View Full Version : Alteration ideas.
01-04-2004, 12:50 PM
Alright, I just had an idea for a topic. In this post an alteration you want to get done. Others help you improve the idea. I figure it'll be fun :)
I'll start us off.
A /black thieve's /kit.
This kit is tailored of low-quality but highly durable cotton which has been dyed to a deep black hue. Multitudes of small compartments line the inside, evidently for holding the tools of the trade while making as little noise as possible. A dull brass clasp secures the flap tightly.
I'm thinking that I might need to change the 'thieve's' part of it. Is the rule that disallowed profession titles to be used still in effect?
01-04-2004, 12:55 PM
Chances are that won't be made. What the hell is a thieves kit and what does it look like, is what the alterer will ask. Some whom don't give a shit about taste or rather prefer quantity over quality might let it slip though. "Thieves" can be added to the show however.
01-04-2004, 01:03 PM
I was trying to get burglar's, but realised it wouldn't fit unless the space was infront of kit, which couldn't happen. Thief was the first synonym I thought of.
Lets try...
A /black cotton /kit.
This kit is tailored of low-quality but highly durable cotton which has been dyed to a deep black hue. Multitudes of small compartments line the inside, evidently for holding various small tools while making as little noise as possible. A dull and tarnished brass clasp secures the flap tightly.
01-04-2004, 01:08 PM
You'd have no problem getting that.
01-04-2004, 01:11 PM
You might try, like, "a black/thieving/kit" or something. They sell shit like "forging satchels" off the shelf all the time. What differentiates a forging satchel from a regular satchel? I dunno
and I think the spaces between fields don't count toward the 15/15/15 rule
01-04-2004, 01:11 PM
Oh, I forgot. That bolded part could use better wording, I'm thinking. Any ideas?
01-04-2004, 01:16 PM
Here's my go at it...
A deep black/cotton /kit.
This kit is tailored from roughly-spun, highly durable cotton which has been dyed to a deep black hue. The lining contains a multitude of small compartments which have been perfectly fashioned for holding various small tools. The delicate padding allows for the implements to be withdrawn in complete silence. The well-worn flap is tightly clasped with a dulled and tarnished brass clasp.
01-04-2004, 01:18 PM
I'd change it to a kit embroidered with the words "I'm dumb because I'm a rogue."
01-04-2004, 01:19 PM
Alters are for sissies.
01-04-2004, 01:22 PM
I'd change it to a kit embroidered with the words "I'm dumb because I'm a rogue."
What's that, Mr. Warclaidhm-and-Vif-and-Haashek-share-my-profession?
Edit: Removed a name, sort of forgot you were Bobmuhthol for a second.
[Edited on 1-4-2004 by Artha]
01-04-2004, 01:23 PM
<<What's that, Mr. Warclaidhm-and-Vif-and-Haashek-share-my-profession?>>
:( You're so mean.
01-04-2004, 01:27 PM
Yep. Now keep it on topic.
01-04-2004, 02:18 PM
I was on a sign/flag/poster making kick for a while and always wanted to get this done...
a scantily-clad/maiden/poster
SHOW:You see an intricately detailed drawing of an alluring maiden on this poster. She is posing seductively while clad in almost nothing!
Its been shot down. Wouldn't even let me try.
01-04-2004, 02:20 PM
That reminds me, what happened to the guy who used to sell and alter oriflammes?
I want one that's all like, "A black oriflamme with Bobmuhthol kicking ass on it."
01-04-2004, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
That reminds me, what happened to the guy who used to sell and alter oriflammes?
I want one that's all like, "A black oriflamme with Bobmuhthol kicking ass on it."
He showed up a small slew of times then never heard from him again. Maybe he felt interest died down or its possible he resigned. I'd ask on the official boards. Never know if you can get him to swing by the Spitfire.
01-04-2004, 02:23 PM
How about a black oriflamme with bobmuhthol getting his ass kicked on it?
01-04-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Oh, I forgot. That bolded part could use better wording, I'm thinking. Any ideas?
What about low quality tightly woven cotton? Still gives the impression of being durable.
01-04-2004, 04:17 PM
Why do you want to advertise you're a thief?
01-04-2004, 04:27 PM
Because I like the RP of it. Getting caught thieving has the potential to be one of the more fun times in a day. Of course, it can be somewhat frustrating, but generally it's worth it.
Even when I don't get caught (98% of the time) the screwing around with people factor is great. I'd love to have someone come collect on a deed because I took all their wands/acantha.
01-04-2004, 04:29 PM
You're evil :lol:
01-04-2004, 04:30 PM
Yeah. I'm a real dick sometimes :)
If i could log into the game i'd show you my teefin alters.
01-04-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Because I like the RP of it. Getting caught thieving has the potential to be one of the more fun times in a day. Of course, it can be somewhat frustrating, but generally it's worth it.
