View Full Version : Liars and Cheats
01-15-2007, 10:14 PM
Since folks seem more interested in salacious details than actually being helpful, and in retrospect, this might not have been the best place to seek advice, or advertise issues because I was frustrated, I'm removing the source of your entertainment.
01-15-2007, 10:17 PM
Man I hope this shit is fake.
01-15-2007, 10:19 PM
mind your own fucking business and don't impose your morals on someone else.
this is the best advice you will get in this thread.
Are you pissed they didn’t hit on you?
01-15-2007, 10:39 PM
You're totally going to cockblock this guy :(
The Ponzzz
01-15-2007, 10:42 PM
JESSICA IS GIRL #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01-15-2007, 11:23 PM
The other started flirting and meeting up with him afterwards, even though she lives with someone in what is supposed to be a committed relationship.
Does "meeting up with him afterwards" mean he kissed #1 and then went home and fucked #2?
01-15-2007, 11:32 PM
He's the man. Sort of. In a non GS Related sense. Nevermind.
01-15-2007, 11:34 PM
ROFL @ the Jessica comment.
Stay out of it, stop talking to them as much as you are. That is all.
01-15-2007, 11:40 PM
Knock the bitch's front teeth out. Both of em. Both girls too.
Or just do what they said. :)
01-16-2007, 12:12 AM
I feel she should know the truthSo tell her.
01-16-2007, 12:17 AM
i think you should just avoid these people because they're only giving you a headache.
01-16-2007, 12:29 AM
I guess a couple of folks here need reading lessons.
I am minding my own business so far, kthx.
It's not my morals or holding other people up to my standards in question, kthx2.
It's the hypocrisy of one or more of those mentioned. You can't lecture others about dishonesty and constantly tout yourself as being a moral and honest person, when you engage in lies and behavior that is going to hurt someone.
01-16-2007, 12:34 AM
I guess a couple of folks here need reading lessons.
I am minding my own business so far, kthx.
It's not my morals or holding other people up to my standards in question, kthx2.
It's the hypocrisy of one or more of those mentioned. You can't lecture others about dishonesty and constantly tout yourself as being a moral and honest person, when you engage in lies and behavior that is going to hurt someone.
the definition of holding someone else up to your moral standard.
Sean of the Thread
01-16-2007, 12:41 AM
Names or it didn't happen.
01-16-2007, 01:08 AM
Names or it didn't happen.
Good thing I don't feel a need to prove this. Believe or don't believe, no skin off my ass.
01-16-2007, 01:12 AM
I believe!
01-16-2007, 01:13 AM
Honestly, I think you have to evaluate how close of a friend these two women are to you. If they are the life-long, been through everything together, will grow old and still be close type friends, then I personally would tell them.
If they are not, you have to decide what trouble you are willing to put yourself through in the name of 'honesty and virtues'. I would be more inclined to advise you to divorce yourself from the situation in a case such as this second one, to be truthful. And even in the 1st one, if the women you are dealing with are the types that will not take the advice/honesty/whatever and use them to help themselves. You can't draw blood from a stone, and sometimes people just need to learn the hard way, and the struggle is not worth it, unfortunately.
01-16-2007, 01:20 AM
Honestly, I think you have to evaluate how close of a friend these two women are to you. If they are the life-long, been through everything together, will grow old and still be close type friends, then I personally would tell them.
If they are not, you have to decide what trouble you are willing to put yourself through in the name of 'honesty and virtues'. I would be more inclined to advise you to divorce yourself from the situation in a case such as this second one, to be truthful. And even in the 1st one, if the women you are dealing with are the types that will not take the advice/honesty/whatever and use them to help themselves. You can't draw blood from a stone, and sometimes people just need to learn the hard way, and the struggle is not worth it, unfortunately.
I'm just going to keep my mouth shut and try to find something else to do for a bit, until it all blows up and blows over. The next time Ms. I'm An Honest Caring Person says hypocritcal stuff tho, I might just have to say something. My thanks to those who have been supportive and understanding of my dilemma.
The Ponzzz
01-16-2007, 01:23 AM
What gather did this all go done at?
01-16-2007, 01:45 AM
I don't think that's important Mario. What is important here is yes, these two girls made this Thornrose's business but in the end it really isn't her place to do ANYTHING. Things will work themselves out.
