View Full Version : What program DOES this!?

The Ponzzz
01-20-2007, 10:17 PM
So, I been trying to get a shop in icemule and/or solhaven for months. I use to grab them up all the time! I noticed there is a program that logs a character on at midnight and 1am EST. It then checks for shops, etc. If it can grab one, it buys the permit, runs through the shop district and claims one.

I didn't realize this was a program until I actually was able to buy the permit and I noticed someone logged and and ran off with a permit. they logged out seconds later....

This shit fucking sucks...

01-21-2007, 10:54 PM
Holy crap. Now that's blatant abuse.

01-21-2007, 11:11 PM
You could probably use ACTool to do it, and just set up all the keystrokes and stuff. It'd take some tweaking and I don't think you could do if/then type stuff, but you could set it to log you out/in and all that.

01-22-2007, 10:34 AM
Maybe Im a little naive here, but doesnt this just bespeak the fact that they need to expand those shopping districts? I mean really, its not like they even need to do much painting, since the shop owners buy all the facades and interiors and stuff.

Plus, since every shop owned draws rent, itll enhance the vaunted "silver drain" theyre always questing after.

Anyway, yeah it is cruddy abuse, just like used to go on with the Katana merchant. Randomizing the sale time would probably help.

01-22-2007, 10:43 AM
I think this just bespeaks the fact that this game is easily hacked and scripted from start to finish.

02-20-2007, 08:40 PM
I could see this being done with EZMacros and the wizard/Stormfront FE. Just set EZ Macros to play at n time...record a macro that logs you in somewhere specific, runs the script, logs off in 10-15 or however long it takes. I have no clue about getting the shop or whatever, though this sounds pretty easy.

02-20-2007, 11:58 PM