View Full Version : CS - I suck at math!
01-15-2007, 06:02 AM
Ok, so I suck at math
45 of sorc circle
27 of minor elem.
30 of minor spirt
30 aur bonus
35 wis bonus
level 38
can someone tell me what my currect CS should be with the numbers provided and also if any could tell me how to optimize it for MAX CS that would be great thanks.
01-15-2007, 07:33 AM
CS = (Level × 3) + Primary Circle bonus + Secondary Circle A bonus + Secondary Circle B + Stat bonus
38 * 3 + 45 + 28 + 30 + ((30 +35)/2) = 249.5
01-15-2007, 07:50 AM
45 sorc = 38+ 7*.75=43
27 elem=9
30 spirit=10
with 425 = 224-225
01-15-2007, 11:03 AM
01-15-2007, 11:10 AM
Your secondary circles don't count fully towards your CS.
01-15-2007, 11:12 AM
so where do you get the numbers from?
01-15-2007, 11:27 AM
I believe up to 2/3rd of your level counts for .75 CS, past that, up to your level**, is .50 CS, and past your level, .25 CS per rank, for secondary circles.
For your professional circle, it's 1 CS per rank, until you pass your level + 1, after which it is .66 per rank.
Therefore, to maximize your CS, you should do 1x prof/.66x in each other circle.
So, at level 38, for max CS, you should have 39 wizard, 26 MjE and 26 MnE. If you train more than 2.333x spells per train, throw the extra ones into your own profession circle, because .66 CS per rank is better than .5 CS per rank for exceeding the limits.
So, in this case, you have:
At least, this is my remembrance of the thresholds, Brian seems to think past your level is .75 CS per rank, but then there'd be no reason to train up your minor circles ever.
Except for your minor circle CS, that is.
**Your level is effectively your level +1 for this calculation, so, for the example, 39.
01-15-2007, 11:39 AM
thank you Esch!
01-15-2007, 12:19 PM
1 up to level.
.75 up to level + 20.
.5 up to level + 60.
.25 up to level + 100.
.1 thereafter.
1/3 up to level * 2/3.
1/9 onward.
The formula isn't exact for everyone for some reason no matter how you play with level or level + 1 and rounding.
01-15-2007, 01:08 PM
If you train more than 2.333x spells per train, throw the extra ones into your own profession circle, because .66 CS per rank is better than .5 CS per rank for exceeding the limits.
Couple things about that... he's a sorc not a wizard (was going to say he wouldn't try for wizard CS anyway), but at that level he's also getting extra from 425 if he's training in MnE... so while the .75 after level is greater than 1/9th + .25, eventually (level +60) MnE is worth more... (until 74 ranks of MnE and no greater than level)
01-15-2007, 01:15 PM
Heh, I don't really play Elemental guys, so I always forget about 425.
01-15-2007, 06:51 PM
yeah sorry - wasnt thinking this morning... though when do I really? I should have put in the formula. Though the one Latrinsorm listed looks the same.
I think I found this somewhere on these boards actually...
CS = (level x 3) + primary spell circle bonus + secondary spell circle 1 + secondary spell circle 2 + stat bonus
Primary spell circle bonus: (round normally)
Ranks up to level: 1CS/rank
Ranks 1-20 above level: .75CS/rank = 15
Ranks 21-60 above level: .5CS/rank = 20
Ranks 61-100 above level: .25CS/rank = 10
Ranks 101 -? above level: .125CS/rank
160 ranks = 135
200 ranks = 145
Secondary circle bonuses: (always rounds up...this is the most common place where people mess up)
Ranks up to 2/3 level: .33333CS/rank
Ranks above 2/3 level: .111111CS/rank
The calculation of 2/3 level also rounds up.
Stat bonus:
AU for elemental casters
WI for spiritual casters
(AU+WI)/2 for sorcerers (round up)
Some of those numbers were put in for me, for easier calculations, so I didn't have to redo it over and over.
So if you have all 20 ranks above level, it amounts to 15 CS from those ranks.
If you have all 21-60 ranks above lvl, it amounts to another 20 CS, for an extra 35 CS total so far.
And the 61-100 ranks would add another 10 CS - which is really useless to go this far. Better off putting the spell ranks in secondary circles.
Same with the 160 ranks = 135 CS(at cap), you have the 100, 15, and 20 ... whatever.
Also.. for max spirit CS at cap, you need to put 166 in your primary circle, and 67 in each secondary circle. This totals 300 spell ranks, so you have 3 left over to put in either secondary cirle. Adding them to primary wont help it.
For max elemental CS, I believe you would want 162 primary(major elem/wiz/sorc), 74 minor elemental, and 67 in the third circle.
Unless your main circle is going to be minor elemental.. Thats gonna be about the same as doing spirit CS 166/67/67 + 3 somewhere
01-16-2007, 04:07 AM
Currently casting at 221... AestheticDeath formula was the closest to this so with his formula how could I raise my CS? I am just trying to obtain the best CS for my level to make my hunting experiance a little more enjoyable. Slacked off a lil there for a bit cause i wanted 130 spell for who knows what reason because I never use it... oh well. Thats why they give us fixskills eh.
01-16-2007, 08:05 AM
Well, I guess if you had rounded down on each calculation in the formula I gave, that would come out just about right. Was pretty sure it was round up though. Especially when it comes out 8.99991.
Well, first off You need to tell us how many spells you are willing to get. If you 'fully' triple, your going to be sacrificing alot of other skills, and just barely getting enough DS.
But at lvl 38 thats 120 spells, and I would place them:
58 sorc
26 elem
26 spirit
Thats not exactly maxed CS, but its about as close as your going to get without sacrificing more of your DS/utility spells from the secondary spheres. As you get older it will be easier to place your spell ranks for maximum CS without losing as much on the other end.
01-16-2007, 05:39 PM
Do most capped characters put as many ranks as possible in their main circle and get the highest CS possible for them or do they usually just stick with the 60 ranks over lvl? Just curious..Dunno which way I want to go.
01-16-2007, 06:34 PM
Do most capped characters put as many ranks as possible in their main circle and get the highest CS possible for them or do they usually just stick with the 60 ranks over lvl? Just curious..Dunno which way I want to go.
If you're talking about fully 3x'd, this really isn't much of a concern... if you're going for "just 60 ranks over" you're looking at:
160 prim
66 - 2nd
66 - 3rd
with a total of 11 spell ranks to play with... they're not making a huge difference wherever you put them, and if you have access to 425, you're looking at
160 prim
74 - MnE
66 - 3rd
with three spell ranks to play with...
01-16-2007, 06:41 PM
I would put two of the three ranks into Minor Spiritual. It will give you a higher CS with Spirit warding spells (Go silence!) and you get the added protection from 102 and 120. The last one I would probably use to bring Minor elemental up to 75.
01-16-2007, 07:01 PM
Actually you need 67 per secondary circle, not 66. Gives you an extra 2 CS.
Do most capped characters put as many ranks as possible in their main circle and get the highest CS possible for them or do they usually just stick with the 60 ranks over lvl? Just curious..Dunno which way I want to go.
If you put anymore than 166-169 in your primary circle, you are actually losing CS for that circle.
At cap, for anyone who fully triples spells, there are really only two main ways to go about it. Either the previously mentioned route, or going 101 in each. I wouldn't recommend that unless your a wizard. You could still make it alright, But Its just alot easier if you pick a main cirlce to train in, and get that extra 35ish CS.
01-16-2007, 07:06 PM
Thanks for the information!
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