I honestly can't believe that someone would come here and create a new forum name to post other peoples dirty laundry under the guise of being torn between two friends. Oh wait this is the PC.... perhaps I can...
01-16-2007, 01:57 AM
01-16-2007, 02:04 AM
I never understood the posting of IG GS "relationships" or OOG GS "relationships" on these forums. I mean mostly because... romantic relationships based on a text-based game just....seem nutty to me, and well DAMN, prepare to have your thread shredded from the get-go on these boards. You're BEGGING for it.
The Ponzzz
01-16-2007, 02:45 AM
I just wanna know what gather, sounds like a west coast one or a florida one...
01-16-2007, 06:49 AM
No matter what you tell them, they probably won't believe you anyway, and they'll only get mad at you for pointing out their flaws. heh. Let them figure it out for themselves.
01-16-2007, 10:43 AM
I never understood the posting of IG GS "relationships" or OOG GS "relationships" on these forums. I mean mostly because... romantic relationships based on a text-based game just....seem nutty to me, and well DAMN, prepare to have your thread shredded from the get-go on these boards. You're BEGGING for it.
Relationships formed due to an online association in any form are very difficult to sustain for very long. It is possible, as myself and a few others I know have found and managed to keep these relationships going strong, but its very uncommon. Its too easy to get wrapped up in the persona that is displayed in the game, or in IM's, or even on the phone, and not think about the reality of what this person is truly like when you (or if you in some folks' cases) meet and spend some actual real time together in person. Many times, that reality is a huge shock and totally not what you were prepared for. I count myself lucky and rare in finding the opposite, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone simply because of how badly it *can* turn out.
01-16-2007, 10:48 AM
What's with this idea that the "right" thing to do is butt out? The right thing to do is always to pursue RIGHT as opposed to wrong.
In this case, it means butting your nose into this so the one friend doesn't get hurt, and telling truth to the other one. Believe me, laying it down straight for her is much more important to her in the long run then the short term discomfort you MAY OR MAY NOT get having "butted in" in the first place.
Stanley Burrell
01-16-2007, 10:49 AM
All's I gotsta say is ain't cheating if you wear Elf ears.
That and:
Since I am sadly intrigued by my lack of knowing what is very possibly not-leaked-enough gossip :wasntme:
Tea & Strumpets
01-16-2007, 11:01 AM
I'd like to institute a new rule ... first person to respond to a thread has to quote the entire first post to prevent editing.
01-16-2007, 11:31 AM
Since folks seem more interested in salacious details than actually being helpful, and in retrospect, this might not have been the best place to seek advice, or advertise issues because I was frustrated, I'm removing the source of your entertainment.
You're a moron.
As to avoid having my post miscontrued as a personal insult let me first offer the disclaimer that my post is not based on any personal knowledge and is purely speculative.
My money is on ThornRose being Ilvane... any takers?
01-16-2007, 11:57 AM
I'd like to institute a new rule ... first person to respond to a thread has to quote the entire first post to prevent editing.
QFT. I blame Bob.
As to avoid having my post miscontrued as a personal insult let me first offer the disclaimer that my post is not based on any personal knowledge and is purely speculative.
My money is on ThornRose being Ilvane... any takers?
I was betting on Leetahkin myself. :D
01-16-2007, 12:05 PM
Cat in the Hat makes a comeback?
01-16-2007, 12:06 PM
Wrong on both guesses. That's the problem with speculating on who someone new posting here "really" is. While you might be right on occasion, the majority of the time you're wrong - unless it's Seany Digital. He always gives himself away sooner or later. :D
That's only a problem if I actually care about being wrong.
That being said I still stand by my guess.
01-16-2007, 12:13 PM
Stand where you wish. Care about what you wish. Your guess is still not correct. Neither are the others.
Have your fun, kids. You can always start at the top of the membership list and work your way down. I won't comment further.
01-16-2007, 12:32 PM
I can't quote because the PC for some reason messes with my computer but...
<Cat in the Hat makes a comeback?>
When did I EVER... EVER post threads concerning someones personal lives outside of GS? Wow.
01-16-2007, 12:44 PM
actually the basis for my speculation was geographical region. and you go to get togethers.
also annomynity supports you not posting about personal lives.
anyway, was unaware you had changed names and already had made a comeback.
01-16-2007, 12:45 PM
Just because the IPs don't match doesn't mean it isn't the same person BTW.
