View Full Version : Random Ramblings
02-08-2007, 10:01 AM
NOTE: This blog is older, but I wanted to continue my newest part at the bottom so you can skip over this earlier stuff if you want. It all goes in the same line of thought.
I haven't really blogged here before but I just have some crap that I need to get out and I can't access myspace on my work computer so here is just as good as there to post stuff.
I'm done. That about sums up my work life right now. I am so sick of my job and I finally decided that I'm finished putting up with the bullshit and have dropped my resignation no my boss's desk. She's stuck in meetings all day today so she probably won't even see it until this afternoon, but I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
I realize that the cause of most stress has been work and that it has trickled into my personal life. I try to check my personal baggage at the door, but it seems so hard to go in reverse and check the work baggage at the office and leave it there. I'm sure Steve is sick of hearing me rant and rave about work. I should have dropped this letter off back in October when they gave me this so called "promotion" which was really just a bullshit way of saying "Your job is being eliminated so you take this other job or you take a hike."
The sad part is I really do like the 3 people I work with on my team. It's just the BS that goes along with the position that I'm sick of. Especially since I have to drive 35 miles each way to get to and from work. FUCK. THAT. I am convinced that once I am out of this position, I will be so much happier. I don't even care about money at this point. This job pays more than I've ever made before, but for me, the money isn't worth it. My sanity is definitely more important to me. I am sick of bitching every day and dreading to get up and go to work. will be interesting to see what my boss says when she reads my resignation letter. I wasn't nasty, but I did name names and outlined situations that caused me to come to the decision I did. I wonder if they will scramble to try to 'make it better' and see if they can keep me, but my mind is pretty much made up. I even have intereviews set up next week already for new positions.
:fu: and good riddance to this job.
- Christina
02-08-2007, 10:10 AM
Just curious, what do (did) you do?
02-08-2007, 10:13 AM
burning bridges.... never a good idea.
02-08-2007, 10:15 AM
Just curious, what do (did) you do?
I work in HR for a bank. The entire department has different sub-sections (Benefits, Compensation, Training, etc). Each individual sub-section has a manager over it. Then we have our overall HR director. I am the HR Assistant so I support everyone, but I focus mainly on Benefits and am considered a member of the Benefits team (since I report to the Benefits manager).
Each little section is very clique-y and there's this huge double standard as to how our team is treated versus the other ones. Plus this new "promotion" that they have given me put me into a position that is under constant scrutiny and if your T's aren't crossed properly or your I's dotted in direct line, the other managers in the department blow it out of proportion. It's a sheer case of too many cooks in the kitchen.
I'm just over it. I used to think that people would change, but I've heard stories about how some of these people have gotten away with it for years and no one has done anything about it. So if they're not going to change the situation, I'm going to change it myself.
02-08-2007, 10:23 AM
burning bridges.... never a good idea.
How is she burning bridges by putting in her resignation? It would be different if she walked out. She's quitting. BFD.
Anyway, good luck with it. I worked for HR once... once. Never again. I hated the attitude in there. When they were downsizing, they moved me to Operations and then treated me like dirt.. probably because I knew way too much about people's salaries and benefits. I was surprised they moved me and didn't fire me. They eventually did, but didn't expect the move first.
02-08-2007, 10:25 AM
burning bridges.... never a good idea.
I'm not burning bridges, I've given two week's notice. And the situations I have outlined are ones that I have spoken with my supervisor about so it wouldn't come as a surprise. I just wanted to pinpoint specific reasons as to why I am leaving.
02-08-2007, 10:26 AM will be interesting to see what my boss says when she reads my resignation letter. I wasn't nasty, but I did name names and outlined situations that caused me to come to the decision I did.
- Christina
Usually this isn't received well. I'd call it burning bridges.
02-08-2007, 10:27 AM
In light of above post, probably not as bad as it first sounded. Personally I would never put something in writing that could ever be used against me. If you plan to stay in the same field you never know if the toes you step on now, might be attached to the ass you have to kiss later.
02-08-2007, 10:33 AM
Actually I've known of situations where they stress that you should name the people and/or situations for which you are leaving. If enough people come to the same conclusion, it would need to be addressed.
When I quit one job, in my resignation letter I stated that it wasn't about anyone specific because I was willing to stay the 2 weeks, and the letter had to be CCed to my boss, and I knew that if I stated her as my reason for leaving, I would get told to leave early. When I went to HR and stated privately that it was because of my boss, the HR director told me I should have said that from the get-go. They let me go immediately anyway instead of staying the two weeks because my boss was a bitch and didn't care about my reasons. Hated her SO much.
