View Full Version : more help - hunting script

01-16-2007, 11:11 PM
So.. I made a hunting script. Except it sucks. My intent was to make one I can run, without having to hit any keys, but not have it so good I could leave it unattended.

But the way it is, I still have to do some things manually.

Most notably, if a creature runs from me to another room, I have no way currently to recognize that it ran, and which way. So sometimes it gets stuck trying to cast at something that isn't there.

And its a bit too slow. I dont want it zooming through rooms like I see some other scripters do, but the way I have it now, it basically enters a room, pauses three seconds, LOOKs, then leaves if it finds nothing. If it finds something it winds up waiting another 3 seconds before casting. And it wont recognize a match upon entering the room apparantly.. It only seems to find a creature on the LOOK. I would prefer it start killing as soon as it enters a room with a creature, instead of waiting, and then looking and finding it.

So mainly right now, I am wanting to ask for help with recognizing that a creature ran in a certain direction, and follow it. Is there a way to use those nifty saves or counters to do this? Or do I have to make large match tables for each section? Cause I already got a crap load of sections I dont really need since I dunno how to use the %s and %c stuff correctly.

PS someone needs to make a Scripting for Idiots guide so I can stop asking so many questions.

01-19-2007, 02:19 PM
You're trying to push Wizard scripts further than they really go. Yes... it's possible. It also takes days of clever, tedious, inhumanly-boring typing/copying/pasting/hair-pulling.

IMHO, you really need to either accept that your script won't be universally compatible and make use of a more advanced tool, or be content with the script as-is.

01-19-2007, 02:39 PM
Your best bet is to take one of the old urgh (or anything besides rats) scripts and change it according to the path you follow and your attacks.

01-19-2007, 03:46 PM
Boredom makes me do the damndest things... here's an example:

counter set 1
put look
match AttackIt %1
match Move1 Obvious

move sw
goto Room2

counter set 2

put kill
match attackit ...wait
match moveon could not find
match moveon what were you
match moveon Uh, the thing crumples to the ground in death or something.
### this block is what you need to add to *every* match list
match goBackSW %1 runs northeast.
match goBackSE %1 runs northwest.
match goBackS %1 runs north.
### and so on, and so on, and so on...

goto Move%c

### copy/paste your AttackIt label code here, basically
move S
goto Move%c

### again, copy/paste your AttackIt label code here...
move SW
goto Move%c

### and so on, and so on, and so on...

In Wizard, you get 32 matches at a time. You're eating up at least the cardinal directions, reducing you to 22 (8 cardinal dirs + up/down). Figure for RT, reduce by at least 2 (if not more) leaving 20. Figure in random other shit I don't even remember trying to deal with because I haven't punished myself writing a Wizard script for years, and you're left with chain after chain after chain of labels and contingencies and stuff like:

## blah-blah-blah
goto ItRanAwayInRoom%c

### kill the thing
goto WalkingAroundInRoom24

... yeah, that's unbelievably contrived. Whatever. Picture the script like a set of branching paths, because for every possible contingency you need a label with a unique number that `chains' on to the next label with a unique number, all the while using %c and %s to know where you're supposed to go back to.

And let's not forget what the script needs to do if it runs twice...

See why I say you're pushing it too far? It just ain't worth it.

01-19-2007, 07:22 PM
Thanks. What you are saying is basically what I was about to (try to) do, once I got some more time to play with it.

01-19-2007, 07:43 PM
Definitely, you should check out some of the hunting scripts posted here and modify them for your hunting area.

I'm pretty sure I posted a warfarer hunting script for plain ol WizardFE that handles things like being knocked down, critters running away, and a whole slew of scenarios.

I wrote the script specifically for afk scripting, which I admit I did and would do if I still played, and it worked quite well.

You'd be surprised how much you can do with just plain ol WizardFE scripting. There's a certain art to using plain Wizard FE stuff, finding clever and simple tricks/techniques.