I can change my IP anytime I want.
01-16-2007, 12:53 PM
Just because the IPs don't match doesn't mean it isn't the same person BTW.
I can change my IP anytime I want.
Which just goes to show how little you know about how the determination was made that the guesses were in error.
01-16-2007, 12:54 PM
Only reason I changed names is because when the PC went down and got reodeled (Or whatever happened) I lost my password for TCITH and no longer had the email address it was linked to. Just never bothered to pursue it.
If Harmnone wants to fix it for me she's more than welcome to and I'll post as that gladly.
Off topic... But anyone have any idea why when I post on these boards my entire internet connection tanks long enough to kick me off AIM, GS and everything else? Only happens with this site. 95% of the time when I generally reply, like I am now. 100% of the time when I try to quote.
Tea & Strumpets
01-16-2007, 12:59 PM
Which just goes to show how little you know about how the determination was made that the guesses were in error.
Why the condescending attitude? The mods occasionally pull this silly "I know something you don't know" nonsense, but it's really ridiculous.
Anyway, this thread sucks. To the OP, if you need any personal advice about relationships, the Gemstone 4 Player's Corner is the place to get the answers you need.
01-16-2007, 01:10 PM
My comment wasn't intended to be condescending. It was simply intended to state a fact. Unless one has worked these boards one doesn't know how they work, so it's not unusual that one wouldn't know how information is gleaned.
When a new name posts and is greeted by people accusing that poster of being another poster incognito, I find that pretty darned unfair; especially, when it's based on non-existant information. It doesn't add anything to the thread, nor does it answer the poster's question. It simply provides grist for the ever-present rumor mill.
If the person posting is, indeed, another member posting incognito, they must have a reason for doing so. I assume that reason is that they don't want others to know who they are. Why, then, can we not respect their privacy? Is that so difficult?
01-16-2007, 01:22 PM
The next time Ms. I'm An Honest Caring Person says hypocritcal stuff tho, I might just have to say something.Someday never comes. You only have today, use it.
If the person posting is, indeed, another member posting incognito, they must have a reason for doing so. I assume that reason is that they don't want others to know who they are. Why, then, can we not respect their privacy? Is that so difficult?Why do you suppose that this person's reason is ethically acceptable or even tolerable?
01-16-2007, 01:25 PM
I don't make suppositions with regard to what is ethically acceptable, Latrinsorm; especially, when I don't know anything about the situation in question.
01-16-2007, 02:02 PM
I don't know about your guess, Sean, but I can imagine that one of the people involved in this little dilemma might pull a Wezas on us and disappear if it their SO discovers PC speculation about their extracurriculars.
01-16-2007, 02:24 PM
My comment wasn't intended to be condescending. It was simply intended to state a fact. Unless one has worked these boards one doesn't know how they work, so it's not unusual that one wouldn't know how information is gleaned.
Actually, it doesnt take a great deal of knowledge of BBs to get an understanding of how they work.
When a new name posts and is greeted by people accusing that poster of being another poster incognito, I find that pretty darned unfair; especially, when it's based on non-existant information. It doesn't add anything to the thread, nor does it answer the poster's question. It simply provides grist for the ever-present rumor mill.
Well, we are kinda stumped as to the OPs question, because s/he deleted it. As such, there is no real purpose to the thread, so a discussion about who the OP is is as good as anything else, hey?
If the person posting is, indeed, another member posting incognito, they must have a reason for doing so. I assume that reason is that they don't want others to know who they are. Why, then, can we not respect their privacy? Is that so difficult?
When you answer the phone, do you expect the person on the other end to tell you who they are? Or do you enter into conversation with no knowledge of who you are talking to?
We like to know who it is we are talking to generally. It's human nature I guess. Whether it is here or RL, telephone or in person. That whole anonymous conversation thing is vastly over-rated in the majority of situations.
THATS why you get people saying "Is that so and so?" or "What was that poster's original name?"
It's not like it is breaching privacy, finding out what someone's made-up name is on a BB.
Sean of the Thread
01-16-2007, 02:31 PM
Stand where you wish. Care about what you wish. Your guess is still not correct. Neither are the others.
Have your fun, kids. You can always start at the top of the membership list and work your way down. I won't comment further.
MY TURN TO GUESS and speculate!
