
put look
match exit Your are stunned
match restorhunt [Town Well]
match hunting [Valley]
match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match logoff [The Cell]

pause 1
goto kill

put exp
match exit you are stunned
match rest Your mind can't take much more
match rest Your mind is numbed
match rest Your mind is becoming
match gohunt Your mind is muddled
match gohunt Your mind is clear
match gohunt Your mind is fresh and clear
match gohunt Your mind is as clear as a bell

put prepare 401
put cast
pause 3
put prepare 401
put cast
pause 3
put prepare 401
put cast
pause 3
put prepare 401
put cast
pause 3
put prepare 401
put cast
pause 3
put stand
put gird
move s
move w
move n
move n
move n
move e
move n
put go ga
move sw
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move se
move e
move e
put go bridge
put climb bank
move ne
move ne
move n
move w
move ne
move n
move ne
move ne
move n
move n
move ne
move n
put climb rock
move e
move sw
goto start

put kill
match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match logoff [The Cell]
match exit you are stunned
match mover2 Also here:
match mover you referring to
match mover You currently have no valid target
match dead dies
match dead dead
match dead The thrak falls back into a heap and dies.
match dead The manticore falls to the ground and dies.
match dead motionless
match dead a little bit
match kill You also see
match kill only type ahead
match kill Please wait
match kill A thrak scampers in.
match kill A manticore just arrived
match omgwait Roundtime
match omgwait ...wait
match start I could not find

pause 1
put stance defensive
put store weapon
pause 1
put loot
match exit you are stunned
match stow1 diopside
match stow2 cordierite
match stow3 ring
match stow4 statue
match stow5 crystal
match stow6 quartz
match stow7 lapis
match stow8 amethyst
match stow9 sapphire
match stow0 gem
match stow11 coral
match stow22 stone
match stow33 jade
match stow44 ivory
match stow55 pearl
match stow66 ruby
match stow77 spinel
match stow88 opal
match stow99 wand
match stow00 nugget
match stow111 diamond
match stow222 jasper
match stow333 emerald
match stow444 topaz
match stow555 zircon
match stow666 garnet
match stow777 tourmaline
match stow888 amber
match stow999 scroll
match stow000 paper
match stow1111 papyrus
match stow2222 vellum
match start It had nothing of interest.
match start It had nothing else of value.
match start a manticore decays into compost.
match start a thrak decays into compost.
match start A goblin's remains decompose leaving a horrendous smell in its wake.
match start The goblin falls to the ground, kicks several times and dies.
match start A goblin's carcass collapses into a gooey mess.
match start Swarms of ants scurry in, shred a goblin's remains and scurry out.
match start A greater spider's legs shrivel up beneath it as it decays into dust.
match start A goblin slowly shrivels up until nothing but green dust is left.
match start You search the goblin.

put get diopside
put stow diopside
goto start

put get cordierite
put stow cordierite
goto start

put get ring
put stow ring
goto start

put get statue
put stow statue
goto start

put get crystal
put stow crystal
goto start

put get quartz
put stow quartz
goto start

put get lapis
put stow lapis
goto start

put get amethyst
put stow amethyst
goto start

put get sapphire
put stow sapphire
goto start

put get gem
put stow gem
goto start

put get coral
put stow coral
goto start

put get stone
put stow stone
goto start

put get jade
put stow jade
goto start

put get ivory
put stow ivory
goto start

put get pearl
put stow pearl
goto start

put get ruby
put stow ruby
goto start

put get spinel
put stow spinel
goto start

put get opal
put stow opal
goto start

put get wand
put stow wand
goto start

put get nugget
put stow nugget
goto start

put get diamond
put stow diamond
goto start

put get jasper
put stow jasper
goto start

put get emerald
put stow emerald
goto start

put get topaz
put stow topaz
goto start

put get zircon
put stow zircon
goto start

put get garnet
put stow garnet
goto start

put get tourmaline
put stow tourmaline
goto start

put get amber
put stow amber
goto start

put get scroll
put stow scroll
goto start

put get paper
put stow paper
goto start

put get papyrus
put stow papyrus
goto start

put get vellum
put stow vellum
goto start

put look
match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match logoff [The Cell]
match filter a thrak
match filter a manticore
match mover obvious paths:

