View Full Version : Sergey

06-22-2003, 12:51 PM
What's wrong with sergey? Is he an ass to everyone? I swear he is the most cold blooded person .. He's done things agian and agian with OOC'ness and seems to be a real jerk. Is he like this to everyone? One time I wanted an altered cloak and he had one with stardust. It was an alter I really liked, so I bid 550k on it, he then said, "Sold to the well'. I thought he was kidding, then agian I didnt know what he ment. After that he thought to me and said "Come to the well". So I did. Right when I got there I offer him my note, he throws the cloak that I won in the well. And I cancel my offer to the note to him. If I didnt cancel that offer, I'm sure he would've took it. Anyway, the cloak was ardwen's, sergey paid ardwen for the cloak with his own money. Sergey ought to be one of the most selfish people ..

06-22-2003, 12:55 PM
gemstoneiii or iv is a game

someone greedy in a game..

just ignore that lover of 15 years old female (or so i heard on some board)


06-22-2003, 07:12 PM
Sergey's not a bad guy if you take the time to get to know him, he gets a bad rap for a few lapses in judgement.

06-22-2003, 09:49 PM
Hell yeh i threw it in the well! No one wanted to see him sell it for 3m ! And yes, i'm an ass to everyone!

06-24-2003, 12:36 AM
Damn. I've had issues with Sergey before, but that's hilarious.

Weedmage Princess
06-25-2003, 06:17 PM
You know what's really pathetic..is that someone actually CARES whether SERGEY likes them or not.

God Warclaidhm, you are hurting bro.

06-25-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
You know what's really pathetic..is that someone actually CARES whether SERGEY likes them or not.

God Warclaidhm, you are hurting bro.

I get the idea that he cares not so much for him liking him personally, as to be able to merchant with him.

Business after all......is business.

Weedmage Princess
06-25-2003, 10:10 PM
Ahh okay I thought he was whining about Sergey not liking him like he was about Ardwen

06-26-2003, 05:33 AM
Kudos to you Sergey

06-26-2003, 06:48 AM
Sergey shut up ya damn cripple

06-26-2003, 10:52 AM
Sergey's stupid, he sells his stuff way to high, and Altheana is a reason, alone, to hate that guy

06-26-2003, 07:12 PM
Who is Altheana? Do you mean Atheana? Atheana is the scumsucking bitch whos with Graysalin. Sergey is with Marietta. On Lizzies message boards there was a long long looong thread about them both. It was actually very entertaining... I dont remember the addy but just do a search: Lizzie's GemStone III Board. It will take you to some stupid ZWO site and on that site is a link to Lizzie's. You have to read it if its still up. Its very funny. Basically marietta is some 16/17 year old girl who is dating Sergey who is like 32 irl. Anyway, Mari's mom made her quit GS and stuff because of Sergey coming to see her irl. There's a rumor that Sergey is handicapped but I dont believe it.. then why would Mari's mom wig out? Even if Sergey is like old irl. Who knows. But no Altheana (sp?) isn't in with that... Atheana is a chunky girl living with Graysalin who is older than she is too. So I hear, anyway. So I guess i can see how you can get them confused. :p

06-26-2003, 07:19 PM
i read em, saw some gold digger story, yeah i got confused with marrieta and the other girls. And yeah, i laughed a lot, too many stories, some should be true!

point is, Any 32 years old guy dating a minor deserve a beating, and an other just to be sure he won't star again...

gemstone is really weird, you know

06-26-2003, 11:40 PM
Atheana is 15 in RL.... (maybe 16 now)

06-26-2003, 11:43 PM

No wonder.

It all fits, in a sad sad way.

I heard 23, rather than 32, which is a smaller gap, if still statuatory.

06-26-2003, 11:45 PM
No no no. Atheana is a 15 year old who has nothing better to do then annoy people and merchant (horribly), Marietta is a 16 year old slut who has sex with people in Gemstone for money. Big difference, not the same person.

06-27-2003, 12:59 AM
<< There's a rumor that Sergey is handicapped but I dont believe it.. then why would Mari's mom wig out? >>

It's true. I'd post the picture, but that could be a bit too cruel. I never liked Sergey's ingame attitude, but my disliking of the guy has always been an ingame issue.

[Edited on 6-27-2003 by Kranar]

06-27-2003, 05:17 AM
When I first met Atheana, she was 13 and Graysalin was 21? A ridiculous age like that. Apparently they met in Gemstone and he moved in with her.

06-27-2003, 05:17 PM
Ick thats just disgusting. No though Atheana and Marietta are two different ppl I saw a website with Mariettas pic and shes slender and semi-pretty. While on Atheana's site she had a pic of herself on there and shes a huge chunky girl. Not that it matters, but thats just how I know they are two different ppl. There was a pic of Graysalin on her site too. Okay so they arent Ken and Barbie but hey whatever works for you, right!? :cackles!: But that isnt the odd part... the site was for her rl family to look at cus she says Hi to them and stuff on it while still calling herself her in game name . I just found that to be odd. I guess GS is their LIFE. :?:

06-27-2003, 11:40 PM
Heh, I miss the stupid RL/in-game drama of GS.

