View Full Version : Barbaro Euthanized.

01-29-2007, 01:33 PM

We just reached a point where it was going to be difficult for him to go on without pain," co-owner Roy Jackson said. "It was the right decision, it was the right thing to do. We said all along if there was a situation where it would become more difficult for him then it would be time."
Photo Galleries...
The triumph at the Derby

Tragedy at the Preakness

Roy and Gretchen Jackson were with Barbaro on Monday morning, with the owners making the decision in consultation with chief surgeon Dean Richardson.

It was a series of complications, including laminitis in the left rear hoof and a recent abscess in the right rear hoof, that proved to be too much for the gallant colt, whose breakdown brought an outpouring of support across the country.

"I would say thank you for everything, and all your thoughts and prayers over the last eight months or so," Jackson said to Barbaro's fans.

Poor thing.:(

Such a sad ending after all this time.


01-29-2007, 02:02 PM
Dear Barbaro,




01-29-2007, 02:42 PM
I don't understand this. My friend was literally weeping over this FUCKING HORSE. At first, because this happened while I was gone, I was like, "Who the fuck is Barbaro and what'd he do that was so great?"

And then I found out he WAS A HORSE WHO BROKE HIS LEG, and I lost all respect for my friend.


01-29-2007, 02:52 PM
It has been my understand that leg injuries in horses means a dead horse.

What's the big deal?

*edited to add -- ROFL at prayers for a horse

01-29-2007, 03:01 PM
Make the world a better place
Use Barbaro for your paste.



01-29-2007, 03:12 PM
That joke wasn't funny the first time you used it.

01-29-2007, 03:15 PM
Dear Barbaro,





01-29-2007, 03:25 PM
Why the long face?

01-29-2007, 03:27 PM
Why the long face?

I have always loved that joke. Simple pleasures.....

01-29-2007, 03:54 PM
That joke wasn't funny the first time you used it.

What if I made it a joke about the WNBA losing their best player? Is that more to your tastes?

01-29-2007, 03:57 PM
What if I made it a joke about the WNBA losing their best player? Is that more to your tastes?
I'm intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Sean of the Thread
01-29-2007, 04:17 PM
Why the long face?


Interesting fact: Baseballs used to be made of horse hide before the automobile industry took off.

Stanley Burrell
01-29-2007, 05:30 PM
And then I found out he WAS A HORSE WHO BROKE HIS LEG

I loathe horses. I could never weep for a horse, and if I did, that horse would be a dog or lizard, mebbe.

That being said, a broken leg means a horse lying down. And somehow evolution was not friendly to the purebred equine genus.

Seriously, why are people with horse fetishes raising these animals so selectively bred for racing that they can get Hula beads around their neck, yet if one lies down with an ounce of its inbred bodyweight against its heart and/or lungs then the animal gets dead much?

People (especially breeders) shedding tears for lumpy mutants prone to death from a hoof bunion need to get their priorities straightened out.

Yeah, yeah, that was painfully PETA-esque, bah :wasntme:

01-29-2007, 05:46 PM
I have this sudden urge to explain horse racing to countries that are starving.... We actually have SO much food, that we specifically breed certain food to ride in frivolous competition to see who can breed the fastest food, and then cry and pray when one of the FASTER foods gets a few bunions and has to be put down, after which we probably bury the food, uneaten, and throw up some unholy shrine to further worship how fast the food was (and vicariously continue to worship ourselves for creating said food) But if it's not a fast breed, we just chop it up to feed our house pets and glue shit together...

Dear God,

Fuck poverty
Fuck hunger
Fuck war
Fuck baby seals

Crazy Person

Stanley Burrell
01-29-2007, 05:57 PM
I have this sudden urge to explain horse racing to countries that are starving.... We actually have SO much food, that we specifically breed certain food to ride in frivolous competition to see who can breed the fastest food, and then cry and pray when one of the FASTER foods gets a few bunions and has to be put down, after which we probably bury the food, uneaten, and throw up some unholy shrine to further worship how fast the food was (and vicariously continue to worship ourselves for creating said food) But if it's not a fast breed, we just chop it up to feed our house pets and glue shit together...

Dear God,

Fuck poverty
Fuck hunger
Fuck war
Fuck baby seals

Crazy Person

Here, here?

01-29-2007, 06:32 PM
I don't know why you want to trash the USA about it. Thoroughbred racing originated in the UK, and the modern Thoroughbred breed is British, dating back to the late 1700's and prior to that, ascends from the 12th century when the Brits cross-bred Arabians stallions with English mares. Horse racing itself is an ancient sport, and the racing in the USA didn't exist until the Brits brought it here.

If you want to "blame" anyone for the breed, blame the Brits.

Having ridden a Thoroughbred, I have to say there isn't much more thrilling than running through a field with an English jumper, flying over 4-foot haystacks, and knowing that the horse who's doing it is loving every minute of it. I barely got my feet in the stirrups when Obie took off; forget cantering, forget a nice easy slow swagger. He was born and bred to run, and nothing else would satisfy him. Animals are animals - either you can feel sympathy for them or you can't. I'm glad Barbaro was euthanized and know how difficult it must've been for his owners to make that decision.