put 'What the...
put pause 2
put exit

put look
match exit you are stunned
match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [The Cell]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match mover2 Also here
match kill Obvious paths:

put store weapon
put store shield
pause 65
put exper
match exit you are stunned
match rest Your mind can't take much more
match rest Your mind is numbed
match rest Your mind is becoming
match gohunt Your mind is muddled
match gohunt Your mind is clear
match gohunt Your mind is fresh and clear
match gohunt Your mind is as clear as a bell

put look
match exit you are stunned
match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match logoff [The Cell]
match filter you also see a thrak
match filter you also see a manticore
match m1 obvious paths: northeast, southeast, south
match m2 obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south
match m3 obvious paths: north, northeast
match m4 obvious paths: northeast, south, southwest, northwest
match m5 obvious paths: north, southwest, west

put look
match exit you are stunned
match m1 obvious paths: northeast, southeast, south
match m2 obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south
match m3 obvious paths: north, northeast
match m4 obvious paths: northeast, south, southwest, northwest
match m5 obvious paths: north, southwest, west

pause 1
move s
goto mover

put exp
match gohome Your mind can't take much more
match ss Your mind is numbed
match ss Your mind is becoming
match ss Your mind is muddled
match ss Your mind is clear
match ss Your mind is fresh and clear
match ss Your mind is as clear as a bell
match gohome Your mind

pause 1
move s
goto mover

pause 1
move ne
goto mover

pause 1
move ne
goto mover

pause 1
move w
goto mover

move n
move ne
move w
put climb rock
move s
move sw
move s
move s
move sw
move sw
move s
move sw
move s
move s
move se
move sw
put climb bank
put go bridge
move w
move w
move nw
move n
move n
move n
move n
move n
move ne
put go ga
move s
move w
move s
move s
move s
put go bank
put go arch
put depo all
pause 1
put go arch
put out
pause 1
move e
put go well
goto rest

put exit

07-09-2007, 09:21 AM
This script doesn't swing at anything.. I tried to edit it.. but it won't swing at any critter. Just walks right by after looking.

07-12-2007, 08:26 PM
ok well this one is mostly all the same as the one above but I tried to make it a little smarter.. saddly I am not as smart as I think! I have been testing for hours now and there are a couple things I just cant seem to figure out.. one is why the hell it wont skin. the other is why my looting is not working right and it tends to want to put away weapons every time it checks exp... otherwise it is a great idea. In theory it will hunt and skin them collect most major forms of treasure then sell the skins have the locksmith pick the boxes sell the boxes at the pawn go to the gemshop sell the gems deposit everything in the bank and then rest in one of three places. I know very little about scripting as I jsut tried this one as my first one! any one have any tips?

07-14-2009, 06:30 PM
anybody have an updated one of these they'd be willing to share with an old player not looking to spend a lot of time at the lower levels.... again?

09-04-2009, 12:07 PM
anyone have an updated one? this one doesn't seem to go for goblins, and sometimes doesn't go for mants or thraks.

09-16-2009, 05:36 PM

10-05-2009, 10:00 AM
if there's nobody, can someone write one?

10-05-2009, 10:11 AM
What is the gird command I see in this script?

10-05-2009, 10:12 AM
What is the gird command I see in this script?

Gird readies your selected weapon and shield, or just weapon if you use a two handed weapon

When I get home, if you are still looking for a script like this blue, I'll give you the stuff I wrote to get that empath to 30 in the 30 day free period.

10-05-2009, 10:20 AM
Ahh didn't know that. I always used a get %weapon, etc. I wrote a bunch of really clean hunting scripts for areas like this but they are long since gone since that was two computers ago and I didn't think to save them.

10-05-2009, 11:15 AM
When I get home, if you are still looking for a script like this blue, I'll give you the stuff I wrote to get that empath to 30 in the 30 day free period.

That'd be kickass. I'll PM my email to you.


04-23-2010, 07:01 PM
Hmm been messing with the script posted here trying to get a decent one set up. I will pretty much have a second character up at a table for resting and to drop the boxes off for picking.

I have yet to test the end part of the script because I haven't fried yet. So that might be a bit messed up still..