Thanks for the memories. :P

- N

06-28-2003, 12:00 AM
You know you'll be back when they release the new toys.

And, glad to know Atheana and Marietta aren't the same.

Red Devil
06-28-2003, 03:58 AM
:(, what about that other twit angeleyez?

06-28-2003, 12:50 PM
Angeleyez.. lol funny u should mention that. I heard Angeleyez and Atheana were the same. Heh. Gah thats funny.

06-28-2003, 05:51 PM
From sergay, somewhere else
If he posted it elsewhere, i guess it's ok i copy it here.

can you stop posting shit here? - You want to know some of the things I've had to deal with? At age 3 I litterely died for 3 seconds because I took 15 of my grandma's sleeping pills. A little while after that another really bad thing happened to a family memeber of mine that i will not mention because it involves sexual abuse, which tore my family apart. And then my dad got cancer. and that family memeber set himself on fire, survived luckily. Then i moved with my dad for a few years, which was ok, then he got lung cancer, and died in 1997. And then my so called "aunts" pulled some legal crap where all of my stuff at my dad's house, including his things, got taken away from us. We finally got some stuff back, then my house burnt down, destroying what little I got back. Then we moved to New England where my mother got invovled in an abusive relatoinship. Then we moved back to where we are now, and last year my bro almost got killed because of drugs, and on top of all that, my oldest brother is a social path, if you can imagine how it was living with him, and wrestling is the only thing that takes my mind off of all this, so if any of you never understood my reasons for playing Gemstone and why I want to make it so i can become an actual pro, now you know, because I hate GemStone, but it's the only kind of form of socializing that i can do. If you have any opinions once again feel free to message me

06-28-2003, 06:48 PM
I feel no sympathy. Suicide is a good path if all you're going to do is bitch and moan, especially to the public, which includes me. You want to know what happened to me? My parents are alive, I've never been severely injured, my largest scar is about 2" long. Now I'm going to whine for the rest of my life because I have it so bad.

06-28-2003, 06:53 PM
it's called manipulation
people that it hard and stand up and live with it deserve respect
people that whine and use their weakness as an excuse deserve ignorance.

p.s. Bob the singing monkey

p.p.s. good exemple is Christopher Reeve (super-man), can someone bring him a chain saw?
(it's true that he didn't cared about cripple people before, and now that he is, he bored people about it... unfair unfair unfair)

[Edited on 6-28-2003 by Xcalibur]

06-28-2003, 06:55 PM
I usually give very little sympathy to anyone. It doesn't really do anything anyways.

The best is when someone goes through hell for a life, and actually comes out and makes something of it. When that happens, you find people don't have any sympathy for you, they have complete and total admiration.

06-29-2003, 06:09 PM
I agree with Bob on this one. Self pity is so much a waste of time and its pathetic. I can't stand weak pathetic people.

06-30-2003, 10:35 AM
p.p.s. good exemple is Christopher Reeve (super-man), can someone bring him a chain saw?
(it's true that he didn't cared about cripple people before, and now that he is, he bored people about it... unfair unfair unfair)


06-30-2003, 11:00 AM
Christopher Reeves could have simply gone into seclusion... yet chose to champion a cause that he now has. How can you belittle him for that? The EASY thing for him to do would be to simply stay at home and live out his life in peace and quiet.

It's easy to judge other people as we run around and do as we please. How many of you 'care' about 'crippled' people now? What happens if that happened to you tomorrow? Would you all of a sudden 'care' about 'crippled' people then?

I have found that most people that are disabled are very nice people that would rather you overlook their disability and treat them as normal. It's the people that use their disability to gain an 'advantage' that drive me crazy and make me want to throw a stick in their spokes.

06-30-2003, 12:09 PM
Holy crip he's a crapple

<--------- Peter Griffin

06-30-2003, 07:24 PM
I agree Parkbandit. I admire the people who are handicapped and wish to be treated like anyone else. Howver there are those like Sergey who want to be treated "special". I spoke to sergey often in the game and everytime I would ask him why about something in the game.. he would reply "because Im special" well until recently I didn't know why he kept saying that. Then I read on the boards his long pity party shpiel and it made sense.

07-01-2003, 07:06 AM
I admire Sergey. He can sit in a full lotus position indefinately without any discomfort at all. I'm jealous.

Plus, he's a real lady's man. I tried to hook up with a girl half my age a few months ago before I met my new girl... and she just giggled at me and tried to get me to chase her. 10 year olds are weird. But he managed to land one in the sack, and as a result, has become a champion and a role-model for pedophiles everywhere.

He also manages to maintain an active sex life and be lecherous as a billy goat on viagra even though he has no feeling in his penis. Well done, Sergey!

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-01-2003, 08:13 PM
LOL now im 32 and paralyzed? Keep it up guys this is funny as hell. Never saw that story you posted before Xcalibur, id like to see the rest of posts i supposedly made though!