I'm guessing that the "RESPECTABLE WOMAN" in the Committed Relationship is Angela/Ilvane, The Friend Who Also Wants they Guy might be Gretchen/Nilandia, and there is a chance that the Guy is Greg/Ranad or Tayre.
I'm not Sherlock Holmes but I wanted to play the guessing game too. :clap:
01-16-2007, 02:32 PM
when I don't know anything about the situation in question.We clearly do (did) know something, though, otherwise the initial post would have been: "Something happened at some time between some people or possibly one person, should I do a certain something or not?"
I don't make suppositions with regard to what is ethically acceptableIf you actually didn't suppose either way, you wouldn't ask why people chose to not "respect" the OP's "privacy", as they would have no reason to. One can only conclude that you suppose the (generic) OP's reasons are on the up-and-up, and he or she is therefore deserving of deference.
01-16-2007, 02:44 PM
Is this the PC drama of the week?
Edit: I'll read it when I get home :P
01-16-2007, 02:50 PM
Actually, it doesnt take a great deal of knowledge of BBs to get an understanding of how they work.
These boards are highly customizable. I work several of them, and each is set up slightly differently. Some people can figure out how they work pretty easily. Others can't. :)
Well, we are kinda stumped as to the OPs question, because s/he deleted it. As such, there is no real purpose to the thread, so a discussion about who the OP is is as good as anything else, hey?
I hadn't looked back at the beginning of the thread, so I wasn't aware the poster had deleted the original post. That does, indeed, make the thread pretty purposeless.
When you answer the phone, do you expect the person on the other end to tell you who they are? Or do you enter into conversation with no knowledge of who you are talking to?
When I answer the phone I normally accept that the other person is who they say they are. If they give me a name, that's who they are unless I KNOW differently. I'll only ask for a name if the person doesn't volunteer one and I don't recognize the voice.
We like to know who it is we are talking to generally. It's human nature I guess. Whether it is here or RL, telephone or in person. That whole anonymous conversation thing is vastly over-rated in the majority of situations.
The person gave a name - the name under which she/he posted. It's possible to accept that name, I guess.
THATS why you get people saying "Is that so and so?" or "What was that poster's original name?"
It's not like it is breaching privacy, finding out what someone's made-up name is on a BB.
If it had been an actual breach of someone's privacy, it would have been a TOS violation. It was not. What I was asking, in simple form, is why it was immediately assumed that this was a second account for a known poster. There was no indication of that in the post itself; nor, was such a thing indicated by the name chosen.
I'll admit, I have no interest in finding out who someone is if that person seems not to want to be found out (unless they're causing some kind of problem). I have enough going on in my own life. I really don't have a need to look outside for my excitement du jour. Others might feel differently. :shrug:
01-16-2007, 03:02 PM
We clearly do (did) know something, though, otherwise the initial post would have been: "Something happened at some time between some people or possibly one person, should I do a certain something or not?"
The situation I was referring to was the identity of the poster. That, you do not know. The situation contained in the post itself does not concern me.
If you actually didn't suppose either way, you wouldn't ask why people chose to not "respect" the OP's "privacy", as they would have no reason to. One can only conclude that you suppose the (generic) OP's reasons are on the up-and-up, and he or she is therefore deserving of deference.
That's your take on the issue, not mine. I don't happen to believe that just because someone's moral or ethical stance doesn't match mine they aren't "deserving of deference", unless they've committed a criminal act.
I will respect someone's privacy regardless of my opinion of that person, or that person's reasons for posting (provided I know those reasons; otherwise, I don't feel qualified to draw an opinion regarding that person's reasons).
01-16-2007, 03:14 PM
But we're talking about the reason for "posting incognito", as you put it, not posting per se. "If the person posting is, indeed, another member posting incognito, they must have a reason for doing so.", from an earlier post.
I will respect someone's privacy regardless of my opinion of that person, or that person's reasons for posting (provided I know those reasons; otherwise, I don't feel qualified to draw an opinion regarding that person's reasons).That's a nice sentiment, but you continue to draw an opinion regarding whether people deserve anonymity or not: they always do (unless they've broken the laws of some unspecified jurisdiction).
Thus, my question stands: Why do you suppose that anonymity in relation to other possible handles is a right? I understand that you do think it is, I'm curious as to why.
As an aside, isn't it funny how adultery actually is a criminal act (and apparently a pretty serious one in Michigan) but you don't seem concerned at all about ferreting out who the cheater in this situation was?