One of my main concerns is I copied the text from this original script, and the movement of searching for critters is kinda poor. I have never made a script ever, so I am kinda just learning on this one. I was looking at other scripts and they seem to have a counter system. How does this work? Do you just set a path to walk and each room you add +1 to the counter? Do you need to set something up to clear the counter once you finish your hunt?

Also one major problem I have is if there is a thrak hide on the ground, when you do a "look" for a thrak it thinks the hide is an enemy and will loop and try to kill it. Anyway I can fix this?

Anyways, please look at it and let me know what I can do to improve on it or fix it. This is my first time trying this so it will probably be very sloppy.

Here it is!

pause 1
put gird
pause 1
put look
match exit Your are stunned
match restorhunt4 Table]
match hunting [Valley]
match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match logoff [The Cell]

pause 1
goto kill

put exp
match exit you are stunned
match rest7 Your mind can't take much more
match rest7 Your mind is numbed
match rest7 Your mind is becoming
match gohunt4 Your mind is muddled
match gohunt4 Your mind is clear
match gohunt4 Your mind is fresh and clear
match gohunt4 Your mind is as clear as a bell

move out
move s
move out
move n
move n
move e
move n
put go ga
move sw
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move se
move e
move e
put go bridge
put climb bank
move ne
move ne
move n
move w
move ne
move n
move ne
move ne
move n
move n
move ne
move n
put climb rock
move e
move sw
goto start

put kill
match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match logoff [The Cell]
match exit you are stunned
match mover2 Also here:
match mover you referring to
match mover You currently have no valid target
match dead dies
match dead dead
match dead The thrak falls back into a heap and dies.
match dead The manticore falls to the ground and dies.
match dead motionless
match dead a little bit
match kill You also see
match kill only type ahead
match kill Please wait
match kill A thrak scampers in.
match kill A manticore just arrived
match omgwait wait
match omgwait Roundtime
match omgwait ...wait
match start I could not find

pause 1
put sheath
put ready 2weapon
waitfor you remove
put skin thrak
put skin manticore
put loot
match skinned1 You skinned the manticore
match skinned2 You skinned the thrak
match kill You might want
match continue1 You botched
match continue1 been skinned
match exit you are stunned

put look
match stow1 diopside
match stow2 cordierite
match stow3 ring
match stow4 statue
match stow5 crystal
match stow6 quartz
match stow7 lapis
match stow8 amethyst
match stow9 sapphire
match stow0 gem
match stow11 coral
match stow22 stone
match stow33 jade
match stow44 ivory
match stow55 pearl
match stow66 ruby
match stow77 spinel
match stow88 opal
match stow99 wand
match stow00 nugget
match stow111 diamond
match stow222 jasper
match stow333 emerald
match stow444 topaz
match stow555 zircon
match stow666 garnet
match stow777 tourmaline
match stow888 amber
match stow999 scroll
match stow000 paper
match stow1111 papyrus
match stow2222 vellum
match stow3333 coffer
match stow4444 strongbox
match stow5555 trunk
match stow6666 chest
match stow7777 box
match start It had nothing of interest.
match start It had nothing else of value.
match start a manticore decays into compost.
match start a thrak decays into compost.
match start A goblin's remains decompose leaving a horrendous smell in its wake.
match start The goblin falls to the ground, kicks several times and dies.
match start A goblin's carcass collapses into a gooey mess.
match start Swarms of ants scurry in, shred a goblin's remains and scurry out.
match start A greater spider's legs shrivel up beneath it as it decays into dust.
match start A goblin slowly shrivels up until nothing but green dust is left.
match start You search the goblin.

put sheath
waitfor You put
put ready weapon
waitfor You remove
goto looter

put sheath
waitfor You put a
put get tail
put stow my tail
waitfor You put a
put ready weapon
waitfor You remove
goto looter

put sheath
waitfor You put a
put get hidel
put stow my hide
waitfor You put a
put ready weapon
waitfor You remove
goto looter