07-01-2003, 09:30 PM
You know, I've been reading this board for a while now, and I can't seem to stop. Why? Because I am amazed at the level of utter immaturity that is this particular strand.

And with saying that, I would like to add my own piece of childish comments.

This particular rant is directed at the GS4 "Gurl." (What is that, like... "You go, GURRRL?" It's spelled "GIRL," you twit.)

Look, I realize your High School is out for the summer, but you've GOT to find some other loaner/goth/nerd/loser to pick on, you damn big-nosed freak. I'm sorry your cheerleader bimbos aren't around to chime in with your childish behaviour. In fact, judging by your level of intelligents from all the posts I've read, I'm surprsised you even CAN read and WRITE. I would have thought you were only capable of twirling your hair around a finger and blowing bubble gum bubbles. But I guess I was wrong. Who knows, maybe you're more intelligent than I am.

Wait, I take that back. If you were so damn smart, why can't you see that you're being incredibly MEAN to someone you don't even know. I'm talking about Atheana. So what if she weighs a bit more than you do? Does that somehow make her a completely different species? Not human? And what gives you the right to bring up "chunky" constantly? I don't bring up your lack of tact and incredibly UGLY personality every chance I get, do I? Well, maybe I should, but I dunno if I would like to stoop to your level.

I can't believe these boards even exist. It hurts me deeply to know that there are people in this world that have nothing better to do than insult others. Yeah, I guess currently that's me as well, but I need to try and open your eyes, "Gurl."

You've made a judgement on Atheana, so let me make one on you. You are probably a 16 or 17 year old High School, possibly a cheer leader or an "honor student" that likes to shove this title in people's faces. You have 5.6 blonde friends with really nice smiles. You date a jock. You brush your hair obsessively before you go to bed. Your secret desire is to be a super model of some sort (you've already got the eating disorder thing down! applaud yourself!), or maybe worse, a lawyer! You think just because you're somewhat nice to look at, the world owes a huge favor to you and must bow down to your delicate Candies-clothed feet.

Am I right? Oh, wait, it doesn't MATTER if I am! Because YOU didn't give Atheana the benefit of the doubt and take some time to get to know her better, find out what she's like. So, why should I give it to you, you stereotypical teenage ball of hormones and designer clothing? Didn't your mom ever tell you that maybe if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all?

Ok, ok, I'm done. Sorry all for taking up so much of your time, if you actually read this! ;) This is the Kobold Lady, signing out!

P.S. Please be nice to each other... Don't insult people you don't know, and don't post information you're not really sure about!

[Edited on 7-2-2003 by Kobolds-R-Us]

07-01-2003, 10:25 PM
I consider at least 50% of the characters in Gemstone idiots. I wish they would leave, or at least stop spouting mindless crap every time they open their mouths. And if I could get away with it, I'd probably do my best to deed the worst of them.

But I try to steer clear of insults directed at the people behind the players, it's just bad taste. It's something someone like Sean/Ganryu/Kesir/Izbin would do. Really, don't let yourselves stoop to that level.

Heh, forgot that kiddies read this forum, so I took out a 4 letter word.

[Edited on 7-2-2003 by Edaarin]

07-01-2003, 11:14 PM
<<who the hell is gs4 gurl? and how does my personal life come to take up several posts on a board i just joined 2 days ago? >>

Don't be a goddamn moron, your registration date is listed next to your post. It's been almost a month.

<<In fact, judging by your level of intelligents from all the posts I've read, I'm surprsised you even CAN read and WRITE.>>

Wow, you're cool. Shut the hell up. I supersized my meal at Wendy's. I did it because I have a lot of intelligents.

(Any and all insults made were made because I am Bobmuhthol, not because I don't like you.)

07-01-2003, 11:57 PM
[quote]Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<who the hell is gs4 gurl? and how does my personal life come to take up several posts on a board i just joined 2 days ago? >>

Don't be a goddamn moron, your registration date is listed next to your post. It's been almost a month.

<<In fact, judging by your level of intelligents from all the posts I've read, I'm surprsised you even CAN read and WRITE.>>

bob, you're an idiot and nobody takes your posts seriously anyways, so shut the hell up. besides, i was exagerating. i don't really check this stupid board often. :drunk::drunk:
-graysalin's player

07-02-2003, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I consider at least 50% of the characters in Gemstone idiots.

You people don't have any clue what you are talking about! why don't you assist the people who are making fools of themselves instead of alienating them? maybe that would eliminate the bad effects they have on your gaming experience. lol. put a bit of effort into it...people aren't born with the knowledge of how to play gemstone.

-graysalin. player of 10 years.


07-02-2003, 03:27 AM
That would make you what, 8 when you started? You need to chill out. Don't be mad because your wife annoys other people.

I like how you ignored the other 75% of my post, where I was trying to keep your personal lives out of this.

And I'm not going to turn this into a pissing contest about how long people have been around, that gets old pretty fast.

