View Full Version : Vanguard

01-30-2007, 08:42 PM

Anyone planning on playing this? A friend of mine is widdling away my willpower, I'll probably break down soon and give it a buy. It looks really cool and from what I hear is very EQ like (made by Verant), and I was a big fan of EQ.

Anyway if I do succumb to purchasing it, I'll be playing on "Woefeather on the Dark Elf Continent" if anyone else here is planning on playing.

01-30-2007, 08:45 PM

Anyone planning on playing this? A friend of mine is widdling away my willpower, I'll probably break down soon and give it a buy. It looks really cool and from what I hear is very EQ like (made by Verant), and I was a big fan of EQ.

Anyway if I do succumb to purchasing it, I'll be playing on "Woefeather on the Dark Elf Continent" if anyone else here is planning on playing.

I've played since beta 2 and have really enjoyed it. I recommend it as a decent new MMORPG. It is vastly superior to D&D Online and LOTRO in my opinion.

It is way more of a "finished project". THis is Brad McQuaid's deal, and if any of you don't know who he is, he was the mastermind behind the original Everquest and it's first two expansions (back when the game was a complete blast).

Vanguard retains much of the AWEsome feel to it. I've had alot of fun anyway.

01-30-2007, 08:50 PM
I heard horror stories about its early beta. That said, I also heard they made some really great ground in the last month or two of beta and made it a decent game.

01-30-2007, 08:53 PM
It is way more of a "finished project". THis is Brad McQuaid's deal, and if any of you don't know who he is, he was the mastermind behind the original Everquest and it's first two expansions (back when the game was a complete blast).

I really liked EQ in it's original/Kunark/Velious forms... it became a little too monty haul after that, kind of like the complaints I'm hearing about the Burning Crusade, the EQ expansions did improve things, but there were certainly valuables left in the other portions of the world.

01-30-2007, 08:53 PM
I heard horror stories about its early beta. That said, I also heard they made some really great ground in the last month or two of beta and made it a decent game.

Yeah, I have my share of horror stories.

-30 gigs of uncompressed mess on my harddrive.
-Crashing every time I "chunk" (zoned) for months.
-Horribly unoptomized graphics engine. (I can play things like Oblivion, Doom 3, Halflife 2, etc, with everything on MAX, but in vanguard if I put it above medium crap settings, I can barely move)

They have definately come a long way in the past few months, but it's a shame that Brad is yet again being rushed by SoE. I think the game needs 6 months to be polished. We'll still be beta testing for the first 6 months when we buy the game.

01-30-2007, 09:02 PM
I'm still waiting for the MMO that doesn't require hours upon hours to get anything decent accomplished. WoW nailed it from level 0 to 59, but falls apart at level 60.

In any case, if it's an MMO designed by the people who designed EverQuest, I'm sure you can expect lots of long and tedious hours.

Warhammer looks pretty decent graphics and art design wise. Not sure about gameplay, though, I haven't really looked into it that much.

01-30-2007, 09:05 PM
some new Warhammer vids were released today showing gameplay. Looks pretty decent for real

01-30-2007, 09:05 PM
I'm still waiting for the MMO that doesn't require hours upon hours to get anything decent accomplished. WoW nailed it from level 0 to 59, but falls apart at level 60.

In any case, if it's an MMO designed by the people who designed EverQuest, I'm sure you can expect lots of long and tedious hours.

Warhammer looks pretty decent graphics and art design wise. Not sure about gameplay, though, I haven't really looked into it that much.

Vanguard isn't your game then.

It is clearly designed so that accomplishing things takes a very long time, but it balances out with a sort of cookie crumb trail. You can log on for a few hours each night and complete a few quests by yourself or with a few friends, and feel like you actually got something done. Leveling is harder that WoW but easier than EQ (the way it was before).

It has struck an odd sort of balance that I find somewhat enjoyable. I have more fun playing GS though, if that matters.

02-04-2007, 04:50 PM
This game is an unfinished piece of shit. It wasn't due for a release until near the end of this year but due to the dev team running out of money... they had no other choice but to launch now. Microsoft washed their hands of this game and SOE took over, that should have been a major sign to a lot of people about this games "potential". I'll be VERY suprised if they break 100k subscribers at their highest peak.

Sean of the Thread
02-04-2007, 04:54 PM
I played EQ ... when there wasn't really an alternative. Not a chance in hell I'd play another Sony or verant title.

I mean they royally fucked SWG..

02-04-2007, 04:57 PM
I played EQ ... when there wasn't really an alternative. Not a chance in hell I'd play another Sony or verant title.

I mean they royally fucked SWG..