01-16-2007, 03:26 PM
You can't commit adultery without being married.
01-16-2007, 03:36 PM
But we're talking about the reason for "posting incognito", as you put it, not posting per se. "If the person posting is, indeed, another member posting incognito, they must have a reason for doing so.", from an earlier post.That's a nice sentiment, but you continue to draw an opinion regarding whether people deserve anonymity or not: they always do (unless they've broken the laws of some unspecified jurisdiction).
Thus, my question stands: Why do you suppose that anonymity in relation to other possible handles is a right? I understand that you do think it is, I'm curious as to why.
I feel that unless a person has posted something here that can be harmful to another person, there's no real reason why I need to know who that person is. All I'm going to have is a handle. I still won't really know WHO that person is, nor will I care. It's not my business to know, anymore than it's my business who the people were who were mentioned in the (now missing) original post. It doesn't affect me. It's their business and their lives.
As we've found out before, you and I see things very differently. While I respect your beliefs, and your right to hold those beliefs, they are not my beliefs. :)
As an aside, isn't it funny how adultery actually is a criminal act (and apparently a pretty serious one in Michigan) but you don't seem concerned at all about ferreting out who the cheater in this situation was?
I'm not a criminal prosecutor, nor am I a member of law enforcement. It's not up to me to ferret out who the cheater is. That's up to the people involved, and/or to law enforcement, if the law can be seen to apply in this case. As I read it, these people weren't married, so adultery wouldn't be an issue.
Additionally, I don't give a flip. :D
01-16-2007, 04:07 PM
Since folks seem more interested in salacious details than actually being helpful, and in retrospect, this might not have been the best place to seek advice, or advertise issues because I was frustrated, I'm removing the source of your entertainment.
This edited post leads me to believe that it is someone who is fairly new to these forums. Had they been around a long time they wouldn't have bothered posting or even dared to ask for advice on a situation of this nature. So I highly doubt it's a PC regular. Furthermore, they would know: A. their idenity would soon be sniffed out. and B. Posting under a different alias would only create even more criticisim thus defeating their purpose of the serious advice that they were seeking.
Dear ThornRose or anyone else needing advice,
Simply PM or IM me and I can try to help.
Here we go. The tidal wave of drama usually crashes on Wednesday around here.
Eh I disagree and hereby propose my conspiracy theory of the day:
Based on the posts by others in this thread I am of the opinion that the OP started the thread as a warning to Person1 and a message to Person2. Once those messages were delivered there was no more pt to the post and thus an edit.
01-16-2007, 06:13 PM
MY TURN TO GUESS and speculate!
I'm guessing that the "RESPECTABLE WOMAN" in the Committed Relationship is Angela/Ilvane, The Friend Who Also Wants they Guy might be Gretchen/Nilandia, and there is a chance that the Guy is Greg/Ranad or Tayre.
I'm not Sherlock Holmes but I wanted to play the guessing game too. :clap:
What room was it done, and was it with the candlestick?
01-16-2007, 06:26 PM
With a candlestick? How kinky are these people?
01-16-2007, 06:26 PM
You know Tayre.
I don't question it at all.
01-16-2007, 06:55 PM
We would just like to apologize for making the original post. And for deleting it.
We were actually all three people in the whole love triangle. Sometimes we just don't give ourself enough attention, and then sometimes become jealous when we get more attention than we deserve.
We only posted our problems because we felt the need to get a second opinion on how we should or should not treat mini-me. And how often we should treat him...
01-16-2007, 07:41 PM
Well, if Sean2's supposition is true, then I'd bet the morgtage payment I know exactly who the original poster is. Hissss.
01-16-2007, 08:14 PM
I remember the OP. It was like, Girl #1 is respectable, and likes a guy, and flirts with him, eventually making out with him at a gather. Girl #2, who is a friend both of OP and #1, likes the same guy, is in a committed relationship with some Other Guy, yet flirts with the same guy, and "meets him afterward", which I think is a rather ambiguous statement.
The original question: Should the OP tell #1 what's going on, should she tell #2 to fuck off? Especially since #2 reportedly purports to be a moral, upstanding person constantly.
As to what happens here, it seems like ThornRose is a new poster, and didn't realize that #1 and #2 might very well possibly post here. Which makes the drama all that much more fun.