[Edited on 7-2-2003 by Edaarin]

07-02-2003, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by Kobolds-R-Us
You know, I've been reading this board for a while now, and I can't seem to stop. Why? Because I am amazed at the level of utter immaturity that is this particular strand.

And with saying that, I would like to add my own piece of childish comments.

This particular rant is directed at the GS4 "Gurl." (What is that, like... "You go, GURRRL?" It's spelled "GIRL," you twit.)

Look, I realize your High School is out for the summer, but you've GOT to find some other loaner/goth/nerd/loser to pick on, you damn big-nosed freak. I'm sorry your cheerleader bimbos aren't around to chime in with your childish behaviour. In fact, judging by your level of intelligents from all the posts I've read, I'm surprsised you even CAN read and WRITE. I would have thought you were only capable of twirling your hair around a finger and blowing bubble gum bubbles. But I guess I was wrong. Who knows, maybe you're more intelligent than I am.

Wait, I take that back. If you were so damn smart, why can't you see that you're being incredibly MEAN to someone you don't even know. I'm talking about Atheana. So what if she weighs a bit more than you do? Does that somehow make her a completely different species? Not human? And what gives you the right to bring up "chunky" constantly? I don't bring up your lack of tact and incredibly UGLY personality every chance I get, do I? Well, maybe I should, but I dunno if I would like to stoop to your level.

I can't believe these boards even exist. It hurts me deeply to know that there are people in this world that have nothing better to do than insult others. Yeah, I guess currently that's me as well, but I need to try and open your eyes, "Gurl."

You've made a judgement on Atheana, so let me make one on you. You are probably a 16 or 17 year old High School, possibly a cheer leader or an "honor student" that likes to shove this title in people's faces. You have 5.6 blonde friends with really nice smiles. You date a jock. You brush your hair obsessively before you go to bed. Your secret desire is to be a super model of some sort (you've already got the eating disorder thing down! applaud yourself!), or maybe worse, a lawyer! You think just because you're somewhat nice to look at, the world owes a huge favor to you and must bow down to your delicate Candies-clothed feet.

Am I right? Oh, wait, it doesn't MATTER if I am! Because YOU didn't give Atheana the benefit of the doubt and take some time to get to know her better, find out what she's like. So, why should I give it to you, you stereotypical teenage ball of hormones and designer clothing? Didn't your mom ever tell you that maybe if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all?

Ok, ok, I'm done. Sorry all for taking up so much of your time, if you actually read this! ;) This is the Kobold Lady, signing out!

P.S. Please be nice to each other... Don't insult people you don't know, and don't post information you're not really sure about!
[Edited on 7-2-2003 by Kobolds-R-Us]

Good post Kobolds-R-Us, I had to post because I completly agree with you. Most people on this board are people who cannot controll their language and are immature. Why cant folks just get along? People dread to much on the bad, look at the good side of things for once ...

07-02-2003, 04:49 AM
<<In fact, judging by your level of intelligents from all the posts I've read, I'm surprsised you even CAN read and WRITE.>>

LOL do you mean intelligence? Yeah better look that one up! lol

07-02-2003, 05:03 AM
this is rather interesting ... i went from being 13 to 15 to meeting a guy off gs and living with him, if your going to make an effort to research my life at least say things that are true. and edaarin, i barely remember you, but when i started playing gs, well a little after, me and you had a few issues, now i can't even remember what they were, it has been about 2 years since that, and you still dislike me for it? sheesh, move on babe :smug: and about me being *chunky* if your so interested in what i look like you can find my webpage in the gemstone webpage links, i'm not slim, but i'm not 300lbs. and about merchanting, i dedicated my entire time in gs to roleplaying and merchanting, i must be doing good if i've made over 100mil not including items, may not be alot to some people, but to me it is. :D and its funny you can say my items are junk, because most of what i sell are items i've bought from you allyxia (gs4gurl) but other than that, i find it rather funny some people actually think that by calling me annoying, your hurting me. don't flatter yourself. ;)


[Edited on 7-2-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

07-02-2003, 05:15 AM
No one is trying to "hurt" anyone. In case you haven't noticed this particular style of GS board isn't at all serious about anything. Here we can call each other butt munching morons and its okay! Gawd pay attention. So yeah no one said being chunky is necessarily a BAD thing anyway. And about being annoying well just about everyone here is annoying at one time or another. And by ALLLLL the responding you and your OLD MAN Graysalin has done.. Um yeah you obviously DO care. About the merchanting... I am not at all surprised you have made a lot. You are a greedy person (rather, your character) who has ripped people off. I know a few who really dislike you now because of it. I think I will tell them to post their stories.

07-02-2003, 05:17 AM
......rah rah shish boom bah!