02-09-2007, 12:07 PM
Yeah supervisor figured that this was coming after a conversation we had the other afternoon. My boss was kinda blindsided I think. I don't believe she expected it, but she understood where I was coming from.
The overall HR director sat me down yesterday to talk to me about what I think needs to be improved about this position. I outlined everything I felt was wrong with it and he agreed with most of my points but didn't seem to give any feedback on whether things would change or not. Not that I expected him to say anything, but hopefully for the sake of my replacement, I hope things do change.
I think my supervisor and my boss still want me to change my mind as I am leaving right before the proverbial shit hits the fan during the Open Enrollment period for benefits. For my sanity I really can't see me staying any longer than I need to. I was planning on Feb 23rd being my last day, but I may extend that to March 2nd since if I am still employed within March, my benefits go until the end of the month.
All in all, I'm pretty happy though. I feel good that I got everything off my chest and things can only go up from here is how I look at it. I just keep counting the days until I'm out of here and am looking forward to the interviews I have set up next week.
02-09-2007, 12:21 PM
Good luck with it all! Your last few days there will be cake knowing you'll be leaving.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-09-2007, 03:56 PM
In my experience people don't quit jobs, they quit managers. Your manager probably stinks!
02-09-2007, 10:06 PM
In my experience people don't quit jobs, they quit managers. Your manager probably stinks!
I think it's the 'too many cooks in the kitchen' scenario for me. I have a supervisor, a manager, and the overall HR director. My supervisor and my manager both get badgered constantly and try to stick up for the entire benefits team but it does no good because the HR director refuses to put an end to the shit that pisses everyone off.
My immediate manager sorta kinda sucks, but the overall director REALLY sucks. So yeah, yer right. THEY SUCK!
02-09-2007, 11:03 PM
Pfft. Wherever you go, find me a management position! ( My management team sucks as well. )
02-09-2007, 11:46 PM
I know you have been very unhappy with your job. Seems like you always are posting something about hating work so I am kind of glad to see that you took the next step to leave. I really hope it all works out for you. Being happy is very important. Nobody likes to work but there is a difference between hating your job and hating having to work. I think you really hate your job and Im glad you left.
However....the grass is always greener.
02-09-2007, 11:47 PM
Thanks Ignot, I really am glad with my decisions. It just feels like this enormous weight is lifted and I actually can deal with having to work out my two weeks knowing I don't have to stay.
I think my boss saw that today cause I was doing work and smiling and she said something about short-timers getting all chipper at the end heh.
02-12-2007, 03:42 PM
Heh so...apparently the managers in HR have all told their staff members that I'm leaving, and they all seem to be walking around eggshells on me. The ones who are problematic and the reason I am leaving haven't said 2 words to me. The others seem to be kissing my ass.
One of the girls in Employee Relations wants to sit down for my exit interview early to try to address problems and see if they can fix them and make me change my mind. I take it she hasn't read my letter yet or she'd know how I feel. Heh.
My supervisor also approached me to stay one extra week and leave on March 2nd. This would benefit me more than them. If I stay until March 2nd, I get full pay for the month of February, and then my medical, dental, and vision benefits end on March 31 instead of Feb 28. I think that I can push an extra week just to get the benefits out of it.
Anyhooooooots....I'm still counting down though! I know nothing will change my mind (well unless they give me like a 10k raise or somethin and change my hours to 10-6 hah).
02-12-2007, 03:45 PM
Nothing is more liberating than leaving a shitty job.
Good luck girl.
02-12-2007, 03:46 PM
Nothing is more liberating than leaving a shitty job.
Masturbation feels pretty liberating. I think it would give leaving a job a run for its money.
02-12-2007, 03:48 PM
02-12-2007, 04:18 PM
The kicker is after you quit, you should go to the unemployment office and apply due to "hostile work environment"
02-12-2007, 04:19 PM
I'm an expert on what you CAN'T get unemployment for, so IM me if you have any questions.
02-12-2007, 05:13 PM
The kicker is after you quit, you should go to the unemployment office and apply due to "hostile work environment"
Heh I never even thought of that. I wonder if that would work...
Stanley Burrell
02-12-2007, 05:21 PM
Um. Seriously:
There are waaay more than enough banks just about, say, everywhere. Your portfolio will be looked at enough times for you to be rehired with finagling benefits.