01-16-2007, 08:19 PM
god I'm not up on the pc drama
01-16-2007, 08:20 PM
If she's who I think she is, she's very aware that the Ladies in question post here.
She may also not have discussed these things with either of the Ladies at length, or indeed with the Dude, and might have some severe misconceptions as to the nature of the relationships in general.
01-16-2007, 08:24 PM holy boring thread Batman.
Yea I mean it's not a fun or interesting thread until theres 2 or 3 pages of you fighting with Ganalon.
Sean of the Thread
01-16-2007, 08:38 PM
Yea I mean it's not a fun or interesting thread until theres 2 or 3 pages of you fighting with Ganalon.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-16-2007, 08:43 PM
Cheaters suck. I don't know what the fuck the point of this thread is, but cheaters are the worst form of pond scum imaginable. Grow a pair (tits or balls) and fucking recognize that the relationship you are in isn't going to work, and break it off before you fuck the skeezer you are trying to hook up with who also has no morals for cheating with you.
I feel a little strongly about it :)
01-16-2007, 09:29 PM
Names or this thread is worthless.
01-16-2007, 09:38 PM
Names or this thread is worthless.
Agreed. Spill it spun
01-16-2007, 09:39 PM
DUDE wtf, I'm only speculating off of Sean2's speculation. It's double speculatory, which is definitely not admissible as evidence (but let's check with Jazuela to be certain).
01-16-2007, 09:47 PM
Oh how you crack me up.
01-16-2007, 10:17 PM
Yea I mean it's not a fun or interesting thread until theres 2 or 3 pages of you fighting with Ganalon.
Holy cheap shot batman.
Sean of the Thread
01-16-2007, 10:49 PM
MY TURN TO GUESS and speculate!
I'm guessing that the "RESPECTABLE WOMAN" in the Committed Relationship is Angela/Ilvane, The Friend Who Also Wants they Guy might be Gretchen/Nilandia, and there is a chance that the Guy is Greg/Ranad or Tayre.
I'm not Sherlock Holmes but I wanted to play the guessing game too. :clap:
What's my prize for winning the guessing contest?
I have a theory. The OP was one of the two chicks.
01-16-2007, 11:22 PM
I admit, the guy in question was me. The two Female is Jo and Shalla. I'm sorry to cause all this trouble. I will not commit a live webcast Seppukku to restore my honor.
01-16-2007, 11:37 PM
01-17-2007, 12:27 AM
okay i read most of this thread and am i missing something? what is the drama?
01-17-2007, 03:57 AM
Who is jo?
01-17-2007, 08:14 AM
This edited post leads me to believe that it is someone who is fairly new to these forums. Had they been around a long time they wouldn't have bothered posting or even dared to ask for advice on a situation of this nature. So I highly doubt it's a PC regular. Furthermore, they would know: A. their idenity would soon be sniffed out. and B. Posting under a different alias would only create even more criticisim thus defeating their purpose of the serious advice that they were seeking.
It has been done before by previous posters posting "anonymously". They post as another name, see where it leads, then deletes it, insulting the membership for being mean or cruel.
New or incognito, I feel it's extremely rude of the OP to post something and then delete it because they don't like what people did to "their" thread and have this right to do as they wish. And frankly, new or old, I hate that attitude. It's not like the PC doesn't go around with a rep. If someone came here not knowing what to expect... well... I blame them for not reading and observing first.
Eh I disagree and hereby propose my conspiracy theory of the day:
Based on the posts by others in this thread I am of the opinion that the OP started the thread as a warning to Person1 and a message to Person2. Once those messages were delivered there was no more pt to the post and thus an edit.
I agree.
I also think it's quite humorous that this thread was blown out of proportion by staff because of speculations... once again. It would have ended way earlier if no one said anything. But no, can't speculate around here anymore apparently.
Yea I mean it's not a fun or interesting thread until theres 2 or 3 pages of you fighting with Ganalon.
One could almost work out a game theory matrix with this scenario.
And I thought Tayre lived in Houston, so how would he be involved with a gathering/event on the west coast? (not to mention that Tayre is gay - so him making out with the female persuasion is highly not likely)
I do agree with the rule that the second post in any drama thread quote the original in the event that it is later deleted or modified.
What fun is internet drama without all the messy details... like names for starters.