:: twirl hair twirl hair::

;; giggles:: :)

:: gobble 15 snickers::



07-02-2003, 05:30 AM
its not the fact i care about what you say about atheana, its the fact that you always have something or another to say about the girl behind atheana. and about ripping people off, no i have not. there was a few misunderstandings, but thats cleared up. i'm sorry you dislike me so much, i knew one day i was going to have a problem with you, but i didn't let that cross my mind often because at one point we had alot in common in game, now i know your 30 in real life and had a baby, how about you go and take care of your family, and not come on some message board and insult people. i'm sorry if i'm getting personal, but enough is a enough. i'm very tired of going around in circles with you, just give it up already, whats done is done, if you don't like me alright then its cool, we have our differances, well alot of people do. not everyone can be the same babe. just move on, and i'll do the same, i'm sorry that we don't get along like we used to, but thats the past, and all this BS is getting rather old, a year of it is enough. and if your leaving the game, why must you slander my name constantly? i never did that to you, because i have a bit more of self control than you do ... whatever we have against eachother, just let it go. its done.

ps- kind of funny that you called graysalin old, considering the fact your 30 and he's 9 years younger than you

[Edited on 7-2-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

07-02-2003, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by Kobolds-R-Us
In fact, judging by your level of intelligents from all the posts I've read, I'm surprsised you even CAN read and WRITE. I

Maybe it's me.. but I will usually double check my spelling when making fun of someone's inability to read or write.

07-02-2003, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by FishSticks
Good post Kobolds-R-Us, I had to post because I completly agree with you. Most people on this board are people who cannot controll their language and are immature. Why cant folks just get along? People dread to much on the bad, look at the good side of things for once ...

Didn't you promise not to post here anymore?

Why can't people just do what they say they are going to do.

07-02-2003, 08:13 AM
I swear some people take this game WAY too seriously. They usually cannot distinguish between a character and the player behind the character.

Take a deep breath... remember this is a game... remember this isn't real life...

07-02-2003, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
its not the fact i care about what you say about atheana, its the fact that you always have something or another to say about the girl behind atheana. and about ripping people off, no i have not. there was a few misunderstandings, but thats cleared up. i'm sorry you dislike me so much, i knew one day i was going to have a problem with you, but i didn't let that cross my mind often because at one point we had alot in common in game, now i know your 30 in real life and had a baby, how about you go and take care of your family, and not come on some message board and insult people. i'm sorry if i'm getting personal, but enough is a enough. i'm very tired of going around in circles with you, just give it up already, whats done is done, if you don't like me alright then its cool, we have our differances, well alot of people do. not everyone can be the same babe. just move on, and i'll do the same, i'm sorry that we don't get along like we used to, but thats the past, and all this BS is getting rather old, a year of it is enough. and if your leaving the game, why must you slander my name constantly? i never did that to you, because i have a bit more of self control than you do ... whatever we have against eachother, just let it go. its done.

ps- kind of funny that you called graysalin old, considering the fact your 30 and he's 9 years younger than you

[Edited on 7-2-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

WTF?! lol. I seriously think you have me confused with someone else,you crazy wench. Of course this is understandable considering the number of people "Atheana" pisses off.

I know Allyxia. No dear Im not her but you can think I am if it makes you feel better. Too funny.

Hint: My characters name starts with a "C". aw now you'll be up all night wondering about it. Oh and it happens to be my ONLY character too. I dont MA either. So spend your droll little life wondering and wondering.

Oh and Kobolds R US I have one word for you; "Prozac"

LOL did I mention that I love these boards!? lol

[Edited on 7-2-2003 by GS4Gurl]

07-02-2003, 09:50 AM
Id tell you to go ask Allyxia who my character is but seeing as apparantly you have a problem with her too maybe not the best idea. Besides she wouldn't tell you anyways. Yeah I was there when you and her had it out a few of the times. You went Nutty when she told you, you were waay over pricing one of your items... just because she said that or whatever you treated her crappy. I find it funny tho she sent me a few logs of you two bickering and a log of a meeting with Brauden. Where he totally took her side by the way and stated you were being immature and he said he was getting tired of his time being wasted over something so stupid.

Honey you really need to chill and not take GS so seriously. Maybe a 12 step program, perhaps. Or just go on a vacation of some sort. You will feel better I promise.

07-02-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by FishSticks

Originally posted by Kobolds-R-Us
You know, I've been reading this board for a while now, and I can't seem to stop. Why? Because I am amazed at the level of utter immaturity that is this particular strand.

And with saying that, I would like to add my own piece of childish comments.

This particular rant is directed at the GS4 "Gurl." (What is that, like... "You go, GURRRL?" It's spelled "GIRL," you twit.)

Look, I realize your High School is out for the summer, but you've GOT to find some other loaner/goth/nerd/loser to pick on, you damn big-nosed freak. I'm sorry your cheerleader bimbos aren't around to chime in with your childish behaviour. In fact, judging by your level of intelligents from all the posts I've read, I'm surprsised you even CAN read and WRITE. I would have thought you were only capable of twirling your hair around a finger and blowing bubble gum bubbles. But I guess I was wrong. Who knows, maybe you're more intelligent than I am.