Even when I don't get caught (98% of the time) the screwing around with people factor is great. I'd love to have someone come collect on a deed because I took all their wands/acantha.
I like this too. However being 3x hide and 3x dodge makes it for an amusing watch when my marks fumble about trying to catch me. Even Bob hasn't got me yet. Noob.
Made of a deep black leather, the sleek pack is designed with a secure clasp of fine chain around a circular rolaren button etched with the dull silver crest of the Metalfists family. The exterior has various loops, hooks, and pockets able to securely hold a variety of tools useful in burgling, while the interior is lined with padded silk situated into variously sized compartments to hold an array of goods without fear of the contents shifting and making noise at an inopportune moment.
l cloak
This cloak has been crafted from supple black leather. It is relatively undecorated save for a thin silver chain held by a polished clasp bearing the Metalfists family crest. A double-layered silk lining has been fitted with several pockets, straps, and compartments capable of holding an array of items. A discrete flap in the middle reveals an additional space between the layers of dark material, perfect for concealing items securely while still maintaining instant accessibility.
01-05-2004, 08:59 AM
I like your kit the way you have it, looks good. Here is one I wouldn't mind some constructive critism on.....
a horse crested deep-green cotton tunic
Tailored to fit well over armor while allowing the wearer a full range of motion, this sturdy belted tunic falls to just above the knees. Thin white bands encircle the hem of each sleeve, the neckline, and bottom edge of the garment. The image of a rearing chestnut war-horse is sewn on the chest. Done with masterful detail and artistry; the horse evokes power and beauty with taught muscles, piercing eyes, and wind blown mane and tail. The few rips and cuts have been skillfully mended and the tunic looks like it could withstand many more skirmishes.
01-05-2004, 09:42 AM
I really like the tunic idea, hope you get it done.
01-05-2004, 03:50 PM
Thankyou :)
01-05-2004, 05:12 PM
I'd do something more like this:
a horse crested deep-green cotton tunic
Tailored to fit well over armor while allowing the wearer a full range of motion, this sturdy belted tunic looks like it would fall to just above the knees on a (your height descriptor) (your race). Thin white bands encircle the hem of each sleeve, the neckline, and bottom edge of the garment. The image of a rearing chestnut war-horse is sewn on the chest. Done with masterful artistry; the horse is the image of power and beauty with taught muscles and wind blown mane and tail. A few rips and cuts have been skillfully mended and the tunic looks like it could withstand many more skirmishes.
That'd be more appropriate for a tunic type thing, and probably more likely to get done too (alterers don't like doing height stuff, the idea being knee-high on a giantman isn't knee-high on an elf).
01-06-2004, 11:54 AM
Good points, thankyou :) I appreciate the help. Now I just need to run into a merchant ;)
01-06-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania
a horse crested deep-green cotton tunic
"deep-green cotton" is 17 characters, which won't work -- each field needs to be 15 or less. How about "a horse crested verdant cotton tunic" or "a horse crested emerald cotton tunic"?
Your show description is also too long -- it needs to be 512 characters or less. I'd probably change it to:
Loosely tailored to fit over armor and allow the wearer a full range of motion, this sturdy belted tunic falls to just above the knees of a (height race). Thin white bands encircle the cuffs, neckline, and bottom hem. Sewn in masterful detail, a rearing chestnut war-horse adorns the front of the garment, evoking power and beauty with taut muscles, piercing eyes, and wind-blown mane and tail. Despite a few skillfully mended rips and cuts, the tunic looks like it could withstand many more skirmishes.
which should more or less fit, depending on your race and height.
[Edited on 1-6-2004 by petroglyph]
Miss X
01-06-2004, 03:06 PM
Well, its spitfire soon hopefully you'l find one there!
I really need to get some kind of footwear for Chica, she has some altered thigh high boots but I'm trying to get away from the generic look thats around. Since she wears pants now, I was thinking maybe sandals or slippers of some sort. Now I need to come up with a basic idea, bleh!
01-06-2004, 04:55 PM
"deep-green cotton" is 17 characters, which won't work -- each field needs to be 15 or less.
a horse crested/ deep-green /cotton tunic fits if broken up like that.
01-06-2004, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Artha
"deep-green cotton" is 17 characters, which won't work -- each field needs to be 15 or less.
a horse crested/ deep-green /cotton tunic fits if broken up like that.
Yes, but you can't break it up like that. The last field has to begin with the noun, because the last field is what you use to get the item. Typing "get cotton" in order to get your tunic wouldn't make sense. There are exceptions, but they're rare.
01-07-2004, 09:45 AM
That's correct. How about..
A horse crested/viridian cotton/ tunic.
Or whatever specific color suits you. Viridian is kind of bluegreen.
01-07-2004, 05:20 PM
Or just leave out the cotton part, and cover it in the show description.
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