01-29-2007, 06:56 PM
I don't know why you want to trash the USA about it.

Funny, I don't recall trashing any one particular country in my rant... twas an all inclusive "we" which, I thought, blanketed the entirety of the horse-racing culture, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

01-29-2007, 07:05 PM
While I'm at it... Don't mistake me for being unable to feel sympathy for animals. Just because I don't feel bad when a horse I've never met gets a terminal case of the ankle sores (because he's been ridden more than Paris Hilton) and has to be put down, doesn't mean I wouldn't shed a tear if my dog suddenly got hit by a car, or if I lost any animal that i had some kind of emotional attachment too.

If it were MY horse, I might feel a little sympathy, but thoughts and prayers for a horse you've never met? Please... That's almost as lame as praying for Ben and J-Lo to WORK IT OUT.

Don't mind me... I get easily annoyed by people attempt to validate their fruitless existence by attaching their emotions and spirituality to happenings that have nothing to do with them, especially when those happenings happen to be as frivolous as their vain concept of religion (I assume it's a vain concept if they are praying for a horse)

And I wonder why I have no friends

01-29-2007, 07:18 PM
What if I made it a joke about the WNBA losing their best player? Is that more to your tastes?

Any type of joke that I didn't first hear when I was in 6th grade would be a step up.

01-29-2007, 07:24 PM
I have this sudden urge to explain horse racing to countries that are starving.... We actually have SO much food, that we specifically breed certain food to ride in frivolous competition to see who can breed the fastest food, and then cry and pray when one of the FASTER foods gets a few bunions and has to be put down, after which we probably bury the food, uneaten, and throw up some unholy shrine to further worship how fast the food was (and vicariously continue to worship ourselves for creating said food) But if it's not a fast breed, we just chop it up to feed our house pets and glue shit together...

That's because the horses make a lot of money. It's no different than any entertainment sect.

01-29-2007, 07:37 PM
That's because the horses make a lot of money. It's no different than any entertainment sect.

Except in most entertainment sects, the athlete, not the owner, usually gets to keep the money... that and most athletes don't run the risk of being executed at the slightest injury because they lack the physical attributes necessary to sustain life following any type of injury, even marginal. Once they are too banged up to play, they retire to their mansions and their mountain of cash and lament over the glory days.

Unless they were mediocre athletes (mediocre still being a far cry from anything I am capable of)... in which case they get a job like the rest of us bums, or they go on to be talentless actors/wife murderers.

01-29-2007, 09:16 PM
Animals are animals - either you can feel sympathy for them or you can't. I'm glad Barbaro was euthanized and know how difficult it must've been for his owners to make that decision.I feel bad for the horse, but I have zero sympathy for the owners. Being heartbroken when an animal dies due to owner-based endangerment is unbelievable.

edit: That is, the owners being heartbroken.

01-29-2007, 09:17 PM
I don't understand this. My friend was literally weeping over this FUCKING HORSE. At first, because this happened while I was gone, I was like, "Who the fuck is Barbaro and what'd he do that was so great?"

And then I found out he WAS A HORSE WHO BROKE HIS LEG, and I lost all respect for my friend.


Jesus Christ.. I thought I was the only one that didn't get it.

01-29-2007, 09:40 PM
Except in most entertainment sects, the athlete, not the owner, usually gets to keep the money... that and most athletes don't run the risk of being executed at the slightest injury because they lack the physical attributes necessary to sustain life following any type of injury, even marginal. Once they are too banged up to play, they retire to their mansions and their mountain of cash and lament over the glory days.

If you look at the NFL, the average player gets a pretty small piece of the pie compared to the owners, executives, etc. The horses live in luxury until they die.

01-29-2007, 10:12 PM
If you look at the NFL, the average player gets a pretty small piece of the pie compared to the owners, executives, etc. The horses live in luxury until they die.

Enviable existence when you think about it... you run and run and run (fun despite the midget on your back for most of it) and then eventually, if you're really good, you get to have a load of sex with the hottest horses!

Unless you suck, in which case you become Alpo

01-29-2007, 10:49 PM
Thats some well-bred pet food.

01-29-2007, 11:12 PM
Unless they were mediocre athletes (mediocre still being a far cry from anything I am capable of)... in which case they get a job like the rest of us bums, or they go on to be talentless actors/wife murderers.

I hope you're not suggesting OJ was a mediocre athlete. Mediocre human being, yes, mediocre athlete...hell no!

01-29-2007, 11:49 PM
I hope you're not suggesting OJ was a mediocre athlete. Mediocre human being, yes, mediocre athlete...hell no!

Actually was a throwback to a rant I had awhile ago (which I realize was on a different board) about a news story that went into a four day story with all the brutal gory details about how this guy murdered his wife... and the only reason it was even "big news" was because he once played for some sports team (I think the Seahawks) as a second string something or other.

If he hadn't been a mediocre athlete, no one would know he was also a wife murderer!

And um... on topic... Horses suck, ride a camel

Sean of the Thread
01-30-2007, 08:40 AM
George Bush hates brown horses.

01-30-2007, 08:43 AM
Horses are a typically democratic demographic, so he really hates all horses.

edit: And don't forget poor...when's the last time you saw a horse at the grocery store without food stamps?