Wait, I take that back. If you were so damn smart, why can't you see that you're being incredibly MEAN to someone you don't even know. I'm talking about Atheana. So what if she weighs a bit more than you do? Does that somehow make her a completely different species? Not human? And what gives you the right to bring up "chunky" constantly? I don't bring up your lack of tact and incredibly UGLY personality every chance I get, do I? Well, maybe I should, but I dunno if I would like to stoop to your level.

I can't believe these boards even exist. It hurts me deeply to know that there are people in this world that have nothing better to do than insult others. Yeah, I guess currently that's me as well, but I need to try and open your eyes, "Gurl."

You've made a judgement on Atheana, so let me make one on you. You are probably a 16 or 17 year old High School, possibly a cheer leader or an "honor student" that likes to shove this title in people's faces. You have 5.6 blonde friends with really nice smiles. You date a jock. You brush your hair obsessively before you go to bed. Your secret desire is to be a super model of some sort (you've already got the eating disorder thing down! applaud yourself!), or maybe worse, a lawyer! You think just because you're somewhat nice to look at, the world owes a huge favor to you and must bow down to your delicate Candies-clothed feet.

Am I right? Oh, wait, it doesn't MATTER if I am! Because YOU didn't give Atheana the benefit of the doubt and take some time to get to know her better, find out what she's like. So, why should I give it to you, you stereotypical teenage ball of hormones and designer clothing? Didn't your mom ever tell you that maybe if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all?

Ok, ok, I'm done. Sorry all for taking up so much of your time, if you actually read this! ;) This is the Kobold Lady, signing out!

P.S. Please be nice to each other... Don't insult people you don't know, and don't post information you're not really sure about!
[Edited on 7-2-2003 by Kobolds-R-Us]

Good post Kobolds-R-Us, I had to post because I completly agree with you. Most people on this board are people who cannot controll their language and are immature. Why cant folks just get along? People dread to much on the bad, look at the good side of things for once ...

Shut the hell up Warclaidhm.

07-02-2003, 11:52 AM
people that keep saying that others are immature and them mature are immature cause you cannot be mature if you brag about being mature above those that are immature

simple as that

07-02-2003, 12:42 PM
Whys everyone bashing Atheana in my bash thread!

07-02-2003, 12:53 PM
cus someone thought your chick & atheana were the same I think and it just went from there heh

07-02-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by crazymage
Whys everyone bashing Atheana in my bash thread!
yeah stick to the subject at hand, here folks. wait...i was the one who steered you off. sorry.
but...one more thing, and i'll be done...i just have to comment.
'it's only a game', right? so keep our goddamned personal lives out of it. There ya go.

i'm so totally done with this thread.
most people love us anyways.

dis is graysalin's player.

07-02-2003, 01:03 PM
That would make you what, 8 when you started?

ps... and Edaarin, that would make me 10 when i started playing...heh. that was back when everyone was nice.

[Edited on 7-2-2003 by Halfsilver]

07-02-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
people that keep saying that others are immature and them mature are immature cause you cannot be mature if you brag about being mature above those that are immature

simple as that

Um... that's so immature. Why can't you be more mature like me.

07-02-2003, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by crazymage
Whys everyone bashing Atheana in my bash thread!

Yea, what the hell... there's alot of material to bash Sergey around here with people. I could write a book on half the problems that mage has.

Don't keep it in.. let it all out.

07-02-2003, 01:55 PM
Heh, you people need to stop turning this thread into all this Dynasty shit. So people find you annoying, immature, and so forth. Accept it, or ignore it if you don't care. Or change the way you act.

And really, bragging about how long we've been here? It should be a contest of who's wasted the least amount of their life playing this game.

07-02-2003, 02:15 PM
Its only a waste if you do not enjoy it.

07-02-2003, 02:53 PM
Wow, who needs reality television when you have this to read! :lol:

07-02-2003, 04:13 PM
i'm done posting on this thread, just wanted to say a few more things ..

*gs4gurl-allyxia (i know who you are, alright? i'm silly yes, but i'm far from stupid, on a different thread your selling allyxia, plus you act like her, and your the only person who called me ... *chunky* and those were pictures of me from 9th grade, and if your not allyxia, your celestyne, but that doesn't matter much to me. but its funny how celestyne doesn't even know me, oh well. and why you would be mean to kobolds-r-us i have no idea, she did a big favor for you)

*and this is for quite a few people, why on earth would you insult kobolds-r-us and warclaidhm? they are just sticking up for me, thats what friends do, i think alot of you have your priorities mixed up a bit.

i'm all done, lets now move back to bashing sergey :P


07-02-2003, 06:40 PM
Gawd you are really dumb. I am not the player of Allyxia or Celestyne. I was selling a character but not Allyxias. I didnt give the name of the character I am selling because .....I am selling it. THe name isnt Allyxia or Celestynne though. My character's name starts with a C though but I dont play anymore. The player of Allyxia gave her character away to a friend and doesnt play anymore either so I guess it doesn't matter WHO you think I am. Either way you are wrong. Very very WRONG. Why did I insult Kobolds R Us? Because she was being rediculous and Warclaidhm because hes an ass and annoys me. And funny I wasn't the only one "bashing" you yet you single me out. Oh well I guess you have nothing better to do. Keep wondering who I am though. I am one of the people you ripped off with one of your items. Oh that doesnt help any? Still confused? You'll never guess cus you are a dumbass. I don't mind if you still think I am Allyxia or Celstyne though cus then you won't know who I am. Duh. But it is unfortunate for them because knowing you or Graysalin you'll go and harass them and they'll be like What the hell are you talking about? Oh well too bad for them LOL!