put get diopside
put stow diopside
goto start

put get cordierite
put stow cordierite
goto start

put get ring
put stow ring
goto start

put get statue
put stow statue
goto start

put get crystal
put stow crystal
goto start

put get quartz
put stow quartz
goto start

put get lapis
put stow lapis
goto start

put get amethyst
put stow amethyst
goto start

put get sapphire
put stow sapphire
goto start

put get gem
put stow gem
goto start

put get coral
put stow coral
goto start

put get stone
put stow stone
goto start

put get jade
put stow jade
goto start

put get ivory
put stow ivory
goto start

put get pearl
put stow pearl
goto start

put get ruby
put stow ruby
goto start

put get spinel
put stow spinel
goto start

put get opal
put stow opal
goto start

put get wand
put stow wand
goto start

put get nugget
put stow nugget
goto start

put get diamond
put stow diamond
goto start

put get jasper
put stow jasper
goto start

put get emerald
put stow emerald
goto start

put get topaz
put stow topaz
goto start

put get zircon
put stow zircon
goto start

put get garnet
put stow garnet
goto start

put get tourmaline
put stow tourmaline
goto start

put get amber
put stow amber
goto start

put get scroll
put stow scroll
goto start

put get paper
put stow paper
goto start

put get papyrus
put stow papyrus
goto start

put get vellum
put stow vellum
goto start

put get coffer
put stow coffer
goto start

put get strongbox
put stow strongbox
goto start

put get trunk
put stow trunk
goto start

put get chest
put stow chest
goto start

put get box
put stow box
goto start

match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match logoff [The Cell]
match filter a thrak
match filter a manticore
match mover obvious paths:

put chat to tilnam GM GM GM GM GM
put chat to tilnam GM GM GM GM GM
put chat to tilnam GM GM GM GM GM
pause 35
put 'Sorry, i am having connection issues
pause 35
put 'I think I froze up
put 'Can you see this?
put "sigh, guess I crashed
pause 20
put exit

put look
match exit you are stunned
match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [The Cell]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match mover2 Also here
match kill Obvious paths:

put store weapon
put store shield
pause 65
put exper
match exit you are stunned
match rest6 Your mind can't take much more
match rest6 Your mind is numbed
match rest6 Your mind is becoming
match gohunt4 Your mind is muddled
match gohunt4 Your mind is clear
match gohunt4 Your mind is fresh and clear
match gohunt4 Your mind is as clear as a bell

put look
match exit you are stunned
match logoff [Scripting Violation Limbo]
match logoff [Consoltation Lounge]
match logoff [The Cell]
match filter you also see a thrak
match filter you also see a manticore
match m1 obvious paths: northeast, southeast, south
match m2 obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south
match m3 obvious paths: north, northeast
match m4 obvious paths: northeast, south, southwest, northwest
match m5 obvious paths: north, southwest, west

put look
match exit you are stunned
match m1 obvious paths: northeast, southeast, south
match m2 obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south
match m3 obvious paths: north, northeast
match m4 obvious paths: northeast, south, southwest, northwest
match m5 obvious paths: north, southwest, west

pause 1
move s
goto mover

put exp
match gohome Your mind can't take much more
match ss Your mind is numbed
match ss Your mind is becoming
match ss Your mind is muddled
match ss Your mind is clear
match ss Your mind is fresh and clear
match ss Your mind is as clear as a bell
match gohome Your mind

pause 1
move s
goto mover

pause 1
move ne
goto mover

pause 1
move ne
goto mover

pause 1
move w
goto mover

move n
move ne
move w
put climb rock
move s
move sw
move s
move s
move sw
move sw
move s
move sw
move s
move s
move se
move sw
put climb bank
put go bridge
move w
move w
move nw
move n
move n
move n
move n
move n
move ne
put go ga
move s
put stow all
put go shop
put remove pack
put sell pack
put wear pack
move out
move w
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move e
put go shop
put rem pack
put sell pack
put wear pack
move out
goto locksmithin

move w
move n
move n
move n
move n
put go bank
put go arch
pause 1
put depo all
put go arch
pause 1
put out
move n
put go door
move n
put go tilnam table
waitfor waves at you and invites you
put go tilnam table
goto boxes

put look in my pack
match coffer coffer
match trunk trunk
match box box
match chest chest
goto restorhunt4

put get my coffer
put drop my coffer
goto boxes

put get my trunk
put drop my trunk
goto boxes

put get my box
put drop my box
goto boxes

put get my chest
put drop my chest
goto boxes

put exit