Okay talk about not knowing what the fuck you are talking about, or having a really shitty opinion.

EQ was fucking badass WHEN Brad McQuaid (the Vanguard dude) was the one making it. That was up through Velious back when EQ was badass. It's when SoE takes over a game that it goes all to shit.

EQ went to shit when SoE took over. SWG went to shit when Lucasarts let SoE have too much control. Vanguard went to shit when they bought it from MS and gave McQuaid a "you will release now" timetable instead of letting him take his time like he needs to, to make a quality product.

Sorry, you hit a nerve of mine. McQuaid is a damn fine developer, its these fucking development companies pushing timetables that fuck these games up.

02-04-2007, 05:12 PM
SoE didn't buy it from MS. MS knew the game was shit and wanted nothing to do with it. McQuaid couldn't sell the game to anyone but SoE so they went with them. He may be a good developer in theory, but Vanguard is just one big mess.

02-04-2007, 05:18 PM
This is like the WWF but with nerds.

02-04-2007, 05:30 PM
Snap into a slim jim! Oh yeeeaahhh!

Sean of the Thread
02-04-2007, 05:35 PM
Sorry EQ was never bad ass.

Lord Orbstar
02-04-2007, 06:28 PM
it was just bad. I gagged thru and got a ranger to level 59 and got him in that red armor..rubcite or something. i forget. I quit.

Asherons Call, Dark Age of Camelot, and even Shadowbane were more fun. In other words: PvP or Realm v Realm for the win. Carebears are for cartoons and Everquest fans. lol

oh, and please bring back teh *thump* power.

Sean of the Thread
02-04-2007, 09:54 PM
UO was more fun that EQ back in the day and that's not saying much.

*edit GAG thanks for reminding me about Rubicite something or other armor. God I hate that game looking back.. more than GS.

02-05-2007, 12:39 AM
UO was more fun that EQ back in the day and that's not saying much.

*edit GAG thanks for reminding me about Rubicite something or other armor. God I hate that game looking back.. more than GS.

Like I said, I think your opinion is shit. EQ pre-luclin was fun. For me anyway. Hell, I played it all the way up until Dragons or Norrath (what the seventh fucking expansion or some shit). Maybe that's my problem.

I have a skewed view.

02-05-2007, 11:35 AM
I played EQ for 1 month. it was horrid. Took a lot of convincing to get me to even try WoW after that experience. I have no interest in Vanguard it looks awful and the reviews have been scathing.

Looking forward to giving Warhammer a try though, so much potential with that game due to the Games Workshop history.

02-05-2007, 11:54 AM
WAR looks good, indeed.

02-08-2007, 08:57 AM
I played EQ for 1 month. it was horrid. Took a lot of convincing to get me to even try WoW after that experience. I have no interest in Vanguard it looks awful and the reviews have been scathing.

Looking forward to giving Warhammer a try though, so much potential with that game due to the Games Workshop history.

Yeah I wish they did 40k instead of fantasty though, 40k would have been sweet... play as a carnifex... (no idea how that would work mechnically)

I've been playing Vanguard a bit, it's fun, might just be due to the newness of it, it does have a handful of bugs but none have really crippled the gameplay (like the SWG launch). I don't see myself playing it long term, but it's a good distraction until I get back in the mood to play GS again.

The whole diplomacy thing is kind of fun too, it's this weird card game (which eventually might get repeative, but it's fun right now). The game looks fantastic with the settings turned up, but since I'm playing on a laptop and refuse to reduce my resolution I can't play at those settings.

02-08-2007, 09:40 AM
I played EQ for a little bit also and didn't like it. I had no clue wtf was going on or wtf I was doing, as my only previous experience was with GS. Years later, I played WoW. Two days after that, I closed my GS account and put all my stuff up for sale.

I've heard Vanguard is all grinding, so I'm not really interested there. WAR seems pretty cool though.

02-08-2007, 10:16 AM
Yeah I wish they did 40k instead of fantasty though, 40k would have been sweet... play as a carnifex... (no idea how that would work mechnically)

I've been playing Vanguard a bit, it's fun, might just be due to the newness of it, it does have a handful of bugs but none have really crippled the gameplay (like the SWG launch). I don't see myself playing it long term, but it's a good distraction until I get back in the mood to play GS again.

The whole diplomacy thing is kind of fun too, it's this weird card game (which eventually might get repeative, but it's fun right now). The game looks fantastic with the settings turned up, but since I'm playing on a laptop and refuse to reduce my resolution I can't play at those settings.

If they ever make a quality 40k game (something like Dawn of War MMO) That may be the last MMO I ever play.