See you come here and TRY very hard, to act nice or mature but in the game you cuss people out in whispers like a drunken sailor. Thats why you reminded me of that "Gracy" person. You two have GOT to be the same person! And considering all the trouble you get with the GM's for your constant OOC and harassing people. I am sure theyre just waiting for a reason to finally be rid of you.

Anyway, thats my last word on the subject.

I'd bash Sergey but I cant think of anymore to say, and besides I'd feel like a troll if I did if he's really in a wheelchair.

07-02-2003, 10:22 PM
bash me all you want, wheelchair or not. If ya have a real reason to, GO for it. even if you dont have a real reason it amuses me!

07-02-2003, 10:55 PM
GS4Gurl, please, do me a huge favor. Shut up. I really don't give a shit about what you have to say, especially with your fourteen-year-old speech patterns. You want to talk to Atheana? Do it in U2U. It's not my fault you're too incompetent to speak like a normal human, so don't post stupid things and tempt me to read them with what looks like a good response at first glance.

End communication.

07-02-2003, 10:59 PM
Fine I'll shut up but that freak obviously couldn't even buy a clue! lol

07-03-2003, 01:04 AM
You just perfectly displayed what I told you to not do. (I really don't give a shit about what you have to say, especially with your fourteen-year-old speech patterns.) Make sure you don't reveal your level of intelligents. You may be supersized with the results.

07-03-2003, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
You just perfectly displayed what I told you to not do. (I really don't give a shit about what you have to say, especially with your fourteen-year-old speech patterns.) Make sure you don't reveal your level of intelligents. You may be supersized with the results.

You think you get the right to "tell" others what not to do now? Amusing.

I think that people could try to stick to commenting solely upon the actions of Sergey and co. rather than whatever physical imperfections they might have though. I mean unless you all are developing a Sean/Ganryu complex and think you have perfect bodies and perfect signifigant others please lay off it.

07-03-2003, 10:26 AM
After years of not playing GSIII, I started up a trial account, mainly because I was bored, but also to see how things were. Even came up with a cool two-weapon giantman ranger named Ulg Shaggymane who spoke in brutish third person.

Ulg says, "Ulg not mind crazytown. Ulg meet interesting persons."

In the short span of a month or two, I actually ran into a lot of the people who post here, or who get their own complaint topic. Amazing how many there are here. In some ways its a bit of a status symbol. Vif... she cracked me up. Warclaidhm I met at some GM run contest. He totally blew it for our team. If I hadn't been AFK right at the crucial moment when our team was supposed to do something, I might have been able to slow him down a little. The kids just hyper as hell, slow down dude, learn how to hand the spotlight over sometimes. Bobmuthol... what an oddity. Still, he cracks me up.

So I dropped the account. Mainly because it just took way to long to level and train. Otherwise, the game can be a fun way to kill a night with a few beers and watch all the crazy shit that goes on, or even get into it. Never met Sergey though.

07-03-2003, 11:47 AM
skirmisher bob has waay too much intelligents for me too handle oh gee the intelligents is overwhelming

bwah ha ha

07-03-2003, 12:11 PM
Don't make me supersize you, GS4Gurl.

07-03-2003, 01:20 PM
Supersize? Is that like supergents for the intelligents?

07-03-2003, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
i'm done posting on this thread, just wanted to say a few more things ..

*gs4gurl-allyxia (i know who you are, alright? i'm silly yes, but i'm far from stupid, on a different thread your selling allyxia, plus you act like her, and your the only person who called me ... *chunky* and those were pictures of me from 9th grade, and if your not allyxia, your celestyne, but that doesn't matter much to me. but its funny how celestyne doesn't even know me, oh well. and why you would be mean to kobolds-r-us i have no idea, she did a big favor for you)

*and this is for quite a few people, why on earth would you insult kobolds-r-us and warclaidhm? they are just sticking up for me, thats what friends do, i think alot of you have your priorities mixed up a bit.

i'm all done, lets now move back to bashing sergey :P


Why would i insult Warclaidhm? Because hes an idiot. Duh

07-04-2003, 12:49 AM
Please stop the quoting, RangerD1. It upsets me to know that you have to quote an entire post and then come up with a one-line response. Quote whatever's necessary or nothing at all.

07-04-2003, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol, GS4Gurl and CrystalTears:


It's intelligence. LoL.

If you're gonna talk about it, at least spell it right. Otherwise, people will think you have no "intelligents". LoL!