02-21-2007, 01:50 PM
Sooooooooooo...I have like 7 work days left and I feel awesome about the decision to leave. March 2nd will be my last day. And I have another job lined up starting on March 5th. I'm going back into hotels which I love to do.
I'll take a pay cut at first, but the potential to move up and grow will be a huge step in the right direction for me. Plus it gives me the chance to go back to school and finish up my degree since I've been procrastinating for the 2 years since we moved.
All in all, my stress level has dropped immenseley. This new job will be 20 miles closer to home, will be in an area of town that traffic doesn't get that bad in comparison to now, and will have the opportunity for me to do what I really love. I'm so happy! I got the job offer yesterday and didn't even think twice about accepting.
The cool part is the manager pushed to get me more money than the normal person would get walking in the door so I'm making about 2 bucks higher than just a normal person with no experience. And within 3-6 months the promotion possibilities will be there. Yay! I'm so happy. :bounce:
02-21-2007, 01:58 PM
You're going from HR to hotels. You confirmed it. You ARE a crackhead. From one trainwreck to another. :D
Seriously though, good luck with the new job! Sometimes change is such a blessing.
02-21-2007, 02:14 PM
You're going from HR to hotels. You confirmed it. You ARE a crackhead. From one trainwreck to another. :D
Seriously though, good luck with the new job! Sometimes change is such a blessing.
:rofl: Yeah I know, from the frying pan into the fire. I definitely will be much happier being away from HR though because I've been going to school for Hotel Management. It's my goal one day to either have my own Bed & Breakfast or run the Bellagio heh.
Sean of the Thread
02-21-2007, 04:43 PM
Show me your boobs.
02-21-2007, 04:44 PM
Show me your boobs.
Well isn't that out of left field!
:club: Um no.
02-21-2007, 07:34 PM
Congrats on the new job and leaving the old! I hope this one works out MUCH better for you.
02-22-2007, 01:58 AM
Well isn't that out of left field!
:club: Um no.
In some countries the women do show their boobs when they get a new job. So...
02-22-2007, 10:25 AM
In some countries the women do show their boobs when they get a new job. So...
Hah that's new news to me. I think I'll pass on that tradition.
02-27-2007, 01:57 PM
Soooo....more new job info. I said I was going back to hotels, which is what I wanted to do. I thought I was just going to be doing regular front desk stuff, easy peasy things to do.
I spoke with my new boss today and she said she talked to the regional manager and they want to bring me on as the front office manager! Yay! This means 1) More experience to other parts of hotels that I want to learn about 2) More money yay! and 3) I can write my own schedule.
I think for now I'm going to work wherever they need me and learn as much as I can about all 3 shifts and see where I go from there. But hurray for getting off to a good start!
Nothing can beat a promotion before ya even start!
02-27-2007, 02:11 PM
Those clerks are going to hate you! "Why her and not me?!"
Hehe, good luck! Maybe you should call her at the end of the week and see if she got you something better. :D
02-28-2007, 12:12 PM
Those clerks are going to hate you! "Why her and not me?!"
Hehe, good luck! Maybe you should call her at the end of the week and see if she got you something better. :D
:rofl: I can see calling her on Friday and she's like "I'm getting promoted so you get my job!" haha. Wishful thinking.
I'm just really excited and ready to wipe the slate clean from this current job and put everything into getting the most knowledge from the new one. Monday definitely will be a nice start to a brand new chapter.
06-15-2007, 03:20 AM exciting news....I got another promotion!! YAY! My boss at my new job (the hotel) said that there was an AGM spot open and that our Regional VP wanted to see my resume. She also warned me not to get my hopes up cause I wasn't the only one going for it.
I interviewed with my RVP and with another GM in the area and I got the job!!! I'm so super excited! I'll be the floating AGM for 5 different properties in the Jacksonville area. I have to fly out on Sunday for training. The one icky part is that the training is in Utah. The other icky part is that it's 3 WEEKS LONG!!!!
The good part is that A) I'm now in a salaried position so I get guaranteed money B) I got a very nice raise with this C) It's a step in the right direction with what I want to do with my life and D) I got a laptop yay!
I'm pretty stoked - my boss always said that in 3 months I could be an AGM if I wanted to, and I got the promotion 3 months and 2 days after my hire date. I just want to soak up all the knowledge I can while I am in training, enjoy seeing somewhere new, and opening up a new chapter in my book of life.
Yaaaaaaaaay :bounce:
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