Anyway, post #3 summed up my thoughts fairly accurately.
01-17-2007, 09:08 AM
I thought Tayre was bi rather than gay?
01-17-2007, 09:51 AM
he can confirm, but I'm pretty sure he's given up on the "whole girl thing"
01-17-2007, 10:06 AM
Cheaters suck. I don't know what the fuck the point of this thread is, but cheaters are the worst form of pond scum imaginable. Grow a pair (tits or balls) and fucking recognize that the relationship you are in isn't going to work, and break it off before you fuck the skeezer you are trying to hook up with who also has no morals for cheating with you.
I feel a little strongly about it :)
Definately agree with you there. Kick all cheaters to the curb... not worth your time. Cheaters are highly selfish people who are too immature to take in to account the people they are affecting. They apparently have no self control that a normal adult would have and cannot be trusted.
What fun is internet drama without all the messy details... like names for starters.
Check. I am now completely in the know. :yes:
That is all.
P.S. Quit souring Tayre's already soured name.
01-17-2007, 11:12 AM
Lmfao, I don't post on the forums for 3 months and you guys still can't keep my name out your mouths.
And I haven't given up no the "whole girl thing". Guys are just sluttier/easier than girls, what can I say. Girls aren't worth the amount of effort they take.
But if one fell into my lap (hehe) I wouldn't throw her away.
Check. I am now completely in the know. :yes:
That is all.
P.S. Quit souring Tayre's already soured name.
What the! I wanna be in the know! Spill!
01-17-2007, 11:50 AM
What the! I wanna be in the know! Spill!
Me 2!
Check. I am now completely in the know. :yes:
That is all.
P.S. Quit souring Tayre's already soured name.
You dont have a hair on your.... if you dont tell us.
oh wait, nevermind. :(
Quit teasing and just say it.
01-17-2007, 12:53 PM
Me 2!
Me 3! ::cry::
01-17-2007, 12:56 PM
Lmfao, I don't post on the forums for 3 months and you guys still can't keep my name out your mouths.
Obviously, you should start posting again.
Ps: haha.bmp.
01-17-2007, 01:00 PM
All I have to say on this is WAY TO GO MODERATORS. Aren't you a fine bunch (again).
01-17-2007, 01:14 PM
Despite the mod ban on speculation we've all pretty much figured out who did what with whom.
sorry to ruin your day ModMommy
01-17-2007, 01:14 PM
Spun, I demand a PM that explains wtf i missed!
(pretty please)
Tea & Strumpets
01-17-2007, 01:18 PM
Spun, I demand a PM that explains wtf i missed!
(pretty please)
Forward it to me! And don't quote my response here because I plan to edit it after I have all the juicy details -- something to the effect of calling the rest of you gossip whores.
01-17-2007, 01:24 PM
All I have to say on this is WAY TO GO MODERATORS. Aren't you a fine bunch (again).
Miss X
01-17-2007, 01:25 PM
All I have to say on this is WAY TO GO MODERATORS. Aren't you a fine bunch (again).
01-17-2007, 01:27 PM
I admit it. I'm a gossip junkie. I sicken myself. Mea culpa.
I got the gist. Thank you a TON. I'm naming her Sally Jesse for her impressive reporting and investigative work.
And to the individual who IMed me and LIED to me, and you know who you are.. I'm keeping that in mind, you strange bird. Lie to ME of all people. I have resources!
I want a PM too! Damnit, I want to gossip!
01-17-2007, 03:10 PM
01-17-2007, 04:14 PM
If anyone wants to indulge me in satisfying my curiousity as well, feel free!
01-17-2007, 04:20 PM
All I have to say on this is WAY TO GO MODERATORS. Aren't you a fine bunch (again).
The mod collective is displeased.
01-17-2007, 05:02 PM
DUDE wtf, I'm only speculating off of Sean2's speculation. It's double speculatory, which is definitely not admissible as evidence (but let's check with Jazuela to be certain).
It is admissible as evidence only if the weapon has been produced. Thus far, we have only the speculation of a candlestick as the possible weapon. Personally, I'm leaning more toward the lead pipe. But until said weapon is produced, double speculation cannot be included in the admissible evidence files.
Jazuela has spoken.
01-17-2007, 05:21 PM
I'm certainly not going to make an attempt to "produce" that candlestick (or lead pipe). Xyelin might be up for it, though.
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