- --[ Klaive ]--- -

Weedmage Princess
07-04-2003, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
.... now i know your 30 in real life and had a baby, how about you go and take care of your family, and not come on some message board and insult people....
[Edited on 7-2-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

I take offense to this...I may under 30, but I have a baby and a full time job...I take care of my family, and still can come here and find time to insult people if I wanna ;) It isn't that hard to do.

07-04-2003, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Please stop the quoting, RangerD1. It upsets me to know that you have to quote an entire post and then come up with a one-line response. Quote whatever's necessary or nothing at all.

Nah i'm too lazy to edit the posts.

07-04-2003, 06:32 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

Originally posted by Bobmuhthol, GS4Gurl and CrystalTears:


It's intelligence. LoL.

If you're gonna talk about it, at least spell it right. Otherwise, people will think you have no "intelligents". LoL!

- --[ Klaive ]--- -

Hey Mister Slow on the Uptake... we were making fun of the person who misspelled it in her post. I think it was Kobolds R Us who said we we dont have enough intelligents to read or write...while misspelling the word intelligence. Got it now? Gah

Ah here it is: "In fact, judging by your level of intelligents from all the posts I've read, I'm surprsised you even CAN read and WRITE." Quote by Kobolds R Us on page two of this thread.

[Edited on 7-4-2003 by GS4Gurl]

[Edited on 7-4-2003 by GS4Gurl]

07-04-2003, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl

Hey Mister Slow on the Uptake... we were making fun of the person who misspelled it in her post. I think it was Kobolds R Us who said we we dont have enough intelligents to read or write...while misspelling the word intelligence. Got it now? Gah

Ah here it is: "In fact, judging by your level of intelligents from all the posts I've read, I'm surprsised you even CAN read and WRITE." Quote by Kobolds R Us on page two of this thread.

[Edited on 7-4-2003 by GS4Gurl]

[Edited on 7-4-2003 by GS4Gurl]

That's what happens when people start babbling about stuff that's off the topic, the point gets missed. Next time, either clearly mark that you're being sarcastic or make a new topic that says, "Making fun of Kobolds R Us by saying intelligents."

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

07-04-2003, 10:48 AM
Klaive, stop trying to be the voice of reason. You know you exist for the sole purpose of screwing things up. Heh.

07-04-2003, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

Originally posted by Bobmuhthol, GS4Gurl and CrystalTears:


It's intelligence. LoL.

If you're gonna talk about it, at least spell it right. Otherwise, people will think you have no "intelligents". LoL!

- --[ Klaive ]--- -

My post seemed serious to you? Oh c'mon. I was making fun of him just like everyone else. I have to actually post the word sarcasm for you to get it? And you claim to be a genius? :lol: Ri-i-i-ight.

[Edited on 7/4/2003 by CrystalTears]

07-04-2003, 11:22 AM
<<I was making fun of him just like everyone else.>>

Making fun of who?

07-04-2003, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

That's what happens when people start babbling about stuff that's off the topic, the point gets missed. Next time, either clearly mark that you're being sarcastic or make a new topic that says, "Making fun of Kobolds R Us by saying intelligents."

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

My thoughts run similar to CrystalTears in this.

The only one who seemed to have trouble following this thread was the self professed genius.

[Edited on 7-4-2003 by Skirmisher]

07-05-2003, 05:31 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<I was making fun of him just like everyone else.>>

Making fun of who?

Making fun of whom? j/k

Vesi :smilegrin:

07-05-2003, 05:22 PM
Sorry to swear, but who gives a shit what people do with who out of the game? If Atheana and Graysalin live together or whatever, and she's 16, big deal.

Back on topic, the two biggest retard merchants (or wannabe merchants) I have come across are.....Warclaidhm and Bobmuthol

07-05-2003, 05:44 PM
StrayRogue, I've made it clear that I don't want to be a merchant. But enough about me, let's talk about Bobmuthol. He sure is a retard. But I'm not. I don't pretend to be a merchant, I wouldn't want to be called as such, and I would kill anyone who did call me a merchant. It's the worst fucking title I've ever heard of. "Hi, I'm Bobmuhthol the Merchant." I don't even buy items, let alone resell items for profit. You're a goddamn moron, you idiotic, cancerous mass of fecal matter.

07-05-2003, 05:56 PM
I think Ardwen said it best, "I'd rather have Burzmalli a hundred times over, than one Bob"

07-05-2003, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Blah, Blah, Blah, blabbity, blah, blah. You're a goddamn moron, you idiotic, cancerous mass of fecal matter. :flamed:

rofl!! Gah you seriously need to reeelaaax.:lol:

07-05-2003, 06:57 PM
Let the child rant and rave. He's hardly painting a good picture for himself. No wonder he's a crap merchant.

07-06-2003, 06:50 AM
Merchanting is dumb

07-06-2003, 07:00 AM
Ever get the feeling the World is a tuxedo and YOU'RE a pair of brown shoes?

07-06-2003, 12:08 PM
I get the feeling people are idiots, HappyGuyJr. I don't know why, but I just get that feeling. And it happens a lot.